Ontario Community Newspapers

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), November 18, 1926, p. 6

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mlil scientifically packed ho a f i n all t68 as free from dust as tea can be the radio detective ey arthur b reeve radio detective iv new stunts to get away the boy was chapter x a v tricky no good slowly the wind cleared the smoke easton was regarding the radio away the water quieted down and the jshack back of us and thoughtfully echo of the explosion ceased to rever berate through the hilts about rock- jedge that other thins aback of them is gone altogether i exclaimed and the motor boats awash and sinking added easton yes but where are the boys kennedy was peering out anxiously over the waters of the harbor it was true not a sign of the boys coum bo seen had both perished in the terrific explosion we could only stand frozen with fear wondering suddenly kennedy started down the side of the- cliff toward the dock there they are watch that sinking motorboat sure enough both ken and hank had been blown to the far side of the motorboat when the great crash came they had come up and had struck out for the nearest floating thing which was the motorboat achough it was sinking it afforded them something to hang on as for the duck boat it had been completely wiped out by the terrific force of the wireless bimb set off by an apparatus tuned to a certain combination of wavelengths by which a current was released through sparking coil and the fuse lighted we lost no time dashing down the hill and out on tha dock aft criror there wo jumped into a rowboat and lustily started to pull out to the toys marooned on the motorboat nursing their bruises and for the moment too weakened to attempt the long swim to ishore thank heaven youre alive eas ton reached over and dragged ken into the boat it was none tco gently that i helped hank over tha side i felt that it would have made small difference to the world if some accident had actual ly happened to that incipient crook both lioys were considerably shaken up and we did not question thjm se verely but started back to the shore with them how did it happen ken asked kennedy at length when we had thein 6pravl on the float drying cut i ws keeping a sharp eye on hani i had seen quite enough of that young gentleman in action and meant to be careful to see that he did not pull any piecing together the sudden succession of events that had greeted our home coming youre a brick ken he exclaim ed yes tem us what happened while we were away quickly ken ran over hot boastfulk but quite briefly and modestly the ery hour meant that it woud b events that had eliminated ruth as l th scootet and well as vira and glenn buckley asl itoff to save dick i suspects in his mind i j just then there was a notse at the i a j 1 j j tr t i door and the constabe entered and then concluded ken i made easton had bean installing am sorts of radio devices aloft this hydroaeroplane like a mother ship carried a little radio- paoa of eastons design a radio-air- torpedo so to speak smeared and greasy craig and easton were hard at work ovsr tha engine looking over the propellers the pontoons everything on tha sea scout as well as on the radio tor pedo overhead ken could scarcely restrain himself when ho was alone with hank and my- 1 fu upstairs he took a step over to hank who cringed why did you lie about my sister and the racing debts hank sho might have been at bolmore park j but neither you nor your parents nor anybody else saw ruth bt anl ln she has no gambling debts tho others hive but not kuth nowjvrayi did you say so when you knew itj wasnt true i know it snivelled hank i lied i wanted to throw you off ruths all right yes and easton thinks so too youd better look out hank or eas ton wijj givo you another licking within an inch of your life hank was a miserable dejected ob- ject yet i could not fel sorry fori the mucker all i hoped was that i the lesson might sink in and save him 1 there was just one thing to do for the present and that was to make sure that we were ourselves protected from him j i thought it was a good time to ev- tract some more information from him about dick where are they taking dick you know j hank snivelled again oh mr jameson i spose up north frame- where in nova scotia where thev take their stuff i i nodded craig and evans could not get that radiophone ready too fast d05jl standard ofquauty homebaked break isbesofall the mind awakened whatever arouses and wakens tho mind ani causes it to forget itseh voi generously givo its attention to rat ters outside itself that is education whatever stlra it from its slesp or lta indolence or its prejudice or its tlniw- struck by the stately appearance of lty or its iudlfferenoo that is educa- the trees ou mount lebannon he tion whatever leads ltout into selected a tiuy sapling and for lack new fiema and broader interests and of a better pot filled his hat with opens up larger vistas that 13 educa- the native soil planted his young hon whatever makes it keenly cedar and brought it away j awaro whatever makes it conscious voyages were slow in those days of its own powers and inspires it to tree in a hat j the cedar t5t lebannon is not com mon in england even today and less than 200 years ago there was not a single tree- of this species in europe a celebrated botanist bernard do jus- sleu visited palestine in 1737 and was up my mind that whatever it wa it was dangerous to the radio shack and i must get it away at any cost the there sir i said sternly i want you to kike charge of this boy i for safe keeping dont put him in an attractive dress for daytime wear plaits are the outstanding feature and tie botanists vessel was driven out of its courso by gales even the drinking water became searoe and there would havo been none for thel precious plant had not the botanist shared his ration with it he was in 1 danger of a serious breakdown in health when the ship arrived at mar- soilles but the tree still lived v j tho excise authorities then made trouble thinking that jussleus jealous j caro of his hatful of soil meant that it concealed some dutiable article he was ordered to empty it but ho plead- ed so hard and described so graphi- cally the hardships he had endured for 1 the sake of his botanical specimen i that at last he was allowed to go ashore 1 the sapling was planted in the fa- ruous jardin des piantes in paris grew use them whatever encourages it or calls to tt to exercise them that ja education montreal dear friends you take no risk with your dyeing or tinting if you use dyola dyes same kind of dye pro- fessional dyers use send for booklet yours sincerely tw4rcij lis if an cosc lne lockup but hold himsomewhere of tho newest frocks whether of f became arxt lstfit k where wcan be sure of laying our piece or two you are sure to be in to gigantic f as much about thatpart of it as i do higte on him it will give him i ju l of this s with a frock one of the sights of the clt grew the bodice to a height of 80ft and continued to dont wear out your clothes witkrttlibiiig se a dream aying ourjpi or two perhaps you khowi 5- nm ij rtve h fe thl thmss wlj like the one pictured here hank iegged but i was inexorable j is gathered at the sides to a belt flourish for a century i his future could bo taken care of a r md the skl h later now the question vas for us groups of plaits in front whie the to join in hotping eason and craig back is plain the collar may be worn down below j open or closed and the long sleeves are there wasnt much that we could do gathered to wristbands no 1443 is now both kennedy and easton were in size3 16 18 and 20 years size 18 thoroughly famiiar with the sea h think ssisfr norhal m p 4inch material 20c them there been any more than the ordii our fashion book illustrating the perhaps more r perhapv you w g jg mof thsson with afrock one of of theclty t grew how it was done i could make a shrewd guess cut in easton but why destroy this place wo were not in it nobody was in it they could not get us by j blowing it up not at that time kennedy smiled he saw through it instantly no but they must know of and fear your radiopla n thoroughy famiiar with the sea nr b requ 3 yards 39inch easton the sea scout it happens scout it had been the marvel of ok ijlc v t ii on was thoughtful i nary amount of precautionary exnev that really until amination and tuning up necessary be along i had no ida easton had always kept the radio- j ma them yes easton was thoughtful was thinking of that these crooks came how important some of these inven tiona we have in the radio shack might be our conversation was interrupted by the appearance of the very polite and obliging clerk from the club who had watched out to see that all the messages that come from radio fans were delivered as scon as possible to kennedy this time he had another large sheaf of messages telegrams ex- newest and most practical styles will of interest to every home dress- ker price of the book 10 cents plane fit the copy theres one thing j can do order patterns walter called kennedy from the cockpit write your name and address plain- whats that i v giving number and size of such you can examine that skidway as you wa enclose 20c in thoroughly then open those doors j coin preferred wrap s8ffis eastot spln each number and p chapter xxvl j address your order to pattern dept tracking by- wireless wilson publishing co 73 west ade- raelarue and jack curtis when ludo st tororto patterns sent by i dreamed a dream a passing dream twas wondrous as auroras blush and radiant as shining sun j etter ind tecphone messages theres they had left vira and glenn did not rc mail one sir he said that justcarli in return to the club even their eali and the operator told me the man who loused souls were not impervious to sent it insisted it was very urgent and the idea that the game was up with that it had been telephoned first to j them fts far as any of us were con- mrs gerard who wanted you to have corned it right away the obliging clerk accordingly though they had non- bowed his way out and kennedy tell chalantly climbed into their car with to looking over the messages a familiar goodbye and promise to i should say it was important 1 see you later to glenn and vira too craig exclaimed as ho read the mes- busy with themselves to care much sage the clerk had mentioned it about these young crooks now who comes from a little cruiser on the had caused them so much trouble rae sound named the sea vamp listen land jack knew they were through to this its supposed to be from dick j there was only one thing for them to which tints tho cheeks wtth rosy flush j its gentle music in the heart i was sweeter than the breezes song twas combination of all joys i for which tho human heart doth long its step was like the falling enow so quietly it won the heart and sat uponits throne within to be of life the higher part this sweetest dream which comes to me is constant as the stars above and fills the heart with sweet content it is the white vingeel angel love martha shepard llppincott service dept johnson richardson dep t limited preparation your talk was excellent and so impromptu im glad you thought so i prac ticed it for two hours last night lost and found sympathetic lady are you losi tommy in tears no but ive found a street i dont know jump of the lion the average man can jump only about onco the length of his body but a lion can jump two or three times itu length y minards liniment for neuralgia chicagos new fish house the shedd aquarium in chicago is building 131 tanks which will contain the greatest variety of fish exhibited by any aquarium broadcasting will be back the firs chance i can get to swim ashore ken was quite excited i believe he sent it ive been expecting dick to do it thats what fooled me be fore but this sounds right dicks n good swimmer only i hope ho doesnt try it in the middle of the sound 5 kennedy was rereading the mes sage noharbors here jnly low j cliffs alongi tho sounl 1 jle- must bo i pretty far east- of us then where the sand cliffs become lower almost id say to the end of the island jyes getting farther and farther i away commented easton we ought to bo doipg something or theyll slip out into the ocean and we wont know where to locate them thcyjl bo as elusive as rum row now what are we going to do j ken and i wfe looking over the speed boats in the harbor but craig never had any such simple idea of catching up with the scooter why he smiled to catch dick your rndiopars of courso swhy yes of course- asif moved by the same thought mvc all rose i took hanks arm i was not goiqg to suffer that young man to get away this time laddie was overjoyed at seeing us he had no idea what a- valuable serv ice he had rendered but a word from kciv was enough as he leaned over and patted his head good dog laddie as the others were making ready i tuck the matter iivlo my own hands slipped to the telephone and culled j oar friend th3 constable in the town do and that was to make a safe get away as quickly as they could before craig and the rest of us returned or they would be landed in the other celcs next to cauliflower pete thsy had taken the chance to speed as farout on tho end of the island i they could and there by means of the underground network of the radio- gang they had signalled the scooter to put in and pick them up where they abandoned their car once aboard the scooter they had figured they would be safe the fact of the matter was how ever that rao andjack curtis were as safe with the mysterious skipper of the scooter as a paraffin cat chased by an asbestos dog in hades ho swore when he found that it was thoy whom ho had ben signalled to pick out on the tip of the east end of tha island ho might havo been far out into tha sea if it had riot been for this delay- his sole purpose in iifo at that moment was to make a safe get away he feared craig kennedy and lie was sore at rao and jack he had no further use for- them and did not hesitate to tell them so it was a bit ter pill for those smart young crim inals to swallow to realize that they were merely little cogs in a- machine that the gears had been stripped and they were slated for the scrap heap to be continued e auv of busings for you i33ue no 46 2 i h-iv- constable by this time easton had opened a i trap cor in the llnor an 1 started dowif lacjcr leow craig folowed him tt was down there in what ore had brn the main part of the former j i evans estate boathouse that easton j had housed his hydroaeroplane on which he had been working ho nl- ways referred to it now as his radio- plane and had given it the very ap- j proprlate name of thesea scout this name had lien painted on the tub j which formed the floating boat part i for fa between tha two wing flo is ken and i remained upstairs to ciiird hank while craig and easton bow begun working coats off and in overa to tune up the sea scout on which und kennedys advtco aint it so i tell you tho man who invented the adding machine was n public bene factor sure theyre the kind of things that count minards liniment for colds hero is the secret message can you solve it and win a prize myb trmmr ra qfofzrs txuun xn nfmxnafdmrs ro trsbh 0bal5c3c folotv theio directions to tolv tha metito 1 hoy in tho stcrct memo ttsnd tor the 2 take iirit utter ot iccret mtuage thl j m find it in top line of clurt rosy move itrtlght dawn to f now from f- mow to extreme ml of clurt the letter there la t thle ii the letter you are looking for haw lake y find it trt th to una of chart move jtralam down to f then t the extreme lft the letter thero ii h thu u the tccond itttrr you rtt looklna for j in tie mir way find out whit each isttcr itardi for each tlre solnj trai down to f and then to extreme left 800 in evebyone wins a prize tha entry arinlnar nearest coo points will et thd beautiful whippet overland sedan cash prlxei fiom j200 to 500 will also be awarded to the twenty next best entries- besldee this everr qualified contestant will receive a valuable surprise irfft bo neat and careful comply with the rules do not deldlt send your nnswer today as coon as the judges have examined your entry wo shall notify you how many polntjr they havo awarded rou we ahull then ask you to k- a few paraxon lro ducts to your friend nnd neighbour that is all you will need to do to qualify your entry and mako you ell- ftllilefor the hlyhost price for any further efforts you may mako w intro- dues pnrniiun products wo shall pay you extra send your entry today do not lose this opportunity we are trwinsr theso masntftoent prises just to further popularize para- con products these products are sold from mill to consumer- from catalogue and personal representatives this di rect service to your homo eavos you money and has become oktremoly popu lar we with however- to reoualnt mora people with th servtce so that more homes may tske advantage cf paratron quality and vclur get the taraoon habit there is a paraxon product for every mombor of the family iuj1ks ov contkst 1 write your anrwer plelnlyin ink in the upper right hand corner imt tha name of this paper also your name lat prizo automobile 100000 5tli rrizp cash 7500 2nd prize cash- 50000 6th im70 cash 15000 srdprlzo cash 17500- 7th prize cash 2500 4ui prize cash 10000 8th prize cash 1000 otlito 2fst prfze each 500- a yaable piize tcf bach qualified contestant win this car jt4 overland whippet sedan latest modei paragon knitting be textile mills kpt 18a102x rich3iond st w toronto ont and addresn stating whether mr mm h or miss use only one side of paper putting anything elie you wish to write on pirae sheet 2 contest nuts must bo 13 year 0 aire or over r 1 employees of pavayon mills or their frievja will not ve allowed to compete kntriet will bo judd and points awarded as follow jomtn for uch worl of the mcsair correctly solved irnvmvr a total of 1q0 points for ful filling the conditions of the content 70 xioinu for ncatneu style and ventral appearance 20 point for hndwri tine 50 points tims the ntsrlvest numher of point poslblo to olitaio u 300 und the nearest coo poinui invt first prize 6 the committee of judges who will make tho final award in composed of three gentlemen prominent in the pub- he life of toronto they have no eon- ncrtion whatever wtth this firm and their servlccaln this contest are purely voluntary their names will be made known to every contestant c the last day of the eontest ia april so kntrles should be sent at on 7 kach contestant will m nt a copy of the paraccn knlltins v otaloirue kkfk and will bo asve to select therefrom klsht dollars worih of par- ajpon products to introduce annnirst friends this is not a sales contest 1 the only qualifying condition ts ful filled upon completion of thv above reoulreroents everybodys opiorvunity of wlnnlnz is equal

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