Ontario Community Newspapers

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), November 11, 1926, p. 3

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rheumatic pain and thin blood liniments of no avail the trouble must be treated through the blood mapping a hitherto unmap ped area northwest of and adjoining red lake a few weeks ago it was announced in the press that the federal autbori- i ties were engaged ucn a mapping programme covering the region in the vicinity of red lake in accordance with this mapping programme a pro- vlsloal map of the red lake disrlct it self had been issued to meet the ur- the most a rheumatic sufferer can hope for in rubbing something on the gent need for the presentation of au- i vf tniwnnma infjirmtjion nixt swollen aching joints is a little relief and all tbe while the trouble is becom ing more firmly rooted it is now known that rheumatism is rooted in the blood and that as the trouble goes on the blood becomes still further thin and watery to get rid of rheumatism therefore you must go to the root of the trouble in the blood that is why dr williams pink pills have proved so beneficial whoa taken for this trou ble they make new rich blood which expels the poisonous acid and the rheumatism disappears there are thousands of former rheumatic sufferers in canada now woll and strong who thank dr williams pink pills that they are now frco from the aches and pains of this dreaded trou ble one of these is mr robt a smith mersey point ns who says some years ago i was attacked with rheumatism which grow so bad that i could hot walk and had to go to bed under the doctors care it is needless to say that i underwent a great deal of suffering the doctors medicine did not seem to reach tho trouble so when i was advised to try dr williams pink pills i did so and after taking them for some wfeeks i was able to get out of bed i con tinued using the pills and was soon able to work and i have not been troubled with rheumatism since in other respects also i derived a great deal of benefit from these pills and i think them a wonderful remedy dr williams pink pills are sold by nil medicine dealers or by mail at 50 cents a box from the dr williams medicine- co brockville ont o rains reopen mines heavy rains in british guiana have supplied water for the working of many diamond mints that had been idle for some time the scriptures there are no songs comparable to the songs of zion no orations equal to those of the phophets no policies like those the scriptures teach mil ton thentlc topographic information and the subsequent publication of map sheets lying on all sides of the red lake region was provided for two of these projected sheets were issued during the past few weeks namely the lac seul sheet and the points du bois sheet lying respectively to tho south east and the southwest of red lake and north from tho main lino of the canadian national railways the map ping programme has been carried on by the topographical survey depart ment of the interior in cooperation with the- surveys branch of the de partment of lands and forests on tario and tho royal canadian air force a third sheet is now ready for issue to the public this is known as the carrolllake sheet and comprises an area lying northwest of and adjoining red lake included within latitudes 510 and 520 and longitudes 940 and 960 these sheets are published on the scale of four miles to the inch they are issued in folder form for conveni ence in carrying in the pocket and may be obtained for the nominal fee of fifty cents by writing the topo graphical survey department of the interior ottawa they are also issued in plain form unfolded for which the fee is twentyfive cents up to the time that this mapping programme was undertaken there was very little authentic information avail able regarding the topography of this region and most of the previous maps showed practically blank spaces here this is far more a true representation of the case for the topography actual ly consists of a maze of lakes rivers and connecting waterways of all sizes and shapes scattered throughout an entirely forested territory the value of a good map in such country is at once apparent tmts eleniuakan mount 5u scfmoowt scene of armenian shocks above is shown a map of armenia reported badly razed by tho succession of quakes mount alagoz mount ararat tiie legendary resting place of noah and leninnkan are said to be the shock centres street beauty but he knew the dog tho man who dashed into the police- station at halfpast two in the morning looked as if he had been having a nightmare i my wife he gasped i want you to find my wife been missing since there is no empty vessel that makes eight this evening oh find her for so much noise as a man who is full me of himself old hearts will beat more quick ly old eyes will shine with- happiness when you go home and what a joy it will be for you too visiting the scenes of childhood days and meeting friends of other years make arrangements now to go home this christmas on a liner of the cunard or anchor- donaldson canadian service the voyage will be an unfor gettable pleasure the ships comfortable appointments and the courteous intelligent inter est taken by every member of the staff in your- wellbeing i make your journey- a real joy christmas sailings from halifax antoniadec 13 to plymouth cherbourg and london letitia dec 12 to belfast liverpool and glasgow dec 11 from st john n b ask yoizr steamship a tent for information or write the robert reford co limited montreal toronto quebec st john nb halifax whats her description asked a sergeant height i- i dont know weight the husband shook his head vague ly color of eyes er average i expect do you know how she was dress ed i expect she wore her coat and hat she took the dog with her what kind of a dog firindle bullterrier weight four teen and a half pounds four dark blotches on his body shading from grey into white round blackish spot over the iefteye whie stub of a tall three white legs and right front leg brindled all but the toes a small nick in his left ear a silver link col lar with thatll do gasped the sergeant well find the dog canadian service the beginnings of music it is a curious and interesting fact that although eastern music and west cm music are so different from each other they have developed on very much parallel lines pythagoras who was the man who first discovered the principles by which different notes may be fixed the fact that a string divided into two gives a note an oc tave higher than its full length and similar facts was born about thirty j years before confucius who besides giving china its standard philosophy which has lasted to the present time established its musical principles com paring the motion or rhythin of music to that of the stars and giving the scales tho names which fix their order of importance within a hundred year3 of that time indian music was first placed on a scientific theoretical basis which enabled it to bo taught by other means than merely by ear i never leave london without a pang i never como back to it with out realizing afresh its beauty and its glamor in fog or sunshine in raiu or snow with its turmoil and its rush i love the town not long ago i happened to bo in westminster en a december after noon it had been raining heavily all day and the sky which had just clear ed was ficoded with a golden light tho towers of tho abbey stood up against it in misty blue a string of hansom cabs coming along reflected in tho wet streets looked like a pro cession of black gondolas it was a striking effect i gazed at it en tranced and then walked homo feeling as if i had had a glimpse of fairyland men talk rapturously about moun tain distances and air perspec tives but what can be more striking than the bluegrey fog that turns tho is good tea tfiuvk judslom tootta good babys own tablets are of great value to all mothers having young children in the home no other medicine is of such aid to mothers of young children as is babys own tablets the tablets are the very best medicine a mother can give her little ones during the dreaded teething time because they regulate the stomach and bowels and thus drive out consti pation and indigestion prevent colic and diarrhoea and break up colds and simple fevers concerning babys own tablets mrs john a patterson scotch vil lage ns says i have six children and all the medicine they ever get is health partnership and the individuals responsibility industrial hygiene means promo tion of the health of industrial work ers this necessitates tho most prac tical co-operation- between tho two great groups concerned the employ ers- who are responsible for health conditions in the plant and tho em ployees who are responsible fox health conditions in the homes and moro important still for their own pri rate health habits tho benefits to health resulting from good working conditions such as adequate light ventilation and temperature and facili ties for nourishment and cleanliness are enormously minimized if not entire ly counteracted unless the individual employee is a partnor in the health campaign is convinced of the import ance of such factors and tries to ob tain them in his home health can not bo imposed on anyone to some extent each man must be a self- starter broadly sneaking the health factors which are the individuals private re sponsibility are housing or rooming ar rangements food sleep and personal hygiene the importance of these tilings cannot bo over emphasized if bad they can shatter tho strongest babys own tablets i would uso noth- endi of a london street as you look ing else for them and can strongly re- pbsiquo if good they can conserve down it into mystery and beauty that j commend tb tablets to all other and strengthen the most delicate the mothers i problem is similar for men and women babvs own tablets are sold by but mo5t for women who are medicine dealers or by mail at 25 i t0 be hampered by small means cents a box from the dr williams medicine co brockville ont gives to the present a tinge of uncer tainty of the future and throws a halo of poetry over tho most commonplace homes rose barton in unfamiliar london mpa diabetes once upon a time we saw a poster which read why is food important because we are food on legs we hope we are more than just that but the subject of food must give us pause although it is rather too much to say tell me what you eat and i will tell you what you are yet any one in any part of the country today will tell you that if you eat too much sugar and starchy foods it will doubtless bring on diabetes that is exactly what happens when the body is not able to properly take care of tho sugar and starch contained in the food we eat what are we eating we are eat ing more cereal products than any of our ancestors ever ate in the past ex cept perhaps the ancient egyptians who were the graineaters of antiquity we are eating much more sugar than any one in the world over ate before one hundred years ago the average consumption of sugar per per son was about eleven 11 pounds in a year today it is one hundred 100 pounds 1 during the war we ate less sugar diabetes was reduced after the war we increased our sugar and diabetes increased the main cause of diabetes is wrong food too many sweets and starchy foods no sugar in tea and coffee no candy no pastry no iced cakes none but milk puddings no cereals are some of the donts for those who have a tendency to diabetes use simple foods milk eggs lean meat and- fish fruits and vegetables bran muffins or brown bread this is the best preventive proper diet jaakhvucv bugville athletic note bugvihes champion shotputter in action it is for this reason that the depart ment of health brought out the well- known book on the subject health confessions of business women a book by business women themselves for business women covering all the personal factors which bear on health it may bo had on application to tho division of industrial hygiene on tario department of health spadina house toronto over 12000 have al ready been requisitioned but a limit ed supply is still available prelude the little bird sits in the nest and siugs a shy soft song to the morning light j and it flutters a little and prunes its aty to a friend conflicts with loyalty wings to duly- the song is halting and poor and ambition is the one uiat ignores brief our conscience and tho fluttering wings scarce stir amusement is the one that leaves our most dangerous day is the one on which w com plete our masterpiece friend is the one who tells us our second best is good enough enemy may bo our friend who knows the most about us dollar is tho one we got without earning it moment is the one when our loy classified advertisements remnants lbs 2 s160 a ontario 3 6 lbs patches mccreery chatham boys lioys of 12 to 14 years wishing to make s2000 before christmas write to robert horton 97 withrow ave toronto student nurses wanted jyassau hospital m1neola x long island registered train ing school 40 minutes from new york city 2 years 4 months course com plete training well qualified instruc tors three weeks vacation annually one year high school or equivalent re quired after preliminary term an allowance of 26 a month besides uni forms and books given class entering in january address principal of the school of nursing nassau hospital mineola long island understanding a man does not receive th state ments that two and two are four and that the pure in heart shall see god on the same terms the one can b proved to him with four grains of com he can never arrive at a belief in the other till he realizes it in the intimate persuasion of his whole being james russell lowell o greeks growing roses greek refugees in greek macedonia have begun to raise ross for the per- fum industry panstbr jiomej- last word in builders aid practical uptodate suggestions on planning building furnishing decorating and gardening profusely illustrated fcnd scores of actual dollar raving sug gestions send 5 cents for current issue maclcsn builders guide charged water he carries a mighty big bill at the drug store 1 hear yes oven the water he gets there is charged as strang as steel sold in best stores everywhere suit uih products co 215 a leaf v but tho note is a- prelude to sweeter things and tho busy bill and the flutter slight are proving the wings for a bolder flight paul laurence dunbar after shaving mlnards liniment the best country such is the patriots boast whereer we roam j his first best country ever js at home and yet perhaps if countries we com- pare and estimate the blessings which they j share i though patriots flatter still shall wis- j dom find an equal portion dealt to all mankind- as different good by art or nature given to different nations makes their bless ings even goldsmith us less fit for work toronto hairoressino academy moa vow mow f dandruff rub mlnards into tho scalp tour times a week it stops falling hair two more cases of feminine ill ness relieved by lydia e pink- hams vegetable compound barrington n s i had terriblo feelings headaches back and side aches and pains all over my body i would have to go to bed every month and nothing would do me good my husband and my father did my work for mo as i have two children and we have quite a big place i read isi the paper about lydia e pinkhams vegetable compound and then got a little book about it through tho mail and my husband sent to eatonb and got me a bottle and then we got more from tho store i am feeling fine now and do all my work and am able to go outaround more i tell my friends it is lydia e pinkhams veg etable compound that makes me feel so well mrs victor richardson harrington nova scotia dull pains in back pt thomas ont i took four bottles of lydia e pinkhams vege table compound and found great re lief from the dull heavy pains in tho small of my back and the weakness from which i suffered for fivs years after my boy was born after taking the vegetable compound and using lydia e pinkhams sanative wash i am feeling better than i have for the past seven years and advise my friends to take it- mrsfjohnson 40 moore street st thomas ontc artists need of fitness it is not necessarily higher moral qualities that mak the musicians of today more sober than those cf a few generations aso but stern necessity because the music of today is ro much more difficult to play and sin a humorous description of the offoct of indulgence on orchestral player i was given many years ago by tho lato sir august manns tho famous con- 1 ductor of the crystal palace orches- tra he said that the players wore always in bad order on monday mom- 1 ing because on sundays they smoked too much and kissed their wives and sweethearts so much that the lips of tho wind players were all out of order modern music as well as the condi tions of professional life demands so much from tho artist that any lack of illness results in an imperfect per formance while the criticism of man agers conductors press and public alike is so keen that the artist cannot afford to be loss perfect than the high est be can give emune i mjw i physicians use mlnards liniment proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians for colds headache neuritis lumbago pain neuralgia toothache rheumatism le does not affect the heart only package which contains proven directions handy bayer bores of 12 tsblcu alo bottles of 24 and 100 druggist oat aairln met dam naaafact to aartrt l5f s or bajw ooopar wlu u ttuw4 witt tulr roanl trafla mttm ut s flajex oreaa ichy lu heals a started with a rash then broke out in blisters lost sleep my daughter suffered with ec zema for about a month- itstarted bret with a rash and then broke out in blisters it itched and burned a great deal and ehe lost conalder- bble sleep at night onaceount of it we began using cutlcura soap and ointment and after a few appli cations the itching and burning sensation stopped we continued the treatment and in two weeks she was completely healed signed mrs peter macdonald r r l proton sta oat sept 29 1925 make cutlcur soap and ofatr ment your evcryday tolkt prepa rations and have a clear sweet skin soft smooth hani ri s healthy scaly with good hair cutl cura talcum is unexcellcj in purity hql im tm j tun ahjt cr nt ivitoxn tu u tm s oliimt sullk t oaf cucu saariaa- srtck za issue mo 45 28

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