Ontario Community Newspapers

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), November 4, 1926, p. 1

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r fcmfftttll t stone vol xxxvi no 3f stouffville ontario thursday november 4th 1926 radio if you are thinking pf install lng a rat lo this fall it will pay you to come in and see our stock we can supply you with the best such as fada king rogers batteryless deforest radio batteries and acces sories more radio per dollar at storeys drug store fhonb 1008 for demonstration in your home did you ever think what it would cot you to replace i your furniture it destroyed by fire jj do you carry sufficient insurance to refurnish your home if not why the cost of insurance in a brick house in stouffvill is less than lc per day per 1000 thomas birkett general insurance broker lawson block phone 18202 stouffville truman w eagleson teach br of piano conservatory and all branches of music taught reasonable rates stouffville saturdays studio over a g lehmans shoe store george keay auctioneer graduate national auction school canada farm and general sales a specialty write rr3 stouffville for terms and dates paone 9003 chicken thieves are active again some time sundaynight thieves trespassed on the farm of barkis reesor east of stoyffvilleand car- ried oft over 100 plymouth rock pullets they we a chdlccnock weighing six andaeven pounas each and as the thieves were able to locate them readily inthe orchard more or lessout ofthe way it is believed that mauraders were n strangers the stouffville felon association has the matter in hand and it is to be hoped they will run down the guilty party or parties two years ago mr reesor suffered a similar loss and the offender served a jail term as a consequence if this theft business from the farms in ontario continues the time is not far distant when the barns and hen coopes will be equipped with an alarm system such as is being used on a few places at present the alarm will be the signal for the farmer to get out his old mussel loader with a liberal supply of buck shot only when the thieves are sure of this treatment will they desist enamored with thair success on sunday night a second visit was made to the reesor farm on monday night as the remaining hens were secure in the barn the thieves were lured nearer the house and were heard whereupon they quickly made their escape taking a few roosters which had camped out in the orch ard the felon association if they are to be of any value to their mem bers should take prompt and stren uous action to bring the guilty ones to task r personal notes district and general markham presbyterians hope to have their new church completed in that village by the first of decern mr j r wheler of buffalo made ber mr fred cole is almost through perfect baking is the art of producing fine foods our mas ter baker constructs a loaf of bread that appeals to every familys sense of food value our pastries will make you wonder why mealtimes dont come closer together when you write out your next gro cery order write the name of our bread upon it and insist that you get it ambrose stover baker boadways drug store stouffvillh still going strong this fall we are better pre pared to meet your requirements in the fruit and grocery lines than ever nice choice peaches luscious grapes and other fruits now on hand try us for your next grocery order we strive to please and can succeed with the high standard goods we carry geo j lawson west end grocery phone 182 stouffville bought the markdale creamery mr harold borinsky of goodwood has just purchased 4he creamery business at markdale and is now in control of the plant it is situated in one of the finest farming s in ontario and enjoys an almost exclusive patronage some years ago mr borinsky operated a cream ery in dufferin county when there was plenty of opposition but it is now reduced to big present plant mrl borinsky is offering his goodwood mercantile business for sale but tailing to get a buyer who can finance this large going concern he will put on an extensive sale and reduce the stock to the liking of any purchaser the election slate loyal orange lodge no 1020 stouffvillh ont regular meetings friday at 8 pm on or before full moon mrs a griffiths oorseuere for sptreu ooret for stontrrflle andylotnttr bt phone 15303 qend the tribune to afceent friend mrpw pearson warden of york county and reeve of newnjarket has been chosen at a combined con vention of liberals and progressives in newmarket to contet he riding of north york in the forthcoming provincial elections on dec 1st the conservative candidate is wm keith who as backing the government control policy of pre mier ferguson jflille mr pearson will stand behind mr sinclair and the ota mr keith is the sitting member and both men are regarded as strong candidates but as north york voted by nearly 6000 to retain the ota in the last plebiscite there promises to be a warm con test big interest is being awakened in the campaign as was evidenced by the two nominations last week which were so largely attended that scarcely all could gain admittance to the halls although the election is less than four weeks away neither the liberals or conservatives have a candidate in the field in east york riding which includes stouffville and markham township it is altogether likely that hon g s henry the v sitting member will receive the conservative nom ination when the time comes al though he has been mentioned for another of the yorks but is not likely to accept his normal major- ty in past contests exceeds 2500 but a big city vote has been taken off east york this time which have a tendency to reduce the ministers strength as he received his big majority in the south end so far only one liberal has been mentioned for the seat being wm douglas a toronto lawyer who is quite well known in the riding at one time he taught school at dixon hill and some of his supporters claim he would prove a strong can didate arthur robuck has also been mentioned but with his great diver sified views on many matters and mixing with different movements he is not lkely to be acceptable to the llberalswho would prefer a straight liberal candidate a hurried visit to friends in town on friday mr and mrs george urqnhsrt spent the weekend with relatives in toronto miss marshall of toronto spent the week end at the home of her brother mr fred marshall mrs w j bennett of unionville attended the meeting of the wa f christ church anglican last week mrs james grler and son robson of campbellford are visiting with her sister mrs dr herbert freel douglas rowbotham and his mother from cooksville were guests of mr and mrs leslie rowbotham on sunday mrs moon of haliburton village is the guest of her daughter mrs smith whose husband is the local sectionman miss daisy mcconnochlj ana miss quidr smith of torontovislted with the formers parents mr and sirs d a mcconnochle on sunday mr fred nicely and sister helen also mr lome hjsey and miss annie smith repot haying a very enjoyable time atthedupont skat ing rink toronto lat friday even ing r mr and mrs m fatterson milli- ken announce the engagement of their eldest daughter corao milton clifford youngest son of mr menno raymer mount joy marriage tobe announced later mr carling allcock and lady friend of siloam spent sunday with mrs b burkitt also mrsm allcock of newmarket has returned home after spending two weeks with her daughter mrs burkitt mrs n e smith of toronto was in town last week arranging for the transfer of- her house at the corner of main and mill streets to harry leadbetter mrs smith had recent ly been visiting with mr and mrs j s huntley at grand valley our former citizens are farming in duf ferin county and owing to bad wea ther had 17 acres of crop unharvest- ed last week mr deloss morris an old stouff ville boy who has been llving the past three years near roches ter ny is home on a short visit to his parents mr and- mrse j morris accompanying mr morris is mr harrv slotts his uncl3 who left here forty years ago and had never returned in alhose years mr stotts is a brother of mrs e j morris and is makla a short visit with his sister i fire destroyed barn damage estimated at about 25- 000 was caused at s15 on sunday evening when the large frame and concrete barn on the jenkinson farm near agincourt was completely gutted by fire the flames consum ed the seasons crops of hay grain and roots as well as the bulk of the farm implements the f arm which is rented by two partners hardy cooper and wallace hawkins is located on rd at the intersection of the wexford side road the fire was first discovered by wallace hawkins wno resides close to the barn ho had left the barn at 730 following his chores and was seated reading when the dog com menced to bark he looked out of the window and noticed smoke issu ing from the barn soon it was a roaring mass of flames and illum inated the neighborhood for miles and several stouffville people en- route from toronto saw the blaze with the assistance of neighbors messrs cooper and hawkins suc ceeded in rescuing the cattle horses and poultry housed ln the barn four or five horses were rescued in the nick of time from the stables beneath the barn the reels of scarboro east- york and unionville were quickly on the scene and with the aid of chemicals the flames were kepted from spreading to other buildings the efforts of the firemen and volunteer assistants saved the dwelling house almost adjoining the barn during the night large crowds of people and hundreds of automobiles arrived at the scene attracted by the fire which smouldered until an early hour on monday farmers i am paying highest cash price for hides wool and junk also i have a big variety of im plements wagons plows- etc for sale at bargain prices h herman phone 102 stodffviijlb plastering and the concrete walks have been laid mr l b heise of victoria square has received word- from his son o l heise to the effect that he and his family arrived safely in orlando florida from the square after a pleasant homeward journey of 1666 miles he reports an eventful trip and good roads most of the way brownscombes departmental store in uxbridge was broken into on sunday night last and several valuable coats stolen one persian lamb coat valued at 350 wag taken out of the window and two musk rat coats removed from the store room upstairs the thieves gained entrance by forcing the lock on the front door with tools one night last week some hood lum up at ballantrae broke the large plate glass window in the din ing room of the home of mr job jordan- we are informed that a number of boys and- young men who congregate around the corner cause more or less of a disturbance and a police investigation into this last infraction of the law is likely to be held ol the claremont correspondent of the pickering news says a num ber of trucks are passing through the village every day on their way from uxbridge to toronto with heavy loads of potatoes on account of this heavy demand the price is gradually soaring until now the ibuyers are paying 200 a bag 50 cents higher than they were a week ago rj brown of seagrave for many years a prominent worker for the conservative party in south ontario riding and a well known resident of reach township has received the appointment of returning officer for south ontario in the forthcom ing provincial election for plebis cite ill 1924 the returning officer was mr albert w jackson wio held this office for the federal elec tion in september owing to the serious illness of mr john walker vandorf who is in the general hospital toronto receiving treatment the family have decided to rent the farm and plans are being worked ont for an early sale of the stock and implements this fall the family will move to aurora as soon as a house can be procured and the business of the farm in other hands this means another big loss in many ways to that community and church as mr walker had lived there all his life and with his wife has been an active worker in any cause that has been of benefit to the neighborhood many of our readers will recall the days when the travelling show put on their entertainment in the old town hall and among the most pop ular was the marks bros the head of this troop tom jmarks was well and favorably known and his retire ment from active work is comment ed on by a contemporary paper as follows mr tom marks the far- famed comedian after making his millions has retired to the marks homestead a beautiful farm of about 300 acres properly cultivated on the shore of christie lake and on banks of the tay canal about four miles west of the town of perthont this farm has ibeen operated by the marks people for over a hundred years they came from ireland and during the american war took re fuge in canada as true british sub jects united empire loyalists most people when they retire move to a city town village or hamlet not so with tom marks he returns to the place of his birth to spend the rest of his days on the playgrounds of his childhood among the churches presbyterian church the regular sunday service at 230 pm the public are cordially in vited to attend baptist church rv w w fleischer pastor sunday nov 7th 11 am subject the sufferings and rewards of true friendship 7 pm a gospel preacher and his convicted audiences you will receive a welcome at both services christian church edgar morton pastor where will we be spending thanks giving where will we spend eternity so much depends on our will may our hearts be s filled with gratitude that we shall just long to go to the house of our lordsome- place on the lords day to give expression of our gratitude all our services next sunday will be seasoned with the spirit of thanks giving baker hell and 2nd markham baptist churches w s whitcombe ba pastor i where shall i draw the line if a person dances will they go to heaven can a person who is saved take part in the socalled question able amusements what is right and what is wrong for awung per son of today come and hear the answer to these questions markham second 11 rm baker hill f pm business cards medical mennonite church a g warder pastor sunday nov 7th 10 am dont forget sunday school 11 am beneficiary meeting and dedicating of children 7 pm preaching by bro i pike monday 8 pm young peopless meeting wednesday prayer meetings east class at noah bakers baker ave west class at fred betzs north of town altona union 7 pm preaching by the pastor united church of canada rev h s warren ba minister thanksgiving offering thanksgiving and service sunday nov 7th 11 am rev a mclellan clare mont will occupy the pulpit 230 pm sunday school and bible class 7 pm reyhs warren thanks giving special thanksgiving music at each service mr rose of toronto will assist the choir at evening service remember choir concert friday evening nov 5th old and young their music raise all things breathing chant thy praise every season every year are thy tender mercies near thou our hope our help for ever god of harvest leave us never till we reach our fathers portal bearing homeward sheaves immortal dr s s ball physician and surgeon office cor obrien and itaja phone 196 drs- ira herbert freel consultation hour dr ira free toll am mon wed ft fri to 1 pm thure a sat tuea thurs ft sat atterneeaa by appointment only dr herbert free 9 to 12 am tues thurs ft sat to 9 pm tuee ft bat mon wed ft frl afternoon by appointment only dental j n dales lds dds dentist claremont honor graduate of royal college of dental surgeonsand of the university of toronto office over mr scotts store phone 1405 claremont e s barker lds dds dentist stouffville honor graduate of royal college of dental surgeons and ot the university of toronto office in grubins block phone 8201 markham tuesday office over geo crosbys store dr d c smith dentist honor graduate of the royal college of dental surgeons and toronto university dr neil c smith dentist honor graduate of the royal college of dental surgeons and toronto universityalso post graduate of rochester childrens i hospital fsfflces over shaws store phone office 1011t residence 1011 legal sittings in pickering the sittings of the voters list court to revise the lists for picker ing township for the forthcoming election will be held in the town hall in the village of brougham on the 13th dajr of november to hear complaints as to the list of voters for polling subdivisions nos 1 2 3 4 6 6 7 8 9 10 and 11 1 money only intound tor the township of pickering and companies that judge r ruddy will be the revising officer and his clerk will be donald r beaton whose address iswhitevale ont harold a sanders barrister solicitor notary public conveyancer etc office silvesters block phone 1sj0o3 mccullough button barristers solicitors convey ances c buttons block stouffvill money to loan greig littlejohn i barristers etc stouffville office over w r shaw store w f greig wh lititlejohn a c kennedy chiropractor church st stouffville monday wednesday and friday 9 to 12 am boadways drug store stouffville the millionaires secret to be a millionaire a man must not only get rich he must be ablo to stay rich a certain wellknown millionaire when asked how he stayed rich said i invest my established relieved of liability told them off an old gent who was quite a re ligious man and who wore a long white beard was walking down the street when he met three young chaps who knowing of his religious attitude thought they would have some fun at his expense- hello abraham said the first hello isaac said the next hello moses the third greeted the old man boys you are mistaken return ed the old gent i am neither abra ham isaac nor moses but saulthe son of klsh who went forth to hunt bis fathers asses and i have found them in further reference to the side- walk recently put down by order of the town council along the lsfoot wide land leading from main street to barkey bros foundry the coun cil held a special meetlngand issued a pledge to messrs e j davey and dr ira freel to the effect that these gentlemen would not bo called upon to pay for any part of this new walk nor would they be held liable for any snow shovelling here is the wording of the letter sent to messrs davey and freel by the town clerk j s dougherty at a special meeting of the stouff ville council on saturday there was a resolution passed to lay a sidewalk on lane leading to barkey bros lot this resolution contains a proviso that you will not be asked to contri bute anypayment for such walk and that no person win be asked or bound to shovel any snow on such sidewalk that man has learned a valuable secret but a mans money however much he has is never worth so much to him as his mind his intelli gence has it ever occurred to you that you should invest your intelligence just as carefully as you invest your money r why not invest your intelligence in a sound company by subscribing to the youths companion it is the oldest magazine tor young people in the world and nearly the oldest of all the american magazines it is also one of the most interesting practically every famous author of the past hundred years has written at one lime or another for the com panion only this fall for example the companion published a now story by jacklondon do you like stories of adventure mystery they are all in the youths companion here are the terms of an invest ment guaranteed to be profitable- 1 the youths companion 52 issues in 1927 and 2 the remaining issues of 1926 all for only 200 3 or include mccalls magazine the monthly authority on fashions both publications only 250 the youths companion snrdept boston mass f subscriptions received at this office

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