r 1 1 v the constitutional issue is pure political buncombe designed to divert attention from the king governments administration of the customs department upon which issue it was ignominiously defeated in the house of commons here are the vital stubborn facts 1 in september 1925 mr king was granted dissolution by his excellency lord byng on the representation that he must be given a chance to secure a clear working majority he stated at richmond hill that if such a majority was not forthcoming he would not attempt to carry on 2 in the old parliament thus dissolved there had been 234 members of whom 117 were liberals 66 were progressives or independents and 51 were con servatives in the new parliament elected in october 1925 mr meighen had by far the largest group almost half the total membership of the house out of 245 seats the conservatives had 116 the liberals 101 the progressives 24 labour 2 and independents 2 4 instead of immediately resigning as he should have done in view of the ground upon which he had been granted dissolution mr king asked for and was granted leave to carry on on the assurance that he would leave the fate of his administration to parliament itself cj on friday june 25th three separate motions by so- called independents in support of which mr kings government marshalled its last ounce of strength were decisively defeated and the original motion of censure to which the foregoing had been moved in amendment was still awaiting decision in parliament when mr king asked his excellency for dissolution on monday june 28th g to have granted mr king a dissolution under such circumstances would have been a direct denial of the right of parliament to pass upon the vote of censure then pending j following mr kings resignation parliament by a majority of 10 did actually adopt a direct vote of censure on the king government and declared it unworthy of confidence or office g it was mr kings refusal to follow british precedent in cooperating with the incoming administration to pass supplies and complete the sessional programme that left mr meighen no alternative but to ask for dissolution q mr meighen followed the same course as that adopted by sir wilfrid laurier in 1911 when he saw that it was impossible to carry on and abruptly dissolved parliament i q if his excellency had recalled mr king to office he would have done so in the very face of parliaments vote of censure 11 under mr kings interpretation of the constitution a premier need never resign but could demand dis solution after dissolution despite the verdict of parliament or the electorate and the governor general must perforce accept his advice f this is the story it calls for no comment it speaks for itself the consefvative party stands solid as a rock for sound british constitutional practice the maintenance of the british connection and the right of ganada to enjoy the blessings of stable government for colonel lennox north york r h macgregor s and avoid another election e2ess2ig2ss2ieehaa mans ldbcrolcomcrvbtlvc victory committer 36 kins street eat toronto s fattening young ducks young ducks when properly treated end fed should be ready for market when from eight fb ten weeks old after being allowed the freedom of a considerable range up to rix or seven weeks of age it is reoommendedby the dominion poultry husbandman that those intended to be marketed should bo placed in feeding pens with out range or water to swim in and fed three times a day the duckungs will by this time bvo developed vigorous digestions able to take care of the large quantities of food that their appetites crave no being able to run or swim off the flesh they make the fains will be rapid from day to day end ihe flesh put on will be tender ri of excellent flavor thofood re- jwxnd in the bulletin poultry j feeds and feeding distributed by the publications brnnch of the dept of j agriculture at ottawa may consist of one part bran two parts shorts three parts ground corn ten per cent beef scrap and about five per cent of sand these ingredients should bo mixed together along with a bulky green food such as chopped up clover j leaves lettuce or vegetable tops this- mixture is moistened to a crumbly state with milk and an abuhefnnce of j drinking water is kept befofotho flock at feeding time three or four weeks of this feeding should make thebirds a desirable market product that sells for a good price if kept much be yond this age the birds commenco to throw out another crop of feathers which not only requires conslderabloj food for their growth but gives tho carcass when plucked a less attractive appearance sow good seed make use of the need cleaner to select tho best grains experiments conducted at the o a c field husbandry dept testing grounds show that- for best returns it is very important to sow seed wheat which is largeplump wellmatured unbroken and unsprouted the weather you can not control but you can select the best seeds wherewith to propagate a crop it pays to use tha best grade of the best variety docs away with scouring carefmiy afier- tiiria heretofore spent in scouring wld u r event it fom rusting may now with the advert of metal j wool be spent ir peasantcr pursuits lo remove mildew this material will renwve instnntanj mildew is one of the most subborn eously burnt food from aluminum stains with which the housewife has baking glass tin or cnamc1 rust to deal if it mil not yield to expos- vanishes like magic before it and tho j e to sunshine javclle water is the i water through appy oxalic solution in the spmo way and rinse kpcst as often as necessary after the anal j application wash the cloth vtty care- j fully- jo remove every trace of tho chemicals next treatment to use as a last re- nickel and enamel portions of tile gas i stove ctn quickly and effectual- 0 sort a solution of potassium perman- cleaned with this ncdium jganatr- should bo tried followed by an if oret carefully with a light trch application of oxalic acid solution to in market cockerels with spurs are classified with old fowls it will ret injur i tmelcd wowiw jk painud shelve or other such sur faces stains oi niti boards are easily removed with me a wool as wri as stubborn foreign matter on linoleum f ic irtoral woj is disliked whyi i coires in contact with he finders place a folded cclh on top cf i lie pad wet the wrol slightly b- r remove the permanganate stain for the potassium permanganate solution dissolve hf a tcaspconful of the crys tals in a pint of water for the oxalic acid olution use 1 teaspoonful of crystals to a pint of water before using the permanganate daairen the rprt with clear water apply with a scent dropper and rnse by pouring i goslings dress easier in wirm wea- j ther than they do in cold as tha i fcathors do not set so tightly and in i picking thcin the flesh is not so likely to be torn tho guinea cock is more comnat than the hen his wattles stand out wider than those of tho lcn aro a brilliant red and sometimes hide 1 portion of the beak those of the he- are more pendulous also here is jv distinguishing difference in te cil as the hen uses onl the curious petu- lant cry come back