Ontario Community Newspapers

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), July 15, 1926, p. 4

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stouffville july 15th 1926 the home town store neopolitan ice wafers special lb 35c french peas 2 tins 25c tiger brand catsup 14c shelled walnuts halves per lb 35c thompsons seedless raisins 2 lbs r 25c bulk dates per lb 10c- very special choice handpacked tomatoes large tins 15c try our mclaughlins canada dry ginger ale we receive a shipment of fresh lake nipigon trout and white fish every wednesday morning ratcliff go you pay less for moris deliveries phone 7112 the tribune thursday morning tbrms 200 a year in advance 250 to the united states a v nolan publisher stouffville ont markham tp council editorial comment it only takes a now two cent stamp footwear down in our july clearing sale mens womens childrens youths and infants boots and shoes at big saving prices to the public womens white canvas shoes odd lines sale price 25c pr womens pat one strap shoes 1 ow heels reg 550 sale price only 399 womens oxfords and straps odd sizes pair 1 and 200 womens tan straps and oxfordsdifferent sizes reg- 5 pr bargain price only 299 oxfords from regular lines only 299 mens tan calf oxfords low heels reg 5 sale price 349 mens canvas boots leather soles white or tan clearing at only 149 club bags and suit cases these lines will be cleared at attractive prices a nice line of shopping bags re gular 275 for only 175 shoe polishes at 5c and 10c you should calband look over any of these offerings a g lehman stouf fville the- conservatives ot ontario riding will meet in convention at whitby on july 21st to select a candidate for the coming dominion election th liberals of muskoka ontario riding will meet in convention at gravenhurst on tuesday july 20th at 130 oclock to select a candidate tor the coming federal election while nothing is definitely ar ranged it is understood that rtiion w u mackenzie king will seek re election in prince ibert sask at the coming dominion election this will make it necessary for the liber als of north york to select a new candidate at the convention to be held in a few weeks col a e kirkpatrick of toronto is mentioned ts the possible liberal candidate in this riding 7 reeve gohn deputyreeve j r campbell and the remaining mem bers of the markham council may think they are following closely in the footsteps of the master after acquiring a building in unionville village as a township hall property the council had its btrth or incep tion in the barn or shed at the rear of the hotel property and following the nines ot the story of nazareth they will now move out to the syna the large and wealthy township of markham which almost since its incorporation has carried on the business sessions of the council in an old shed at the rear of the hotel in unionville are to bud out into a real assembly place at the next meet ing in august on july 5th the coun cil closed a deal for the purchase of the presbyterian church property in unionville at 2750 the church people reserved the right to remove the seats and the pulpit the reten tion of the pulpit was readily gran ted as the members felt they could never attain to a position in life where any of- them might occupy such a sacred desk despite the fact they are all good men and true another important item of busi ness at mondays session was the striking of the tax rate for 192g despite the fact that the council have reduced the township rate half mill and the highway improvement rate half a mill the total mill rate yjll be the same as last year due to a statutory levy imposed whereby the townships must bear half the cost of high school education this new legislation consumed the one mill reduction which council was able to save mr campbell introduced the by law to levy and collect rates for county township and school pur poses which received its first and second reading in committee ot the whole several of the blanks were filled as follows county rate in dustrial home general court house debenture etc levy 1s 14121 rate 35 mills highway improve ment maintenance construction and interest and provincial highway and interest levy 51355125 rate 205 townships share of high schools education ievy 623802 markham towxship court op revision we advise putting in your coal and coke now for next winter we have on hand at all times lehigh valley coal and coke canada cement dp your building this year as the price of cement is lower ah kinds of feed on hand tile of all sizes it pays to drain your lands 6 tile 70 per thousand 4 42 3 32 standard screenings on hand s w hastings proprietor telephone 169 residence 3 7 1 1 district and general cream r- for results as to best prices and service ship your cream to the stouffville creamery gq agents for the delaval separators phone 18602 open- tuesday thursday and saturday evenings poultry wanted highest price paid lor fat liu poultry also tor feathers wool hidtc junk etc ben raxlln touffville phone 7ss1 wanthsd live poultry for which i pay lead ing market prices sam golden at fennocka livery for sale jlm in a position to buy hldei wool poultry and any other arti cles pay the beet price i hare a lot of working boots the very beet for sale smocka and overalls khaki shirts and pants at a very low rate it will pay yon to oorno and see if yon want to save money come and see me first ab brown 9th concession ot markhaan phone 4703 ufo members attention get quotation from your own organ ization the united farmers co operative co limited on alsike alfalfa red clover and other seeds before disposing of your product elsewihere now is the time to phone in your orders for flour bran shorts oil cake and mill feeds generally the secreatry phone 5302 implements at your own prices you are needing good farm imple ments now why pay the fancy prices when we have good used machines that win do thework we have on hand mowers horse rakes ensilage cutters with pipes also goed tractor plow and other imple ments and parts h herman i phonb ist 8xoofrvhu gague alias the former presbyterian rate m totacounty rate 7 mills church property tne committee asked leave to sit again on august 3rd before giving the bylaw its final reading communications were read from r j rogers asking ror usual grant for school fairs from win keith with 10000 bond for clerk premium 40 from- the workmans compensa tion board calling attention to the desirability of the council infprm- ing themselves when letting any contracts so that they may be sure the successful contractor carries workmens compensation insurance mr amos burkholder asked that the assessment of school section no 18 be corrected as part of the lands belonging to robt reesord reesor wade brown and colin d reesor were wrongfully placed in ss 20 the clerk was instructed to look into the matter and correct any errors messrs a f wilson jas mal colm wm grant and tho3 har- grave were heard asking the council to purchase the presbyterian church in the police village of unionville for a township hall the deputation after some dis cussion made an offer to sell the chutch for 3000 and the council after consultation agreed to pay 2750 this the deputation first refused but after consideration de cided to accept subject to the ap proval of the congregation the council then passed a resolution to purchase the church at 2750 the trustees to be allowed to remove pews and choirs a grant ot 20vas made to pay r j rogers for township rural school fairs j the following accounts were or dered paid wm keith treasurers bond 4000 mrsr j maher charity 588 a h mckinnon charity 900 a duncan work on roads 1500 wj brumwell work corson son printing dr cr mckay antitoxin g cooper sheep killed h marsh 800 feet cable w brooke valuing sheep h parkinson rep to crusher 16415 gam davison gasolines- 1065 wf elliott posts and lumber 5790 jw perkins hardware 1993 t meredith co supplies 4980 gam davison sheep killed and injured 6 persian 4 ewes at 40 each and 2 lamibs at 25 each and 1 lamb injured 500 21500 road div 6 as certified 19695 ev thompson salary and mile age 20472 e v thompson bills paid for bridge walk unionville 350 m mcdowell grader 8440 t hill gasohne for grader 4500 ahbarnett gas and belt laces 327 silvester bros plow shares 545 menno raymer moving crusher and fuel 2343 j m galloway gas for grader 1280 a t hawkins gas for grader 2277 h johnson gas tor grader 462 h parkinson gas for grader j w reesor gas for grader r f lotten nails nearly every store in orillia now has the union jack flying from a standard in front or their premises such a condition in stouffville would help materially to brighten up the town on a holiday wnen flags are nfbre or less conspicuous by their absence joseph sagle of aurora has a freak in the form ot a chick with two heads the bill on one head is not fully formed but the other is a perfect head it can drink with either head but eats with only one mr geo clarke of the 2nd conces sion of king had a pig with two heads and 6 feet which lived a day in order to make their town hall comply with the statutes as legislat ed at queens park toronto in re spect to public halls the town of sheilbourna is spending 3000 on their hall it was a case of the government ordering- a padlock at the expense of the town and the municipality loseing the use ot the building or make the expenditure during repairs to the reservoir in markham village last saturday the place ran short ot water and peo ple had to forego their weekly bath lawns were being bunied up but worst of all there was no water for the tea kettle or for drinking pur poses those who were fortunate to own cars went visiting friends and editor corson ot the economist office was seen coming north with his tea kettle had he reached stouffville he would surely have gone home with a full kettle of first quality water markham economist- on sunday night the premises of excouncillor jas jarvis on the 7th line were visited by thieves and his chicken pen robbed of fortyfive pure bred white rocks all were taken and but three of these were roosters even two setting hens were taken off their nests mr jarvis discovered his loss when he arose early monday morning and put the case in the hands of chief constable eric v thompson the marks ot truck wheels at the gateway and numer ous footprints indicated how the job was done about 1030 sunday night bert snowball and a com panion who were sitting on the roadside about half a mile down the road noticed a truck drive past them without lights but at that time-at- tached no inference to the lights being out 1500 26860 500 3100 2500 900 births hoover on july 3rd 1926 to mr and mrs ernest hoover a daughter peake to mr m and mrs richard peake glasgow on july 7 1926 a daughter mcguire in toronto on juno 30th 1926 to rev w m and mrs mcguire a daughtir baker in whitchurch township on july 8th 1926 to mr and mrs vincent baker twin boys wideman to mr and mrs lesllo wideman uxbridge tp on july 11th 1926 a daughter sellers at browns corners on sunday july 11th 1926 to mr and mrs frank r sellers a son 396 957 50 sale register saturday july 17th unresor- ved sale of extra good work horses will ibe held at mansion house stouffville all animals well broken also one shetland pony j a williamson robltn man ownor f w sllvoraldes auc tioneer only four appeals were heard a- gainst the assessment roll of the township of markham tor the north half of the township at the ad journed session held in unionville on july 5th the court is formed of the members of the council and reeve gohn presided jas brodie appealed against assessment of 200 cres lots 34 and 35 assessed at 40o0 or 20 an acre he had reforested by setting out10900 tree3 ana thought that he should be exempt the court came to the conclusion that as mr brodie had the lowest assessment 20 per acre in the township and that as much of the land was well timbered they could not in fairness lower the assessment the assess ment was sustained abbrown lot 21 con 9 40 acres land assessed at 12000 and build ings 13000 too high sustained w j smith lot 24 con 8 assess ed land 2500 buildings 1000 sus tained wiilard degeer box grove land 2500 buildings 1500 reduced 200 the assessment rolls as finally revised were adopted and ttfe court of revision adjourned sine die poultry culllg school last week a poultry specialist from the poultry department at the oac guelph conducted a poultry school in york county which was arranged by the agricultural repre sentative professor snyder was well pleased with the progress made by the sbt young men who attended the school and secured training in culling such birds as white leghorns wyan- doltes rhode island reds and barred rocks the purpose of the culling school was to prepare young men to do culling work for farmers the re presentative 13 not free to satisfy the demand for thi3 work while these young men can now take it on farmers requiring culling should try and get a days work in their district to make th charge lower those requesting work done should write to the dept of agriculture newmarket and make application july is the proper month for culling out the boarders and unprofitable birds the students who attended were ross armitage newmarket clara sanderson unionville ross chapman bethesdi norman steckley bethesda bert kane gormley charlie rogers newmarket shaws weekly store news j hot weather specials summer is here at last so we offer sugges tions for your comfqrt all of which will suit the careful buyer j dress goods in fancy and plain colored crepes special line of plain and beadora voile ladiessilk hosiery in all the leading shades ladies silk fuji and silk knit underwear i e- ladies fuji7 rayon fancy silk crepe and broadcloth dresses special line of ginghams vestings and linen toweling to clear at 19c yd kiddies sox in all shades and sizes we ha a full line of souvenirs of stouffville mens grey flannel trousers for summer mens silk and silk wool sox in fancy stripes and blacks mens straw hats with plain and fancy colored bands broadcloth shirts in plain and stripes suitable for hot weather- summer underwear for men and boys in combinations and separate garments mens work shirts in blue black and white stripes and khaki mens and boys bathing suits drop in and see the wonderful array of new summer goods now on exhibition w h shaw phone 9512 during summer we close each wednesday at noon open tuesday thursday and saturday evenings

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