stouffville may 20 1926 the home town store new cabbage celery spinach extra quality cocoanut 3 for s3c fresh car of st lawrence sugar fine medium or coarse grata thompsons seedles raisins 2 lbs 27c 15 oz packages 2 lbs 25c try our prunes grown la spe cial prune section of southern california extra flavor very tender 2 lbs 25c french peas usualiy 20c sell ing 2 tins for t 35c a great special in oranges filled with juice sweet delicious only 25c per dozen op 5 dozen for 100 5c white beans per lb mixed nut3 per lb 20c alymer tomatoes per tin 15c choice layer figs fancy quality regular price 15c but we cleared up the line amount ing to about 600 packages while they last 3 pkgs 25c ratcliff go you pay less for more deliveries phone 7112 mancmhidc mem flisposftioth buthisdftoes are diwdysmibf z in p toi v a man can keep hl3 irascible tem per from showing his hand but he cannot prevent illfitting misbehaved boots from showing his feet up unless your feet are properly dress- ed they spoil the whole ensemble ijour spring boots are all akick- ing with the vigor of springtime and the desire to encase your feet m js footwear of merit jl stouffvilleonx phone 43q1- seed grain colorado spring wheat for sale a poor land wheat tor seed barley oats marquis wheat goose wheat and peas june peas at t60 per bus all kinds of feed on hand also coal of various sixes s w hastings tcbpfeoim 16 9 bmia s71i cream take advantage of the accurate service we render and the price we pay more so this summer on account of the cream grading over 90 of the cream received since the grading started is first and special grade our prices compared with many others are absolutely the highest a dollar is just as valuable if received in the form of the price paid to you than if received in the form of dividends or profits if you are not yet a shipper we would be pleased to have you as one j i stouffville creamery co agents for the delwal separators phone 18602 open tuesday thursday and saturday evenings the tribune thursday mornrng terms 200 a year in advance 250 to the united states a v nolan publisher stouffville ont editorial comment fertilizers ounns shur gain commercial fertilizer will increase the yield and improve the quality of your crops it is plant food ask for prices and information from g r w thomas representative phone 6713 2tf wanted live poultry for which i pay lead ing market prices sam golden at pcnnocks ilory poultry wanted highest price paid for fat live poultry also for feathers woo hides junk etc ben rexlin stouffville phone 7821 the high cost of living we believe i3 largely due to the high cost of things we could do without there is not likely to be any elec tion in this province until the fall judging by recent remarks of pre mier ferguson a research association has found a way to take the squeak out of shoes hut really what is wanted i3 to prevent it getting in the public school entrance exam inations to high school v ill cora- merfee on june 2s and finish on the 30th this is later than usual and nearer the dates prevailing six or seven years ago you often hear a man railing against the innocent game of euchre when all the time they mean to rail against gambling card playing is only one of hundreds of mediums in which the sin of ganvbling is prac tised jhrough claiming that he has discovered a process whereby ink can be extract ed from the hulls of wheat a form er canadian gas engineer now resi dent in mexico has written to the secretary of uie winnipeg board of trade offering to establish a manu facturing plant in canada provided cooperation is guaranteed the richmond hill liberal ias again changed managers and we welcome mr j eaehern smith to the fraternity of newspapermen of york county mr smith has had several year3 experience in all branches of the work and pluis to eapand the liberal in no uncertain way the paper enjoys excellent advertising patronage if there should be any anthracite near sudbury it will be a big thing for ontario it is time that upon the part of both provincial and fed eral experts greater attempts were being made to locate nard coai and if any can he found then it is to be hoped that the state will step in own and operate the mine for we have had strikes enough among coal min ers in other parts to teateh u3 a les son w q as was stated some weeks ago in this paper a petition has gone to ottawa signed by influential friends of mr ameiliu3 jarvis who a few years ago was convicted imprisoned and flnedxtor his connection with certain bond transactions with the ontario government asking that his fine of 20000 be remitted and an apology be made to him is raising a big issue in regard to the administration of justice in this pror vince mr jarvis had a fair trial wa3 defended by able counsel and had presiding over the court ohiet justice r m meredith one of the keenest analytical minds on the bench and a york county jury the petition calls into question the whole manner and mode of dispensing justice in ontario if mr jarvis has suffered n injustice it is to be deeply regretted and it is a wonder that a man of his means did not have it righted but the pedple of ontario are not yet ready to accept trial by petition instead of trial by an established court card of thanks we wish to express our sincere appreciation to the friends for their kindly acts and words of sympathy during the illness and death of our only daughter mrs wm eckardt mr and mrs jas slack potatoes irish cobblers for sale r williams ph 5s07 potatoes quantity seed and cooking potatoes for sale good 3 bag rosa win- ersteln phone 5103 for 8autb sideboard parlor suite piano cased organ also dresser w e morden stouffville 14 bees for sale sixteen hives strong and no disease w h jones bloomingtoa lady drivers must have licenses it will be well for motorists to pay close attention to some recent amend ments to the motor vehicles act re garding thestrict enforcing of parts of the act tnte is with special re gard to tail light and headlight and more so the latter make sure your car is equipped with nonglare lea ses for the owner of a car with glar ing headlights will be checked up quickly make sure that the tall light of your car is always in good working order another item brought to the attention of the car owners is that all lady drivers must have a license this year it is well for ladles driving cars to carry licen ses with them at all times while driving white sweaters gleaned returned as white and soft as the day you bought them chester company cleaners and dyers agent w h shaw horse for sale black mare part porcheron 8 rears old weighing 1550 guaranteed sound delbert holden phone 1s4 district news wool wool i am prepared to pay highest mar ket pries for wool h herman stouffville phone 1 potatoes 50 bags early seed bell deposits for sale chas harper goodwood phone 5909 stouffvrfle wanted calves for vealing purposes also highest prices paid for fat calves j churley phone g405 14 for sale seven roomed brick house also barn and one acre land fruit trees good well mrs geo boadwayeast e stouffville 14 pasture land excellent pasture and plenty of water at lot 16 con 8 whitchurch wm fcckler ballantrae 12 for sale diningroom taiblo sideboard sew ing machine piano cased organ also parlor suite w e morden stouftvlllo 12 hatching eggs hatching eggs barred rocks lay ing strain 5 c per egg ben doten stouffville 14 snug property for sale house and acre of land with lots of fruit at a bargain price barn and hen house combined 80 rods from gooc road system price 1600 see yke buttons block stoukvillo 14 bricks for sale new bricks suitable for are places chimneys and repair work also new steps for verandah s g white leghorn hatching eggs john a jerman markham strawberry plants strawberry plants for sale improved variety large or small orders the brierbush phone 8008 also garded plants and jersey black giant sett ing eggs where to get implement repairs international peter hamilton and r a lister repairs are carried by me also we sell chatham fanning- mills and all farm necessities new mccormick and deering mowers and rakes now on hand call and see them frank baker phone 8104 or bakers garage oar bargains 2 ford touring car3 1923 model good order 1 ford touring 1921 imodel good order and tires ok 1 ford roadster 1918 delbert holden ford iagent phone 184 for3aijh i am in a position to buy hideb wool poultry and any other arti cles pay the best prices i have a lot of working boots the very best for sale smocks and overalls khaki shirts and pants at a very low rate it will pay you to come and see if you want to save money come and see me first ab brown sh concession of markhaim phone 4708 heal home for sale mr i- parkinson is offering his beautiful brick residence for sale on main street stouffville seven bright rooms and unfinished attic solid oak trim throughout furnace elec tric light hard and soft water three cellars out3lde entrance cement stable 20x35 double garage chicken house lots of choice fruit lawns hedges and flowers 1m acres would cost 10000 to build house alone if you want a home act quick as it will be sold at a bargain come or phone 1909 stouffville phone 9612 stouffville court of revision municipality of the townshtp of markham county of york public notice is hereby given that a court of revision of the assess ment roll tor the township of mark- nam will be held in victoria hall unionville on monday may 31st 1020 at 10 oclock am to hear and adjudicate upon all complaints against the assessment roll of the municipality of the town ship of markham for the said year 1926 all parties interested aro re quested to take notice and govern themselves accordingly g a m davison clerk of the srfid municipality unionville may 4th 1926 richmond hiu business men have joined the ranks of the wednesday half holiday seekers a straw vote was taken in aqrora on the question of adopting daylight saving time and it was rejected by a majority of 22 saturday may 22 13 the date set for the court of revision in ux- bridge township to revise the assessment roll just completed the wife of dr e a brown vs who just recently moved from mount albert to take up practise at mark- ham died after only 24 hours ill ness on tuesday of last week at a meeting of the lindsay pres bytery of the united church held in lindsay last week a proposal to ask for the abolition of cadet corps in our schools was held over it is within a few weeks of four teen years since the people of bea- verton voted out the bars in beaver- ton by the adoption of a local option bylaw and promptly on its passing the well known hotel the hamilton house passed into a private resi dence which it has remained until monday when it was again opened for business the tax rate for the town of ux- bridge has just been struck for 1926 at 55 mills the journal says that with the current rate of expenditure this enormously high rate will have to be maintained for ten years before the town will be free of debt the county rate for uxbridge is 5000 and the amount required to be raised for school purposes and- school debentures is 14500 alex boyd drover of markham had another miraculous escape from death on tuesday afternoon last week about 430 pm he had been to toronto with a truck load of stock and returning was driving home on the unionville slderoad along the brow of the hill approach ing eckardts bridge when his truck swerved into the railing smashed eight of the cement posts in succes sion and continued in an angle down the steep hillside missed a big elm tree by inches landing right side up with the front wheels in the creek and alex still at the wheel the only damage to the truck was a smashed radiator and lights alex says he was coining around the curve at a fair rate of speed when he saw a woman driving a buggy towards him and to avoid running into her he turned into the railing it is only a couple of years since that mrboyd had another miraculous ecsape from death at unionville station crossing when his truck was struck by an engine and carried some thirty feet and he escaped with a couple of broken ribs and some minor bruises court of revision village of stouffville notice is hereby given that a court of revision of the assessment roll of the village of stouffville for the year 1926 will be held in the council chambers stouffville on friday june 4th at 730 pji to consider appeals against the said assessment all persons interested are hereby notified to govern themselves ac cordingly j s dougherty clerk send the tribune to absent friends during summer we close each wednesday at noon open tuesday thursday and saturday evenings suughter in clothing mens suits nifty tweeds or stripes also greys well tailored many of them worth double but out they go at one price only 1250 suit we also offer a genuine sweep in boys suits fit for any wear gome while the choice is best one price only 525 suit w h shaw during summer we cloo each wednesday at noon open tuesday thursday and saturday evenings