3zz in the tea cup the full charm of h639 is revealed the flavor is ptire fresh and fragrant try it black mixed or green blends george eliots beauty perception george eliots feeling for the beau tiful was excelled only by her passion for the good her perception of the beautiful awoke in her when she was still a child it was nourished by a life of long familiarity with the best european art it was informed by rusklns constant teaching of the ab solute importance of truthfulness in art it is easy to deride ruskin and ask what art has to do with truth yet if the good the beautiful and the true are ultimates as many affirm to day they must be eternally related and it is our business- to see that we do not interpret the true too narrowly when her moral passion flamed highest it discovered beauty in all sorts of ordinary men apd women she did not look for the ideal beauty like-the- supreme artists but she re veals a real beauty ia every jay life like the best dutch and spanish paint ers her sense of the good and the beautiful was inseparable and there fore those who separate art from mor ality are not likely to care for her work charles gardner in the at lantic monthly babies wouldnt listen to mother burning the bill when miss lloyd the milliner de cided to move to the neighboring city that sho might do business on a larger scale there was much regret in b apropos of her departure mr elton the coaldealer told his neighbor this story that young lady is as clever as they make them he said she came i into the office ono day with a bill for mother bruin looked at the two millinery the womenfolks had been tempting crusty loaves which had getting i boen thrown into the arena with a do you want to pay this bill to- sniff of suspicion think you can day mr elton she said pleasantly fool anroldumer like me she growled things had been goingcrossways disdainfully dwelling thoughtfully on all day and i wasnt in a very amiable 0 stupid arrogance of man but v talking things over teddy would have been wise to let the loaves alone eddie maws not as foolish as she seemed to be how to relieve childrens colds avoid serious results by using babys own tablets when a child shows the first symp toms of a cold such as sneezing red ness of the eyes clogged or running nose prompt measures for relief may avert serious results mothers should always have on hand some simple safe and effective remedy for immedi ate use i babys own tablets act quickly contain no opiates or narcotics are tasteless and harmless mrs joseph mood i answered rather curtly no i dont all right she said just as pleas antly as before then ill burn it quick as a flash she turned to my bookkeeper please send me three tons of your best nut coal mr pal mer good morning mr elton and she was out of the office before 1 could say jack robinson i stared at palmer who looked up with a grin from the order he was tak ing then we both burst out laughing i reckon thatyoung woman came pretty near getting the best of you he said i reckon she didwas all i could eay then we laughed again believe this if you can thrown into a reminiscent mood by the story of a man who invited a party of frtends to dine on a tremendous puffball mushroom that was five feet through and weighed twentyone pounds mr e e whiting recalls in the boston herald a yarn he once read concerning a still more remarkable vegetable growth thus it goes sir joseph banks a worthy english baronet who lived a hundred years ago had a cask of wine rather too sweet for immediate use he therefore directed that it should be placed in a cellar in oder that the saccharine matter it contained might be more perfectly decomposed by age at the end of three years he directed his but- master teddy bear and his brother eddie were not so wise in the ways of the world they made a dash for the luscious morsels leave that alone dont you know it isnt the regular grub hour rumbled lady bear disregarding parental authority with a haughty stare and a disparaging- what can maw know- about these things teddy and eddie like napoleons army marched on to defeat they seized tire loaves and bang went the gate cut off from home and mother loud were the cries of remorse and grief as the two cubs were bundled in- while in a lone cage there was a wall ing and gnashing of teeth as a be reaved mother paced abojt in anger resolved never again to underestimate the power of an enemy but in their long voyage to mont real and then across the atlantic on twin board the canadian pacific finer mont- clare teddy and eddie had a real fas ter mother in the dominion express company under whose kind attention they were conducted right up to the london zoo with the baby bears went six ra coons six coyotes and fifteen chlp- ronnks all intended for the london zoo toronto expects in return only a few barheaded geese a comb duck a couple of leopards two rheas a variety of ostrich and a barbary sheep the curator of the london zoo hopes toronto will get what it hopes for but in the meantime he has enjoy the best k the air has to give radio expert are agreed that wet b batteries give more volume better tone and greater range service supercell bs are built to give long lasting service at extremely low prices built in 3 popular sizes finished in walnut 50volt 3500 ma 1200 67volt 3600 m a 51600 100volt 3600 ma 2200 keep your batteries up to strength with a service double duty charger charges a and automobile batteries andj3 batteries from 24 volts to 120 volta in series rigidly constructed silent in operation easy to operate 25 or -n- ti cycle complete with retlgon jjo5 aa packard built sold by all good dealer if your dealer cant aupply you wr to us direct mall orders filled promptly service battery co of canada 137 roncesvalles ave toronto to a crate to be shipped to liverpool i been unable to fill the order diphtheria when kasson and the good dog balto carried antitoxin to- the people of nome last 6ummer they were ap plauded by the whole american con tinent not only for trudging through ice and snow on an errand of mercy but because they arrived in time to save many lives even the smallest urchin standing in front of a bulletin board marking the stages of the race with death knew the point of the mad drive was that to be of use and save the people from death- the antitoxin must be given early every man and j woman every mother and father in canada and the united states was made aware that a case of diphtheria is certain to recover if antitoxin is given on the first day of the illness that every day lost means so many chmificd advertisements si1awb business schools train and place rojle la oo tbxout ttrt n oltc eortr ji7 mryonit laruculars west toronto adroi fertr bloor when a leaf falls i would like very much to find a word or sound which would bring to mind the fall of a leaf upon leaves i know it perfectly the generic tlmbra the composite echo etched into my mind by a thousand conscious listen ings but it will not got past my cou- sclousnoss to my lips and utterly re fuses to descend my arm and pen william beebe cadieux holyoke mass says i have used babys own tablets for my ler to ascertain tho state ofthe wine children and find them a very sotisfac- 1 when on attempting to open tho eel tory medicine when my little boy lar door he could not effect it in con had a cold 1 gave him the tablets at night and he was well next day i give them to the children for constipa tion and they always do good i think babys own tablets are much easier to give a child than liquid medicine i recommend tho tablets to all moth ers who have small children and be lieve they should always be kept on hand babys own tablets are sold by all medicine dealers or will bo sent by mall at 25 cents a box from the dr williams medicine co brockvllle chit the boy at evening we go for a walk at the cloe of day down to the sea whore the sun drops low finished my work and finished his play i and we wait for tho round red sun to j the gold of the sky and tho cliff fades j out l the foothills darken and gray is the sea for dusk has put all the glory to rout its morning in china says he isabel underwood blake sequence of some powerful obstacle the door was cut down and the cellar found to be completely filled with a firm fungous vegetable production so firm that it was necessary to use the axe for its removal this appear ed lo have grown from or have been nourished by the decomposed par ticles of the wine ihe casfo- was empty and had been carried up to tho celling where it was supported by the surface of the fungus the terrific consequences to the worthy baronet had he placed this toosweet wine in himself rather than in the cellar are too appalling to con template health broke down whom do you prefer next to my girl besides wim ih spare time umj em 1m u ho wmi fpn mlructhmv 12 nlt mmruttmi scalp facsaj trttilmktirntkirgtunflftc diploma coortil tlatjttawj ogaut- j canada kw aaacri- eel hftfu uilmim n ttmfvmcf me baa bwtam dominion attoemt of coimnolfiqt feitwt qatar wnu fof10q frkfioo mlnards unmont for chilblains fc l i a shif us you p0ulxry butter feathers we buy all year round wrilq today for prices wo dttarantqq them or a week ahead rpoulin co united n a gtabttshfti cvtreoyirs 3p nfort mont real f order your farm help now to be of service to eastern canadian farmer and help to nut their needs in securing competent form help tho canadian pacific railway will continue it- farm help service durine 1928 and will include in oil sorvice as last year the supply of women domestics and boys throtieh cuporlcnco in the pant few years the company is now in touch with a number of farm laborers in great britain norway sweden denmark franee holland swaerland poland csochoslovawa huniarv jugo slavia germany and bcumanla and can promptly fill applications for farm belp in order to have the help retch cnnada in time for spring operations farmer jtoulrlna hoh most get their application in early to enable us to euro tho help needed blank application forma and full information reaardlna the service may be obtained from any crii aiont or from any of tho officiate hated below the canadian pacific railway company department of colonization and development hontbeal j denial genera atrlcaltural acent c due norwood land agent j e parker general agent ocean traffic w m imitioqse special colonization acent 3 brace burpee district passenger acent oeorae e graham general manager dem atlantic hy mtgiil general agent passenger department j a dennis chisf got rid of the eggs judge now madam why did you assault your husband by throwing eggs at him defendant cause he alius left mo asettin at home your honor o mlnards liniment for stiff muscle speak to them firmly a now version of an old theme says the argonaut is provided in the story of a lady who had beon attending a lecture on hygiene- and had stayed bo- hind at its close to ask the lecturer a question you told us in your lecture that deep breathing destroys microbes 3he said that is so madam replied tho lec turer and i repeat it microbes are killed by deep breatbing but what puzzles mo said tho lady arching her brows i how we are to teach thomlcrobos to breathe deeply could not get sleep for hwirs after going to bed it is not uatural for me to sit down and write a letter in praise of a pro prietary medicine as i had always been skeptical as to their virtues thus writes mr arthur seguin storth- oaks sask who further says but three years ago i opened a general store here in storthoafcs and placed on my shelves a few lines of the bast known proprietary medicines among these naturally were dr williams pinkpills as there were three of my customers who were obtaining good i results from taking the plllsr and as i was in need of a medicine i decided to try them myself i had been suffering from catarrh for years and my inside work had completely broken down my health i was coughing all day suffered from indigestion and could not sleep until three or four hours after retiring i started the pills not with any great confidence but by the timo i had finished the second box i marked much improvement at the fourth box i felt quite recovered but continued them for some further time my cough has left me the indigestion has disappear ed and i now fall asleep almost as soon as i am in bod in my store now i do not hesitate to recommend dr williams pink pilla to any who are feeling rundown or without energy as i think they are a blessing to man kind if others who may feel skeptical will give dr williams pink pills a fair trial they will bo convinced as was mr soguin you can get the pills from your druggist or by mall at 60 cents a box from the dr williams medicine co brjockville ont what a rain storm weighs they had a heavy storm of rain in england last month or rather two of them which kept up precipitation for several days in succession some body who likes to play with figures calculated tho weight of water that fell on the nroa included in tho metro politan police district of london it amounted to ninety million tons mul tiply that by a hundred and you will got some idea of the almost inconceiv able quantity of water that the heav ens discharged upon groat britain during those four or five days o badly digested food acidity of the stomach and sluggish liver caaae headaches seigela syrup will remove these causes any drug store the useful umbrella royalty like the rest of the world is not in these days insistent on tho forms and traditions that used to be j considered important in sir almorlc fitzroys memoirs there is an amusing incident thatshows how ready the late i edward vii was to dispense with his- j toric formality j lord pembroke when he was lord j steward once went to buckingham palace to inquire when it would be i convenient for the king to receive an j address king edward asked him whether he had got tho address with him and on being told that he had baid why not present it now 7 lord pembroke replied that he had not the lord stewards wand which is supposed to bo required on such an occasion oh never mind said the king take an umbrella and rather to lord pembrokes con sternation the ceremony was perform ed under those novel conditions skates i skis 1 y malone tubular hockey f shattas i on strang b 1100 oucnee for sal o eesneieoa5ya7 saw and rant all half price i avaatareear mm mm jqs aw3wft co pttssmny st montrasj shellfish that whlstlea shellfish that produce a low flut- chances less that it delayod until the illre sound are found in ceylon 6th to 8th day antitoxin may be of lit tle use time is the important factor early administration means cure de layed administration may be too late and futile the parent the doctor and the medical officer of health share the responsibility for early administration it is good to save a child from death but is it not bettor still to save a child from disease during the year 1925 research workers iin the health field have perfected toxoid a sure pre ventive against diphtheria it is safe and absolutely sure further it gives protection against diphtheria without any bad effects take your child while he is well to your physician for the toxoid treatment you will then enjoy an easy mind all through the winter because you know he will be protaoted against that dreadfulfoo of young children diphtheria and all the evils in its train such as an impaired heart and general debility eermnently stopped y trenchs remody forepiiepsyandfits simple home treat ment overssyeara successthoussnde of testimonials from all parta of tho world send for free book aivina full particulars write at onco to trenchs remedies limited st james chambers 79 adelaido east cuf i his out toronto canada jbooo elsln 287 erost bites rub with mlnards it eases the pain and pre vents complications keep mlnarda liniment handy fortune in a fluke tobonto stierbrooke saint john kbntville ottawa j a if k thornton assistant commissioner song of an exsoldier when i go hawking with a box thats full of shilling writing blocks and call at overy house i see to ask the folk to buy from mo i wbo fought for them away in france an explanation mr and mrs hunter discuss ing married happiness- you roniomber rzy frlond joskins dont you deaf said mr hunter af ter a littlo while yes dear answered his wife woll that man has tho moot bnppy ideas about marriage keally yes ho believes that man and his i bnco then never bad a chance wifo should always bo in complote tloy look mo up ajld dowi and say harmony that they should liavo no dont want wrlul pads today thought iu the world but true domes- 1 tic happiness i hear that sentonce in my dronms oh how splendid exclaimed mrs and ln my thoughts until it seems hunter and of course mrs jenkins the ls fuu ot closing doors agrees with him and full of folk whovo scores and not quite so fast my dear jen- 1 scores kins is not married answered tho 0f wrltin pads and sometimes i husband triumphantly j think with a grin of when ill die r i for when i got to heavens gnte most of the baryto produced m pnt my burdea iavra and wail canada comes from iar vein dc i know what peters sure to say- posits of this material in the vicinity dont want writln pads w of lako ainslio in inverness county e b novo scoka j when hoar use mlnarda llnlmont the rough bath towel that brings a healthy glow to the skin was an acci dental invention a manufacturer of fine smooth towelling had trouble with his ma chinery instead of the firmly woven material coming through as usual the threads were loose and tangled and from his point of view quite unfit for sale he 6et to work to readjust matters and after much trouble got the ma chine working smoothly but in tho course of his work his hands had got coated with oil and grime and he used a length of the faulty and apparently useless fabric to wipe off the grease he was quick to note that the rough discarded stuff did tho work much bet tor than ordinary towelling and be ing always on the alert for a now idea ho added rough towels to hl attwk tho new stuff became popular and tho fluffy towels soon became his chisf output taylor- forbes guaranteed tree pruners for every purpose in the orchard cutting limbs up to 1 inches handles 4 6 8 lctand 12 feet yoer rsntwsrc dealer keewsdmasauty our descriptive circular sent to any address cm request taylorforbes company limitbd guhlph ont clears thetftroat relieves hoarseness coughs fccofds vsediorbsyrs by public speokers end dingers whynotyoi mm soap and ointment best for children teach your children the cuticura habit that they may have clear akin and good hair through life the constant use of cuticura soap as sisted by cuticura ointment keeps the skinand scalpcleanand healthy sabsi kaea ftte hjr id address canadian 7t su2iiuafeer frtcesoe zr ctjj ii sad me ttjeom 2sc cuticura sharing stick 26c issue no- si 29