Ontario Community Newspapers

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), December 17, 1925, p. 3

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a tea your grocer recommends is usually good tea fejsis 6d tea and most grocers recommend it salt water for teeth the best thing to use for the dally oteansing of the teeth is salt water a teaspoonful of klchen salt in one- third of a tumbler of water said sir harry baldwin sugeondentlst to the king in a tecent lecture pastes and powders he continued might be used for occasional polishing of teeth pyorrhoea can be avoided it the edges of the gums are kept tight and hard by daily friction every part of the gums back and front should be rubbed vigoously with a toothbrush night and morning although pyor rhoea does not cause pain it is a seri ous disease that might eat through the bone of the jaws and penetrato to the nose the destructive action of acids re sulting from stagnation of starch foods in the mouth is the cause of the decay of the teeth fruit- is an excel lent thing to stimulate the formation of an alkaline saliva as an antidote to the acid m0tuk11s who iiave used babys own tablets always strongly recommend theirf to other mothers once a mother has used babys own tablets for her little ones she will use nothing else actual experience teach es her that there is no other medicine to equal them for any of the minor ail ments from which her baby or little ones suffer having found the value of the tablets in her own home she is always anxious that other mothers should share her knowledge that is why mrs creighton white north noel road ns writes the following i have a baby seventeen months old and have given him nothing but babys own tablets ever since he was a week old i know of no other medicine to equal them and it is certainly a plea- sure to recommend them to other mothers babys own tablets are a mild but thorough laxative that regulate the stomach and bowels banish constipa tion and indigestion break up colds and simple fevers and make the sickly baby well and happy again they are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from the or wil liams medicine co brockville ont 9 twelve masts each 800 ft high will suport the largest aerial in the world this is at hlllmorton near itugby where the british government have the largest wireless station in the world if your foot slips you may- recover your balance but if your tongue slips you can not recall the words rheims reborn now lacks population rheims risen phoenlilike from the ashes of the war is suffering from a new malady twice dead writes french observer and the malady is one that is strange to most ot the cities of the world for rheims is suf- feringnot from overcrowding but from stagnation the city has been rebuilt for a population which is actually al most twice that which it now has and its streets and public places seem al most deserted during the war some 13000 houses were destroyed in rheims and with the funds available from the repara tion commissions augmented in many cases by contributions from america it was decided to rebuild the city along the most modern lines after com petitive plans for the new city had been submitted a program was laid down of which the first result was the erection of some 10000 houses all more spacious and uptodate than their predecessors at the same time the public services were extended to provide for a population of 120000 an american architect was largely re sponsible for this new city and it has won general admiration broad aven ues and treebordered boulevards ar- caded streets gardens rheims was re born but today many of these beautiful new buildings are empty sign6 of building for sale and house to let long since forgotten in paris are seen on every hand thero are empty office buildings and unleased hotels there is an air ot desertion about the city built for 120000 people barely half that number wander about its streets no brains under the mistletoe once more 1 ask you to be my wife refuse me and ill blow out my brains sir you flatter yourself rtiizz acs stop might couqhs one dose of buckleys mixture brings imme diate relief and sleep returns keep it handy acts like a flash on coughs bronchitis and all throat and chest irri tations stops coughing spells as soon as taken wards off the more dan gerous diseases pneu monia flu etc all druggists sell buck leys mixture strong ormodifiedon a money refunded guarantee 75c 40 doses hockley jk mixture w longer life for shoes winter weather is with us and shoes are going to suffer stitches will rot welts will open leather will perish unless preventive measures are taken to keep wet from penetrating solos give the latter when quite dry two coatings of oak copal varnish the soles of new shoes by the way must first be roughened witli sandpaper so that the varnish may penetrate snow is destructive to stitches it will penetrate between the uppers and tho soles of shoes then in due course when the stitches rot and break the welt opens to prevent that prepare in advance a pot of mutton fat made by molting down the trimmings from an uncooked roast mix with tho fat a tin of black or brown polish according to tho color of your shoes then with a piece of pointed stick or a small stiff brush i work a little ot the fat you may have to warm it first between the uppers and the soles uppers can be preserved if now and then you wash off the coating of black ing and oil them with a little paraffin they willshine perfectly after two applications of polish to preserve the shape of boots or shoes that have got wet cut off the feet 4 inches or so above the ankles of a pair of old stockings insert them in the shoes and then fill with oats well pressed down the oats will ab sorb the wet and keep the shoes in shape v deadly tuberculosis the public health service says that no age is immune against tuberculosis young infants succumb rapidly to it and contrary to the general belief persons over fifty years of age are by no means exempt and deaths occur from it in a considerable percentage of tho fatalities occurring in old age about ten per cent ot all diseases among children under fifteen years of age are due to various forms of the disease and about onethird of all deaths between twenty and forty are due to it chiefly the pulmonary varlety new smncth for weak stomachs indigestion disappears when the blood is enriched the urgent need of all who suffer from indigestion is a tonic to enrich the blood pain and distress after eat ing is tho way the stomach shows that tt is too weak to perform the work of digesting the food taken in this condition some people foolishly resort to purgatives but these only further aggravate the trouble new strength is given weak stom achs by dr williams pink pills be cause these pills enrich and purify the blood this is tho natural process of giving strength and tone to the stom ach and it accounts for the speedy re lief in stomach disorders that follow the use of dr williams pink pills the appetite revives food can be taken without discomfort and the bur den and pains of indigestion are dis pelled the following statement from mr donald l latter lakeville ns proves the value of these pills in cases of this kind he says a couple of years ago i had a bad attack of indi gestion i had little or no appetite and what i did eat did not agree with me and caused me much pain as a result of this trouble my general health broke down and i finally had to give up my work i had taken doc tors medicine but it did not give me any relief thena friend advised me to give dr williams pink pills a trial and i got six boxes before i had completed the third box i found that they were helping me and by the time i had taken the six boxes every symptom of indigestion had disappear ed my general health had improved and i have since been in the very best of health i look upon dr williams pink pills as a wonderful medicine for all who are rundown you can get these pills from any medicine dealer orby mail at 50 cents a box from the dr williams medicine co brockville ont companionship i count the shadows on the grass beyond remembering i catch the moonbeams as they pass and hear when wild birds sing a light i come a wind i go yet i am not alone companionship is mine who know that beauty is my own george elllston flames 100000 miles high take the pep from your dyspepsia with 15 to 30 drops of scigela syrup inn glara of water as directed on the bottle any drug store w k buekujr limited w2 mutuit st toronto 3 i nothing to boast of a bank in boston says the globe of that city takes on a number of young men during the summer on their salary receipts is printed a legend something like this your salary is your pergonal business a confidential matter and should not be disclosed to anybody else one of the new boys in signing tills receipt added i wont mention it im just as much ashamed of it as you are i the difference between a goat and a scotchman is this- tho one delights in cold oat meal and the other delights in an old coat meal mlnards liniment for chilblains princes motto mystery few emblems have aroused more controversy than the prince of wales crest and motto three feathers and tho words ich dlen the usual story is that when the black prince killed john of austria at crecy he assumed the latters crest and motto but a welsh tradition indicates that when fdward i promised tho people of wales a prince who could not speak a word of english lie presented to them his infant son with the remark eich lyn which means behold the man it is further said that the feathers formed to rebus of queen philippa mother of the black prince represent ing her hereditary title countess of ostrevant ostrich feather now we are told that the giant re plica of the princes crest made of splendid ostrich plumes that was seen at wembley is quite wrong because the real crest is not made of ostrich feathers and never was the truth is that tho real crest is made from the feathers of the feriwah a bird found in the denser jungles of bengal c they flare forth from that seething furnace the sun number four secrets of science by david dietz despite the fact that the sun is mil lions of miles away from us astrono mers have assembled a remarkable knowledge aboutthe structure of the sun throush the use of large telescopes and delicate astronomical instruments the first fact of interest is that the sun is not a stationary body as many suppose it is rushing through space at the rate of 12 miles a second that means that since the jistrono- mers of ancient egypt began obser ving tho stars 5000 years ago the sun has moved two trillion miles of course the sun carries the earth and tho other planets along with it in this journey through the sky secondly the sun itself rotates on its axis just as the earth does it takes the sun 26 of our days to complete one revolution it is impossible of course to know anything about the centre or inner core of the sun though there is great reason to relieve that because of the intense heat of the sun it is liquid we know however that the surface of the sun is a great white luminous molten sea this fact and the time which it takes the sun to revolve upon its axis were both obtained by the observation of dark spots on the suns surface known as sunspots the fact that these spots move across the disk of the sun prove that the sun is rotating the equatorial regions of the sun move with greater speed than do the polar regions this proves the sur face of tlie sun is liquid if it were solid like the earth all parts would rotate with the same speed above the suns surface is a layer of cooler gases- about 500 to 1000 miles in thickness above this is a third layer of red surging fire composed of flaming cases this layer is from 5000 to 10000 miles in thickness it is invisible to us because ot the intense white light radiated from the suns surface which drowns out so to speak from this layer great red tongues of flame shoot out in all directions someimes for a distance of more than 100000 miles this layer of red fire with its gigan tic tongues of red flame becomes vis ible during a total eclipse of the simj when the main body of the sun is ob scured from our view during an eclipse a fourth layer around the sun is also visible a sort of silvery halo astronomers believe this is composed of particles of matter shot out from the sun which are kept from falling back into the sun by the repelling force- of the suns rays these various layers on the sun are given names by the astronomer the surface of the sun is called the photo sphere the next layer of gases is called the reversing layer the layer of red fire is called the chromosphere and the silvery halo is called the corona next article tho sunspots c 15 per pkg aad ittxlb vacuum airtight tins the tobacco of quality counsel to versemakers seek a grove maturely tall northern slopes have proven good build a camp to last and haul quantities of wood tap the trees on heel of frost catch the sap in shining pails let no hour of it be lost whilst the run prevails boil it test and boil again till the sweet be clear arid strong nature fused to crystal then sell it for a song t morris dongstreth o a gentleman sadie what is a gentleman please maam answered the well- bred child a gentlemans a- man you dont know very well wellworn indeed he took her hand in his and gazed proudly at the engagement ring he had placed on her finger only three days before did your friends admire it he in quired tenderly they did more than that she re plied codly two of them recog nized it classified advertisement b a k kits ovkns write kok catmogub stitl lift of usttl otfits i hubbard oifn com 7r2 kin writ toronto skates i skis 1 jo- molona tubular hoefcy skates rivetted on ctrong boota night 6 morning bi keep your eyes clean clear and healths with anueetrap regular ptim e j3i j jy7b0 slnand equipment toe largest aaaort- keep mlnards liniment handy if men were as clever as women theyd long ago have devised some way of making baldness fashionable some people are so busy praying for more that they have no time to re turn thanks for what they have re- j celved i meat all half price ak for oat calaufac and prtta the bancroft co 12a7 blajurr st montreal ijtleus3tvifcsu we offer steady employment and pay weekly to sell our complete and exclu sive lines cf guaranteed quality whole root f reslidugtoorder trees and plants- attractive illustrated samples and full cooperation a moneymak ing opportunity luke brothers nurseries montreal m rship us voti poultry game eggs butter feathers we buy all year round wrile today for prices we guarantee them for a week ahead ppoulin dtco limited w tstabiliheei cvcrcovars tt 136 39 d aforhot montrea tree prunets for every purpose in the orchard cutting limbs up to inches hundles 4 6 8 10 and 12 feet tour hardware dealer knows the quality our descriptive circular sent to any address on requeue taylorforbes company limited guelph ont safe i the village doctor has just bought himself a new car it is to be feared that all his interest in tho machine was not solely duo to the fact that with its aid he would be able to reach his patients more quickly truth to tell the medical man had in him the instincts of a road hog soon ho decided that the car was not powerful enough to satisfy his craving for spoed and lie advertised it for sale in duo course a prospective purchaser turned up and was taken for a trial run they whirled along at a furlops pace i say look out cautioned the pas senger youre doing over sixty miles an hour dont wory about that chuckled the doctor ive got the village po liceman in bed with rheumatics if our water were as dirty as our nir we should either have a revolution or cease to exist d r vcitch clark p safe by millions and prescribed by physicians for lumbago colds neuritis neuralgia headache pain toothache rheumatism does not affect the heart r1ppe stop it with mlnards the gj- eat preventative heat and inhale also nib en throat and chest cuticura heals 1 accept only bayer package which contains proven directions handy bayer boxes of 12 tablets also bottles of 24 and 100 druggists aspirin is tfctf trade raark reglcterod in oeoada of barer manufacture of monoaceuc- acldeater ot seltcrlicacld acetjl ballcjllc acid a s a while it la well knorm that aaplnn keane barer mannfaerare to aaalat tat public aralnat iraltallone toe tablet of barer ooopanr wul t aumped with tialr general trad nark the bstr orou on face in red pimples itched and burned ter ribly jlostrest when my niece was six months old eczema broke out on her face in small red pimples it itched and burned terribly causing bcr to scratch and she was very cross she lost her rest at night and her face was disfigured i sent for a free sample of cutl- cura soap and ointment and pur chased more and after using two cakes of cuticura soap and one box of cuticura ointment she was completely healed signed miss mary marchand box 12 aricbat nova scotia cuticura soap ointment and talcum are all you need for all toi let uses bathe with soap soothe with ointment dust with talcum saarja zaefa trf by iran addrea canadlar depot steahoci ltd montreal priee soap 2se oin 2 and we talcum ssc jjf bat cuticura shaving- stick 25c tsgue no 50 25 n

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