Ontario Community Newspapers

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), August 27, 1925, p. 7

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blefirsflesoe areroof the blood is in a weak and watery condition one of the surest signs- that the blood is out of order are the pimples and unsightly eruptions that break out on the facejor body the same condi tion la indicated by an attack of eczema or scrofula you cannot get rid of these troubles by the use of purgative medicines as so many peo ple try to do purgatives merely gal lop through the system and leave it still weaker what is needed when the blood is shown to be out of order is a tonic which will restore its miss ing elements and leave the blood rich and red for thl3 purpose there is no other tonic can equal dr williams pink pills every dose of which help enrich the blood drives out impuri ties and brings a new feeling of health and energy mrsr b bishop hawthorne ave hamilton ont tells for the benefit of others what these pills did for her she says i was suffering terribly from scrofula i doctored with several doctors but without success my complexion was sallow 1 had no strength feeling very weak and languid my neck was full of lumps called scrofula and at times they wero very painful after trying several socalled blood medicines dr williams pink pills were recommend- edto me and i got half a dozen boxes after taking them i found a decided improvement in my appearance and to my joy the lumps were disappearing from my neck i- persevered in the treatment and finally the only sign left of the trouble was a scar on my neck where one of the swellings broke since that time i have been in robust health and heartily recommend dr williams pink pills to any suffering from impure blood you can get these pill3 through any medicine dealer or by mail at 50 cents a box from the dr williams medicine co brockville ont earl haig as engine driver just words when field marshal earlhaig cross- at blue river and drove his own en- ed the canadian rockies en the spegine for several miles upper photo- mrs mcry austin in her recent book everymans genius declares few people will see in the present craze for the crossword puzzle a de- vice of the deepself to provide itself with a larger english vocabulary in which to deliver the rapidly ripening fruit of social experience but i make no dought that this will prove to be the case the shallowselves of the casual reader and the ardent puzzlefan wilj hardly accept such a profoundly seri ous explanation of their enjoyment of a clever diversion but they will cer tainly not deny the extension of their vocabulary not only by the addition of new words unfamiliar variants of old ones terms cf chemistry anatomy zoology and other sciences but bv the inclusion of mythological and histori cal names and scraps of foreignlang uages j does there remain in this country i wonder humorously inquired one puzzlesolver recently any human be ing who sees a newspaper and can wield a pencil who has not mafic ac quaintance with ra the sun god eos the goddess of dawn ate the goddess of mischief og king of basham and gog- cogiant with magog it cannot be another puzzleworker a trifle crass with any who depreciate crossword puzzling challenges them to define off hand- twenty-five- of her newly ac quired words reeled off without stop ping to think or choose but all perfect ly good words if you too solve cross word puzzles you probably know them also it not do you although certainly perfectly good for use when you need them they aro t earcely such as you nro likely to need veryf ten but here they are ait al kea em en eft rot ryot yen obi os alb om orlop ayeaye stele awn dulse cam tael proa moa pawl pacn pac cial canadian national railways train he expressed a wish to view the scen ery from the cab of the engine rather than from the observation car which was attached to his train he there fore took the throttle of the locomotive graph shows him aboard the engine- of his special while below he is shown with countess haig looking out to ward mount robson the highest peak in the canadian rockie3- cnr photos my dog i have no hog but it must be somewhere theres one belong to me a little chap with wagging tall and dark brown eyes that never quail but took you thro and thro and thro with love unspeakable but true somewhere it must be i opine there is a little dog of mine with cold black nose that snuffs around in search pf what things maybe found in pocket or some itook hard by where i have hid them from his eye somewhere my doggie pulls and tugs the fringes of rebellious rugs or with the mischief of the pup chews all xny shoes and slippers up and when hes done it tbthe core with eyes all eager pleads for more somewhere upon his hinder legs my little doggie sits and begs c and in a wistful minor tone pleads for the pleasure of the bone i pray it may be his owners whim to yield and grant the same to him somewhere a little dog doth wait it may bo by some garden gate with eyes alert and tail attent you know the kind of tail thats meant with stores of yelp3 of glad delight to bid me welcome home at night john kendrick bangs save the children l i i i a a tea your grocer recommends is usually good tea tbaib good tea and most grocers recommend it a plea for more birds if there were no other argument for theconservation of our wild bird life than the one demanding economic ad ministration of national affairs con- cernihfjthem i would be perfectly satisfied thatvjhe cause of the birds would win in any court in christen dom so sure am i of the reasonable ness of tho growing boys and girls who aro about to step out into life to un dertake its conquest that i believe ail they need is to have a moments time given them for consideration of the value of enlistment in the army of conservation and construction that declares its purpose to be to save rath er than to waste when they will com mend the economic activity in which they nro urged to take part and thus keep the wolf away from the door for all tlmo to come protection from invasion by insect hordes is the agriculturists only hope the natural enemy of all insect life is the bird life with which we were once so generously surrounded when we consider that this country now exists upon about ten per cent of the bird life that was here less than 450 years ago it doesnot seem as though it mothers who keep a box of babys own tablets in the house may feel that tho lives of their little ones are reasonably safe during the hot weath er stomach troubles cholera infan tum and diarrhoea carry off thousands of little ouesovery summer in most cases because tho mother does not j ought to be necessary to urge mea- have a safe medicineat hand to give sures to build rather than to tear promptly babys own tablets relieve down does it j these troubles or if given occasionally i wonder how j to the well child they will prevent their coming on the tablets are guaranteed by a government analyst to be absolutely harmless even to the classified advertisements incomparable silver foxes lowest jmces highest quaxjitt esquire about our fortune founder s bur- sua fur pun sammcnlde frtaco edward ibund touched the traffic officer a woman driver whose car ran ouv of gasoline in front of a cleveland 6 traffic officer borrowed money froci him to get more gas f overgushing hostesssuch a dear man the new vicar is so out spoken in his sermon last sunday he censureo the devil most severely lf but you can promote 3 ceanflcalldycbndilloi mi id cvcsuse murine eye remedy 9uuk 9lco night and morning eeei your eyes clean clear and healthy write for free eye care book kirdeejrobcyco9ecstomusrklcac2k topped eot maxims by one who made them let every ono attend to his own business and to tho duties of his of fice they will then be better dis charged let religious sects he carefully ex tirpated as soon as they spring up it might be too late afterward endeavor to acqulro a perfect know ledge of the rules of civility and politeness these tond to maintain con cord avoid slander and abstain from ma licious accnzatlons let thoso who cultivate tho earth and breed silkworms be esteemed and respected ycu will then want neither grain for your nourishment nor cloth ing to cover you confucius is music a language programme music has become so much the mode music which dismisses that beauty of the kind that might be called classic that it is interesting to read an expression from mendels sohn who probably surpassed all others in the balanceof the classic and romantic spirits in music in a letter written by a young poet to the com poser asking if he had succeeded in embodying the sentiments of certain of his compositions in a set of poems written for this purpose you give the various numbers pf the book such titles as i think of thee melancholy god a merry hunt i can scarcely say whether i thought of these or other things while composing the music another might find i think of theewhere you find melancholy- and a real huntsman might consider a merry hunt a veritable praise of god but this is not because as you think music is vague on the con trary i believe that musical expres sion is altogether too definite that it reaches regions and dwells in them whither words can not follow it and must necessarily go lame when they make the attempt as you would have them do a bird falls t hunter fired a gun with telling skill his mark a bird which fluttered to a mound rolled oer and died without complaint or sound a flufl of feathers and an open bill the relic of this speck of life a thrill the less on earth where cruel lusts abound a tiny bit of energy agrouud a gem to beauty lost a voice now still yet truth and beauty will reflect their light until the heedless are- a vanquished throrig- the praiso of and blood lust shall no more tho world benight when men who kill for sport shall sense the wrong e and know the shot that stops the fiinchs flight kills not a bird but more a song tho critic a marriage misfit a frenchmanwhose bride has failed to preserve after marriage tire glamour of courtship days has brought an ac tion for damages against her parents he claims compensation on the ground that they deceived him as to the quali ties of his wife a further point in the case for this disappointed husband is the statement that contrary to the information given to him before marriage the fam ily into which he married contains some most undesirable characters marriage seems to be much the same in france as in canada only cana dian husbands dont make a song about it newborn babe they are especially good in summer because they regulate tho bowels and keep the stomach sweet and pure they are sold by medicine dealersor by mall at 25 cents a box from the dr williams medicine co brockville ont t canadian orchards- grew worth 24000000 last year- fruit dont worry minards liniment for corns and warts caste the man whose costly rtdlo set enables him with ease to get the programs form some distant place without of static roar a trace looks down with stfporcllious sneer upon tho chap who cannot hear a sound from stations farther say than fifteen hundred miles away this man in turn regards with scorn the common person lowly born whose limit with his radio is fifty dinky miles or so while both of these with uppish eye wlllpass the mere plebean by whoseset a cheap and homemade thing of wire and wood and tin and string can only tap the atmosphero for concert stuff absurdly near and thus is formed by fates decree a radio aristocracy a middle class and peasantry a h folwell many ei j to think that if the entire bin the world were to be destroyed the vegetation upon which we depend wholly for life would be aten in about three years so rapidly do insects multiply that one is unable to grasp the enormity of tho figures setting forth the truth for instance let me take one instance in which riley says that the hop aphis develops thirteen generations in a year and at the end of the twelfth generation there will be ten sextlllions of individuals the american naturalist forbush says if this brood wero marshaled into line ten to the inch it would extend to a point so sunk rthe profundity of space that light from the tikdm the procession traveling at the rate of 184- ooolmiles per second would require 2500 years in which to reach the earth irisects destroy more than 1000- 000000 worth of fruit and cereals everyyear birds eat insects a bird in the bush sings swoeter- than two birds on a womans bonnet- charles g plummer to gain weight we guarantee bitrophosphate to re- build shattered nerves to replace weakness with strength to add body weight to thin folks and rekindle ftmv bition in tlredout people pricel per pkge arrow chemical co 25 front st east torontoonr minards liniment for aches and pains manganese has never been mined to any extent in canada but during 1924 shipments amounting to 584 tons valued at 4088 were made from the province of new brunswick to tho province of quebec the merchants corner puppylbvcthats all that girls leading him a dogs life puppy love thats all o frozen flowers the flower trade has entered on a new phase as the result of a recent ex- a snakes fang is a sort of hollow perlment which proves that cut tooth and when the snake strikes at blooms can be carried in cold storage j anything the pressure of this hollow this may come to mean that cut tooth against the gand above it forces flowers can be had all the year round tbe- poison through the tooth into tho in much greater variety and at cheap- wound the fang has mads er prices than at present considerable interest was taken in the experiment which was entirely successful the flowers selected for the trial trip were peonies grown in montreal they were packed in conis- ters and placed in cold storage on a liner and were in splendid condition when they reached london they had not suffered by the journey in any way it is stated that the flowers were kept during tho voyage at a tempera- tue varying with tho humidity of tho admosphere for the best results a temperature below 40 deg fahr is required at first the bloom3 carried in cold storage may bo of tne rarer and more expensive kinds- but in course of tlmo frozen flowers may become as demo cratic as chilled beef but where will be the thrill of the first harbingers of spring when we have flowers in abundance all the year round pro gress does have its disadvantages blind girl stenographers two blind girl stenographers aro employed in the offices of tho british ministry of pensions one portion of the human body tho crystalline lens of tho eye con tinues to increase in size throughout life and does not cease with the at tainment of maturity for warts apply minards freely and often and watch them disappear a iii fag r cord wood saw users write simonds canada- saw co limited 1550 dundas st west toronto ontario for prices on simonds special circular cord wood saw doctors have been gathering statis tic on nervous diseases and their tendency to shorten life aid have is- suod a remarkable bulletin against worrying x so far as is known the bulletin says no bird over tried to build more nests than its neighbor no fox ever fretted becauso ho had only ono hole ii which to hide no squirrel oyer died of anxiety lest ho should not lay by enough nuts for two win tors instead of one and no dog over lost any sleep over the fact that ho did not have enough bones laid aside for his declin ing years cultivating a preference for your goods eory purchase is made as the result slro for ten thousand things you do not of desire the desire may bo td satis- sell your problem is to have desire for your goods stronger than desiro fy an actual need- acquire a ncceslt for gods qf others cultlval0 to go without which is hardship or prc for your merchandise it may bo a desire to satisfy convenl- cultivation requires work and time j once comfort pride pleasure in nit requires constant effort it requires luxury or rny of a scoro cf impulses systematic planning and systematic i mighty few purchases aro made on execution 1 the spur of the moment the desiro j that finally crystallzcd into the action of buying may have existed for days weeks months even years desiro for this thins struggles with desiro for that thing surplus money is so littlo that desires can be satisfied only one encouragement she as train toots at grade cross ing george you go right ahead dont let that big bruto bnlly you- at a tlmo in the csso of most people choice must be made many deslre3 must wait for realization preference for your merchandise therefore must bo cultlvnted it is up to you to do that cultivating competi tion in dtsire comes before competi tion in stocks in price in service it is not competition with fellow mer chants in your line that is the big com petition the big competition is in de- all people have desires all peoplo have some surplus money that is not spent for vital necessities all people buy some things yousoll the public as a whole is your sales territory you do not know who will buy or what or when you do know that the more interest you can get everyone to take in your merchandise tho more general you can make desiro for it preferred tho more sales you will make such general dot ire can not bo aroused or maintained unless you are reaching all the people all the time in a way that is agreeable to them with interesting messages about your goods advertising is cultivating preference for your goods e0i for about three years healed by cuticuia i had trouble with pimples and blackheads for about three years thepimples were scattered all over my- face and were hard andred they itched and burned a lot caus ing me to scratch and the scratch ing caused eruptions my face looked so badly that i was ashamed to go out i began using cutlciira soap and ointment ar1 they helped me- i continued the treatment and in two months i was completely healed signed miss helen budnlk r 1 box 11 necedahwis sept 27 1924 rely on cutlcura soap ointment and takam to keep your skin clear sample cacti tree by mall address canadian depot suohoute ltd montreal price soap 2sc oin 26 and 60c talcum 25c cutlcura sharing stick 25c ull of agues and pain toronto mother found relief by taking lydia e pinkhams vegetablecompourid proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians for headache pain neuralgia toothache colds neuritis lumbago rheumatism accept only baycr package which contains proven directions handv bayer kxcs of 12 tablets also bottles of 24 and 100 drtggists canada or barer ifaonfacfare of meooscelle that aiplrto raw oarer manufacture- to aoai lb public agaln1 imllallon i1 tom of eajcr coopanj will bo alampeel ltltb uwlr wraj uadomark tbo bycr croo aspirin la the- 1ra mark rerlalrred in toronto ontario i haveiound lydia k pinkhams vegetablecomr pound a splendid medicine to take before and after confinement a small book was put in ray door one day advertising lydia e pinkhams medicines and as i did not feel atall well at the time i went and got a bottle of vegetable compound right away i soon tbegan to notice a difference in my general health i was full of aches and pains at the time and thought i had overy complaint going but f can truthfully gay your medicine certainly did mo good i can and will speak highly of it and i know it will do other women good who are sick and ailing if they will only give it a fair trial lydia e pinkhams liver pillo are splendid for constipation you aro welcome to use my letter if you think ft will help any one mrs harry wkstwood 543 quebec strccttoronto ontario tho expectant mother is wise if she considers carefully thin statement of mrs westwood it ia butono of a great manyall telling the same story bene ficial results lydia e pinkhams vegetables com pound is especially adapted for use dur ing this period the experience of other women who have found this medicine a blessing is proof of its great merit why not try it now y oursel t o issoe no 4 25

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