roomsw tee children afple harvest less i than 1924 output ss lesson i by ethel c arpenter j estimate for 1925 is 2596852 auflust 23 the macedonian call tucked away in almost every lltfca of cmtonne showing rich colors barrels or 95 per cent 613 goldon text come of 1924 crop rome is some little spot that can be j which include blue upon a background fixed op for thi children it may be i of black over into macedonia and help us acts 16 9 a play room under he eaves or a bed room with ruffled curtains painted furniture and i gay color scheme it may broly an alcove in one of the zooms devoted to other pursuits but no matter where tho childrens room may be it is surely their right to have soire share of the home for their own where they can do as they please amid surroundings that have been planned for their good as well as for their fun not only will such a room be a boon to the grownups who will have more time for their own affairs if the children are provided with a place in which they love to play but the complete care and responsibility of thoirswn room is fine training for children real and worthwhile interest in home pursuits is often to be traced to come such small beginnings very little actual furniture is re quired to achieve a sturdy andcon- venient play room for children grant any room such as this could be de- a from ottawa says valysm veloped in a number of different color canada s commercial apple crop for j t il schemes but it must be remembered the fear now estimated at 269s- ns cuimmj hakd of the spirit that the simplicity and effect of the 852 barren or approximately 95 per scheme must be thought out just as of 1924 a report issued by the the momentous vision at troas carefully as it would be for a room fruit branch of the agriculture de- 9 seemingly much more important the partment covering the situation iii firstfruits of the european color effect means everything here throughout the dominion as on aug mission h15 since besides its quaint rafteredsim- ks the following estimated figures t j nrosecution parity there is really not much else for commercal apple production in of the jg mfaksas i can imagine this room developed sssskhss k f again ana agafn ss effectively in green with olivegreen f tra w w p an compelled by influences painted rafters and floor and walls 1 barres quebec having their source in the holy spirit of oafe ttr coor the chest of 44 barrels ontario 821772 bar- of god his own original plans had hlw e fosa sia mhrht british columbia 1931350 several times to be set aside in obedi- drawers and the shewed seat imght e3timates for ea ence to what he felt was gods express be of green dr of blacky vince with ih exception of ontario f a divinejorce constrained the curtains at the windows should j sls 2z8z fesffis ntvtj nf1nd this av be eased yield to a forecast show- euroand inert at troas ho had a if ti 1 m1 ing a decrease is caused it is explain- remarkable vision which led to his achieved by a background of black on ed bv the heavy drop eparinced in i crossing to europe our lesson for which there is some vividly harmoniz- novn scota and new brunswick and today contains interesting record of ing pattern or else the dackground flrther mght reduction reported from v supernatural guidance and yeow with r i ri k mi busixkss is business but courtesy pays our business friends aod yours with whom we make transactions demand that precision of efficient execution which is a part of tha ro- gular service maintained by any bank in its daily affairs to merit your confidence we must go further the standard bank maintains a po licy of personal courtesy in its deal ings regardless of their respective importance which should be an asset in your business as well as in ours the standard bank op cajstajda stouffville branch a c burkholder mdiiagn subbranch at goodwood ed four walls and a sunny outlook may be putty or grange or yellow with quebac and brhhh jj th should t be studied very reverently and m si cfisi ntir success st of the design making up totai commercial apple crop for brit- coey through windows the entire success si ho room may depend upon cori- vient builtin cupboards and shelves at a cheerful color scheme tables for the substitution of a less weighty feh columbia is estimated at 85 j i- t guiding hand of the spirit background the rug may be of black pel cfent or 1981350 hoxe3 comnareclf g and white or else of the colorfound in with the 1024 yie 0 2331000 boxes chairs just naturally find their f background of the curtain ma- the nova scotia crop is abated at terlal 1018661 barrels which is but 89 per this room also would bo effective cnt of the 124 cr0d done in brown and cream with note3 wsy into a childs play room a3 soon as jie essentials are right and very few of these are neededat the most since often the little folk really prefer plenty of cushions so that they can sit on the floor tho play room haying walls decor ated with cutrouts has many features designed to appeal to the childish heart while at the same time it is simple in accomplishment and prac tical in use the open shelves for books and toys are easily constructed out of planed seveneighthinch boards the desk the simple desk is constructed mere ly by the use of a strongly hinged flap lid opening down which may be braced additionally with regulation slides such as are found on any ready- of henna red for effect the rafters minister drovned as canoe this- color also selected from plain or figured material many people who want to plan rooms for their children will arid that such play rooms as these more than answer their needs but how about bedrooms would not your little girl revel in a lovely bedroom yet for its accomplishment all you need is an old cottage bed which you may be lucky enough to find in your attic and an old or new chest of tobuy flaplid desk or by the easy drawers that wjlllend itself to being method of attaching a chain qf th pa to match a couple of old kit chen chairs and maybe a tiny table recently i found an old spindled sonui position d ifke j one me ln a of the the sum of ten dollars of shelf series is braced a tbase with ft not an exceptional a footboard instead of the apron trim j ft to be seen at the floor line of the other lt shelf sections on the righthand wall of the room and floor could fee painted or stained a walnut brown tho rug should be browji asjshould be also tho builtin seat but the chest of drawers might capsizes on n saskatchewan a despatch from prince albert curtains at tho windows should be of proper length on each side so that tho flap lid may not be lowered past theissential horizontal position this desk which is an literally made over when it was paint ed an effective color and supplied with new springs and a mattress and i low cupboards of conventional seat j m shabb j height are bult to hold toys the nice t fe hinged lids may bo placed to c ose lnni magicau y made over vertically after the same construction k fur espfcia givn to the flap lid of tho desk t as- 1 use fa ft cmld bejroom j tcrrg with an ordinary snap latch n p this prccurable at any hardware store or n never be replaced just c fa t z it because the child has outgrown it may be placed flat on top after the b fashion of usual window seats in i this bedroom though the bed and this case hinges are needed but latch- the chairs are old the chest is new es aro uperfluous v i but tho p are brought per color paint in this case the furniture taken the canoe party which recently left edmonton on a voyage along the north saskatchewan river to win nipeg two of the party have arrived here with news that rev alfred johnson of mirror lake alta one of the pad- dlers had been drowned near the la- collia falls twentyfour miles east of prince albert according to tho story of the sur vivors the canoe capsized in the stormy waters the three men clung to the upturned craft and were car ried more than a halfmile down stream johnson decided he would make an attempt to reach shore they gaw him disappear beneath a wave a short distance from shore the surviving members h s pat- ton professor of economics at tho university of alberta and wallace forgie of calgary reached safety after much difficulty if the suggested cutouts are used fe jjythe jiseof thejama for wall interest the walls themselves should be covered first with a plain creamcolored paper which might be a filing vellum showing no design suiable pictures containing an ele ment of quaint everyday humor may be collected from magazine pages or else a couple of wallpaper strips of kiddie cutouts may be purchased at about one dollar each which should achieve a fine nucleus for future col lecting ordinary wallpaper paste may be usedto fasten the cutouts on tho plain papered wall tho floor of this play room is cover ed with linoleum in the tile pattern and would be effective in tile red with black division lines the woodwork and the builtin cupboards and shelves might be painted jn cream color or a deep putty tone and if desired the edges of tho open shelves tho inter ior of the upper desk body and the interior of the low cupboards could be painted a- red matching tho red of tho linoleum thewindow curtains might bo of redandwhito gingham or voile an alternative color scheme which may be suggested for this room is found in a predominant use of pea cock blue in this case the linoleum may be of black and gray the builtin shelves and cupboards may be of a soft peacock blue and tho window cur- tains of voile 01 gingham in a plaid of blue black and white that will har monize with the scheme in selecting a linoleum for the floor of a childs play room a pain or twotoned lin oleum which is neither dazzling nor spotty should be chosen an attic transformed i in another plan for a play room airactual room was developed in tho upper story of a littogaragobut in many houses there will be found some such partially finished raftered attic just waiting for the whimsical room of child if tho sid walls are un- plastered these may be covered with wall board using this also between the ceiling rafters if desired but from a decorative standpoint the lat ter is not necessary the rafters may be left in their roughxand- unfinished condition or else boy may be stained and waxed or even painted a color is painted midnight blue which is very effective against deep creamcolored walls the window curtains are of dotted organdie in powder blue and the bedspread is of a creamy yellow a bit deeper than tho walls but blend ing with them the large rag rug is blue but the hook rugs used for accent are of blue cream yellow and black a blue-and- yellow plaited cretonne shade is used on the old crystal oil lamp which has been fitted for electricity and another is used on the lamp having a pottery base of dull yellow avoiding heat casualties it is not at all uncommon during extremely hot and muggy weathpr for chickens to die from heat prostration this situation is caused primarily by insufficiently ventilated houses by an inadequate supply of drinking water near by and more often by the im proper care of birds under trapnests lack of adequate shade in the yards is sometimes responsible correcting these faulty conditions will avoid serious losses from this trouble during extremely warm wea ther the trapnests should be visited with great regularity so that no birds are confined on themest for more than half an hour the water pans should be filled with fresh cold water two or three times during the middle of tho day if natural shade is not available in tho yards artificial shelters should be provided during any particularly bad spell of extremely hot weather when the birds seem to bo suffering from tho heat it will take yery ener getic treatments to save some of those affected tho best pxoceduro is to tako tho birds which are apparently overcomo mothers allowances total 149898 in july a despatch- from toronto says under the provisions of the ontario mothers allowance act 4184 moth ers throughout the province with 12- 786 dependent children in their care received during july 1925 the sum of 149898 the number of children in each home ranges from two to eleven in 662 homes there four children in 816 homes there are five children in 132 homes there are six children in 69 homes there are seven children in 17 homes there are eight children in 7 homes thero are nine children in 1 home- there is eleven chldren the causes of dependency of the mothers are the death total and per manent incapacitation or desertion for a period in excess of five years of the fathers of the children of tho beneficiaries 3393 are wi dows 522 are wives of incapacitated husbands 169 are- deserted wives for a period of five years and upward and 110 are foster mothers to orphans oj cabbage is relished by hens one of the best forms of succulence for the late full and early winter months is cabbage it is easily hand led and tho hens like it avoid tho mistake of feeding so much cabbago that the flavor of tho eggs is affected a reasonable quan tity will have no ill effects but if hens are fed all they will eat there is likely to result an undesirable flavor in tho eggs laid however this is a matter that is easy to control if any of the cabbage has been frosted or if it has been stored for some time great care must be taken to see that the hens do not get any that has begun to spoil the feeding of spoiled cabbage may result in food poisoning which not only means de creased egg production but may mean a considerable mortality o j the time to pick pears pears ato a conspicuous exception to the rule that fruits develop tho highest quality if allowed to becomo fuliy ripe on the vine of the tree it is somewhat difficult to describe v 6 st paul fter leaving tho south galatian cities turned north wards and traversed the bordercoun try lying between the old kingdoms of galatia and phrygia directly to tho west at this point lay the rich and populous roman province of asia stretching to the egean sea and pauls first thought was to carry the mission into this province where he was afterwards see acts 19141 to do so great a work on this occasion however the holy spirit forbade tho enterprise in what way paul recog nized the olear intimation of the spir its will we are not told it may be that circumstances had closed the gates of opportunity in asia it may be that prophetic voices among hs followers or in the christian commun ities insisted that it was premature or i- was convinced that god had another that p of macedonia it was a ro- masseyharris farm implements repairs buy a new jiassoyhnrrls no 5acom binder for this years corn crop it is greatly improved over the old corn binder also see us if you are thinking of buying an ensilage cutter we have a new box out that is a whirlwind wo also have the best engine that you can buy our new quebec sulky plow has no equal on the market every buyer of one is a satisned customer and no ono hasbeen able to make a suggestion o an improvement on one order one early as we can sell them faster than we can- get them call and see u you havo not already seen one and if you ever try on you will never part with it we have a complete lino of repairs always on hand and handle shears for all makes of plows repairs strictly cash by order of masseyharris co we also have a number of second hand machines on hand including all kinds of plows binders drills engines wagons etc we are also agents and handle re pairs for john deere col canadian potato machinery co ontario wind engine and- pump co and o k potato co d holder agent phone 184 stonffville i purpose for him at this moment v 7 tho same strange experience repeated itself when paul had reached a point on his journey lying farther north he had now the province of i man colony having roman municipal government and like most cities of the time had a considerable jewish population v 13 on tho first sabbath there- norm xie tiau now cue jrruvuice on t i j iir bithynia to the east and mysia to the fe paul and his company nc lading west and here again his first instinct was to preach in bithynia once again however the spirit of jesus suffered them not paul apparently could do nothing but proceed right on to the hellespont god having made- it clear that he was not intended to halt at any earlier point on the journey v 8 paul comes to troas the fa mous district where the ancient troy had stood and where the wars cele brated in the iliad of homer took luke who acted probably as guide went out to the jewish place of prayer by the riverside and spoke to the jewish women who had gathered there for the sabbathmorning service and now took place the conversion of lydia pauls first convert in europe v 14 lydias acceptance of chris tianity is described in simple and beautiful terms she was not a jew- 1 macmillan delayed by arctic storms only seventeen days of fly ing weather in prospect in wilds of the north a despatch from washington says equipped with airplanes cap able of sailing smoothly over hazards once thought impassable the mc millan arctic expedition neverthe- lessrhas found tho natural laws of the vorth constantly blocking his pro gress with only seventeen days of flying ess but a native of jthyatira in asia wea in prospect commander u h ritual however had j donnd b macmfllan and his chief forrstwhta av i iribsd w swd eutcommander r e byrd hnd croqqpd into asia with the conl already recognized from afar the3ts oouas snows and jojs obscura sssrtarwaworlp w had wh6re i ever the ancient empires of egypt and interested inquirer after spiritual estabish a base on the polar sea babylonia on tho farther side lay fijist n her 5 to from which to explore an unmapped the dardanelles peninsula where the he jospel and is baptized there is allied troops fought and died in the i10 cffort n her conversion recent great war it wa3 a region crammed with history and paul as he gazed across at europemust havo wondered if god called him to a far ther extension of his mission tt 1 asked the missionaries to make her ii the momentous vision at troas thfiir dur their stay -io- iphilippi they accept without heiita- v 9 visions when they come to tion men are generally concerned with with subjects and matters about which birth rate iri canada all is direct and natural like the opening of flowers to the light v 15 it shows her christian earn explore an unmapped area covering 1000000 square miles in addition to these troubles fail ure to find a beach hear etah from which the planes could hop off has they have been earnestly thinking and so it was with paul he had been pondering the question whether god now called him to cross the straits to europe and in a dream of tho night i he received what he felt to be the j 0 the present year was jwer than divine answer to his questionings he in tho foujr precc vears accord saw a man of macedonia standing a statement issuedby the do- wjwasl5asss statistic and help us- v 10 paul resolved to make no de lay in crossing to macedonia the teacher will notice that the historian j being 6810 males and 6515 females here begins suddenly to writen the j march 1924 total births were 14- 157 in march 1923 they totalled 14254 in march 1922 15129 and in march 1921 15261 of the total living births reported 13008 were single births 157 twins first personal pronoun we this in dicates that luke herotoined st paul and his company and attended him as far as philippl where for tho time tho we ceases professor w m ramsay hasthado tho interesting sug gestion that luke may havo come to and 1 triplet in nine of the cities troas for the express purpose of in- j reporting there were fewer births viting st paul to europe in that j march of the present year than estness and at the sametime st pauls been a disappointment under pre- apptciation cl her that- when she sent conditions the machine must take off from the iceinfested waters and to do so they must unload much precious fuel this has resulted in reducing their cruising radius from 1000 to 700 miles with such a situation to contend with those in charge of the expedi tion feel it is essential that an inter mediate base be established and the planes have skimmed over tho jagged snowclad peaks and down deep nar row valleys in search of a landing base at which fuel and food could bo cached the most favorable condi tions were found monday at beitstad fjord a small inlet running in a westerly direction from hayes fjord bu lieutcommander byrd has ad vised against a flight to that point until the snow and the fogs cease remains at low level a despatch from ottawa says tho birth rate in canada in march total births for the registration area of canada which does not include the province of quebec numbered 13325 vith the heat dipthom in a tubof dc penoss for picking cool water not cold and leave them i but ft ltt experience will soon in a shady place to recuperate doveop ones judgment a good timo during extremely warm weathor it is j m tho fruit reaches full size is unwise to change tho birds to new and changes from that deadgreen quarters or to put together two or i appearanco to a sighty yellowish more flocks that havo been running chade and from that soid stoneliko separately there are always hens feel to just the least bit of melowness in this room the rafters have been varnilked an oak brown and tho floor has becneovired with brownahdtan jasped linoleum on which there is laid a rag rug in blue the chest of draw ers which is the only piece of furni ture has been painted- a deep oldbluo with black knobs and the- builtin shelved scat has been done in blue to match this the window curtain are j which fight one nnothor and if put together on a very warm day tho loss is apt to be- excessive the canning season tho mere farmer wonders some times why mother cans the greenpeaa out of the garden and then when she has t last cover screwed on opens a can of iast years for dinner after the pears have been picked they should be stored in a cool darlc room and preferably in not very largo containers some people make a prac tice of placing them on shelves in tho storage room and that works very well but usually they aro stored in boxes or baskets these should cer tainly not hold more than a bushel tho halfbushel sizes are probably better casetjuke would be the original so to speak of the man seen in the vision iii firstfituits op the european mission 1116 vs 1112 two days sailing voy- in march 1924 while in only two cities londonand windsor was tho number of living births reported when snakes fight when a kingsnake and a rattler get into a light tho kingsnake always wins fooling big cats oil of catnip is used by the united states geological survey as a lure for js equal to or greater in march 1925 mountain lions to attract them topol- than in march 1921 sone1 bait ir j rfgctmmm harvesters wanted to winnipeg plus half a cent a mile beyond to all points in mani toba saskatchewan alberta edmonton tannis calgary macleod and ijast i returning haifa cent per mile to winnipeg plu2000toricninatqn goivo dates september 1st and 4tu i september 1st toronto calcdon east beoton meaford colllngwood penetang midland parry sound su dbury capreol and east thereof in ontario soptomber 4th toronto inglowood jet and all stations south and west thereof in ontario t special trains leave toront o septlst 1280 pm sept 1st 885 pm stakparp trmr throuchtrains comfortable colonist cars spcil cars for womon and children aabaamsaagm purchase your ticket to winnipeg via canadian national railways whether or not your final destination in the west is a point on the canadian national tickets and all information from nearest agent