Ontario Community Newspapers

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), June 4, 1925, p. 4

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vr stouffville june 4th 1925 i0k30z b o 0 o i0e30c o 0 o i 0 o i 0 o o 0 katcliff co st lawrence gran sugar 100 lb bag 695 p g gold sunlight and comfort 4 cakes and one castile for 25c orange pekoe tea special 90c lb 0 o 0 o extra special comb honey large combs worth 100 each fcr 55c the tribune thursday morning terms 200 a year in advance 250 to the united states a v nolan publisher stouffville ont chocolate cream eggs very finest made worth 60c our special price for one week 25c hippolite 30c jar frankfort peas per tin 15c our special coffee still per lb 60c 10 lbs dominion graulated sugar 65c finest patras currants per lb 15e filliatra currants 2 lbs for 24c pineapples very fine but crop about over fresh fish arriving every wednesday from lake nippegon phone 7112 stouffville a t l j 0 o io glimpses of freel biography affiliated shoe stores means cheaper shoes a nice line of shoes at 345 agent for chums shoes for womenmissesboys prices are cut down in these lines we are agents for hurlbut cushion soles shoes a large stock of bqjj3oxfords in black and tan at 350 bargains all through the store womens white tennis shoes 1 strap reg 200 only 100 misses tennis shoes same as above at 90c big reduction in club bags and suit cases repairing uptotheminute glehm footwear of merit stouffville ont phoxe43q1- m swifts garage service station for springs for all cars batteries and battery repairs firestone tires genuine ford parts a full line of ignition parts for all makes of cars bring in your repairs british american gaso line oils and grease also peerless gas j phone 195 salesman for the hupmobile coal ai1 sizes prices are sure to advance shortly- let us fill your bin now just in car standard ground screenings at 3000 ton feed oats turnips mangolds corn and garden seeds car load oftile arrived s w hastings proprietor successor ts w 9 cook telephone 16 9 residence 3 715 shingles gyproc our stock was never so large and wbll assorted as at the present time let us quote on youk re quirements stouffville planing mill stouffer and schell note this is the season to have screen sash made parties requir ing shaving should get them now while the supply 13 large ltpays to use martin tsenour 100 pure paint varnishes for every purpose foe every surface write to head office moolretj for free booklet home p1aintinc made easy sold by silvester bros stouffville ont chicken stealing is again becom ing very prevalent in the south part of pickering township rs well as in the adjoining townships a number of farmers report that they have lost heavily from these thefts during the past week or rwo among those whose henhouses have been invaded are wm puckrin of audley and the hutching brothers of the brock road at mr puckrins the thieves wore disturbed before they had se cured any booty but in their hurry to get away they left behind them a bag of fowl with their necks broken and which had been stolon elsewhere on friv night last hutching bros had thoir hock de pleted to the extent of about forty fowl certain parties are suspected but no evidence can bs secured to fasten the guilt upon i hem wool wanted highest pricopaid for wool also dominion organ forsalo cheap h herman phono 1903 stouffville tf dr and mrs ira freel of stouff ville were present at tho first freel renunion held at thamesford on may 25th 1925 although the freeis are not numerous- in this neighbor hood yet along the thames niagara peninsular and especially in michi gan they are as thick as leaves on a tree and something of their eariy history will be of interest to our readers the freel3 came from kilkenny ireland where they lived for a long time but they were originally of huguenot stock being ardent pro- tastants they did not harmonize with their romau catholic neighbors at a time when people took their reli gion less tolerantly and so moved to new york state where they set tled on 2200 acres of land during the revolutionary war of 1775 they took the side of england and when the americans gained their inde pendence the victorious army burned their buildings run off their stock and such neighborly acts that were fashionable at that period great britain to compensate for this loss and as a reward for their loyalty gave land at niagara and along tho thames which their descendants hold to this day in the war of 1812 john freel had charge of a cannon which he spiked before falling into the hands of the americans later john himself was killed in action his wife deborah lies buried in buttlers cemetery which at the present time is kept in good condition by the dominion gov ernment the old timers were broad shoul dered deep chested men and gener ally took an active part in any poli tical movements thsse original united empire loyalists were natur ally high ohurch tories but the doings of the family compact in canadian history estranged many so that both sides of politics are now represented the clan historian dr freel of glencoe ontario relates that in the war is 12 the united empire loyal ists were very bitter against the americans who had so recently dis poned them and almost to a man joined the british forces one freel was favorably mentioned inthe army despatches for having with a group of comrades slipped across the line and cut out a bunch of cattle from the american army swimming the critters across the river hanging on to their tails so that they could he guided to the right landing spot as the supplies in the canadianbritish army were low the beef was a wel come addition the clan historian also spoke of a family of freeis father and nine strapping sons who lived in west ern ontario in the early days and kept the community in a ferment by their doings but they fell under the spell of a circuit rider who induced them to go to camp meet ing there they were converted to a man and their neighbors said that in a twinkling of an eye they were changed from roaring roysterers into old time methodists which while it may not have lessened the noise was a blessed change to the whole com munity this first reunion wa3 held at the homestead of walter and charles freel beautifully situated on the thames river who acted the part of hosts in a kindly efficient manner childhood youth manhood and re trospective old age were all repre sented the day was spent in feast ing games ind best of all listening to tales of yore by the old timers the reunion ended with a vote of thanks to dr freel or glencoe pre sident harold bishop norwich se cretary and miss catherine freel niagara corresponding secretary who at tho expense of a great deal of work were instrumental in mak ing the first freel gathering an in teresting event womens institute in healthy condition the stouffville womens institute have just completed another success ful year and the annual meeting was held recently at which mrs h porter was the hostess the report of the secretary airs davey was received with keen inter est and it showed that the year just closed was one to be proud of mrs hugh boyd and mrs w hill veri fied the report given by mrs davey in their capacity as auditors mrs h j malloy retired from the presi dency after four years of faithful work and the election of officers ensued a3 follows president mrs geo t lee 1st viceprest mrs h j malloy 2nd viceprest mrs w hill sectreas mrs e j davey a strong program committee was formed also other officers were ap pointed to the directorate social committee etc the financial statement for the year is as follows receipts cash in bank 157 78 receipts for the year g58 98 816 76 expenditure from may 1924 to 1925 531 44 cash in bank may 1925 285 32 816 76 to sell newmarket hotel 44 beer is the cause of strife be tween the shareholders and the dir ectors of the king george hocel at newmarket the former claim that they were not consulted when the directors decided to apply for a license to sell the new beverage and that the directors have broken the agreement under which the shares were sold it also causes the offer ing of the hotel for sale when sir james whitney intro duced his local option measure it appeared 33 though newmarket was going to be without a hotel as the owner was closing up the place a group of business men organized a company and sold shares to residents of the town under the assurance that the hotel would be strictly temper ance house many people bought one two and in some cases five shares with the passing o the on tario temperance act the manage ment decided to sell the temperance beer 2 per cent some sharehol ders object to selling the new bev erage as they claim they do not want to participate in the business bloomington mrs t mahon is spending a few weeks in toronto mr and mrs henry smith were at port perry on sunday hiss english and friend of tor onto spent sunday withher mother here mr and mrs john brown of lemonville spent sunday at mr e barnes mr and mrs p p steele of to ronto were guests at e a storrys last week mr and mrs j stouffer of soar- boro spent sunday with her mother mrs a law good news for fords at last an on which stops chatter wont cause hard carbon wont pit valves and will give ioo lubrication sunoco f ok fords mark maynard distributor phone 100 unionville also olympic gasoline and kerosene o 0 o o 0 o o d o d o e d o o 0 o o 0 o i0e3oi specials mens wear sale having made a heavy purchase of several lines in mens and boys wear we are offering at very attrac tive prices in many cases below the wholesale price 8 o o 0 o mens heavy overalls in black stripe and khaki with and without bibes reg 200 value special 159 3 dozen mens extra heavy- khaki pants reg 300 special 195 5 dozen mens pants consisting of brown and grey tweeds and worsteds reg 300 400 special 195 mens overalls in black and stripe heavy weight reg 250 special 195 a range of mens tweed suits all shades special 1495 mens spring caps reg 150 and 200 special 98c mens fine shirts reg 200 and 225 special 159 mens work shirts blue khaki black and white special 100 boys bibbed overalls special 89c childrens play suits special 89c kiddies overalls special 50c mens summer weight work sox special 3 pr for 100 a large assortment of men s fine straw hats in all shapes and a great assortment of prices sale now going on oc xomoc ioe3qe aosaoi lemei ionbm3bbi w h shaw phone 9 512 stouffville 0 o oe30c store closes at 12 noon each friday open tuesday thursday and saturday evening zoe30x 30e30i i0e30i xoe30x x0e30e 0 o 7ioe30

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