health education by dr j j- middleton provincial board of health ontario n ti- he idad to ecswer questions on public health mat- sfffisssi address uun at bpadina lie sp crescent toronto tonic treatment the simple life its all ages men have sought some nti nkmirtotiam tole of the biest or ha va where mir infllllilvv i iii im thee were no sights or sounds at war run uwiuiajiivi wrfh peace and where they might be j spared the rough and bruising con- 0 tacta of the worlds life and labor the surest way to relieve mom- to some extent wealth may prov ach trouble is through dr williams pink pills to some extent wealth may provide cushion and absorb a shock and j they that have no wealth but that of j sunlight gold and fertile soii might when the stomach is feeble and iive an easv i y upon a fronded i i the noison- v r i nami and is food lies in it undigested the poison- j aio of tlle southern seas and russ oked vftjbes and raw 0u3 gases distend the walls of the unregarded a protestor at camondge uimcio tq rcnaa per- st0 ami cause serious interfer sity working on the mysterious j health in addition theyj wuh the other organs especial- sory food factors or viuunmc iei some food con the y wjtu lue actloll ot t heart andj waat menta bt and social burden tacoevsovy food factor found in nnuy j these poisonous gases have responsibilities and disappointment reason i mention e thev are absorbed but for the majority it is not ros sible to evade a measure of toh and number of rats on an artifici protein starch and hilkar by care protein starch and sugar by care- kw jjg x me fully watching the anima b he foundd ras well as fresh vege- other that they ceased to grow although the and fruit is because there is b uu amount of food they consumed was 01ie kind of vitaminc up rupt i suuuu co3 j responsibilities anu uisapijuiiiiuiun w ill effects- they are absorbed ufe simplified too far can ouly me the blood and so weaken and cor- we a leaving sometliiug an o are when normal health and growtn chief artice is to be maintainedi where the rice is poished in this science for a long timt behaved that w consis of the kernel of the essential composition of health- h the husks rem0 and maintaining food consisted of carbo- fjgmbvijie the husks the outer lin- hydratcs fats and proteins with the kernel or silver skin is addition of mineral salt and water d t skin contains ine modern research has shown however g that these substances arcs insufficient p common in gssebtf in 4 ssu itriptoh and belching the tonic used ought to bo one that ar will agree with the most delicate i stomach and this is exactly what dr williams pink pills do hero is a bit of convincing proof given by mrs chas ladner ellers lie pet who says for somej years i was a suffere trouble everything i our own plan for our own lives might he simple but it is complicated for us by tiio fact that we cannot set up our own iittle kingdoms of self- i w51 and selfrule we must defer ys for so c0 and reach adjustments men er from stomach arj holiorei iliui valued not as they i ate caused dis- m doiar aml aollm- for themselves i win personal glory and trumpet thcr amount nnu tins soiitomiis v ttciencv in al tjil yt j own glorv but as they fall into their as a vitamin a0 c v h welldefined grew weak and very nervous no a whetn rall or command as long as people have a sufficient diet j- mfmts fed medicine seemed to help me until i t0 advalice a cause far gveatoi variety of foods some icf which arc in fljj i condensed milk was persuaded to take dr williams ma and thev who serve ir teswlsssplsd foods sometimes suffer pink pilis and these simply worke1 heauh as far as diets concerned but from a form o scurvy wthemon- 1 der when the variety of foods is limited hages under the o utei ji ot the fq1 a coupe or their natural qualities impaired or long bones whe o nt time every symptom ot me changed through boiling heating or brought np entirey on bolted or h j aud there preserving as k the case in canned j hzed milk lquanityot iren sym goods then there is likelihood of im- fruit juice p of erabg mng l it trouble no wonder i pr paired health and iijniojoi williams pink pills certain ailments or diseases such are more we leg oi swcs- yon can get these pills from described as deficiency diseases of eve aduit described as deficiency diseases it is important they apear to uc j ion cm b ssrythsfstsssl to takesary part of the diet of every adult me dealer in their regular diet a certain amount and every child cents a box froi the maps blind spot the blind spot on the map which planes of the maomillan expedition are to survey holds fascinating possi bilities it contains about a million square miles the area of canadas great northwest territories which ex- fending beyond the indication of their j name reach from the alaika border to the atlantic in that area almost anything in the way of meteorological villainy can happen and the study of j its weather may reveal the fount and origin of many storms which swcep down upon settled communities to the southward so that even if no utopian continent is discovered exploration will be fruitful i nd these simply worked took the pills faithfully of months by which symptom of the trouble has not ptom ot raise you can get these pills from any r by mail at 50 cents a box from the dr williams medicine co brockvile ont canadian building stone some local publicity has been given to the fact that all of the stone in cluding cut face and other stone used in the construction of a large apart ment house in montreal to the extent of about two hundred and twenty car loads has been shipped from mani toba to the metropolis this being as far as is known the firu time that a greater than a man and they who serve in this way must expose themselves to danger they must sacrifice comfort deny themselves take up a cross the simple life is not the highest ideal that a man can realize for it may bo a life of utter insignificance the useful life is likely to be one bo- sieged wi complications and beset wiih difficulties which signify that one is iiviig to the full out in the open not hiding in a corner or running away from a field of battle for mothersof ci mothers are quick to praise any j thing which brings health and com fort to their little ones any medicine that will make hie baby well jtnd manitoba building stone has been used jjjoep him well will always receive in montreal hitherto the greater i recommendation from the perhaps you are using good tea we think red rose extra gooo wont you try it thjis good tea 67 the same good tea for 30 years pure bred sire essential hack in tha old days w lien our an- j cestors paid no attention to the keep ing of live stock the native stock run- 1 nlng wild throughout the country pro- i duced only enough milk for their young as time went on however men discovered the value of milk as a food for human consumption aud they began to 6elect the cows that gave the largest quantities thus we find that for many years live stock men have studied their classified advertisements fi1ke iataiocce i1lk11v bcsilks olauioijvs 11us l uv knoj 11u sd llenttl kock tttt tli wtlch krw drocktlll ont hkmonstkatoit wante11 rasli v rr o snow ont pitomirs to tiid j farajns trecl muu tmve r rul the ll mltrnrf ji to 10 tar of tv if jou ar lh iv nn tour lamias power with ua tbouttl la 13 to 1100 rtr weak tlho local tterurxa in fnt etar reply to io llox no 19u ilontreal live stoek men nave suraieu muu one of the rarest birds in ihe world herds carefuily selecting females that i is the greyhooded pigeon to be found i 1 lol tlr pneifio tha i lutfire keeps eyes clear bright and beautiful wtltemuilne cochlcj80foreyecatcbock nerus careiuiiy seiucuue leiuaioa ti i e possessed high producing qualities on only on island in the pacific the these females were bred to sires london zoo possesses the only living whose dams had displayed high pro- 1 specimen outside america ducing tendencies as time advanced breeders learned to keep records of all the milk given as well as the feed consumed the result is that now- we have records of individual cows giving over 30000 pounds of milk in a year what a debt we owe to those old improvers of our breeds we cannot repay them but we can continue to carry on the work that they so nobly commenced in so doing we will add greatly not only to our own income but we will contribute to the revenue of canada no farmer can afford to neglect his i live stock in these days when feed i prices are soaring the use of pure bred sires careful selection of females with judicious economical feedings together with the keeping of records are essential points that the farmer of today can not overlook nifli prosper an improved telescope a telescope has been invented which although only five inches long will magnify fourandahalf times such large magnification combined with a short focal length has been rohicxed by improved lens grinding and perfect mounting the border of prismatic color in most expensive field glass has been avoided by a new combination of glass- as and the arrangement of apertures the glass contains a concavoconvex flint objective lens with convex crown and a double concave lint eyepiece thirtyeight thousand tons of steel were used in the construction of the korth bridge if this quantity of steel were concentrated in a single mass it would make a block of metal 450 feet long 80feet wide and 30 feet high the length of the capitol at wash ington is 751 licet and its width is 350 feet handicapped may madge seems to have lost her popularity since she returned from the beach maud my dear she simply cant wear a bathing suit in town part of the building stones used in the construction of large buildings in this section of the dominion has been im ported from the united states the manitoba stone is however at the the hotel atlantic city new jersey americas smartest resort hotel famous for its euro pean atmosphere perfect cuisine and service single rooma from 500 double rooms from js00 european plan new hydnatric and electro therapeutic department hurt ave tott manager mother that is why uabys own tab lets are si popular thousands of mothers throughout the country not j only use them for their own little ones but are always delighted to be i present time being shipped as far east a to recommend them to other poor advertistement good advertising should look not merely to the present but to the future it must have been a shortsighted house painter that inserted the follpw- i ing announcement ill his home news- paper to the pubilc the reason why 1 have hitherto been able to do painting so much cheaper than any body else is because i am a bachelor and do not need to make a profit for the maintenance of a wife and child ren tis now my duty to inform the public that this advantage will shortly he withdrawn as i am about to bo married you will therefore do well to send in your orders at once for the old rate chinese junks- chinese junks at least those of tho yellow sea are thought to be the old est seagoing vessels in the world the junks are highly decorated and have tall props and rounded sides a junk says an english writer will not heave to and john chinaman is fully aware of it he doesnt try ho lets his hal yards go with a run and the sail is off his vessel in a moment the high poop acts as a riding mizzen and brings him dead to wind the low how prevents him from failing off the wind if the blow is likely to last he lays out a sea anchor his next procedure is to burn a jossstick and probably a few pieces of paper to his household god free to stockmen 50000 ono dollar liottlti of or bells veterinary medical wonder cannot lye cirrn wrong to sic nnlnmu small ilorc very rtfectlw no rtreneliiiih semi 25 cents to rover itullliis and packing asentx wanted or dell kingston ont slock oivneri friend for over 35 year stock as quebec city where it is being used for a church interior and these de velopments would seem to augur for the domestic product a greater utili zation in the future as their relatively high quality comes to be more general ly known the quarries from which this stone is being shipped are situated about thirty miles northeast of winnipeg near the stations of garson and tyn- dall on the lac du bonnet brancli of the cpr being connected with this line by spurs at the chief centre near garson three large quarries are in operation and a number of smaller quarries or undeveloped prospects oc cur in the immediate neighborhood this is tho most important source of building stone in the western pro- vnces to the trade the stone is known as garson or tyndall stone and at more distant points it is sometimes termed winnipeg stone it is a soft limestone with a characteristic mot tling in dark colors two types are recognized a buff variety and a blue variety both can bo quarried in large blocks and are capable of being dress ed and carved with ease previously this stone was extensive ly used in the construction of the more important buildings in western cana da and even in eastern ontario some of the more important erections in which it has been utilized are the parliament buildings at winnipeg and regina the law courts at winnipeg andother buildings in the manitoba capital city as well as fort william satilt ste marie and toronto out for the first time it is being used in quebec in preference to imported stone continuing its widening of the scope of its utilization there is still a good deal of room for oxtendng the use of canadian building stones in canadian construc tion the tyndall limestone is de clared by authorities to be quite as good as stone which at the present is being imported in large quantities from ohio aiid other parts of the united states imports of the more important building stones into canada in 1921 aggregated about 375000 and this was not a particularly active year in fhe building trades in the pre- vious year tho same item totalled near er 500000 t mothers thousands of mothers have proved babys own tablets to be without an equal in relieving their little ones of any of the many minor ailments which arise out of a derange ment of the stomach and bowels babys own tablets are the ideal laxa tive easy to take hut thorough in action they banish constipation aud afraid of the upkeep one wonderful day a bunch of en thusiastic scots presented harry lauder and george tawde of bunty and barrie fame with a copy of burns aud a fountain pen apiece said tawde to lauder hairry ahm tliinkin this fountain pen is go ing to cost a deal of money an hoo dae ye mak that oot george said lauder to tawde itll want iteepin in ink hoot mon and the great marry laughed merrily ye can always till it up at ihe wee bit deskie at the post of fice while ye preten to write a tele gram it hits the spot dont suffer from lumbago neural gia or other pains apply minards to the aching spot and get quick relief always keep it in the house to gain weight we guarantee bitrophosphate to re build shattered nerves to replace weakness with strength to add body weight to thin folks and rekindle am bition in tiredout people price 1 per pkge arrow chemical co 25 front st east toronto ont fevers expel worms and make the teething period easy the tablets are soid by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from the dr williams medicine co brockville ont for sore throat use minards liniment brighten the parts the parts of a radio set work best indigestion break up colds and simple j when they are bright a dull surface the end of a perfect day a young scotchman invited his sweetheart to go to town with him on circus day they walked the five miles from the small village where they lived she carrying her lunch he carry- ing his they saw the circus parade usually means that corrosion has taken place which offers resistance to highfrequency radio currents as radio currents travel on the surface it may pay to brighten the parts of the set occasionally the petroleum output the output of petroleum this year averaged 1000000 barrels more than fhe output for last year ontario sheep breeders won at chicago in 1924 in the classes in which they competed 63 of all 1st prizes 55 of all championships 62 of all reserve championships flow uis it done by using the best breeding stock either home bred or imported giving careful atten tion to selection feeding dipping docking etc n result a wonderful demand for ontario bred sheep are vou foilowinbtbea practice it pay llo heiujluie then sat down near a public drinking j fountain and had their meal a tour of all the show windows in town fol lowed this took all aflernoon they were coming down main street just at dusk when sandy discovered something that he had been looking for all day it was an electric sign in front of a movingpicture theatre and it read the woman pays hoot lassie said he his eyes alight well gac in here a business deal an aberdonian and a yorkshiremau met at a horse fair and adjourned to a nearby tavern after several drinks the aberdonian suggested that they should exchange ponies the yorkshiremau demurred but after more liquid refreshment decided to trade you know bill said the man from aberdeen when the transaction was completed 1 think ive got the best of the bargain hows that asked his friend well my ponys dead is that so said tha yorkshire- man well sos mine aud ive taken its shoes off worlds telephones statistics recently published put tho total number of telephones in use at 22937000 this ilgtiro being njade up as follows america 15840000 kur- ope 5s0t000 asia gs3000 austral- isla 3s9000 and africa 122000 on forehead cheeks and chin cuticura heals my face began breaking out with pimples first my forehead then cheeks and chin and it was an awful looking sight the pim ples were hard and red and after a time came to a head and scaled over they were very painful at times and the trouble lasted about three months i tried different remedies with out any benefit i began using cu- tlcura soap and ointment and i was completely healed after using three cakes of cutlcura soap and one box of cutlcura ointment signed mrs algot lundgren mccord wis aug 12 1924 use cuttcura for all toilet purposes uipl elch fm by uu addresn canadian depot steahcum tm moctrral price sop gtc ointment 25 and wtf talcum 26c cutlcura shaving stick 25c advised say bayer- insisti for colds headache neuralgia lumbago rheumatism pain accept only a tjj bayer package which contains proven directions hnndy bayer boxes of 12 tablets also bottles of 24 and 100 druggists aspirin is the trade mark registered in canada of bayer manufacture of mono- acctlcacldcstcr of eallcyllcftdd floored by a name policeman producing notebook your nnine yiieaso motorist aloyslus alrstair cyprian policeman putting book away well dont let mo catch you dgain minards liniment for colds if you are interested in fishikg w ffilmwmib w5iiimjma9mg ir safe kidney and liver remedy a reliable remedy for ihe treatment of derangement of the kidneys and illadder for fifty years it lias proved a panacea to sufferers all over tho worlds dont neglect the first symptoms but j use this famous remedy neglect will lsoon have serious troubles slowly de veloplng read alberta w6mana ex perience with lydia pink- hams vegetable compound provost alberta perhaps you will remember sending me one of your books a year ago i was in a bad condition and would suffer awful pains at times and could not do anything the doctor said i couid not have children unless i went under an operation i read testi monials of lydia e pinkhams vegeta ble compound in the papers and a friend recommended me to take it after tak ing three bottles 1 became much better and- now i have a bonny baby girlf our months old i do my housework and herp a little with the chores- i reeom- mend the vegetable compound to my friends and am willing for you to use this testimonial letter mrs a a adams box 54 provost alberta pains in left side lacbine quebec i took lydia e- pinkhams vegetable coriipourid be cause i suffered with pains in jny left i eide and back and witiuweakness and i other troubles women so often have staminax growing mash the finest baby chick stauting j ii mixtubk the world produces the feed which raised the winner of the ontario egglaying contest 1921 write ior booklet and name of stami nax agent the motherwell grain co limited dundas ont w that the kidneys are deranged j j i must be relieve before serou lydia e pinkham s sanative wash i istitutlonal disease is caused recommend the medicines to my friends lold by all druggists price 125 l am w siss bottle varnersskfe remedies testimonial mremwrcse f 5s0 notre dame st lactuti- quebec con sold per co toronto ontario aaqg0 issue no is 25