lioffiisian news in brief j sunnnerslde peithe breeding vernon bc and exhibited by ftej of mink for commercial purposes is assoeiaed growers of bntih co- b new industry which hns followed the umbia j uccess of the silver black fox breed- winnipeg maafarmari of wes- ingtn prince edward island this tern canada are now g with considerable attention to the improvement cf tnei shipment of home surroundings they have venture has met juccess and recently a not wnk was mde to british columbia only planted 6jm000o trcs distribut- and points iq states the western united ed from the canadian government forestry stations at indian head and q nf the drev sutherland sask this year but have jst zs wbting 2 pha large ouantities from here in newfoundland schooners and g g transshipped m tank cars to can- g5w assoeiation to markct dress- adian and american markets ltturkevs direct through country st john nb unusually heavy a the scc pool to market yields of potatoes are reported i turk throuc the various kill- throughout tho province of new stations of tha saskatchewan co- brunswick as high as 22 bushels perioperative crcamerie cre being secured by farmers in some edmonton a the first carload lections i of alberta tar sands to be shipped out montreal que one thousand and of alberta for experimental purposes fortyeight oceangoing vessels have j for petrolia ont recently arrived in montreal to date this season j phe shipment is being made by the s against 974 during the correspond- 1 d interests who are operating ing period of last year according to a- tar san c a waterways the jtatement made by the harbor master car of material sent to petrolia toronto out for the second year will be used for the repairing of street lu succession the macintosh red apple i paving part of the material will also first produced by the late henry mac- be used for experimental purposes at intosh on his ontario farm at bun- the draper plant in petrolia della near iroquois has been declared vancouver bc since the opening the finest variety of dessert apple pro- of the present crop year there had duced in the british empire the been exported from this port 4240574 particular specimen which won this grea of lie fruit j bushels of grain of this 3510388 t distinction at bushels went to the united kingdom the imperial fruit show held at 834263 bushels to the orient and birmingham england was grown at 242340 to the antipodes printerlost for days in north wilds toronto deafmute sleeps in hollow tree trunk while wolves howl near by a despatch from saut ste marie ont says i j walters a deaf- claims of canada vigorously pressed vexed question of priority causes delay in adjusting german reparations london nov 16 while canadian authorities here are vigorouly press ing canadas claim to german repara blackfeet chiefs meeting at macleod alta declare treaty valid i a despatch from macleod alta the rivers run backwards and the sua says maclcod famed as a trading fails to rise and set thispr6miso ipost of the early days and coupled they asserted had not been lived up with the pioneer activities of the to they had suffered a reduction of j royal canadian mounted police is the 7 and they urged the carrying out scene of an unique convention a con- j of tho treaty as signed in 1877 ference of indian chiefs representing a resolution presented by joe calf the blackfect tribe of the north am- chief of the blackfeet that only one erican continent delegates are presform of marriage amongst indians bo ent from reserves in the united states recognized and made law as included and canada discussing problems and in the indian act as asked for and grievances many belonging to the recognized by the christian churches newer generation are educated and and government was defeated after well versed in presentday conditions a short discussion while there are also veteran chiefs r j hamilton of the north pie- in attendance some of whom attended pans montana a highly educate in- the signing of the blackfeet treaty in dian and one who holds the position 1877 j of commissioner on his reserve is j when their treaty was signed the chairman of the convention and mike old chiefs declared the government mountain horse of bloods is sec- promised them 12 every year until votary java earthquake takes 300 lives field llarshal lord plumer is shown laying a wreath on the cenotaph in london in honor ot the conteniptiblcs who held the line at ypres against overwhelming forces ten year3 ago the weeks markets oilburners will not replace steam route recently of toronto where he tions under the dawes pian prosp has a wite and family living at 30 f jj- immediate satisfaction appear sellers avenue but who is now oper- the more remote the more the questiun ating a linotype at the sault daily jg examinedr a commit of allied star office recounts a harrowing tale rts j now in paris trymg to of his experiences in the northern achieve an agreement re the bush near the saint where he spent dr most of three days wandering about ights of their respective countries it has been discovered that after losing his way near giendale of thu ear annuj which ger on the algoma central railway 24 to add to his is required to pay under the dawes miles above the sault to add to his p about 2 will be absorb- predicament he encountered one of e by treaty charges other than actual the worst storms of the season was reparations leaving only 30000000 without matches or food and at night f j the of britain shar0 wolves prowled about him as he lay nominal1y 22 per cer and can- under logs seeking shelter though d fiye here- however ttey did not attack him he believed- ft vexcd e of priority enters teadfasrly m his compass and tab t belgian priority canada eventually m a fainting condition j does not be to be illterested unt1 sometimes crawling on hs bleeding britain her 22 cent a hands and knees he made his way to island lake ten miles below his start ing point where he was found and given food and shelter by mr and mrs william calvert who happened to be in their summer camp on a hunting expedition the country through which he travelled is probably the wildest por tion of the district near the city and contains many lakes swamps and muskegs besides mountainous hills he entered the bush on monday morn ing and was found wednesday noon and brought to the sault his feet and hands were badly swollen from the severe frost and all parts of his body wracked by tho privations he endured arrangements had been made to bond one of the ontario forestry aeroplanes and members of the pro vincial police staff in search of the lost man but word reached here that he was recovered just in time to head off the rescue parties o telescope locates crack in steeple 10 miles distant london nov 16 sir frank dyson astronomer royal while testing the big telescope at greenwich observa tory turned it on london a church steeple caught his eye he observed a menacing crack at the base of the steeple although the church was ten miles away he measured the crack with the instruments used to deter mine lunar distances and was con vinced it was dangerous it was difficult for him to find out whore the church was located because the magnification was so great and only the steeple showed in the tele scopes field but with the aid of a largo scale map and instruments dy son discovered the church and tele phoned the vicar when he heard a voice say the astronomer royal wish though she has already received pay ment of the cost of her army if occu pation in the rhineland a point which is exercising can adian authorities is whether the do minion is to get her share before or after expenses in connection with the collection of reparations arc deluded she has asked that she receive her percentage before there is any de duclion steamdriven vessels likely to remain as fuel prices increase a despatch from new york says oilburning ships are not likely to replace steamdriven vessels because of the extensive use of the former would increase the price of oil until it would not be employed profitably as fuel captain walter t mifar- land retiring president of the society of naval aichitects and marine en gineers said at the opening sesson of trapper is killed by infuriated bear toronto man wheat no 1 north 176 no 2 north 169 no 3 north 102 man oats no 2 cw g7c no 3 cw 64hc extra no 1 feed g5c no 1 feed 63c no 2 feed coc all the above cif bay ports am corn track toronto no 2 yellow 129 millfeed del montreal freights bags included bran per ton 3025 body of finn found in bush near english river badly mangled fort william nov 16 the man gled body of a waino a finnish trapper found yesterday by woodsmen in the forests near english river 100 miles west of fort william bore traces of a desperate handtohand battle with an infuriated bear many towns destroyed when dutch east indies island is shaken a despatch from batavia java says tho island of java has been severely shaken by earthquakes al ready 300 persons are reported killed and countless missing the earth shocks- extended over wednesday and part of thursday shorts per ton 3225 middlings many native towns in the kedu dis- 38 good feed flour per bag 225 trict a central residency of javahave j ont oats no 3 white 49 to 51c i j v lomklidei one 0nt wheat no 2 winter 127 to been destroyed by landslides une 5 village completely disappeared into ftj icommercial 123 to 1 25 f ob shipping points according to freights barley malting 86 to sic buckwheat no 2 80 to 83c rye no 2 105 to 107 ont flour new ninety per cent pat in jute bags montreal prompt shipment 620 toronto basis 620 tho river the shock centred in the health re sort of wonosobo where all the build ings colapsed a despatch from london says a despatch to tho morning po3t from amsterdam quoting reports bulk seaboard nominal received from java says the river man flour first pats in jute near kampong has been transformed sacks 890 per bbl 2nd pats 840 into a mud channel in which tho hay no 2 timothy per ton track toronto 1450 no 3 1250 the body was found lying in a heap under some trees every portion of bodies of men and animals are lying j stswcaro ton89 the body was gashed and ripped while fortyfive houses in the leksonoj screeningsstandard redeaned f the secetys 32nd annual meeting on j in one of wainos hands was a blood- 1 district have disappeared entirely 0 d bay pt per ton 2250 thursday j spattered axe and in the other were tn0 whole of dessah badjingan has cheese new large 20c twins there are services on which motor tufts of black hair torn from tho hidej engulfed in the pring river 20c triplets 21c stiltons 22c old ships can use oil at its present price of a bear mageling the principal town in the la 23 r i twins 24 to 25c he said but authorities warn us that it is supposed waino who was i kedu district was only slightly dam- trl a 2 the oil supply is not inexhaustible carrying a rifle and handaxe met aged houses qf dutch officials at to 1 he no tcreamery some predicting its failure within two the bear and fired a shot wounding wonosobo were not destroyed 89c no 2 35 to 36cdairy 28 decades many designers now even the animal which infuriated closed- java in the malay archipelago is to 30c are insisting that boilers be construct- 1 with him and in the ensuing battle the seat of government for the dutch eggs fresh extras in cartons cs ed to permit a ready shift to coal inflicted terrible and fatal injuries jeast indies as it- was the creation to 65c loose go to 63c storage ex- when the hibitive price of oil becomes pro- breton peasant settles war account of german cruelty a despatch from paris first lieutenant kmetsch says of the r beam system of transmission hailed marconi says signals between england and australia heard regularly a despatch from london says- signor marconi inventor of wireless has perfected his beam system of transmission to the point where sig nals between england and australia have been heard regularly he an nounced on friday scientists are enthusiastically de claring this ends the experimental stage of beam transmission and forecasts rapid development in wire less in the immediate future by the beam system tho radio waves are sent out only in one direction and in limited beam signor marconi has been conducting experiments along this line for nearly thirty years adoption of his new system means greatly reduced radio rates and greater privacy in trans mission declared marconi he said contracts would bo entered into at once with the british government for erection of beam stations to link up the faraway dominions with england he also expects to make rapid pro gress in circling the globe with these stations od to warn him his steeple was abouti all- t t l df i j to fall he thought it was a practical alhes turn back rhineland railways to germans joke sir frank dyson finally pre vailed upon him to examine the steeple in which was found the crack which invisible from the ground was o dangerous the church has been closed after this said the astronomer royal who can call astronomy a use less science swiss travels around the world on a bicycle m leuret a swiss bicyclist who started from geneva in 1921 on a trip around the world has passed through vichy on his way home he has tra versed fortynine countries and covcr- m wta5 mile triphas been managed ttisswis cyclist nn iona 7 coblenz germany nov 16 the rhineland railways today were hand ed over to the new german railway company which was established in accordance with the london protocol the transfer was made a full fort night earlier than the time provided for in the protocol todays action marks the conclu sion of the turning over of organiza tions seized by the allies as guaran tees for the payment of german war debts according to a report the farm of smith bros near cardston alta hai maintained an average in wheat of fortytwo bushels an acre for eleven years prussian army was during the war in br g w ross has been elecied to charge of french prisoners now he the council of the ontario college of is busy buying up the brittany apple physicians and surgeons to represent crop for making german cham- the constituency of toronto east pagne while superintending the loading of apples at a little railroad station in morsihan a breton peasant walked up and having scrutinized him asked politely excuse me mon sieur arent you lieut knaetsch pleased to have his personality and rank thus recognized far from the fatherland knaetsch proudly draw ing himself up replied affirmatively then just come along with me because i have a little account to set tle with you said the burly breton and without further remark and showing no undue haste deliberately set about to beat the german up first with a whip and then with a heavy sledgehammer and but for the inter- vention of railroadmen herr lieut knaetsch would probably have been beaten to death by one of his ex- prisoners who had long suffered cruel treatment at his hands in a german war prisoners camp waino formerly resided here and of violent seismic convulsions so from tras in cartons 48 to 49c loose 47 had been married only six months i year to year it is subjected to simi- to 48c st f 43 to 44c stor coroner boyd left fort william tolar disturbances less violent but f 6 lb 20e day to bring the body in ificient in times past to have destroyed do 4 to 5 i 18c do 3 to 4 lbs 13c- p 1 jmuch life and property ispring chickens 2 lbs and over 23c ijr w ross elected in 1919 the volcano of kalut erupt- roosters 13c ducklings 5 lbs and up to council of ontaro college ed and caus many deaths variously i 18c b i estimated at from 15000 to 50000 i t 5 s a despatch from toronto says- besides kalut there are many active f gefbfs olcsrocs in the island- with its 48- 00 square miles some of these seis mic disturbances have been accom- pariid by iiyivy floods and landslides 5 lbs in madagascar silk is the cheapest form of clothing material from farm to cabinet to ptmltentiary in five years peter smith now k831 in portsmouth prison tho heavy doors of the fcd6ral prison at portsmouth have clanged bolind peter smith former provincial treasurer of ontario in convict garb ho now goes by a number instead of a name tho farm home near stratford from which peter smith was called to the important position of trust as provincial treasurer below is the grey walls of portsmouth penitentiary in which he has been sentenced to servo three years for offenses in connection with government bond purchases 28c roosters 15c ducklings and up 25c beans can handpicked lb 6c primes 6c maple products 3yrup par imp gal 250 per 5gal tin 240 per gal maple sugar lb 25 to 26c honey 60lb tins 13mic per lb 10lb tins 13c 5b tins 14c 2lb tins 16c smoked meats hams med 27 to 29c cooked hams 88 to 40c smoked rolls 18 to 20c cottage rolls 21 to 24c breakfast bacon 23 to 27c spe cial brand breakfast bacon 29 to 31c backs boneless 33 to 38c cured meats long clear bacon 60 j to 70 lbs 1750 70 to 90 lbs 1680 90 lbs and up 1550 lightweight rolls in barrels 33 leavyweight rolls 27 i lard pure tierces 18 to 182c- j tubs 18 to 19c pails 181 to 19c prints 21 to 22c shortening tierces 14v4 to 15c tubs 14 to 15c pails 15i to 16c prints 17 to 17c j export steers choice 7 to 750 1 do good 6 to 650 butcher steers i choice 6 to 625 do good 475 to 5 do com 250 to 3 butcher heif- ers choice 560 to 6 do good 525 j to 575 do com to fair 250 to 3 i butcher cows choice 4 to 150 do fair 3 to 375 do canners and cut ters 150 to 250 butcher bulls good 350 to 425 do fair 3 to 350 do bologna 250 to 3 feeding steers good 525 to 550 do fair 375 to 4 stockers good 4 to 450 do fair 350 to 4 calves choice 10 to 1150 do med 750 to 950 do grassers 350 to 4 milch cows choice 75 to 90 springers choice 80 to 100 plain cows 45 to 65 choice light sheep 6 to 7 heavies and bucks 1 to 5 culls 2 to 4 choice lambs 1150 to 1173 bucks 950 to 975 culls 8 to 9 hogs j fed and watered 960 do fob 875 do country points 850 do off cars 975 select premium 176 montreal i oats no 2 cw 71c no 3 cw 69c extra no 1 feed 66 flour man snring wheat pats lsts 9 2nds 850 strong bakers 840 f winter pats choice 655 to 665 rolled oats bag 90 lbs 375 to 385 bran 3025 shorts 3225 mid- idlings 3825 hay no 2 per ton ar lots 14 to 1450 butter no 1 pasteurized 31 lie no 1 creamery 34c seconds 33c eggs storage extras 45 to 46c stor- agc firsts 42c storage seconds 36 to 1 37c fresh extras 60c fresh firsts 45 to 46e potatoes per bag car lots 70 to 75c j com dairy type cattle 125 to 250 good veals 10 med to good lambs 1050 to 11 good weight hogs mixed lots 950 to 965 lights i 9 and better selects 1050- sows 7 to 75 j consciousness of error is to a ccr- j tain extent a consciousness of under standing and correction of error ii j the plainest proof of energy and mas tery