Ontario Community Newspapers

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), November 13, 1924, p. 3

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republicans give cooijdge huge majority in immense popular vote both houses of congress are republican by majorities suf- j ficient to enable president to enforce his policies a despatch from new york says and his party leaders to fight success- oalvin coolidgcs election to the presi- fully the bioc opposition which saw dency of the united states proves as his measures and policies so often the returns near complete tabulation overridden in the past congress this to be an overwhelming republican is apparent both as a direct numerical victory the partys popular total result and because the country has very probably will exceed the stagger- said such a firm and emphatic no to ing hardy victory of 1920 and the the radical element that it is regarded presidents position in the electoral as doubtful if those with weaker lean- college probably will lank third in ings in that direction will be willing strength in the whole history of the to embarrass a president who mani- country the results of tuesdays festly has the people behind him election as they appeared on the lat- ma ferguson turned the knights est tabulations are as follows from of the ku klux klan over her knee an electoral coliege point of view i and gave them a good spanking at coolidge 379 davis 139 la folthe polls in texas she defeated the lette 13 j republicanklan candidate for gov- the popular vote cast for president ernor by 100000 votes coolidge and his running mate brig- for the first time women will sit gen charles g dawes may actually in the legislative halls of wisconsin exceed that cast for harding in 1920 as a result of the election helen m when the totals are complete but thus brooks of coloma will represent the dominion news k brief halifax ns the city council has winnipeg man manitobas output approved of the immediate re-estab- of butter wii be a j nd a bj hshment of the provincial exhibition ds moro than that of here and has pledged the city to the according t0 the provir jjajry extent of 150000 as its share of the cone the manufacture of cost of reconstructing the buildings buttcr jn manuoba is not cn to which were destroyed in the halifax creaging but the quaity impr explosion basing his figures on the benefits of successful candidates in united states elections calvin coolidge elected president for a second term by large majority general dawes is republican choice for vicepresident far it appears to be about three mil lien short this is thi nearly com pleto tabulation coolidge 13303118 javis 7976- 172 la follette 3847959 both houses of congress will be republican but more than that they appear to be republican by ma jorities that will enable the president greenwasuhara counties district mildred barber of marathon will be assemblywoman for the first mara thon county district one woman mrs mary t norton of new jersey will sit in the next house the fist woman to represent a congressional district cast of the premier baldwin announces the personnel of british ministry a despatch from london says first lord of the admiralty wil- stanley baldwin the new prime minj mm clivo bridgeman mississippi al smith election a triumph says british press london newspapers see mes sage of good cheer in down fall of progressivism a despatch from london says the outstanding point ot the majority of the london newspapers comment on the united states elections is that it emphasizes the prevailing desire of the democracies f the world for a period of quiet stable government and that the people of america are no more than those of great britain in a mood for the experiments of pro gressivism the conservative daily telegraph regards the outcome as a much more amazing triumph than that of the conservative party in great bri tain the general desire for continu ity and stability in national adminis tration it adds has been more than commonly strong anticipating that the policy of the last four years will be continued and that united states adherence to the league of nations is still out of the question the telegraph says that nevertheless the reality of the re- who was reelected governor of new sjgfes governments desire to see york for a third term snowing under i e american cooperaton in the worlds work of recovery from the war receives a new demonstration ister has lost no time in drawing up the list of his new cabinet which has tetn submitted to and approved by tho king the king held a privy council at buckingham palace on 1 nday for the transfer of the seals of office from the old to the new min isters who took the oath and complied with other formalities the personnel includes chancellor of the exchequer win ston churchill secretary for india earl of birk enhead colonies lieutcol l c m s amery foreign secretary austen cham berlain president of the council and leader of the house of lords- marquis cur- zon privy seal marquis of salisbury lord chancellor viscount cave home secretary sir wm joynson- hicks agriculture edward frederick lindby wood war sir laming worthington- evans air minister sir samuel j g hoare health neville chamberlain labor sir arthur steelmaitland board of trade sir philip lloyd- greame education lord eustace percy st john nb tho movement of gradink systcm established the potatoes from this province to cuba p da commissioner fore- is now reaching its height several cast8 the production as uk to reach large shipments have already been 12 250 oo0 tpounds this year and pos- forwarded and arrangements have siw 125 pounds which will been made for regular winter ship- v 7i00 pounds for export ments from carleton county to ha- 1 vana regina sask saskatchewans montreal que the value of build- dairy industry is making great strides ing permits issued in september in 56 this year as it is in all parts of the cities showed a considerable increase prairie provinces it is estimated that compared with the preceding month 1924 will show an increase of 60 per and also with september 1923 ac- cent in dairy products as compared cording to the bureau of statistics with the previous year the value of buildings authorized last edmon alta it is expected month totalled 14566504 while august 1924 the total was 9463- 756 and in september of last year it was 10478618 that the forest seed plant at rocky mountain house will be in operation before the end of the year this is toronto outduring the past the ft plant of s kind in alberta year the ontario dept of agriculture victoria bcone thousand brit- through its colonization branch has columbia rose bushes are being located upwards of 4000 settlers upon shipped to portland the rose city farms in this province according to portland famous all over the contin- the annual report of tho director of ent for its roses buys the varieties the branch in addition quite a large produced in british columbia be- number of settlers were located in cause they are the hardiest and best northern ontario suted for growing on the continent the weeks markets toronto man vheat no 1 north 166 no 2 north 160 no 3 north secretary for scotland sir johni54y gilmour man oats no 2 cw 66ac no 3 attorneygeneral sir douglas mjcw 64c extra no 1 feed 64c no hogg mr baldwins official position will be the prime minister first lord of the treasury and leader of the house of commons it is understood that this list of nineteen ministers constitutes the cabinet although it is officially an nounced that it is not necessarily complete the other ministers and undersecretaries will be named later and the government is not likely to be completed until next week the cabinet ministers however will be able to follow custom and attend the lord mayors banquet monday in their official capacity reasons why canada will prosper expert states that worst of readjustment period is over and farmer is better off a despatch from hamilton says seven reasons why business conditions should show an upward trend during the next six months were cited to the can decay in wood be prevented ool theodore roosevelt in the later returns results of five by- elections in quebec liberals retain three out of five seats while sherbrooke stays conservative a despatch from montreal says winners of the five byelections held in the province of quebec to fill va cancies in tho legislature were the election of charles g dawes in this country it goes on there is nothing but sincere gratification that a period of serious political diffi euty has been avoided in the united states and the best of all possible governments a government backed by a great popular majority se cured ivory is drug cn market some of the oldest building in can ada now standing were built of wood flour and grist mills of wood con struction that have served generation after generation aro still turning out their product and will ho doubt do so for many years yet this is however not always the case wood unfor tunately like practically everything else has its enemies and probably the most destructive of these are fungi to secure exact information as to the conditions which facilitate the action of various wooddestroying fungi on woods used for interior construction in mills factories etc and to work out procedure and methods by means of which the decay may be prevented the forest products laboratories of j the department of the interior have been carrying on investigations for some years expert technical know ledge on the prevention of decay has been secured as a result of decay nobody in london seems to want mammoth ivory although it has the ste anne montreal j h dillon distinction of being 50000 years old liberal no change j for at the quarterly ivory sale which st maurice a e guillemette took p recently thirtynine tusks studies in some hundreds of large liberal no change from mammoths the ivory weighing sherbrooke a cropeau consorva- in a a t0 was withdraw from the tivc no change sale because the minimum price could bonaventure p e coate liberal not be obtained no change j there is some mystery as to the or- quebec county l bastien con- 8n of these tusks seven tons ar- servative opposition gain rived only a portion of the total being tho standing of the parties in the put up for sale n m lane tho quebec legislature as a result of the ivory came trora the balt via the byelections is total seats 85- lib- kara sea havin been consigned to a erals g2 conservatives 22 vacant 1 rlsslan firm traders it is report- balloting on election day brought ed that the soviet government had dls- to a close a campaign in which the covered them in tne frozen fastnesses leaders of both the government rmrty 0f j and the conservative opposition figur- sclentists believe the ivory tusks to ed premier taschercau and several be at least 500 ccnluri old unlike buildings what is almost of equal importance j to canadian industry is the series of j royal canadian mounted police head- mechanical and physical tests which e by inspector t v sandywunch the laboratories is conducting on the above brought back to vancouver 1 feed 63c no 2 feed 61c all the above cif bay ports am corn track toronto no yellow 127 millfeed del montreal freights purchasing agents association by bags included bran per ton 3025 jonn t kingsbury of babsons sta- ehorts per ton 3225 middlings i 38 good feed flour per bag 225 i tistical bureau of boston ont oats no 3 white 49 to 51c the reasons on which the babson ont wheat no 2 winter 125 to organization have based their optl- 127 no 3 winter 123 to 125 mistic forecast are no 1 commercial 121 to 123 fob 1 twothirds of the period of re- shipping points according to freights adjustment have been experienced barley malting 85 to 90c hence tho worst is over buckwheat no 2 80 to 83c 2 the purchasing power of the ryeno 2 105 to 107 canadiall farnler jjft becn greatiy j ont flour new ninety per cent j creased desp the decrease in the ffi vow t is 2 far seaboard nominal ls receiving from 15 to 20 per cent j man flour first pats in jute more f his product this year this sacks 850 per bbl 2nd pats 8 means more business hay no 2 timothy per ton track 3 canadian exchange is now on toronto 1450 no 3 1250 a par with the american dollar this straw carlots per ton 9 points strongly to one conclusion h an rd f bankers have a substantial faith in ob bay ports per ton 2250 cheese new large 20c twins 20c triplets 21c stiltons 22c old canada and its future 4 the world at large iswaking up large 23 to 24c twins 24 to 25c i to the unbounded possibilities offered triplets 25 to 26c i by investment in canada many butter finest creamery prints authorities who have studied canada the nineteenth united states so in a like degree will this century make duner rinesc creamery prints authorities wno nave si 40 to 41 vfcc no 1 creamery 38 closely believe that as to 39 c no 2 35 to 36c dairy 23 made the uni to 30c i strengths of canadian timbers data have now been obtained for practical ly all canadian timbers of any com mercial value and these are available to architects engineers builders and others interested in construction work republican victory has prompt effect on wall street a despatch from new york says the republican victory was promptly reflected in wall street the markets cabinet ministers toured the const- eie tusks the mammoths tusks pounds of macaroni principally from scoring substantial advances turn- tuencie3 while arthur sauvc opnosi- ar0 noariv a ot them solid and the italv last year it imported only a j y i m t mnlnrlk- nm nvfnmil canada has become italys rival as a macaroni manufacturer three years ago tho dominion imported 7000000 bc recently ave indians with murder charged tion leader delivered a number of i are externally of adark- spceches in the various ridings i sraylsh color although it is possible according to first counts of the y are whlt0 lnslde some of them ballots the liberal majorities in all look ossillz enough to be dated be- the seats the government party re tained were cut fore the flood while others are of a bright yellow and arc well preserved most of them however look like old and belgium branches of dead trees tho bids did not go above 41 for theso prehistoric tusks some oast african ivory which sold at the same time brought a top prlco of 219 tho hundredweight method of extracting pure steel over on the new york stock ex- few hundred pounds canadas facj reached i823600 shares trad- tories turned out 12000000 pounds in in the morning nearcd 1000000 exports increased from 219000 the largest showing in three years in pounds in 1922 to 2229000 pounds in tne first twohours sales reached the 1923 the pr to the united orders eggs fresh extras in cartons 58 to 60c loose 55 to 57c storage ex tras in cartons 48 to 49c loose 47 to 48c storage firsts 43 to 44c stor age seconds 37 to 3sc live poultry hens over 5 lbs 22c do 4 to 5 lbs 20c do 3 to 4 lbs 15c spring chickens 2 lbs and over 25c roosters 12c ducklings 5 lbs and up 18c dressed poultry hens ever 5 lbs 28c do 4 to 5 lbs 25c do 3 to 4 lbs 18c spring chickens 2 lbs and over 30c roosters 15c ducklings 5 lbs and up 25c beans can handpicked lb 6c primes 6c maple products syrup per imp gal 250 per 5gal tin 240 per gal maple sugar lb 25 to 26c honey 60lb tins 13c ner lb 10lb tins lsic 5lb tins 14 c 2 lb tins 15c smoked meats hams med 27 to 29c cooked hams 38 to 40c smoked rolls 18 to 20c cottage rolls 21 to 24c breakfast bacon 23 to 27c spe cial brand breakfast bacon 29 to 31c backs boneless 33 to 38c cured meats long clear bacon 50 to 70 lbs 1750 70 to 90 lbs 1680 90 lbs and up 1550 lightweight rolls in barrels 33 1 cavyweight rolls 27 lard pure tierces 18 to 18vc tubs 18u to 19c pails 18 to 19c prints 21 to 22c shortening tierces 14 to 15c tubs 14 to 1514c pails 154 to 16c prints 17 to 17 export steers choice 7 to 760 do good 6 to 650 butcher steers i choice 6 to 625 butcher heifers canada 5 there are no burdensome sup plies of commodities overhanging the canadian market this obviates liqui dation and discount 6 the balance of trade in canada has never been better since 1919 7 european conditions are steadily improving the uncertainty caused by the presidential elections in the united states is now dissipated n winter grips entire canadian west product went principally lge total of 895600 shares busii c r butche m ed states great britain ess was nationwide with wiro d kl i houses rushed with orders f k d 2 d s discovery of a method of extracting puro steel and forgo iron directly from iron ore eliminating the uso of smelt ing furnaces is announced by a swed- i ish engineer flodln of tho hagofors i iron works tho invention- which is tho result of extensive experimental i work has aroused lively interest among metal experts and will immedl- ately be submitted to practical tests on a larger scale j 0 lere is the way an arab woman bakes her bread she makes a pit in the sand and builds a rot fire in it of tho three women who was then she rakes away the embers and duchess of atholl snow from six to eight inches deep in three provinces a despatch from winnipeg says the entire canadian west is now in the grip of cold bleak winter heavy snowfall according to reports has been fairly general throughout tho southern portions of the three prairie provinces during the past 24 hours while in other districts low temper atures prevail eight inches of snow fell in cal gary and district a uniformly heavy fall was experienced in the southern part of saskatchewan while in mani toba the storm was more general with winnipeg and brandon blankctod with snow more than six inches deep predictions are for further snow fall and continued cold temperatures winter last year set in almost a month later with the first snowfall in manitoba on christmas day n mrs stanley italdwin are shewn nt the wedding cf mius illsc given a seat in commons at tho recent i platers her dough on the hot side ifevd y aslor was r when the bread is done she picks it kipling daughter cf mr snd mr- iludyard kipling mr baldwin weirs the j off with a pair of tongj smile of the victor even before his party was returned 550 to 6 do com to fair 250 to 3 butcher cows choice 4 to 450 do fair 3 to 375 do canncrs cutters 150 to 250 but cher bulls good 350 to 125 do fair 3 to 350 do bologna s250 to 3 feeding steers good 525 to 550 do fair 450 to 5 stockers good 4 to 450 do fair 350 to 4 j calves choice 10 to 1150 do mod 750 to 950 do grasseis 350 to l 4 milch cows choice 75 to 90 springers choice 80 to 100 plain cews 45 to 65 choice light sheep 750 to 8 heavies and bucks 4 to 5 culls 2 to 4 good choice lambi i 11 to 12 bucks 9 to 10 culls 8 to 9 hogs fed and watered 960 do fob 9 do country points 375 do off cars 10 select premium 178 1 montreal j oats can west no 2 68ic do 3 06v4e extra no feed mc floir i man spring wheat pals ists 50 nds 8 strong bakers 780 win- ter pts choice 655 to 665 rolled oats bag 90 lbs 375 to 385 bran 3025 shorts 3225 middling 3825 hay no 2 per ton car lots 15 to 1550 sucker calves 8 to 925 grasscrs 50 hogs fair 950 do good wlio kas cicclcd as vernm n t quality 975 selects 1025 a hard hattle agaost the klan mrs miriam a rerju vn

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