stouffville june 26th 1924 local happenings hats at half price until july 1st ftt mrs si e watts saturday june 21st wa3 the longest day of the year and als officially the brst day of summer the stouffville band journeyed to whitevale on sunday last to take part in the church service that was held for the oddfellows of that sec tion the band will- go to markham next sunday on a similar mission delivery of letters was rather ex pensive during the strike days as mr w j thompson found when he had to pay forty cents to get letter which was the mission band of the baptist church held one of the first picnics of the season in memorial park last monday afternoon a good time is reported there will be a reunion of the forsyth clan at sir malcolm for syths at claremont on tuesday july 1st it is expected that the gathering will number about five hundred the first local strawberries ap peared in ratcliffs on tuesday they were of a very good quality and picked just west of town a local bowling tournament was held in town last monday night after which dr free the president entertained the players at porters ice cream parlor from his firm the harris abbatoir mrs f w silversides on sunday visited with her husband in the hos pital at lindsay we are pleased to sent by express i report that she found mr silversides union school picuic this saturday june 28th at cedar glen park lake musselmiu senior and public school football and ladies baseball also all kinds of races for boys and girls stouffville band will furnish the music for the afternoon the back of your throat somewhat better and we hope he is now on the road to recovery the editors of the canadian weekly newspaper association now touring britain will be entertained to dinner by lord beaverbrook on july 8th when they will meet david lloyd george who also will be a guest of the canadian peer on that date many are the favorable comments on the splendid improvements made by sirs byam within and about her premises the bluebird inn the regular meeting of the stouff ville board of trade will meet in the council chambernext monday even ing at 8 oclock at the annual decoration day service to be held at the uxbridge cemetery on sunday june 29th the service will be in charge of the local miuisterial association and rev h l bennle of the presbyter- fan church will preach quality servich try the new pastry flour called marvel baker bros are making extensive repairs to their garage which they purchased recently from w h todd and which was known as the old carriage shops they are cementing a large portion of the floor and are erecting a large gas tank with a canopy top it is expected that the garage will be open by july 1st the refreshment booth conduc ted by the methodist mission band last saturday afternoon on mrs f l buttons verandah was a great success from 3 pm to 6pm large numbers availed themselves of the opportunity of a cooling drink a piece of cake preferred the afternoon cup of tea with sandwiches the proceeds which were very gratifying to those in charge amounted to 2600 gives a sigh of relief when a spoonful of cool smooth flav- of iemonade with ored city dairy ice cream ot prefei caresses it after a hard hot day it knows that the first spoon ful is just a notice that there are many more to follow the first taste calls for a dishful take home a quart tonight the worlds choicest sweet meats moirs chocolates porters phonfc 198 at a meeting at newmarket on june 17th at a meeting of the town council presided mcr by mayor cane debentures ti the amount of around 300o were issued for the putting down of sidewalks in differ ent parts of the town a number of other matters more or less important were deiit with today court of revisioi will be hod and among the appeals is one from ilia hydroelectric powr an 1 liult commission objefng to their assessment of around 11000 a very quiet wedding took place at rev c e mcleods on wednes day afternoon june 11th when mr harry gilbert of stouffville was united in marriage to miss zillah baker of baker hill there were present at the ceremony mrand mrs cleverdon cousins of the groom in the oshawa football district the goodwood and green river teams are fighting for the leadership goodwood having defeated green river on their own grounds on sat urday last they will appear on dominion day july lstat stouffville this will be a red hot game come and see them five cars containing members of the garrett mission circle of the methodist church motored to tor onto last friday afternoon and had tea with mrs leslie williamson a former member of the society in the evening their meeting was held which was very interesting having reports read from both the district and branch conventions the haliburton special made its first run on saturday afternoonwith five coaches which were pretty well filled when the train arrived here this will be a very convenient train on his way home to stouffville after serving on a toronto jury albert davis was caught by the police on a chargeof being drunk while in charge of an auto davis was sentenced to 14 days then he was remanded in custody for one week pending sentence the womens liberal association of stouffville will meet at the home of mrs w b sanders on july 3rd at 230 oclock as this is the annual meeting it is desirable that all mem bers will be present reports of years work and other items of inter est will be given refreshments served at close of meeting mrs i barkey will be the hostess the regular meeting of the u f w o was held at the home of mrs f w hastings last tuesdav june 17th mrs wllmot the provincial director was present and addressed the club she gave some valuable information from head office dr ball gave a very interesting address on social hygiene refreshments were served by the hostess the following students of the fourth class have been recommen ded to try the high school entrance exam commencing nextfriday geojavson isabgkbooth annie for toronto people or rather our i barnes ednastouffer kothjsen old boys and girls to visit their vanzant opaljirten royhill home town and get back on sundav jtmmieyanzanl renaharejsiaridn quaker flour for bread turnip seed feeds of all kinds bread flour pastry flour s t i v e r bros phone 4501 school board evening leaving here at915 for to ronto bananas strawberries oranges pineapples tomatoes the standard bank staff had quite an experience at win rennies barn raising on friday last they worked like heroes in driving pins and of course raised a few blisters on their ratclifft reg aliclehman isabel aitchison gladysddiigherty we learn from the chautauqua committee that the tickets for the coming chautauqua are selling very fast the fact should be appreciated all select fruits visit our ice cream parlor and be entertained with the crowd lloyd turner phone 909 use lehigh valley coal it lasts longer burns steiidier gives more heat all sizes on hand seeds seed corn all varieties al qualify price right also full stock of timothy- red clover alfalfa alsike and sweet clover mangold seed 35c per lb turnip seed 55c per lb flour and feed bran shorts sampson chop barley chop oat feed oilcake manitoba oats five crowns flour jubilee pastry flour telephones office 169 residence 171 hands lefty seemed to have been 1 bu lftlt the main worker from the staff but no doubt they would be a good bunch to have at other barn raisings that are going on in this section ering eight entertainments while the single admission for the eight programs would cost 475 secure your season ticket before they are sold out as there is but a limited supply firemen of newmarket aurora richmond hill and stouffville have formed an association known as the york county firemens volunteer association officers for the year are fred doyle newmarket president h mills richmond hill first vicepresident chas jones aurora second vice president jb sanders stouffville treasurer the annual fee is 500 col t h lennox kc will hold his annual picnic again this year on civic holiday on the grounds of c e willoughby at island grove the lennox picnic is the only one during the summer at which all of north to industrial relations of brotherly york residents congregate and meet i love between employee and employer all their old friends and a host of he touched upon prohibition and the new ones arrangements are being benefit and influence it was to the made to try and have premier fer- coming generation and closed with guson and other members of thejthe well known biblcal quotation the annual mens day held at the methodist church uxbridge was favored with perfect weather and a largo crowd both lower floor and gallery being filled for the afternoon service when hon e c drury was the chief speaker the speaker opened his address by quoting phillip gibbs the great authority on con ditions in europe who said that man will be able to blot out civil ization as it is known today but the speaker thought not as the christ ian church is the only force that will save civilization from destruc tion the church holds the key cabinet attend cook with gasoline the new coleman gasoline stove is a wonder absolutely safe perfectly clean very quick you may use a coleman lamp or lantern and know how superior they are well this gas stove is in the same class better than anyother simple to operate endorsed by insur ance companies fully guaran teed let us demonstrate this won derfully fast cooker to you coleman lamps and lan terns always in stock silvester bros a number of our baseball sports met in the council chamber on mon day night last for the purpose of or ganizing a junior ball team the following officers yerp elected pre sident earl grubin capt fthomp- son manager edison wilson exe cutive roy hill lou burnett andxj lehman they will have their first game on tuesday next july 1st with victoria square at 1030 am in memorial park a most daring robbery was staged at the cnr station at uxbridge last thursday night an entrance was made into the express office and goods taken to the value of over 500 the object of the thieves seemed to be to take articles which would be found hard to identify a what think ye of jesus who is called christ the service of praise was led by the orchestra and a male choir of 40 voices and the soloists were mr scott brandon of cannington and mr ford moynes of lindsay on tuesday evening last june 24 the annual meeting of the masonic lodge was held in their lodge rooms for the purpose of installation rt wor bros tugwell and crawford and bro mcgregor of georgina lodge toronto were the installing oliicers rt wor bro tugwell gave a few very instructive remarks on the work of uniformity in open ing and closing the lodge themem- bers then adjourned to lloyd tur ners ice cream parlor where a dainty lunch was prepared by mr and mrs turner the following number of mail order deliveriesl are the officers for 112425 were missing also a number of boxes wor bro k ross davis wm which were to be delivered to the wor bro c armstrong ipm local stores detectives are now working on the case i welcome was extended to the tour ing canadian editors at brussels on saturday june 21st by foreign minister hymans who in address ing the visitors recalled that canada was the first of the dominions to come to the assistance of belgium in 1914 since then he said the relations of the two countries had continued to grow more intimate the canadians placed a wreath on the grave of the unknown soldier visited the chamber of deputies and the senate the museum and the place where nurse cavell was shot after a reception at the town hall the members of the party were re ceived by the king of belgium to whom they were introduced by the british ambassador bro clayt baker bro dr s s ball wor bro dr dc smith wor bro w h shaw wor bro n m maclean wor bro w h todd bro h brillinger bro n fairies bro a lehman ig bro dr herb freel ss bro roy crawford js bro r s tindall tyler sw jw chaplin treas secv dofc sd jd a special meeting of the school board was held in the house of knowledge on friday evening last to consider the applications of teach ers for our school the members present were dr smith chairman truman holden a s stouffer j d aitchison f c rowbotham and a e booth the secretary read a communi cation from h o klinck resigning from the staff also from miss card who would not sign the contract on account of certain information she had received she had understood that the position was open and that she would not accept the principal- ship less than 1200but was willing to accept the third book at 1000 if the trustees would consider it j they laid it on the table there were 15 applications for public school teachers moved by f c rowbotham se conded by a s stouffer that the application of miss grace martin of coldwater be accepted at a salary of 1100 for the 4th room and as assistant principal carried unani- mously mr paul boadway sent in his ap- plication for the third room at a salary of 1100 i then came a warm discussion j and after the pros and cons some of j the members of the board thought they could not giveany more than what they were giving for the other rooms mr holden thought- they should give mr boadway a chance and asked the board if they had any i complaint against mr boadway no reply j mr stouffer and dr smith made j it their business to see a number of the parents to learn if they had any j complaints in reference to mr boad way and they all stated they were well pleased with him and hoped the board would see fit to reengage him moved by a s stouffer seconded by truman holden that they offer mr boadway 1000 and to see at once if he would accept it the chairman dr smith voted for the motion and the remaining members against therefore the motion wa shelved after this the board considered other applications and the following were picked out t moved by a s stouffer seconded by truman holden that they give miss ruth hargrave of dundalk at a salary of 1000 first choice car ried moved by a e booth seconded by f ci rowbotham that miss gib son of kellsworth be second choice carried moved by a e booth seconded by a s stouffer that miss grieve df beaverton be third choice carried it was j by the board that the secretary get in cortimunication with the above and to engage either one of the iiree in order given then came up the applications for the assistant continuation teacher there bein three names before the board that of miss stiles newmar ket miss jackson toronto and miss gardhouse thistletown after a little discussion on the merits of the applications it was moved j d aitchison seconded by a s stouffer that they engage miss mabel gardhouse at a salary of 1300 for the continuation school which was carried nggg i i ul will celkbbatk glo 12th at canninglon extensive arrangements are being made by the members of l6l no 5s8 cannington to hold a large celebration on saturday july 12th at cannington from reports re ceived and general conversation everything indicates a good big day our local lodge will no doubt to going j dominion day celebration in memorial park stouffville under auspices of the baseball club will be held on tuesday july 1st good program of sports baseball ux bridge vs stouffville at 330 pm junior ball victoria vs stouffville at 1030 am and ladies softball at 1 pm victoria square vs ux bridge football between simmons bedding cn toronto goodwood and green river league teams first game at 2 oclock stouffville band j will enliven the program by a iium- ber of selections admission to sports adults 30c children 15c in the evening a big open air concert is being prepared which will wind up the program for a big day in stouff ville the popular prices for thei evening performance will be adults 2ic children 10c camp meeting the annual camp meeting of the mennonite brethren in christ church i will be held in mr wm shanks woods about 2 and a half miles north of markham on the 8th con cession beginning friday june 27 and closing july 6th a good boarding tent will be on the grounds where you can get your dinner or any single meal for 30c regular boarders can get six meals for a dollar a full attendance of preachers workers and others are expected a number of missionaries will be present come and enjoy this feast of tabernacles with us good gospel preaching good singing the chautauqua committee will meet in the council chamber on fri day evening at 8 oclock a full- attendance is requested qhe ship f democracy your domain for the voyage to roam at will upper decks lower decks fore and aft drawing rooms lounges for you to explore and enjoy as happy as a king monoclass cabin service to europe gives you a most delight ful voyage at a moderate rate with cuisine and personal services of the highest standard aak local agents jravelearlu canadian pacific fish fish fish a choice salmon trout and white fish arriving wednesday of each week direct from i lake superior- i geo j lawson phone 1s2 the west end grocer stouffville putekbaugh houck at the presbyterian man3e on june 25th 1924by the rev r voing percy allan puterbaugh only son of mr and mrs edgar puter- baugli pe to mary helen minnio houck eldest daughter of mr and mrs john w ftouak chasel pasture cattle laksn into yjsturo apply charles atkinson phonc2312 the last word in service a 5000 policy in the commonwealth life and accident insurable company guarantees at nfre 35 annual premium ordinary lite 13175 twenty payment life 17275 twenty year endowment 22525 ptltst that in case of death from any cause the face of the policy will bo paid lit 3000 second- that in case of accidental death double the face of the policy will be paid viz 10000 tiitd that if totally disabled from sickness or accident the company will pay to tae insured during such disability a monthly income of 100 and will waive the payment of premium hereunder such disability the commonwealth mfb and accident insurance compans hamilton ontario j 0 reaman agent stouffville ont