Ontario Community Newspapers

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), June 26, 1924, p. 2

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the arms of canada their significance circumstances attending assignment of armorial bearings l to the dominion it is generally known that newi emerged from the great wara mem- armorial bearings have been assigned ber of the league of nations and to canada but there are many no doubt who remain unaware of the at tendant circumstances the secretary of state has issued for the informa tion of the public an illustrated pam phlet on the arms of canada a subject which until of late had not received the attention due to it soon after confederation a great seal was required and a design wys follows approved by a royal warrant daed 26th may 1868 this design display ed quarterly the arms of the four lastly that canadians whose country was founded by men of four different races french english scottish and irish inherit the language and law3 the literature and traditions also the arms of four mother countries so the arms of canada as assign ed by a royal proclamation dated 21st november 1921 are made up as hertzog succeeds smuts as premier new south african cabinet may include colonel cresweli johannesburg juno 23 general smuts has resigned and the earl of athlone governorgeneral of south africa has sent for general hertzog to invite him to form an adminis tration the impression now prevails that the personnel of general hertzogs cabinet will not be announced until after the labor party conference here next sunday it is stated that gen eral hertzog desires colonel cresweli on the shield on the upper two- ijob0r loader t0 take the minlstrv of thirds of it are displayed quarterly mines the arms of england scotland ire- p at a meeting of the cham ber of mines sir evelyn wallers re ferred to the change of government and to the statement made by prom inent members of the nationalist and labor parties in regard to the meth ods they would adopt against the min ing industry methods that would do enormous damage to the prosperity i and wellbeing of the country i hie weeks markets toronto man wheat no 1 north 12514 no 3 north 11814 man oats no 3 cw 45c no 1 feed 4214c all the above clf bay ports american corn no 2 yellow 95c ont rye 7 to 7sc peas no 2 140 to 145 millfeed del montreal freights bags included bran per ton 23 shorts per ton 24 middlings 30 i good feed flour 185 smith smith land surveyors and engineers lindsay ontario surveying municipal engineering sewerage drainage roadways a summer session t is held in the yonge and charles sts toronto from now until sept 2nd when our ont wheat no 2 white nominal fall term opens superior instruc- ont no 2 white oas 39 to 41c i tion in all departments enter any ont flour ninety per cent pat time write for catalogue in jute bags montreal prompt shir- sir henry rew kcb the chamber of mines could only who will attend the annual meeting ot hope that commonsense would prevail tlle british association for the ad- and that it was unnecessary to take vancement of science to be held in too literally assertions heat of electioneering made the scottish settlers flocking to canada farm workers and domestic servants from ports of north country a despatch from iondon says there is evidence in the estimated figures of the number of emigrants who embarked in scotland for canada between march 1 and may 31 of an increase in the flow of emigration in march approximately 2900 emigrants sailed for canada from scottish ports in april over 4000 and in may over 5030 the estimated total for the three months being 12000 and the average per month being about 4000 the average for the first three toronto in august germany invited to attend meeting ment 535 toronto basis 535 bulk seaboard 5 man flour 1st pats in jute sacks 690 per bbl 2nd pats 640 hay extra no 2 timothy per ton track toronto 16 no 2 16 no 3 13 to 14 mixed 11 to 1150 lower grades 10 to 12 straw carlots per ton 950 to 10 screenings standard recleaned f ob bay ports per ton 16 cheese new large 18 to 1814c twins 1814 to 19c triplets 19 to 20c stiltons 21c old large 22 to 23c twins 23 to 24c triplets 24 to 25c butter finest creamery prints 35 to 36c no 1 creamery 34 to 35c no 2 33 to 34c dairy 28 to 30c eggs extras fresh in cartons 35 to 36c extra loose 32 to 33c firsts 29 to 30c seconds 25c live poultry hens over 5 lb 26c do 4 to 5 lbs 24c do 3 to 4 lbs 15c spring chickens 2 lbs andover 55c roosters 18c ducklings 4 to 6 lbs 35c i dressed poultry hens over 5 lbs 28 do 3 to 4 lbs 18c spring chick w j elliott principal the arms of canada confederated provinces ontario que- 1 land and france and the lower third bee nova scotia and new brunswick bears on a field of silver or white it was not used for the great seal two green threeleaved sprigs of but it was gradually adopted as the maple the emblem of canada arms of canada from time to time the crest is a lion with in its right other provinces joined the confedera- paw a red maple leaf which latter tion and it became a common practice during the great war- came to be to add their arms to the original de- used as a symbol of sacrifice sign with the final result that it was the shield is supported right and left by a lion and a unicorn the lion holds the union jack the uni corn the ancient banner of france the motto a mari usque ad mare alludes to the fact that the dominion of canada stretches from sea to sea from the atlantic to the pacific the words are taken from the latin version of psalm 728 which in english reads he shall have dominion also from sea to sea and from the river unto the ends of the earth between the banners of britain and of franco stands the imperial crown not unusual to bee jumbled together on one shield the arms of the nine provinces it had long been felt that this was open to objection and a com mittee appointed to submit proposals recommended the adoption of a coat of arms which has since been approv ed by the government of canada and authorized by his majesty the king in the new design three main ideas i are expressed or suggested first that canadians stand to their king in as close relation as do any of his subjects elsewhere secondly that canada an integral part of the british empire increase of 17243871 in canadas total trade i- a despatch from ottawa says canadas trade is improving last month it totalled 177658397 an in crease of 17248871 over may last year j imports declined in may in com parison with the figures for may last year while canadian exports increas- ed imports last month totalled 72- 1 247330 a decrease of 12017936 from may 1928 exports of domestic merchandise were 104160715 in iitay an increase of 29336161- over may 1923 e canada to sell flour in china as rice substitute burma says a winnipeg despatch japan has entered into a trade treaty with cochin china and it is feared that the rice from that port of the country will go to japan canadian flour mills and wheat exporters are keenly interested in the rice situation as they expect to supply flour to take the place of rice may attend london confer- ence in july as partial participant london june 22 the socialist ens 2 lbs and over 60 roosters 22c premiers of great britain and france ducklings 4 to 5 lbs 40c have set shoulder to shoulder in the beans can handpicked lb 614c common cause of european accrd i syeolb tins 11 to 1114c pev and have invited the allies to meet in lb- 10 tins n t 12c 5 tins london july 16 for what may be the n to 12c 214lb tins 1214 to 13c first sincere love feast since versailles comb honey per doz no 1 275 to three hours last night and again 360 no 3 260 to 275 three hours today were spent in argu- c brand breakfast bacon 28 to 30c ment by the premiers in the maraifi- ba 27 t 33c t cent mansion of the british premier jg 86 is lbequers the meeting may mark a roisj 17 to 18c cottake ro 18 to new epoch in the tortured history of 20c breakfast bacon 21 to 25c spe- postwar europe provided and thej cured meats long clear bacon 50 months of 1923 was about 1000 per reservation is a formidable one that to 70 lbs 1850 70 to 90 lbs 18 month and for the second three m herriot can carry frame with 9 lbs and up 17 lightweight rolls months about 3400 in the whole him in tho course upon which hi aml in barrels 37 heavyweight rolls 32 year 29070 scottish emigrants land- mr macdonald embarked today so 1514c ed m canada ths year the emigrant as britain is concerned fftisi donald is not likely to have any diffi- 14 to 1414c ubs 14 to 15c pails culties at home in putting the pro- 15 to 1514c prints 1614 to 17c gram into effect export steers choice 775 to 6825 the allies will meet july 10 if do good 725 to 750 export heif- italy and belgium concur in a con j baby beeves 750 i t j t- mi to 59 butcher steers choice 57 to ference at london whose purpose will i7 do lc s 650 do be to agree how to put the dawes med- 550 to 6 do com 475 to scheme in operation although this is 5 butcher heifers choice 650 to not specifically stated in the bulletin 750 do med 525 to 6 do com m herriot and mr madonald also 4 to 5 butcher cows choice 5 ubieed to invite germany to this con- to 6 do med 350 to 450 butcher fcrence on a basis of partial participa- to bolognas 2 50 to tion the germans are to bo asked to 350 cannen and cutters 150 to i i56ou feeding steers choice so to spn a protocol committing them to 6 do fair 4 to 5 stackers the agreed details of the dawes choice 5 to 525 do fair 4 to scheme 425 milkers springers choice 75 of equal perhaps greater impor- to 90 do fair 45 to 00 calves tance is the brief statempnt that mr choice 9 to 10 do med 7 to macdonald and m herriot will apfi d com to 550 lambs pear at the opening of tho league ot e to 1 bu nations assembling in geneva aug- i d vis ot rm- j i spring lambs per lb 15 to 18c sheep ust 25 this visit is intended as was ihtiwes 550 to sfr do culls 350 agreed today to assist the league in to 450 hogs fed and watered 825 solving the problem of french secur- do fob 775 do country points iiy which as m herriot definitely j 750 do selects 905 do off cars agreed with mr macdonild involves nk haul 865 the general security of all nations against each other before this visit montreal to geneva mr macdonald has prom ised to meet with m herriot in paris tj discuss details bargains farm implements farm wagons harness scufflers mowers horse rakes corn cultiva tors and other farm machinery these articles iriust be sold to make room wo offer liberal tinio payment cash or credit hherman phono 1003 stouffvlue climbing roses imported good stock eight differ ent varieties usual line of box plants such as tomato plants aster plants etc floral tksigxs fok occasions all muston sons phone 7001 stouffville this summer china reports a de cided shortage in the amount of rice produced at home and grave fears are expressed for that part of the republic fed from hongkong owing new government to invite prince tojvisit s africa johannesburg june 22 prominent nationalists believe that the new gov ernment will soon invite the prince of wales to visit south africa they say we will welcome the princo to south africa the general feeling of the party that the invitation should be given a ltvm 111 jzmi season began earlier in the spring and as will be seen from the figures given it has already reached a higher rate per month if this increase is maintained throughout the season the total for the year will exceed that for 1923 although men and women of a wide variety of trades and callings have been among the emigrants the main classes in point of numbers have been farm workers and domestic servants these have been drawn largely from the rural districts in the northeast and north of scotland while between 800 and 900 persons have gone from the outer hebrides to alberta and ontario britain avenges us citizens death commander of british ship compels chinese leaders to do honor at funeral pekin june 22 under threat that he would bombard the city of wan- hsicn on the yangtze river in sze- chwan province the commander of the british gunboat cockchafer com pelled tho highest military leaders there to walk to the cemetery in full uniform behind the casket containing the body of edwin c hawlcy a us citizen killed there by chinese juak- men and to attend the burial service for him after the chinese leaders had made their compulsory demonstration of re spect to the murdered american they carried out the orders of the com mander of the cockchafer to arrest the two leading members of the junk mens guild in wanhsien convey them to tho spot on the beach where haw- ley was beaten and execute them by shooting u s consul clarence j spiker reached wanhsien from chungking lastfriday and reported to thj us legation here in a message confirm- stouffville lodge no 384 meets every monday evening at 8 oclock in the oddfellows hall visiting brethern welcome henry slack w r sanders n grand r-s- see m talt financial secretary loyal orange lodge no 1020 regular meetings friday nt 8 p m on or before full moon stouffville ont smuts to remain in s african house nationalistlabor pact gains majority in general elections a despatch from cape town south africa says at a late hour on thursday night the state of the par ties as a result of tuesdays general election was south african party 52 nationalists 59 labor ig independent 1 the five remaining results are not expected for 48 hours owing to tho time required to collect tho ballot to him the visit was ohly put off ing the death of hawley his report boxes in widely scattered country dis because of the intervention of the however gave no- further details of tricts ais election and we r tho big advance in prices of rice from africa p 1 il is now regarded as almost nationalists the dispute over shipment of wood a certainty that the nationalist- he will give him as hearty a welcome as and oil by the steamers instead of the labor pact will have a majority of 27 tetany that could be given him in south junks which had been reported as general ss third attempt to climb mount everest ends in failure and disaster two members of the british expedition meet death in mon- soon while making the last lap of climb to peak tre- mendous blizzards hampered progress london june 22 sir francis in fighting its way through tremen- youngnusband president of the royal dous blizzards which lasted for some of the submarine torpedoes the idea geographica society informed tho weeks of the inventor is that a number of newspapers that a telegram had been the members of the expedition these bombs can be carried by heavy j expemust have been greatly exhausted planes to a great height outside tho the occasion for the attack which re suited in the death of hawley who was a representative of arnhold bros co a british concern flying torpedoes steered by wireless latest british plan london june 22 flying torpe- party docs steered by wireless is the lat est achievement of the research ex perts in the british war ministry tho new projectiles have bodies ap proximately similar m shape to those has accepted the offer of lieutcoi gert marthinus claassen who has just been elected in standerton transvaal by a ma jority of 323 out of a total poll of 2823 to retire in order to permit the leader of the south african party i to contest the seat at a byelection the majority for the south african i the previous election at which co claassen was the victor was g47 oats can west no 2 51 to 51hc do no 8 49 to 49 c extra no 1 feed 48 to 48c no 2 local white 44 to 45c flour man spring wheat pats lsts 7 2nds s650 strong bakers 630 winter pats choice 660 to 670 rolled oats bag 90 lbs 290 to 3 bran 2425 shorts 2625 middlings 3225 hay no 2 per ton car lots 1650 to 17 cheese finest westerns 10 to 164c finest easterns 15 to 16c butter no 1 pasteurized 34 c number one creamery 83c seconds 32c eggs fresh extras 83c fresh firsts 29c potatoes per bag car lots 140 to 145 good veal calves 625 to 7 med lots 6 com pail fed calves 4 to 5 f rood lambs 13 to 14c per lb poorer ots 12c thin lambs averaging 55 lbs llc per lb choice lambs 15 to 16c butcher hogs mixed lots 825 to 850 do good 850 selects 875 sows 5 to 525 o rousseau began a famous book with the assertion men are born f roo and are everywhere in chains mrs a griffiths corsetiere for spirella corsets for stouffville and vicinity stouffville phone 15303 tribute to our union jack o beautiful gem of libertys tree 0 glorious emblem that waves oer the sea my love dear old jack so fervent and true 1 hail thee with rapture the red white and blue theres no flag like my flag thereg no flag like thine o patriot briton comrade of mine tis kissed by the breezes by angels caressed beloved oer the world the north south east and wesf before every breeze underneath every sun for a thousand years gone since morning was young and britains old standard wherever unfurled rrings freedom and hope to the op pressed of the world jack miller of the population of china over seventy per cent work seven days a week national wealth of canada is figured at 2500 per head received by the mount everest xpe- 1 must have been greatly exhausted i planes to a great height outside tho canadas national wealth ditior committee in london to the when mallory and ervinc died it reach of the antiaircraft guns and matcd b the bur of statistics at effect that the attempt to scale mour was the final assaulton the peak and then released by means of wireless 22482841182 which works out tverest had ended in disaster mvolv- the men had had great hopes of roach- flashes from the big plane the clidine a per head of population ing the death of two members geovgc i ing the top rf ilcigh mallory and a c ervno sir francis said it was almost ccr- interviewed at westminster sir tain the expedition would be abandon- francis said it was not known howled for this year disaster occurred but that it probl news of the disaster reached mai nly happened a fortnight ago j lorys home in birkenhead tonight tho expedition according to sirl according to the daily express the frrncls was within a short distance climbers were caught by a monsoon of the surrmit at a greater height near the summit after a wonderful torpedoes can be directed with somo accuracy and steorcd towards tho objectives which are intended for de struction the suns staying power the sun can keep on shining at the present rnto for tho next sg000000000 years according to dr svante arr- inan ever had been reached lcoreciimb under the worst weather condihenm a colobrated swedish authority it had experienced great difficulties lions they had experienced on astrophysics the estimate has been reached under the inventory method this consists in totalling the amounts known to have been invested in agriculture manufactures dwellings etc farm values are the largest item in the total these which includo buildings machinery live stock ctcj accounting for 6692351789 the next largest item is urban real pro- perty totalling 5944000p00 j a successful business the quantity of butter a oeamery is turning out every week is one of the main things the success of a creamery depends upon every creamery could double their make with very little extra expense it takes a certain amount of butter to pay the running expenses and the butter made over that amount is what a creamery business depends on it therefore requires a considerable amount of cream and to get the necessary amount of cream you must be able to pay the highest price and render the best service and a square deal to all such is always our aim and with our firstclass equipped factory turning out a brand of butter which has found a market for itself among the lead ing brands enables us to pay the price for cream and ren der satisfaction in every way more so this summer on account of renewing our contract for more butter than ever before we will be pleased to have your cream this summer as well as other summers you can deliver it or our truck will call at your farm stouffville creamery co phone 18602 open tuesday thursday and saturday evenings also agents for the dclaval separator

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