Ontario Community Newspapers

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), June 19, 1924, p. 7

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ood tea t- next time try the finest grade red rose orange pekoe health education by dr j j middleton provincial board of health ontario ulddleton will ba glad to answer questions en public health tors through thti colnmn address blm at spadina house spadlaft crescent toronto 1 i how do communicable or infectious diseases spread that is a question that puzzles the lay mind and rightly so for the question is one of great importance next comes the problem of preventing the- spread of com municable diseases a matter of even greater importance- most of the com municable diseases are spread by di- iue health aa honae spadlm 1 j you and today with every rising o the sun think of your life aa just begun the past has shrived and buried deep all yesterdays there let them sleep nor seek to summon back one ghost of that innumerable host concern yourself with but today woo it and teach it to obey your wish and will slnco time began today has been the friend of man but in his blindness and his sorrow he looks to yesterday and tomorrow you and today a soul sublime and the great pregnant hour of time iwith god between to bind the train go forth i say attain attain the best s ft jt mstka flftw if tobacco wk for the igr lyi jsn i pipe p xiitp lug cups spoons etc c efficient organization providing for the garn ering of facts regarding cases ana mortality and preparing pin maps both of cases of illness and of deaths studying the collected data requiring notification by physicians sending sanitary inspectors to follow up the cases reported making a house-to- rect contact and by direct infection house inspection of the entire city that is by transference of the infec- d careful instruction of the general tion from one individual to another public of teachers in schools of fore men in factories of superintendents of large department stores of the atrical managers etc in nose and mouth hygiene by means of bulletins pamphlets and popularly written lit erature e prompt destruction of allinfectious matter warning against a careless disposal of nasal dis charges equally important administrative control measures to bo taken at the first outbreak of an epidemic are the isolation of the sick tho provision of a sufficient number of hospital beds the avoidance of crowded gath erings and the efficient warming in winter and ventilation of homes of fices stores workshops and means of communication these are- general considerations which are necessary before the more specific measures which have to be taken when an outbreak does occur a real nerve tonic dr paul gerhard says that in the prevention arid control of outbreaks tthe whole municipal machinery health police city engineering and public traffic departments should hold in readiness wellconsidered pre ventive iheasures the extent and nature of these necessarily depend upon the character of the community a rural district or a small town ob viously demand a somewhat different treatment than a metropolis in all important mesures efforts are con centrated along the following lines a the prevention of droplet infec- hon by sneezing coughing spitting handshaking etc such droplets are mattered about to a distance of sev eral feet and every drop may carry the germ b the control of sputum the avoidance of hand contamination and the contamination of eating and drinking utensils dishes glasses a splmld lax4t1ve for the baby mothers should constantly be on guard to keep babys bowels working freely and his stomach sweet for ninetenths of the ailments from which little ones suffer are caused by derangements of the stomach and bowels babys own tablets are a splendid laxative for the baby they are mild but thorough contain neith er opiates nor narcotics and are ab solutely guaranteed to be safe and efficient for either the newborn babe or the growing child by their action on the bowels and stomach they drive out constipation and indigestion break up colds and simple fevers and make the dreaded teething period easy the tablets are sold by medi cine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from tho dr williams medicine co brockvillo ont i am the baby i am the baby i am tho youngest institution in the worldcand tho oldest tho earth is my heritage when i come into being and when i go i leave it to the next generation of babies my mission is to leave the earth a shelter place than i found it with my million little brothers and isters i can do this if the world does not impose too many handicaps now i neod pure milk and fresh air and play when i am a little older i shall need good schools in which to learn the lessons of life i want to live laugli love work play i want to hear good music read good books see beautiful pictures i want to build houses and roads and railroad5 and cities i want to walk in the woods bathe in the waters and play in the snow i am yesterday today and to-mor- if you will make my way easy now i will help you when i grow up i am your hope i am the baby baby will be well and hap py if he has the right food is kept dry and clean sleepsalono in a quiet cool place is given pure cold water to drink has a bath every day has hisnienl3 served on time breathes fresh air day and night is dressed ac cording to the weather is protected from files and mosquitoes is kept away from sick folks and crowds does hot have to be shown off for visitors is not kissed on the mouth even by his mother baby will be unhappy and cross if he is given a pacifier is taken up whenever he cries is kept up jate is bounced up and down is dosed with medicines is bothered by flies and mosquitoes is- allowed to go thirsty is fed at the family table is not kept dry and clean is taken to the movies is teased and made to show off is not a fresh air baby it is easier to keep baby well than to cure him when he gets sick is a bountiful supply of rich healthgiving blood sufferers from what medical men speak of asnervous debility find them selves tired morose lowspirited and unable to keep their minds on any thing any sudden noise hurts like a biow they are full of groundless fears and cannot sleep at night their hands tremble the legs feel as if they will givo away following a walk or any exertion and the mind is greatly disturbed by the mosttrivial incidents doctoring the nerves with poison ous sedatives is a terrible mistake the only real nerve tonic is a good supply of rich red blood to secure this new rich blood use dr williams pink pills which have a direct action on the blood and through it stimulate every nerve and organ in the body mrs alpheus meiritt fenwick ont gives her experience with this medi cine as follows i had a nervous breakdown and was in the welland county hospital for some time as i was not improving my husband took me out and took me up to my moth ers i doctored there but it did not help me then i returned honie and was again under a doctors care but with no better results i would trem ble and get numb all over and the least noise would affect me i was quite unable to do my housework and was in a terrible condition finally i was advised to try dr williams pink pills and am thankful that i did so as after taking about a dozen boxes i was again a healthy woman i have used the pills since while nursing my baby with equally good results and i strongly advise other ailing women to try them you can get these pills through any dealer in medicine or by mail at 50 cents a box from the dr williams medicine co brockvllle ont only in part well adelle here it is saturday night again said the brisk little wo man who kept the one millinery 6hop in the village adelle was her only assistant and while she assisted at a moderato weekiy wage was learning to make arid trlrii and sell hats time to close up you have made a good job of that tuvban for mrs willes my dear now take this part of your weeks pay and run away home and she put the small roll of bills into the girls hand adelle saw at a glance that the bills amounted to tho whole of her weekly wage she looked up puzzled you have paid me all you owe for the week she protested the little milliner laughed maybe so she agreed but not all in that bit of money if you werent getting more pay than that you would be poorly off child but every day every week you are acquiring more and more skill in your work here you are getting a lot of real satisfaction out of it too you are fond of your work i can see that i like to think that although you are receiving only i small money wage- you are acquiring also the skill that will earn for you a good living later on and are having a dally share of tho joy of work well done the worker man or woman who get3 out of his job only the contents of the weekly pay envelope is poorly paid indeed yet from another point of view he is overpaid in money for the worker who isnt so much in love with his work that he does it better every day and gets a large measure of satisfaction out of it is a poor work man he probably doesnt fully earn the money infthe pay envelope easy tricks odd or even a friend in need reserve a small box of corks be cause a cork is one of tho handiest things to have around and yet usually thehardest to find green tea imports larger statistics from ottawa show hat in 1928 653977 pounds more green tea were brought into canada than in 1921 and 906728 pounds more than in 1922 the reason given is that the fine quality green teas of india and ceylon have displaced the inferior japan and china greens which due to their low price were imported heavily some years ago salada tea cdmpany is the largest importer of india and ceylon green teas better april showers than the breadth of ithe ocean in gold pro verbs of ireland sflflp enameled ware has r ithe smooth surface and polish of fine crockerywithout the break- l age and it is so very easy to clean just like china and therefore makes light work of pot washing try this test take an smp enameled ware sauce pan andan allmetal saucd pan of equal size into each pour a quart of cold water put on the fire at the same time the smp sauce pan will be boiling merrily when the water in the other is just beginning to simmer smpware aface of pore f lain and a heart of steel thru labia prl war wo coat of txutr t7 rauatl fnaida and oat diamond wrathra cuu llsfct mo tmt wmto ootai whit flnlnr crriul war thro caatav car whit lnh sad out with rojal bine rdrfar slight reduction in sight 1st highsalaried man they say theyre going to reduce the tax on only the part of a mans income thats earned 2nd ditto great gosh do you think theyre likely to have n talk with the boss sheet metal products co ercanim uuitto montreal toronto winnipeg edmonton vancouver calgary 1 six rules of success from tho oldest book in the world god has drawn plans and specifica tions by which men may build their lives into successes says john edger- ton president oftho national associa tion of manufacturers if man hves and builds according to these plans he cannot fail- jg i he taht ruleth his spirit is great- ler that lib that takethd city pro verbs 1632 hi be not deceived god is riot mocked for whatsoever a mansbw- etli that shall he also reap gala- tions67 iii as wo have opportunity let us do good to all men galatlons 610 i iv and let us not be weary in well doing for indiio season wo shall reap if we faint riot galatlons 09 v if any of you lack wisdom let him nskjsaii that givolh liberally and upbraideth not and it shall bo given hirii james 15 vi iet every man be swift to hoar slow to speak slow to wrath james 19 my northern lights the concert halls are crowded close tho city streets are filled their glow gleams out above below lifes pulse is swift and thrilled while from my farmhouse window high i watch tho northern lights go by s the singers voico in marvelous trill warms every listening heart or gazing wonderers gape and thrill at the magicians art from my good place beneath gods sky i see the northern lights flame high far to the west the wheatfields stand eastward the throbbing mart off to the sou th a golden land speaks calmness to the heart but more alluring jr to me the northern lights deep mystery o city keepjbifr tumult wild the words and deeds of men the nights blue bowl give me instead the quietstarssand then glimmrlngand pure now low now high my northern lights against tho sky ji jji- l fountain ask a spectator to hold her hands fingers extended behind her back ask her to close into the palm an even number of angers in one hand and an odd number in the other ask her to multiply the number of fingers closed in the right hand by any odd number ask her to multiply the number in the left hand by any even number she is now to addatfdfo the right hand figure of the total ira- mediately you will know in which hand tho odd number of fingers is closed if the number given is even the odd number of fingers closed will be in the right hand if the num ber given is odd le- odd number will be in the left hand foiip this out and paste it toith other ol the series in a tcrattbook time five dull houses five trimmed lawns nine cllppedmaples on our block one small space of sky thats shut by dingy roof tops and the clock little packed divided hours tick unceasing time tofeew- l time to dust and time to eat time to dress and time td go getting late the hours are fast time to run out to the store cant we catch a stealing dream when its neither three nor four five dull houses five- trimmed lawns nine clipped maples on our block one shut space of life too small and tight for living and the clock gwendolen haste failed to enlighten htm leaning over blackfrlars bridge at dusk was falling a scotchman on his first visit to london was astounded to see all the lights on the embankment flare up with one accord as if by magic he walked up to the nearest policeman and said in surprised tones tell me mannle wha llchtcd a the uchtles -the- policeman scratched his head and thought hard beg par don eirhe said at last i was just askln ye whalfchfed a tho lichtles repeated the visitor tho policeman was dumbfounded and at last courtesy fled toia- his soul gain yer portu guese blighter he ordered sharply opplt mlnards liniment for distemper when you have- the good will ot your employees and know now to get them to give you their best efforts that fact of itself is bound to go a long- way toward keeping red figures off your books classified advertisements fireppoof paint costs less than ordinary paint for barns garages fac tories etc 376 gallon 6gallon cans 1600 red black roxide paint for barns roofs concrete etc 6gallon cans 800 charges prepaid arc wells co paint manufacturer 231 carriere st montreal 7 anted car owners to 6end for our big free catalogue showing 101 bargains jfl auto i sup plies it will saveyou money send for it today canadian auto shops box 154 niagara pajls ontario about 18000000 tans of coal are consumed in londdn annually- 5000 000 tons being used for domestic pur poses vw eyes- sunwinddust cindis mkomhendid 6solo0vdbuccijt5 optician miti 1oa m it cakc dook kvmht co ctucoojruf gmwne ji say bayer aspirin insist uiiless you see the bayer cross ori tablets you are not getting the genuine bayer aspirin proved safe by millions andjprescribed by phy sicians for years jjfc 7 accept only a package when ordering goods by mall send a dominion express monoy order sure of his rights this little talo would be worthless if it were not fact teacher who had spent an hour of the citizenship lesson talking about rights havo you any rights john john who has apparently wool- gathered for one hour yes sir two teacher surprised two why two john- a hand and a foot minardt liniment for sprains lift m fno pain cjf bayer which contains proven directions handy bayer boxes of 12 tablets also bottles of 24 and 100 druggists aaplrln u tto tr4e mark nsijtma ha canada of barer manufacture of llono- cetlcacldat of ballcyllcacld u- have yon tried the new cuticara shaving stick this delicately medicated antiseptic soap produces a rich creamy lasting lather enabling you to ehaviwrffh- out tho slightest irritations indis pensable for thoee who shave twice dally properly used it will prevent ingrowing hairs distemper a tablespoon ofm inar din cup of molasses mixed with tho bran mash will givo quick relief dpcsnt hurt ono bill drop a jitus treeiorie on an aching com in stantly that corn stops hurling then shortly you lift it right off with angers your druggist sells a tiny bottle of frcezone for a few cents sufficient to remove every hard corn toft corn or corn between the toes and tbe foot calluses without soreness or irritation l a iaf t9 s s hm thin folks mother oiv sffi twinsloys tehf how lydia e pinkham veg etable compound relieved her of inflammation and great weakness i west st john n b i was n a general rundown condition following the birth of my twin boys i hadagrcat deal of inflammation with pains and weakness tjsiafly my doctor recom mended lydia e pmkharns vegetable compound he said that your medicine would be tho onljsthins to build me up iam suretie is right for i am feeling much better and am gaining in weight having gone down to ninetythroe pounds i was in bed for over a month but am up again now i have recom mended the veget aitf compound tomy friends and give you permission to uso my letter mrs elmer a ritchie i rodney st west st john n b there are many women who find their household duties almost unbearable ow ing to some weakness or derangement the trouble may be slight yet cause such annoying symptoms as dragging- pains weakness and a runvdown feeling lydia epinkhams vegetable com pound is a splendid medicine for such conditionslt has in many cases relieved those symptomsby removing the cause of them mrs ritchies experience is but ono of many you mightbo interested in reading mrspirkhams private textbook upon thi ailmentsof women you can if you aro weak thin and nervous let your druggist supply you with nil ro phosphate it is guaranteed to j increase weight and strength and re- gt a w free by writing the lydia storo energy vigor ahd nerve force e pinkham medicine co cobourg price jl per pkge arrow chemical o co 25 front st kast toronto onl i tssueno 24 24

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