Ontario Community Newspapers

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), June 19, 1924, p. 6

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the delicious flavor drawn from the leaves of b489 green tea has won it millions of users sold by all grocers buy a package today free sample of greeh tea upon bequest sfttada toronto paying parties with thcni tho rest of the evening people in the country frequently m be devoted to games lire taxed for the building of not only the church- of their own particular choice but for those of other denom inations which neighbors and friends are interested in tho problem is at times a difficult one to solve many of us have railing hearts but lean purses so we must sharpen up our wits in order to find means to do our part everyday tablecloths it is a fact that pure linen seems too expensive to use for common table wear but it is also a fact that the muchadvised table oilcloth does not always prove to be a satisfactory sub stitute for linen a farm woman whose dining table t i always looks inviting says that un- entertainments of various sorts bleached cotton solves her problem offer a solution for they bring the she buys the sixtythreeinch width people together in a social way the and uses it square as her family is oldfashioned pound party apron and small it can be used in greater necktie party strawberry festival and width and longer too for trimming oyster supper stood the test for many a twoinch band of fastcolor checked years and helped to build many gingham is used in place of hems churches but there are newer ideas such cloths are durable easily taking their place one is a poverty made and laundered and much more party where each guest is taxed a attractive than oilcloth modest sum for every bit of luxurious apparel or jewelry that theyhappenj linoleum for the stairs to be wearing this creates a lot ofj there was no stair carpet and the fun and the judges report on the cases stairs were painted white the ten- end collect just dues before a modern ant wondered how she could keep pancake arid coffee feast is served atj those stairs looking presentable for a small sum per plate i she could not afford to buy a carpet the initial party is perhaps newer to fit them which would perhaps still and may not have been tried in prove totally unfitted to the next your particular neighborhood each farmhouse into which she might move guest has to pay an admission feej- for a dollar she found n remnant upon arrival gauged by the number of linoleum in a neat tile pattern of letters in his name five cents for which she cut into pieces the width capitals and a penny apiece for the of the stair steps and about half their email letters no middle namesare length one of these pieces was fas- allowed to be overlooked- there is tened in tho centre of each step and usually a punchbowl of lemonade or the effect is very neat and pleasing fruit punch a table of homemade the linoleum softens the sound is candy at modest prices and if dancing easy to clean and looks much better is indulged in ten cents a dance is than a cheap carpet asked this yields quite a tidy little sum and does not make an evening that is unduly expensive in one small town there were three j churches going to be built and my orderito be fair the heads got tof gather and arranged their entertain- merits so that they did notclash and each pledged to attend them all im partially- and it made the greatest harmony among the workers there is another point in church work that these same people cleared up and their findings are worth pass ing along at each entertainment the women were asked to furnish food cakes pies cold meats and so on usually all such things that are not sold or eaten are wasted so the wo- men decided that the donator should take home anything of hers that was left another idea was to have a food sale by each of the different groups on three saturdays of tho month leaving the fourth saturday free for all at the sales homerinade bread blbcuits cakes pies mayonnaise jel lies fancy desserts baked beans pickles candles and other good things were offered at fair prices and hero again the donators took back the things of theirs not sold tho sales were wonderfully popular and profit able an indoor picnic is a jolly affair and has one moneymaking feature each worker matron or maid ar ranges a picnic luncheon basket for two making it as dainty and attrac tive as possible then at tho appointed time they are- sold at auction to the highest biflders who invito their egpcclal girls fa enjoy tho contents i when hearts command- by elizabeth york miller whtn htaru command from mnda the tagett eounbfng dpart chapter xxi jean was lucky for shortly before she was quite ready to start for the farm carlo drewup at the gate in the twowheeled cart on his way back from early market he had a few things to leave on behalf of his mas ter and jean readily availed herself of the opportunity for a lift there was a socalled road to the farm but it was a long way round much too far for her to attempt by foot and she had been dreading the steep mulepath alice would have undertaken tho mission of delivering hugos mysteriouslooking letter or it could have been sent up by a pea sant or farmers boy going that way but jean was too curious about it to delegate the errand to anyone else besides she was longing for a brief escape from the wilderness of stitch ing through which she had been plod ding and this was a good excuse for taking it the cart started off at a smart pace carlos idea of travel being to make the little horse gallop madly the cart rocked from side to side moving in a fine cloud of white dust and jean held on for dear life her head bent against the wind to keep her hat from blowing off she had no breath to spare to scold carlo but on the upgrade the little horse set tled into a more sedate pace carlo leaned back with- an idle whip and slack reins and presently they mere ly crawled and now they were en veloped in a black cloud a cloud of gnats and horseflies infinitely troublesome jean fought them carlo and the little horse were indif ferent it was very hot the hottest time of day with the southern spring much to the fore jean wished that she were going to lucerne on a honeymoon and that she had finished her interminable sewing and that she had a little more money in intervals of fighting the gnats and horseflies she did sums in mental arithmetic her greatest accomplish- mentand came to the conclusion that it woujd be necessary to wire christopher smarle for a small sum after all it could be paid back out of alices little savingsbank hoard weddings are not everyday affairs closefisted christopher ought to real ize that of course he did not know yet that there- was to be a wedding perhaps he would be annoyed that they hadnt troubled to write to him even though he couldnt come some people are so easily annoyed by the time the exhausted little horse crawled them up the last steep lap to the fair smiling plateau at the top jean was in a pink perspiration between the arithmetic and the gnats and inclined to regard the world as a hot and excessively troublesome sphere the little farm lay grilling tran- the shimmering sun down my dear would you like my coat its not very clean im afraid we get so ruddy on the terraces in the early morning jean declined the coat and settled herself en a convenient boulder under an inky splash of shade heres a letter for you hugo it came this morning and i thought it might be important hugo reached out eagerly and at tacked his eyeglasses again giving them a very severe punch this time well now yes of course i thought so i could have told you even before i saw it hmm yes yes the murmuring went on as he tore open the envolep and read its con tents while hector gaunt and jean waited to share in his news at last jeans patience wore thin hugo who if it from do stop that silly mumbling hugo looked up mightily pleased you can read it if you like only a communication from mrs egans solicitor you see i was right she did owe me that money and she did communicate with her solicitor as she promised she would i was right wasnt i i knew shed pay it when i mentioned the matter it probably slipped her mind ladies are so for getful but of course shes honest i never doubted it for a moment so you see i was right wasnt i he babbled on while jean bent her astonished gaze upon the typewritten sheet when she had finished she handed it to gaunt without comment it being taken for granted that hugo had no objection to his private affairs being bandied about mrs egans solicitor had written to say that acting upon her instructions he had realized securities in cash to the sum of 5000 and placed this amount together with bonds to the value of 15000 to the credit of mr hugo smarle otherwise known as mr john baliss in the fleetstreet branch of mercers bank whose receipt he held and who doubtless would com municate with mr smarle if mr smarle required funds for immediate use a wire to mr herbert dowling manager of this particular branch of mercers would result in a transfer of the suni mentioned to the bordi- ghera branch of the italian state bank it was almost as though hugo held 5000 in his hand i jean gazed in silent awe upon tho capitalist how had he miaged it why had he been so sure of gettingsuch a huge sum from tony egans widow and here it was here but for the asking the matter of a telegram or two you see said hugo immensely puffed yes they saw and they wondered gaunt began to question i suppose this is a geriuine letter hugo laughed and lunged recklessly quilly under tea kitehgn do w hector entered and surprised a contented most important firm of solicitors in group of hens making a meal off the jgefe 7 w oul hector in one group oi nem is would think that youd lost touch with untidy remains of breakfast men s muddy boots stood about withaair the hswj g- readiiy she was afraid eo believe too readily for fear of future disappointment and now for that telegram hugo iheynot been spread in- the sun and fpi ptherarticles e2s7x ss och hsdsdvsut whvhad and now for that teferam h they not been spreadjn- the sun and hj buginess where was maria b and important however fluttering jean called and p his mind might be qn other matters ktttnvlydt tftocsnd a thought thismoney seemed tc sobft shi dfd em any too pye it a wond se balance pleased to sndminine went on because my oor wife is thiswas a mans house and fcrni frightfully hard up hector you may society had toe prepaid for and f was not encouraged to pay impromptu ried mj but of course at t vi maria said that sho thought tho saw mrs egan i knew it was only a simoi were in the fir grovo taking a of da whe k signori were in rf e tills news dear me i was afraid very beginning it was too late toj highest and lowest challenge him now too late for any- the greatest height above sea level thing that might make life worth not eo great as the greatest depth w vcrlu u ix i j t- l 0 has been probed below it tho cheese i n an tno ocean bed between guam after lunch while the little horse an midway lu tho pacing is 81614 was being harnessed again hugoj ft down thus from the very top to cleaned himself up changed his the very bottom is 60616 ft clothes and packed his bag j gaunt and jean waited for him on trees limits the shady verandah and discussed inj the reason pine trees are so often low tones the possible reason for car- associated with mountain scenery is rie egan s remarkable action because they are among the few trees insidiously there had crept into t f hi jeans mind an unpleasant word did w c srow at a 7 blackmail lay behind the acquisition pln tre can q 6 feet flr of that huge windfall i at woo feet but you will rarely find to be continued j an ash above 4800 feet or an oak above 3350 feet happiness tis not a joy thats born of wealth the poor man may possess it- tis not alone the prize of health no sickness can reprebs it tls not tho end of mortal strife the sunset of the day ot life or but the old should find it it is the bond twixt god and man the touch divine in all w plan and has the soul behind it and so this toast to happiness the seed of which we all possess edgar a guest mlnards liniment for headache a man wrapped up in himself has a shabby cloak lets ljrter every fneaiy a pleasant and agreeable weet and a lasttng benefit as well good for teetb breath and digestion makes tbe next cigar taste better r24t its purity mijii j35 is8uen024 24 a practical garment for young ghitdren t 4668- here is a style that will appeal to tho busy mother of little children especially those of the creeper age this design provides a convenient closing at the inner seam which is very practical for children below 2 years of age the garment may also be made with this seam closed for the back is in drop style tho pattern is cut in 3 sizes 6 months 1 and 2 yoars a 6 months size requires 1 yards of 8jtirich material pattern mailed to any address on receipt of 15c in silver by the wilson publishing co 73 west adelaide st toronto allow two weeks for ri of -pattern- las klie approacneu iner t assumption parc simplified scnd15c in silver for our up-to- iaa itoit 6n til j w n matters hugo like the man of tho si jetn went out to the fir grove that m have no dowry its n lofty f t of my daughter be- cminenco w survey 3 m a flame of anger swept hector rllx cnfoylng s wis p ce found a burning centre kats r for pmowthey g rested for a mo- lay do by side on a slanting rock t jcaim8 of this ab eyes fweldcd from the glare by old i gaunt said to hini- vei 1 0 a d matter if he thinks receipt fesisip k to er date spring and summer 1924 book of fashions- usestor stickcrst keep a box of stjefeers in yquircljinn closet you willbe surprised at how manytimes thoywill come inhandy for instance when you want to put away- jelly or preserves yoii canwrlte tho variety on the stlcjrtrnrid bpsuro it wont come off nbtlicr use for them is to pristfc holes in halt a and i pepper shnkets usually wedwithacork aloud she said so this is how you work world which ho most decidedly was t li cz i a rr tvm nnn not had swept away all awkward bnr- selves on their elbows and blinked jhem jiat pser smilingly at her hallo gaunt cried i didnt it dispose for- alltlme of that old and heros jean p swr relationship which had once- existed between him hcc- tho webster v to catch the 15us5v wo yantto lenvetho pnntrywiij dow open when tie liot days cmej bul the dustcomes in through the srfefcht- abbiit tho best things t6 d tljcfl istocjjtton a plecoof white cheeseslofji ncatlyvcrtlio screcrf oii tho inside this allows a frcaciri culatiori of air andfthe f requenfrtcej of laundering proveahow much cdiist tho cloth keeps on w f tnko from man hope and sleep and you moke hlnr tho most wretched being on earth mlnardnlmnt for aohcs and palnv ilstffch gountand this per- i and spirits already he was consid- httlo woman now known as dfably tanned and appeared towo camay hugo had done the thing t every vestige of his badcold j decently and thoroughly from he jabbed at his eyeglasses and his rrr- r- gazo was misty and far away as ho added his grcoting to gaunts- we wero talking about the seven seas hesaid and once wheitwo lwero lost nrid couldnt get our heart lings for three weeks that was long before you cfimo to bordighera with madame dpuste why hector was quite a youngster thm but sit is aero cushion inner tires composed of pure para kub- bet highly porous punctures blow outs rides easy as air doubles mileage of casings write for particulars government municipal industrial bonds let us send you circular k 7 per cent plus safety places you under no obligation what ever write for it today dominion brokerage co 821 federal building toronto ontario aero cushion inner tire rubber co ltd wingham ont slick nowonctersmarfsmoweruari so popular tlicy cut eo easily and will such liitlepuh mftriot antfwormaftiifp guafwiht at evcry hardware stofu a czez37 parts and service auto starter and generator repjjlr coriipany kt bsaayon st torontflr ms0mis percoiatou pf leu than one minute after tfi the cold water arid coffee is put into a hotpoint percolator percolation commences shortly the coffe u reajy fptukllnxacd clear tiiwo it nothing to get out of order the hotpoint percolator is protected by an exclusive safety svrltch thsutd it acct- deiitall beallowe4obcildry a giltthatwouu belong remembered for sat by dtaura caciryitfiltm blia hotpointdivifiorv ot canadian genordl electric co ltd

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