Ontario Community Newspapers

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), June 12, 1924, p. 2

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the fine qualities green tea cannot be adequately described but they can be appreciated in the teacup free sample of green tea upon request sauoa toronto chapter xx contd but oh what happy tilings jean hoped for from this marriage even at great personal loss to herself she was she knew io3ing a daughter and not as traditionally expressed gaining a son alice would leave her for ever her own lot was cast in less pleasant lines she had the bur den of hugo and there was not much fun in that but at least she would be occupied and perhaps after all it was better to have hugo than nobody at all despite his tiresomeness rnrl the dreadful uncertainty of him jean found that she was becoming quite at- tached to tho strange little man hugo tfnrvr fiv windows i put a coat of shellac over the knohwas an awful creature one- never remodelau ijoies before applying the first coat of knew for one moment to the next in many of the very old country notes v ini uvw l sku a when hearts command- by elizabeth york miller 7hm kmrtt command from mirdt the lagest eoutueuingt dtpari houses aro to be found architectural features that are the despair of their modern occupants windows between connecting rooms are one of these a wing was added to the house and the original windows were not removed if the dissatisfied modern occupant owns tho house she very likely will have tho windows removed and the openings plastered but occasionally we find a housewife so ingenious that she utilizes these odd features in a way that actually adds to the attractplying the flat coat or coats or paint i i j which are the base for enamel in white paint for the experienced danish painterwho was enameling the woodwork downstairs was direct ing our work we forgot however to do it on one door within a few months our carelessness was revealed those knotholes stood outlined in yel low on the white enameled door we did find his place yn her affections shall not soon again forget to shellac she began to seo how after all knotholes before we paint everything was for tho best how it is a good plan by tho way to j sn have been so cruel as to shellac the entire surface before ap- what he would do or say he made existence lively and uncomfortable but he was at the same time woefully pathetic and anxious to please love as understood between men and women seemed to have no place in his elflike consciousness ho mado no claims upon her as a wife but he tiveness of her house and preserves the oldtime charm in its unity in one old farmhouse there were two such windows one at each side of the door leading from the living room to the dining room the owner re moved the sash and hinged them like doors at tho edge of the casing on the dining room side glass doors were procured and hinged in the same way on the sitting room side then shelves were placed in tho inclosed space and here the mistress of the house arranged her pretty glass and china the result is most charming never have her glass and china ap peared at such an advantage as when aeen with the light shining through the glass doors the soft colors add greatly to the decoration of both rooms and tho dishes are protected from the dust a window between dining room and kitchen could have paneled doors and would make a very inexpensive con necting cupboard where everyday table accessories could be kept and food passed if one is troubled about such t window within the house it pays to think twice before going to the expense of having it removed be cause with a fraction of the expense a charming feature may be added to the house a m a enameling furniture or book shelves or in doing any sort of fine interior finishing much more uniform results can be obtained if the shellac is put on first it dries very quickly within an hour or so and so your work need not be delayed m jjl cutting crawly goods in working with organdies crepes end other wiry or crawly ma terials i find it is better to pin the material to paper before i cut into it i used to have a hard time getting j organdie collars to lie straight until i tried this plan get big pieces of wrapping paper or pin newspapers together in a strip lay your material on so that the salvages are parallel with the straight edges of the paper and so that the ends of the cloth are square if the material does not have a visible grain or thread you may have to draw threads get the ends oven it saves time in the long run pin the goods to tho paper at close intervals not only along tho edges but if the pieces to bo cut out are small all over the surface i use needles or glassheaded pinswhich usually have fine points if the ma terial is delicate in this case it is a good plan to keep tho paper with the eloth until it is basted and stitched you will not only find this a time- saver but your finished garment will also look better as the skirts will jiang straight tho collars will hot jwist and the seams will require little pressing and will not draw m jm side by side on the edge of the steep terrace jean nodded her throat uncomfort ably full youve been so good to him hec tor so kind and good to all of us its no use my trying to thank you i simply dont know how to begin gaunt enclosed the hand which lay nearest him in his big fist tenderly gently something stirred and flut tered in her heart oh dear heaven so long ago it was they had met and loved each other like a dim dream now how little ive counted in your life my poor dear i who expected to j bo so much he said quietly you dont know what it means to me to have you here you and the little girl jean im coming to the wed ding im im going to give hei away at the church ceremony hugo doesnt object i asked him he released her hand and for safe tys sake she let itlie in her lap hugo doesnt mind she asked her voice husky did he did he let you know that he understood about alice about her not being his own daugh ter gaunt shook his head on the making wash day pleasant- have expected poop hugo to spend the i gaunt sh whole of his fifo in that areadful j lzistm place what she had regarded as a fc d l ww f t cross might well prove to be heri thought it would be better if i crown think what it would havos ils was horribly been like alono in the world without alice perhaps hugo and she would stay here all the time and if the heat pathetic about it little wretch the years in that place as he calls it have unnerved him he feels that very very cheap little place intho wa mountains could bo found it was extraordinary how life sim plified itself one only had to wait to take things quietly not to worry- but it was difficult not to worry some times however know that everything was for the best and suddenly the 1 1- l j j m m jean quivered and sighed it was the one thing about hugo that she hated he would persist in that tire some attitude he had even managed to fill alice with suspicion that ho was her father at the present moment he had just use rimo tehert jiou used to use bar soap for soaking boiling or in your mashing machine cloudsslipped over and there was the ji f sun that was always shining some where she sat down to count her money and discovered that a few of the clouds still lingered again that guil ty feeling came over her she had pretended to hector that paying him back for all ho had spent in getting them settled would be a matter of a few weeks at the most but how awful i it would have been had he accepted i w gaunt suggested y she had vainly tried to iad lt wihhave the the money spain to knocked em in the old kent road there was the sound of alices window going down with an insulled bang and gaunt rose and stretched himself that was hugo a faun an elf an imp making them all figuratively speaking dance to his tune the atmosphere was swept of sentiment what about spending a few days the r hands press upon him the wouuthave j j p t a dressmaking and ld nothing to live upon at all next bo to y oufc of tho quarter day was a long way off wa c- j should she write to christopher t ha beamed u ms 1 and smarle and remind him of his promi heart gave a joyous leap how ise she hated asking christopher j wonderful it was of hector to think the hardest part of washday t rubbing rubbing rubbing has given way to the new method of soaking the clothes clean with rinso this vonderful new soap gently loosens the dirt and a thorough rinsing leaves things white and glistening as you never could get them before only spots where the dirt is ground- in such as neck bands cuff edges and the like need a light rubbing and a little dry rinso rubbed on these spots quickly makes the dirt disappear iinso is sold by all groctrt and department stores ri21 made by the makers of lux for money alices few hundred pounds were inaccessible for immediate purposes of such things i are you sure you want me hugo asked eagerly could i help with of withdrawal at thefsayjngs bank g- tha j know shellac your knotholes when we painted the woodwork in a unique and practical bathing suit 4678 this model provides breeches joined to one-half- of the waist and the skirt joined to the other half both forming the complete design il lustrated the waist portions cross each other in surplice style with a very simplo effective closing one could use jersey oil silk rubberized gingham or silk as well as alpaca gingham or satin the pattern is cut in 4 sizes small 8436 medium 3840 large 4244 extra large 4648 inches bust meas ure a medium sine requires 3 yards of 40inch material pattern mailed to any address on receipt of 15c in silver by the wilson publishing co 73 west adelaide st toronto allow two weeks for receipt of pattern send 16c in silver for our up-to- date spring and summer 1924 book of fashions and it was principally for alice that she required money they would have to go to genoa too and there would be hotel expenses oh dear well always remember that some where the sun is shining at least there was enough to buy the silk for tho wedding dress the next day they went gaily into san remo and made that interesting purchase and in the big lace shop mrs camay fell a helpless victim to the lure of an old confirmation veil only lire 600 not more than five pounds sterling and three yards of venetian- rose point tho price of which had better not be sot down before she was half way home poor jean made up her mind very firmly that she would forget at once and for ever the hole that venetian point had made in her heap of soiled bank notes when they got back tired but im mensely satisfied a happy finewhy didnt you tell me be fore of course i want you and of course you can help what about toi starry eyes morrow ill send carlo for you di- off with the silver twrlv nfro hiwtfae the young huntsman through the gray isles of the stark november tree3 wo saw him pass by urgent as a fire love the young huntsman riding with the breeze red in the distance the little pox desire homo with the pale moon homo with the star home with his quarry hunted to the death oh but the red fox rode him and far dove the young huntsman draws a weary breath blinds down and lamplight veiling just the thing lady bug run and got the tennis racquets and balls henry that nice fast spider has spun a fine net for us rectly after breakfast i whats the matter with tonight hugo inquired it wont take mo ten minutes to pack a bag there was a short excited argu ment wasnt he too tired it was a long pull up monte nero no hugo wasnt a bit tired he danced around excitedly and begged to be allowed to go tonight they could tie his bag and the precious guitar which he now regarded a3 his to the mules pack it would be no thing climbing up in the moonlight finally he was allowed his way it seemed lonely after he had gone alice who had emerged to see what the racket was about remarked that uncle john made the place seem quite gay and it might even be a little dull having a few extra sets of washed without him then she went back toj draperies for the windows gone the scarlet coat love the young huntsman grown old and wise sits by the fireside incredibly remote close by the chimney sholf close the huntsman keeps j nods in nn armchair dreaming of the chase love has killed desiro now ho sits and sleeps gray and regretful for a little space faith baldwin government municipal industrial bonos let us send you circular k 7 per cent plus safety places you under no obligation what ever write for it today dominion brokerage co 821 federal building toronto ontario extra curtains few housekeepers who have not tried it realize the saving of work by versatile gingerbread when we painted the woodwork in my gingerbread is easy to make and i of nnslintr je osvf f r bathroom we knew that we should delicious to cat you can bake it on i urns and cushion covts fs new pipe for hugo and a big box of baking day with the bread and save fuel you can vary the reclpo by adding nuts or raisins or both with these additions it tastes like real fruit cake you can bako it in a shallow pan and cut in squares or in an angelfood pan or you can bake it in muffin pans this way is the most conven ient for the childrens lunches l here is the recipe bring to boil ing point one cupful of molasses and 13 cupful of butter add 1 teospoonfuuof soda and m cupful of sour milk beat vigor ously then add 1 egg well beaten 2 cup- fuls of flour 1 tcaspoohful of ginger vi teaspoonful of salt vi teaspoonful of cloves 1 teaspoonful of cinnamon hi cupful of raisins or nuts or both th raisins and nuts may be omitted if dlrl bake slowly fortvflvo minutes e a nappy surpriso v v r v i arapenes for the windows many awaited them jean discovered that lette whlch liad lw een so rudely tiraes fresh curtains for be or she need not have worried all day sfes jlw i the living room or dining room will about poor hugo being left alone at s be needed in a hurry and it is sure gasnttown totoljw veil f h m fpwn soiled ones and launder market and taken hugo for a jaunt lt with soft and tender gestures them immediately irin dear alice dear sweet httlej to have a few in reserve is an ex- daughter they seemed safely to have cellent plan then the soiled ones passed a terrible crisis bridged aj can be don6 at leisur0 nnd at one y by and they convenience the simpler straight were well into the third when one hangings are more desirable for sum- morning the postgirl left another let- m whcn the windows are open tor besides the one which arrived daily the lace or lacetrimmed curtains from genoa to ventigrnilia hugo had had a love ly day arid there he was with hector gaunt having tea in the arbor when his womenfolk returned and gaunt had brought them all sorts of things to eat and there wero new strings for the old guitar nnd yards and yards chocolates for alice well no end to it really jean tried to be shocked at gaunt extravagance but in her heart she was pleased though guilty to accept so much and hugo was as happy as a sandboy the littje bridetobe sighed for her lover but there could bo no sadness in this brief parting arid suddenly when dinnor was ovor and tho sea wore a filmy opal sheen under thojlght of j alice brought it in and gave it to her mother for uncle john she said and mr gaunt wont bo in today it looks important i suppose we ought to send it up to the farm it did look important john baliss esq co mrs cnrnay hotel mimosa etc forwarded on to the villa in he upper lefthand corner were the name and address of a london solicitor jeans fingers itched to open it of course christopher smarle knew that hugo was calling himself john bnliss may then bo saved for cold weather furnishing mlnards liniment for dandruff damage by field mice field mice in tho united states every year kill thousands of valuablo orchard trees and do millions of dol lars worth of damage to grain and other crops topher ill take it up myself she said to be continued o mlnards liniment heals cut usui n 44 ib the pitcher drips if th milk or cream pitchor drips froa tb spout lrtth a une of liquid they l him jean and t miia j jv1 ii hector gaunt and he laughed back rt g twckth try thom with e gft of humor ww- bntt t loving child but their laughter was of ths spout oloso up to tb rim near to tears liquid will not ran orir the i think he enjoyed himself today the young white moon and whilo t w and warned him hugo was trilling sn old spanish lovo i was not fronr chrs song by the aid of the guitar alice recollected that she could write a let ter to philip practically the first loveletter she had ever written she slipped away to her room open ing tho window wide so as to be senti mentally touched by uncle johns song it was like a play hugo his eyeglasses slightly awryi i and his toe beating time sat in the rgg v ut oarwiggy arbour and drenched the world in thin sweet melody there were faded red and yellow ribbons on the handle of the guitar and gaunt j had playfully decorated the musicians ear with a red rose i nc donkey business trt jjr fowli with jlleiw oa pri fculon gifcuy turfac gaunt laid aa jean nnd ho sat down lisend no money joit drrtp ui cird wo win null jou potlc gain dmt to tru 209 fowl wtra it irriic my ppftmin ii led cxnuf umit btek v it ftlls strrrt bow u tell xx of an uforo lnubuca dd wooderftil cc krttt fee vo rl rour ptc of rts ni and copter eltiiiat vt tut of tram er totoni awnt frm with moll box atml watmd the dielice co drawer 66 wlarton ont or the mne c 3 heat grill tjoils broils fries or toajte any two operations my be carried on simultane ously it may also bo used with an ovenette to bake or rout controuod br three heftt rarioctta twtob squlpped i with two elumlaum duhm each 2v plotj capaottr eabhihtakfc corcr to fit either kbb or for cte re5ector or oejee srlodle r f by jwmttr mnrynhtn w kotpolnt divltlon of canadian general electrlo compfny lioiltaev

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