Ontario Community Newspapers

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), December 20, 1923, p. 5

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wmmm stouffville dece31ber 0 1923 chistmas holidays at goodwood and vicinity will be made more joyful after a visit to bokixskvs stork huge quantities nuts oranges candies and otner holiday goods rock bottom prices on groceries first quahtv fresh beef best cuts 16c fovmk ax1 1kwnwak1s try ils fur boots shoes dry goods our values are good you lav ubss hkke highest prices for butter and eggs goodwood economical general store h borinsky prop i caudles and nuts for christinas local happenings see the old nest at tji and torium on christmas night merry christmas to all forters headquarters for choice i fancy stationerycards and book- lets lu abundance iiarket drug store the store windows are nicely de corated and each emphasizes the fact that christmas is at hand the mutual life insurance co of new york the i5est christmas wishes 1 the protection of life insurance thrown about your loved ones 2 an endowment for your boy or girl 3 an endowment for yourself giving protection now to your wife child or mother and comfort and plenty to you in the times of need which lie ahead investigate act now and kest assured another big dividend increase will be made next year on policies issued in ltiis hoklinck district manager the window in baker music store contains a good pencil sketch picture of a chariot race drawn by mr l lownsborough of this town the dairy cow rain or shine she makes her har- vest twice a day keep more of them aud ship your cream to stouffville creamery co phone 18602 we close every day at 6 pm excepting saturdays see that the tribune gets a report of your sunday school or day school concerts we appreciate having them sent in mr burnett of markham has moved into ed bakers bouse here in the east end he is local distribu tor for the canadian oil co methodist christmas tree and entertainment friday dec 21st in the auditorium admission 25c children 10c the aurora banner suggests that all merchants leave on their window lights during the christmas tune so that those who are unable to get down town in the day time mry see the display at night mr ambrose stoyer purchased the driving horse sold st lloyd turners sale last weekfor 5110 he will be engaged haifling the bread wagon through the country for a tew years and should jmake a good animal ror the purpose will some of your friends miss your friendly greetings this christ mas if you have forgotten some one its not too late to step into the tribune oltice and have us print you a dozen or more personal cards with your name neatly printed on mrs susan reynolds has sold her hoyse and lot on victoria street to win vanzant of altona mrs rey nolds lias lived on victoria street for more than twenty years but being quite feeble and of advanced years she will now make her home with her daughter near goodwood bread took an unexpected drop in stouhvilleone day last week but it will not affect tiie family purse tor it was merely the load on the wagon that dropried the old sorrel horse that pulls the local bake wagon about tne streets got a bit excited and dashed up main street like a real charger the wagon went overjaiid narrowly averted colliding wilth ail automobile for tunately little damage was done good storage for auto and fur niture apply am laxrsan fhone- 2704 holstein cow sale at tne mansion yards this coming saturday uec 22nd big juicy oranges arrgoi at foo lers the famous bue goose and neapple florldas prime christmas ueaf fresh pjra and sausage for the- christmas sea son eu ji taits butcher shop or ders delivered phune 3501 according to a letter recetred by a friend in stouvllle turkeys are selling in saskatchewan at 1214c per pound in toronto the- price is around 30 ceuts as tuesday next is a public holi day we wourd ask our correspon dents to mail their budget of news on monday if possible and send lots of it we have not heard from some quarters for- quite a spell but now that the season is not so rushed we hope for more frequent letters to our mauy friends and gener ous customers whole affection and friendly reelings and patronage we have- cherished during the past year may the joy of achievement the joy of contentment and the peace which passeth all understanding be yours this ehristmastide and through the coming year a grubin friday jan ith has been defin itely sef as the date for the grand band concert and moving pictures combined under auspices of the stouffvllle citizens sand captjohn slatter of the 48th highlander conductor an elaborate program of good music by the band is being arranged come and assist the boys to secure tunds to continue their tuition during the winter the streets of stouffvllle are now well lighted after dark and tne council have placed the lights fairly general overthe town now that they are all up we have ninety- three 100 watt lamps and they wilt cost pie ratepayers 23 per year each r atotal or 5213u if our hydro creates a surplus this year this bill will be less in 11125 most peoplewill agree that it is money well spent to have our streets lighted well at nights ir all the lights were put up that were deman ded of the town fathers v it would have required another ninetythree at their annual meeting on mon day afternoon of this week the keld memorial mission band of st james presbyterian church appointed their otlicers ror the ensuing year they are as follows president margaret mackenzie 1st vice pres hugh thomas 2nd vice janet button secretary geo crawford treas edna watson organist eric collard social committee ted courtney helen todd janet button the mary haig sr mission band of si james iprosbyteman church held their annual meeting at the home of mrs e a button on the evening of monday dec 17 th the following oltlcers were appoin ted for the year 1924 president jean mackenzie 1st vice alice byrne 2nd vice rda mowder sec retary isabel aitchinson treas jessie walls organist 1 mowder we extend heart good wishes to one and all fcor a joyous time during this festive season stiver bros dont fail to sce the display ot toys at porters christmas cards oecoracion ivpeteries etc the picture theatre will show something special on christmas night call at h leadbetters butcher shop and see the christmas display choice cuts for the christmas holi days i several good lines of chocolates at the market drug store but if you want something extra choice get huylers typewriting miss frances kat- clllt is prepared to do typewriting for the public reasonable rates for sale a mechanical tram tor electricity station switch poles and 100 lengths of track will operate from an electric light wire edison wilson stouftville milk because in any sickness in a ram- ily the mother is the one that suffers the most in many cases not less than the patient that is why the motler is always on guard for the good health of the entire fam ily it is always her aim to get tho safest possible tood available tho safety of food is not the thing that you can afford to take any chances on the milk we sell is absolutely the safest under the present circum stances in this town the sterliz ing of milk bottles and cans has been a bylaw in this town since 1916 but was never carried out by any milk vendor we are the tirst to carry it out in the most satisfactory way the sterlizing of milk bottles is the most important partin tho cleanliness of the milk business your milk is handled in a plant sani tary and suitable rbr that business such as stoutlville fiever had in its history borore we also deliver sweet cream and buttermilk christmas shopping we are all ready for the great gift giving season with a very full stock of beautiful and useful gifts silverware brass goods pyrex oven glass french ivory cutlery stainless steel knives flashlights kodaks ltrsevcfyearplataitj 3 1847 rogers bros silverware the woman who is partic ular abouthaving the right silver serving piece for the right dish will be delighted with the beauty of the old colony indi vidual salad fork come in and set our display of 1847 rogers bros silver- wart it has seventy years experience be hind it and will give youfull valuein every day service an un qualified guarantee assures this automobile skates pocket knives t electrical goods hand sleighs scissors manicure sets we have a very handsome calander for each family of our customers silvester bros we have been asked to lodge still another complaint against the boys this time they have been throwing stones at the new electric light bulbs on the streets in the eastend and mr nendlck bias had to re place no less than six the past week or ten days as these lamps run into considerable money the boys are causing a serious and unwanton de struction and parents should sound a note of warning in the homes which it is hoped will have the desired effect otherwise some one will be hauled before the beak the presbyterian sun clay school anniversary which was held on fri day evening last turned out to be a splendid success the weather be ing ideal and tho eitttreh tilled to the doors the program was varied and interesting one of the outstand ing features of the concert being the impersonation or harry lauder by luella gayman who appeared in highland costume tins was acknow ledged to be one or the best imper sonations ever seen in stoutrville at the close santa claus appeared and presented every boy and girl a bag of candies dr smith offi ciated as chairman the municipal pot is simmering slowly that there will be acon- test here tor the reeveshlp is quite probable reeve we moiuon will defend his posltlonon thehydro by running for oltice again and the opposition we hear mentioned is john dougherta and probably amos lehman ijiiose three were in ia three cornered contest last year it will be remembered finishing at the poll in the order in which the names are here mentioned ilotli fred w silvester and dr bales are being urged strongly to enter the contest for the council the old councillors are still reticent but we understand mr llcebe will be in the held again one are you a lover of good music i hlld au a merry song come to the methodist church j christmas sunday evening at 730 and enjoy i cj rr 11 ft y- the christmas cantata to be given otoulivllie lreafflervvo by the choir j enang there is little r nomange in the local stock andgrain markets this wee butter lp eggs hoc and dressed chickeits 20c turkeys are moderate in nrfce not over 25c on stouftville market geese isc messrs f ju button w h todd dr ball and a v nolan attended the bmbc community night in uxbrldge tuesday and heard sir george e foster on the league of nations i n greetings lemonville public school christ- mas tree and concert will be held in the new school on thursday dec 20 at s pm good program of dialo gues drills recitations pantomimes etc admission adults 25c chil dren free all welcome stouffville ont there was a mild explosion in the tribune sanctum the other morning in which the pronrlotor of the local picture theatre mr sidney schmidt and the tribune editor had an ex citing time mr schmidt set on the fuse when he took us to task for condemning in our inst issue the picture entitled enemies or women he looked upon it as a personal attack but we had no thought or mr schmidt when we criticised the picture we believe he is sincere in his eltort to put on clcrn shows but no one suggested that he seleced the picture for the board of trade had ihp slfcmnn been left t him we believe there would have befn a dilternt picture shown however the row was on law bones erhckd arid lontrie wagged from either sld of the counter until the picture siiotv man retired to the strei blvc had given us a gon1 lesson on orlm- slng moving pictures we wont iiv what we thought but we give mr schmidt credit for lodetng his tplvance oimlnst he tribune at j headquarters we have been in the minessi long enough to value critl- cism call again j mr adam hetz is in receipt of a letter from his nephew frank betz from coin germany where he states there are three hundred thou sand idle men prices are steadily advancing but fortunately for mr betzs nephew he has a small piece of land on which he is able togrow a few potatoes and other necessities of life a three pound loaf of iireiad costs 233 marks a quart of milk 2s0 marks one slice of bread for they are now selling it by the slice costs 75 marks when one considers the mark represented 24c in canadian currency before the war you may gain some con ception of the enormous cost ot eat ables eggs are very scarce in germany judging from the prices quoted in the letter they are sold at so much each not by the dozen and the price is 220 milliarden marks apiece our townsman mr betz was born in germany but lias lived here in this locality ror sixtyone years so that he is numbered with our very oldest inhabitants he is or the opinion that the allied nations made a mistake when they stopped the war at ijie sage they did for what germany needed was a little or the destruction and punishment which that country meted out to france and belgium the german mfltnry machine must be broken when it will be found that the german peo ple would shun war just as our people do here in canada it required 220 milliarden marks to pay the postage on the letter mr betz received just what that means wo dont know the word milliarden is nnl in the english dictionary however judging from the price asked for a small egg omelet in germany postage will be mighty high also that youk christmas may be a merry one and that the new year may be tilled with joy arid prosper- 1ty is our sincere r wish geo j lawson west end grocer phone 182 stouffville seasonable fall groceries good clean and wholesome gro ceries are essential to good health we have a com plete line also a line of choice confectionery ice cream in bulk visit our parlors a w lehman telephone 909 stouffvillo wishing one and all a merry christmas hie special lines to riches at the auditorium saturday night also the comedy under two jags whitchurch municipal it is reported that david h rusnell may b a candidate for the j reeveshlp in whitchurch this year his principals are economy and re duced taxes in an interview with the tribune he said whitchurch snent si 4 46 s3 on roads and bridges last year taxes went up and when they were nil collected thev tmi owed the standard bank sis 00043 this year a similar amount was snnt on roads town- slin vnps hiher and still carrying a heavy load or dem iople are demanding lower toxs the country is rtandng it and the mnancial vrrld s riptrruirtfnc it w want tlf nv oavc men and th beh financiers to p us ott of debt and vv or all the people to their best interest nothing is more acceptable than a box of moir selected chocolates put up in a hand some cartoon make your selec tion now and we will put it aside for you oranges candies bulk choco lates filberts walnuts peanuts and almonds fresh and fine to eat headquarters for christmas sweets porters phonk 198 stouffville s onx

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