seven idndred persons drown when great italian dyke collapses whole village and their inhabitants destroyed by flood from artificial lake in bergamo valley thousands i rendered homeless and fifty square mues i swept by deluge bergamo italy dec 2 seven mustered to render assistance to the hundred dead eight villages destroy- j shelterless the bishop of bergamo ed and fifty squaro miles made received a telegraphic donation from desolate i th pop for the pu of under- this wa3 the toll of the flood from taking immediately extensive relief gleno lake when tho great dyke there is great fear among the sur- guarding it collapsed releasing the vivors of the other dams breaking irresistible force of the water which especially as today is the feast of bt bursting forth in a mad fury carried bibbiana on which according te all before it it swept over the hills popular superstition if it rams it will and down into the valleys for a dis- for forty days and forty nights tance of fifteen miles to lake iseo the three villages almost complete- which checked the momentum of the ly destroyed were dezzo coma and vast stream arresting its course i buggio of tho 500 inhabitants of bergamo valley today is nothing dezzo only three survived the disaster threatens to be one of the greatest of its kind because of the vast amount of water let loose on tho countryside it destroyed hun dreds of homes where families perish ed without oven realizing the tragedy which overwhelmed thorn thus far the dead aro estimated at 700 but it has been impossible to ascertain the exact number for whole families aro missing the neighbor ing lakes and rivers have been raised fifteen to twenty feet and on their surface float bodies some of which traveled many miles from an altitude of 2000 feet carried by the awful deluge but a barren waste of mud and water a veritable lake in which it is dan gerous to venture for in some places it is over a mans head in this soggy mass the bodies of the victims lie tangled among fallen trees telegraph poles buildings and bridges hero and there portions of broken walls project as mute evidence of the tre mendous might with which the waters engulfed the region the homeless are counted in the thousands most of whom are mourning for lost relatives or searching for their bodies relief parties from the surrounding sections of milan and brescia are on the scene while all available troops have been britain mourns her heroes at rest on armistice day the british isles heard the notes of the last po3t broadcasted by radio from london the picture above shows the buglers sounding it and inset is a picture of old bill a london omnibus which carried some of the old contemptlbles to mons during the first battle at that town in 1914 it is now en duty in london again and was decked with flowers for the armistice parade two committees to hold inquiry weekly market report toronto manitoba wheat no 1 northern sl04u comb honey per dot no 1 375 to 4 no 2 325 to s35c smoked meats hams ined 24 to manitoba oatsno 3 cw 43c no 27c cooked hams js7 to s9c smoked 1 extra feed 41c manitoba barley nommil all the above track bay ports american corn track toronto no 2 yellow 117 ontario barley 58 to 60c buckwheat no 2 72 to 75c ontario rye no 2 73 to 75c p sample 150 to 1 55 millfeed del montreal freights bags included bra per ton 27 prints 20 shorts per ton 30 middlings 30 ifjerces 15 rolls 21 to 23c cottage rclls 22 to 24c breakfast bacon 25 to 27c spo ts brand breakfast bacon so to 33c bscks boneless 30 to 85c cured meats long clear bacon 60 to 70 lbs 1760 90 lbs and up 1650 lightweight rolls in barrel 36 heavyweight rolls 83 lard pure tierces 18 to 18hc tubs 18 to 10c pails 10 to 19c to 2h4c shortening to 15c tubs 15 to good feed flour 205 16c pails 16 to 1614c prints 18 ontario wheat no 2 white 34 to to 18c 96c outside ont no 2 white oats 38 to 40c ontario corn nominal ontario flour ninety per cent pat favorable prospects for immigration many will come to canada from great britain with money to invest ottawa dec 2 prospects are very jood for a substantial increase for im- vmigratibn from the british isles dur ing 1924 said w j black tonight mr black is manager of colonization and development with the canadian national railways and with head quarters at london england and has just returned from a trip to great britain add the european continent where he surveyed the question of immigration interest in canada continues to grow said mr black particularly with people who wish to take up agri culture and a fair proportion of britishers who intend coming out next year will have some capital to invest while others again will need to work on tho land a while in order to get a start capital always follows immigration mr black stated and it was inevit able he contended that a flow of im migrants to canada would indicate increasing confidence and be followed by a flow of british capital for invest ment in dominion enterprises there are plenty of people in con tinental countries who would like to come to canada mr black said but there is the great difficulty of their depreciated currency they look upon canada together with the united states as among tho countries which have been most successful in regain ing their favorable position in many cases however they lack tho money for transportation and furthermore canada today is lacking the magnet of free lands of good qual- ity which influenced immigration so favorably in earlier years taypay reelected t p oconnor for nearly forty years a member of the british house of commons as a nationalist member representing the scotland division of liverpool was reelected by acclama tion tay pay lias come to be a bri tish institution heavy steers choice 675 to 7 butcher steers choice 575 to 650 do com 3 to 4 butcher heifers choice 575 to 625 do med 4 to in jute bags montreal prompt ship- 55 do com 3 to 850 butcher cows cent 475 toronto basis 47o choice 4 to 450 do med 3 to 4 bulk seaboard 425 canners and cutters- 160 to 250 manitoba flour 1st pats in jute b bulls good 360 to 460 do sacks 630 per bbt frd pate 580 e 2 to 350 feeding steers hay extra no 2 timothy per ton d 5 to 550 do fair 450 to track toronto 1450 to 15 no 2 5 steers ood 4 to 5 do fair 1450 no 3 1250 mixed 12 j to 4 m and springers straw car lots p- ton 9 i to ca choice 10 to cheese new lavge 28 i to 24c n do med ss t0 59 ao com 4 twins 24 to 2oc triplets 25 to 26c t0 5 d grassers 350 to 450 stiltons 25 to 26c old large 30 to cho 1025 to 1075 do 81e twins 31 to 32c bucks 9 to 925 do com 8 to butter finest creamery prints 41 j 850 sheep light ewes good 6 to to 43c no 1 creamery 38 to 40c no 650 do fat heavy 4 to 5 do 2 36 to 38c i culls 2 to 250 hogs thick smooth eggs extras fresh in cartons 70 fw 8 do fob 750 do country to 74c extras storage in cartons 45 points 725 do selects 886 tlrst3 s8 montreal oats n 2 cw 68 to 54c no 3 cw v 62 to 53c extra no 1 feed 50 to rhtrt 7 n tt- i study far ahead regarding germanys iu 22c hens over 5 lbs 22c do 4 61 c no 2 local white 49 to a month ago because of premier pom- o and capa may do vlbs 15c do 3 to 4 lbs 15c 60c flour man spring wheat pats i to 47c extras 42 to 48c a despatch from paris says mention of a limited number of years to 39c 4 after declining to cooperate less than if the experts desire to project their ond qvel 25c chckens 3 to 4 cares advance restrictions on the pro- so this is a public and unanimous roosters 15c ducklings over 5 lbs posed experts committee the united invitation to the united states to co- 20c do 4 to 5 lbs 18c turkeys states administration is now given operate an opportunity to reconsider its de cision to stay out of europe the reparations commission unani- unless it is possible to obtain the american membersthey need not necessarily bo appointedby the wash- mously decided to create immediately ington government the proposed two expert committees with the object 1 committees are not likely to achieve young 10 lbs and up 28c dressed poultry spring chickens 4 lbs and over 83c chickens 8 to 4 lbs 30c hens over 6 lbs 28c do 4 to 6 lbs 24c do 8 to 4 lbs 18c roosters 18c ducklings over 5 lbs 28c do 4 to 5 lbs 25c turkeys of trying to straighten out the present i any very useful results in fact in young 10 lbs and up 38c beans canadian handpicked hopeless situation the first will con- the absence of america i do not think centrate on a balance of the german that they will even bo called into budget and upon measures necessary being to stabilize the currency the second in that event sir john illy con- will consider means of estimating the cealed his belief that england would amount of exported capital and how withdraw from the reparations com- best it can be brought back to ger- mission the onus of mending or end- many i ing the entente cordiale is therefore lb 7c primes 6c maple products syrup per lfp gal 250 per ogal tin 240 per gal maple sugar lb 25c honey 60lb tins 12 to 13c per lsts 680 2nds 680 strong bakers 560 winter pats chcice 675 to 585 rolled oats bag 90 lbs 295 bran 2725 shorts 3026 mid dlings 3625 hay no 2 per ton car lots 15 to 16 cheese finest westerns 17 to 18c finest easterns 17 to 17c butter no 1 creamery 39 to 39c special pasteurized 40c no 1 pas teurized 40c egg3 extras 40c no 1 stock 86 to 37c no 2 stock 30 to s2c canner cows 125 to 150 cut ters 175 to 226 dairy type cows 235 to 3 good veals 950 to 10 lb 10lb tins 12 to 13c 5lb tins j hogs 860 to 875 for thick smooths jc to 14c 2lb tins 14 to 15c and butcher selects 926 sir john bradbury desires it em- indirectly placed on the coolidge adlpris proposes new phasized that it is not the original i ministration since no one on tho spot restricted inquiry i doubts that this is the final attempt we are making an inquiry without j by great britain to pull together with restrictions ho said there is no france alberta oil well shows fine promise a new plaster quarry has been opened a short distance from clarks- ville station ns by the windsor plastel- co it is the intention of the company to ship about 5000 tons to their mill per annum there are large deposits of limestone in the same vi cinity also a kind of marble grenfell of labrador dr grcnfell the worldfamous nicdl- etti missionary to the natives of labra- dr who is being honored by fellow- number of his profession in ontario hi declares that no mechanics 1 dovice crth replace dogs in labrador whoro th sagacity and instinct of the has- kl and their friendliness means so wnch to travellers fighting force being formed in germany concern in london over re port of recruiting and rearming a despatch from london says disturbing information concerning the extent to which germany is re cruiting and rearming has been re ceived by the british government say3 a reuters news item although tho view is taken offi cially that this information is po tential rather than imminent danger the british authorities are frankly concerned over tho situation and its bearing on the peace of europe it is known that rapid military training of large numbers of men in excess of the versailles treaty stipu lations has been progressing says the reuter article this it is de clared is more than ever tho case since the allied military control ceas ed nearly a year ago recruiting has been especially active in bavaria where the security police have been engaged in manoeuvres with tho army th training of students also is in constant progress hitherto all at tempts to induce germany to produce recruiting returns in order to enable tho allies to check up the paper strength of tho german army at any given moment of inspection with tho number of recruits actually trained has been unsuccessful tooth extracted from lungs by us surgeon a despatch from new york says resorting to the principle a sword swallower employs surgeons of st marys hospital st marks avenue brooklyn recovered a tooth that had been swallowed by mrs helena pct- ersbcrger 30 years old several months ago mrs pctcrs- berger had the tooth pulled she gulped and it fell back in her throat and down into one of her lungs she coughed constantly and dr john g williams of brooklyn planned the tooths recovery mrs pctcrsbergcr was not given an anaesthetic but was plned on the op- crating tablo with her hed and neck in a position so that tho throat larnyx and lung wero in a straight line a thin metal tube which surgeons call a bronchoscope was inserted a sur geon directed it through an xray ma chine until tho end of tho tube was directly over tho tooth then a pair of specially mado forceps was slipped through the tube and tho tooth with drawn mrs potcrsburger is now at her home finally rid of the bother some molar city of davids time brought to light twenty barrels forced up during demonstration be fore enthusiastic visitors edmonton dec 2 at the first public test of the new british pet roleums limited well at wainwright alta on saturday afternoon the drill ing was opened up for an hour during which time twenty or more barrels of crude oil was forced out through the twomrich piping by the gas pressure the demonstration was witnessed by geologists oil operators business and despatch to the telegraph he says professional men and all expressed j i have found early canaanite themselves as satisfied that the well is mycenaean pottery among which is a real producer a jar handle with a twelfth dynasty sixtytwo passengers travelled scarab sealing the discovery of a down from edmonton by special train jebusite fortress is confirmed professor macaliister con firms the truth of the biblical story a despatch from london says professor robert a macaliister leader of the joint expedition sent to the holy land by the palestine ex ploration fund and the daily tele graph and who last week confirmed the discovery of traces of the ancient city of david has unearthed a num ber of treasures of the period in anglofrench pact and immediately they arrived the test was commenced the valve was turn- the telegraphs comments on pro fessor macallisters despatches as cd at 145 pim gas roared out for having lifted the veilrom one of the about five minutes when it was fol lowed by the oil which did not come through in ono continuous flow but in heads which came to the surface at intervals of several minutes when the oil gushed it did so for periods varying from a quarter to half a minute the fluid came out at times in a solid flow while again this was varied by the gas pressure when the oil shot with great forco against a bank from where it rico- chetted into tho air and liberally be spattered those visitors who wero within range it is estimated that each spurt brought with it over half a barrel while it was noticeablo that toward the end of tho test between tho beads oil in suspension was car ried out by tho gas with as well b small stream dripping constantly from tho end of tho pipe most fascinating historical problems we can now positively say it adds that he discovered the ancient city which was already centuries old when david captured it it is with feeling akin to reverence that one gradually sees emerging out of the mists of tho ages proof positive of the truth of the biblical story vesuvius breaks into spectacular eruption rome dec 2 mount vesuvius suddenly broke into eruption last evening throwing a steady column of fire into tho starlit night and afford ing a magnificent spectacle prof alessandro malladra director of tho observatory says the eruption al though intensely picturesque is not serious probably the earthquake reported from ceprano department of rome is connected with the activity of vesuvius tho shock lasted three seconds and while it did no damage so terrified tho people that they passed the night in the open y scientist says hot wave has hit north pole france can handle continent al situation but suggests aerial and naval entente a despatch from paris says frances reply to the italospaniah mediterranean alliance is a proposal for a francobritish aerial and naval entente the inspired temps answers reu ters semiofficial statement from lon don sources that germany is arming and recruiting troops by stating that there is no danger of the reich be coming a military menace for a long time but the suggested italospanish pact might threaten the french com munications with african colonies and the british lines of transport to india via gibraltar and suez france does not ask and does not need military aid on the continent the temps states as the french army is sufficiently strong to handlo any situation which might develop in germany british naval cooperation in the north sea and baltic would suffice british aviation forces reinforcing the change warmer weather comes in french flying fleet is urged hoyever cycles and history is merely repeating berlin doc 2 the warm weather reported from the arctic regions is not to be taken seriously according to prof karl kassner of the berlin meteorological institute a hot wave hits the north pole about every thirtyfive years and this is the time it is due the climate does not really power experts to hold conference in london a despatch from london says a conference of power experts of twenty nations will bo held in london in july the conference will discuss hydro- olectrieity coal and oil heat among tho alms of the conference will be to standardize mechanical parts to prevent germany from overwhelm ing france in the air suddenly and then crossing the channel and resum ing the bombing of london it is pointed out that attempts at defensive alliances between france and great britain hitherto have failed because the french always have sought to guarantee a certain numbor of divisions of british troops to be landed on the continent within a stipulated time after hostilities open germany exporting high- powered baby aeroplanes mm l i itself antics of tho sun are supposed to be responsible for tho changes which come in tho arctic regions as well as elsewhere in the world first civilian air despatch rider in the world a despatch from london says lawrence sperry tho young new york airman who has been over here- several weeks flying his baby plane has just become the first civilian sir despatch rider in the world it is announced that he is engaged a despatch from berlin says a by the liberal party to carry urgent highpowered baby aeroplane selling messages to parliamentary candidates for 6000 gold marks 1250 is now the put on a production basis because of sperry will probably be used to the worldwide demand it is the mko dramatic appearance at lib- stahlwerk mark and is made in eral political meetings as the bearer breslau it has a speed of sixty milesj an hour and is extraordinarily safe because of its metal construction for it docs not smash up or splinter in a crash its gasoline consumption is very low v this baby plane which has been bought by thousands of junker i farmers and by travelling salesmen lis now being exported in large numj bers it is selling at a lower price than any automobile made in ger- many make search for scallops and find them in beds the liberal candidate speaking there but doc it aint doing me any qoodi kirby in tho new york world a despatch from ottawa says discovery of three new scallop beds situated near the lurcher lightship off tho coast of yarmouth county nova scotia is announced by the de partment of marine and fisheries the discovery was made by the fish eries protection vessel arleux which made a search for new scallop beds recently off the western end of nova- scotia the beds aro said to contain j scallops in such quantities as to give dlrector of the department of phys- good returns to boats properly cqmp- faaciuoa of mcgm university ped for ca them whq bj qne flf tho itaff i chark if straightened out an ounce of e preparation of canadian spiderweb wouia extend three hun- athletes for the oympic contests in dred and fifty miles france nex summer ffx55sek5h5e5riifc25r vip r 5 bkkghejwfnk h ibesss fifst mm skffsffbbi -wasp- ssssjfei it f s israw fe iliilli mik fir hmnkhr r llsnflvffirjpj dr a s lamb bpe v a