stouffville september 6 1923 fall fairs markham o 6 beaverton sept 17 19 oakwood sept 17 18 orillia oct 23 lindsay sept 1922 midland sept 2729 sunderland sept 25 26 zephyr 2 coldwater sept 2021 port perry sept 1316 fenelon falls sept 14 15 oshawa sept 1012 a former councilman of whitby jm kenny has to appear before a magistrate to answer the charge of taking an affidavit knowing it to be untrue this is in connection with his taking the oath of qualification as councillor last january some time ago mrkenny was served with notice by councillor conlins solici tor calling upon him to resign hu seat in council because he was not qualified at the time he took his oath of office mr kenny did not resign and it is presumed the present action is the outcome local happenings school reopened on sept after the glorious holidays dressmaker i a do any kind of drer victoria street m comfortable room and board for school children after sept 1st apply box 107 stouffville honey honey honey buy your supply of honey from leslie rowbotham victor11 street 1st class quality at a reason able price phone 3202 stouffville harvest specials in dry goods boots farm supplies and gro- ceries at borinskys goodwood it will pay you to drive miles to our store because we offer you first quality goods at lower prices than regularly sold for elsewhere we have an excellent line of boots to outfit the whole fam ily at particularly attractive prices just now be sure and get our binder twine beat quality and lowest price english paris green at 60c pound and arsenate of lead 48c pound goodwood economical general store h borinsky prop highest prices for butter and eggs miss jessie grice who lives in the first house east of the baptist church was an exhibitor in crochet work at the canadian national exhibition a stouffville man was heard to calculate why the water in mussel- mans lake is so clear each morning he says the face rouge all settles at the bottom each night in reaching for a window blind w h shaw slipped and fell sus taining two fractured ribs in future v h says he will always want one foot on the ground no matter how high he goes c w barker writes from regina to renew his subscription to the tribune he states that he does it with pleasure because he is delight ed with what he terms such a newsy paper the tribune each week is better than a letter to ab sent friends quite a number of invited guests attended the opening ceremonies at the canadian national exhibition a week ago saturday when they wit nessed the commencement for an other season of the greatest annual fair in the world which is headed this year by a citizen of stouffville mr robert miller the efforts of the reeve to have the york county highways com mission provide an outlet for the water which formed a frog pond in front of the nova scotia bank to wards garage were successful last week cliff pipher and his men put in sufficient manholes to carry off anything short of a johnstown flood the dairy cow s the most profitable thing on the farm keep more of them our service makes it possible the growing demand for our butter calls for more cream agents for lelaval cream separator you cant beat them stouffville creamery company phone 18602 open tuesday thursday and saturday evenings when we call attention to the shabby appearance of vacant lots on main street and many boulevards in the town we do not wh to bo re garded as in the kickers clasi such critcism we nape will uvuntually do gooj sneaking of kickers re minds us that a cat scratches a dog bites a bee stings a heart loves a jackass kicks we shun the latter the latest information we have on the hydro situation in stouffville is that the line should oe qnished here and the power turned on by october first the line from yohffo street to mount joy is completed and most of the construction done from mount joy to stouffville inside the cor poration work is still retarded on account of the telephone companies not having their lines moved in the east end of the town a bee was held last week at the bowling green to paint tho club house we didnt hear who selected the colors last week orillia easily defeated aurora in the oba semifinals in both games orillia baseball team is a strong aggregation in the absence of a picture theatre in stouffville the eaton girls this summer attended the strand theatre in uxbridge once a week fiom their summer home at shadow lake 200 cash payment and the bal ance spread into 12 payments will put you in possession of a new ford touring car with starter equipment read the advertisement in this issue of the local dealers r e browns august 23rd was the last day for filing appeals against the voters list for the village of stouffville it is remarkable that ncrt a single appeal was lodged and there will therefore be no need to hold a court of revision to hear the usual com plaints mr and mrs percy stover have moved to their new home recently purchased from noah baker in the east end mrs gray who lived op posite the queens court property has moved into the house vacated by the stovers on market street as a result of getting a sliver in his hand joseph wild a resident of the east end and a cnr section man has been seriously ill blood poisoning set in and more than one occasion the skin on the whole palm of the hand had to he scraped off the patient is now up and on the way to recovery host of the harvest is in and the farmers are engaged in threshing and plowing again fall wheat is good yield and oats are said to be the best in some years sweet clover too was a big yield so our farmcts are fortunate this year when so many places are affected by the drought while stouffville is out of luck in getting a new post office building the present accommodation is to be im proved work is expected to start next week on the installation of furnace under the present building in the ratcliff block also additional space is to be provided in the public office as well as in where the mails are sorted and made up september 1st was the last day on which our taxes could be without a penalty being added up to that time something over 10000 was paid in which is about the same amount as last year this means however that more taxpayers than last year paid the first instalment before the penaltv was added as the quality servtca threshing coal on hand schumacher feed bran and shorts quaker flour for bread we carry the fulopep line of chicken feed stiver bros phon 4501199 an uxbridge man claims to have a straw hat 50 years old we sym pathize with him ours looks it stouffville basebalf team won two games on labor day in toronto from the woodbine veterans the boys were ontertained at a banquet and dance in the evening sympathy is expressed for mr and mrs kenneth coulson of toronto whose baby girl of two days old died on tuesday kenneth coulson is a son of a former reeve of stouffville robert p coulson shortly after midnight thursday- edward luke a young man in the employ of j lewington an oshawa florist was held up at the point of a pistol by two unknown men near thorntons corners two miles west of whitby on the kingston road who relieved him of 175 in cash and two packages of cigarettes accident at goodwood miss myrtle fbeebe teacher of piano and theory will reopen her class in stouffville thursday sept gth miss beebe will be in her studio wednesday evening all day thurs day and saturday evening after 630 and requests her pupils to get an early start in the term on account of examination work also new pupils have applied which will make it dif ficult to get all placed in the limited time this week mr and mrs wesley stjohn of glasgow moved to aurora where he has taken a position with the continental match co a newly organized concern whose new fac tory is just being completed in aur ora mrst john is one of the share- hoders of the company the st johns have been connected with stouffville for many years and when the continental match makes a strike with the public as successfully as the famous eddy we hope mr st john will return to the old town and build his oastle here the choir of the methodist church and garrett mission circlesurprised rate is lower collector harry perry miss abbie collins at her home mon- is still open to receive money on tax account the last instalment is not demanded until december mrs esther bassingthwaite disd suddenly at her home big lake manitoulin island on august 22nd 1923 in her 88th year mrs bass ingthwaite will be remembered by some of the older residents in and around stouffville as she spent her girlhood and early married life near altona she is survived by three daughters and two sons miss eliza beth benjamine and harold of big lake mrs hatley of toronto and mrsdarius fields of stouffville also one brother mr jesse lehman of indiana usa the bigger the roof the more reason for paroid the importance of the roofing in creases with the importance and value of the building the owners of the largest bams nu roads and manufactories use the good reliable ncponset paroid roofing iron pumps at the request of the directors of the canadian national exhibition stouffville band about 35 strong played at the exhibition grounds on wednesday this week on the lawn in front of the administra tion building no doubt the worthy president of the cne was instru mental in having such an honor be stowed upon stouffvilles musical organization and the boys and citi zens generally feel dply honored while assisting in putting up some bunting at the coliseum on the c ne grounds tuesday this week thos graham of graham bros claremont sustained a nasty cut on the head when he fell to the ground some feet he was rushed to the emergency hospital and later to the general his injuries were not of a serious nature as reported and on wednesday he was able to be about again day night it being the eve of her marriage to mr charles neal of the cpr formerly of claremont the arrival of the guests was announced by much honking of horns and hil arity after an hour spent in games the brideelect was presented with an address read by miss gertrude todd and a cut glass berry bowl and vase by miss eva hoover and miss emma winn on behalf of the choir and mission circle miss col lins replied appropriately refresh ments were served after which the party broke up with singing god be with you till we meet again a bad accident occurred opposite dr darlings residence in goodwood at 10 oclock on tuesday night when mr and mrs fred batson and his sister from toronto were thrown out of a buggy and severely bruised up to wednesday afternoon the horse which caused the trouble had not been recovered at this point there is a steen hill down which the parties were driving when the horse which is a registered fouryearold suddenly bolted into dr darlings driveway completely turning over the buggy the women were severely shaken up while mr batson sustained a nasty cut across the nose drdarlingr rendered quick aldjand mr batson was soon able to proceed in quest of the runaway animal which was last seen in thai vicinity of stouffville the bugrh was badly smashed ana a portion of the harness remained on ta horse jrr silos silos silos sold factory to fanner also sash and doors farmers silo company i markham ont mef neponset paroid roofing use this material on the sides as well as the roof and you will protect your live stock and your pocket book protection against leaks repairs and most important fires 1 150 to 400 per square get your roof on before the cold weather our stgck is complete j why not replace that old worn out wood pump with a durable sanitary all iron one we have them from 1100 up silvester bros stouffville ont there is a serious overcrowding at the public school and in the con tinuation rooms as well on tues day when school reopened there was 200 pupils in attendance in the pub lic school and 73 in the continuation these figures will increase some as other pupils return the increase in the continuation room is 33 pupils while throughout all the rooms seat ing accommodation is taxed if this situation continues the school hoard will be forced to add a couple of additional rooms to the building there is only a slight change in the personel of this years staff which is in the primary room the teachers are principal archie stouffer and miss mckinnon in the continuation school public school principal paul boadway miss huxtable miss spoffard and miss vansiekle on saturday sept 11923 a quiet but pretty wedding took place at the home of mr and mrs isaac barkey stouffville when their youngest daughter marjorie maurice was uni ted in marriage to leslie harold williamson of toronto son of mr and mrs david j williamson of stouffville the ceremony wa per formed by rev geo e coulter in the presence of immediate relatives to the straines of the wedding march played by miss annie lehman the bride entered the drawing room be ing given away by her father and wearing a gown of sand canton crepe and carrying a bouquet oi ophelia roses and lily of the valley after the ceremony a wedding dinner was served and the happy couple left by motor for toronto where they will reside the bride travelled in a suit of navy blue tricoteen with sand panne velvet hat the ril was the recipient of many useful and pretty gifts the drowning accident at mussel- mans lake on saturday night is said to be only the fourth fatality of its kind there in 50 years three of these occurred the past three sum mers a young man beipg drowned last year and a girl the year before away back nearly half a century ago before such a thing as a summer cot tage was dreamed of at musselmans a farmer was drowned there and it was a long time before his body was recovered with the number of campers at the lake such accidents are more likely to occur delos graham purchased the dragging ap paratus used to recover the body of mullin so that in future if such an unfortunate thing should occur there will be no delay in recovering a body ask your dealer for merry wives pastry flour or i white rose bread flioult handled by almost every dealer i refuse substitutes manufactured ny the uxbridge milling co limited goodwood mrs lafraugh of toronto visited her sister here recentty quite a number attended the in stitute social on e waggs lawn and enjoyed the affair immensely n maye has taken a position in oshawa for a time c w harper who has punched more dough than most of the ladies in goodwood was in town recently miss gertrude was with him miss robinson who has been home for the holiday season resumed her teaching duties again this week mrs harry flumerfelt and daugh ters were recent visitors here mrs reynolds of markham has been visiting her sisterinlaw mrs r hope mr and mrs foskett were on a motor trip to toronto mrs cooper and daughterinlaw martha have gone to parry sound for a visit mr and mrs bert sharpe and two children of toronto were visit ing relatives here miss legate and her father are enjoying the car and so are many if their friends who have been in disposed mrs harper is able to be out ifaln and has been spending a tew days at the lake miss e johnson has returned to toronto again both our ministers in the baptist and methodist churches have re sumed their duties again after holi daying properties for sale in stouffville or vicinity from 1500 up to any price one home with 1 v4 acres land 4 vi acres with house stable creek through property 500 7 acres willow grounds much land make good garden 1000 16 acres small house bank barn with fruit 2000 50 acres with two 6 room houses on property lots out buildings soma bush price for same 5000 100 acres station on property 1g room brick house lots barn build ings price 4000 larger farms if wanted call or write jacob yake jeweller buttons block stouffville phone res 8001 office 1004 stouffvuaji porters ice cream parlor is headquarters for cooling dishes we servo the purest icecream made also refresh j ing drinks f remember we handle the popn- lar moir chocolates keep a box in the houso they remain fresh f porters phone 198 stouffville ont