stouffville august 23 1523 peaches peachesj the crop this year will be an average one and of fair quality having made complete arrangements for ur supply we will be able to supply you as usual at prices less than city prices and upholding our reputation as the cheapest place for the right quality plums plums plums while light in supply will be ot good quality and moderate in price see our window display for a sensational price in classic cleaner quality of the highest and 2 oz heavier than other makes to introduce 1 tin for 10c and a second for le limited quantity special quality jar rubbers and rings ratcliff co phone 7112 stouffville z clearing sale during the month of august all broken line at a big discount for cash only glehm foot wear of me s tt o xjt fvi ixe thoje 4301 mm le olstt 1 the call of georgian bay pickering council georgian raythat gleaming stretch of lake hurons waters dotted with 30000 islands of all shapes and sizes is one of the most delightful and popular of canadas summer play grounds it is so beautiful and there is so much to do canoeing bathing fish ing yachting all these delights await the lover of the water on land there are sports aplenty ten nis golfing lawn bowling picnick ing and dancing for those on pleas ure bent and for those who are weary of the gay social whirl hun dreds of alluring trails over wooded heights and camping grounds where primitive pleasures restore the jaded spirits of the city dweller the shoreline of the bay is dotted with resorts to suit every taste the breezes from across the broad ex pense of lake huron are always cool and invigorating and the waters abound in black bass maskinonge salmon trout and other fish hotel accommodation is good all the chief points on georgian bay are reached by canadian na tional railways and descriptive book let may be procured free from any of their agents no change in tax kate a view of the valley of the klng9 where king tuts tomb was discov ered will be one of the features ot cleopatra the spectacle to be produced before the canadian na tional exhibition grand stand boadways drug store stouffville fresh box lake superior white fish and salmon just arrived fresh vegetables and seasonable fruits geo j lawson west end grocer phone 17s stouffvimie the above council met on tuesday the 7th inst members all present excepting mr forsyth the reeve in the chair a number of accounts were pre sented for payment and referred to the respective standing committees the treasurer reported having re ceived the following donations for the rosebank sideroad g cowan 2500 dyson cowan 10 and 3 days work a fincher 300 the standing committee on con tingencies reported ana recommen ded the following payments j mur- kar advt and on acct or voters lists 13200 m m gibson pls locating southerly limit of the devia tion road lot 23 con 1 1500 also re survey of streets of village of fairport etc 4500 d r beaton on acct of salary 125 the standing committee on bonu ses for wire fences drainage mat ters etc reported and recommended payment as follows j larkin 60 rods of fence lot 33 con 4 15 g middleton shov snow con 7 4 geo duncan 88 rods fence lot 25 con 6 1320 the standing committee on trans portation power and light reported and recommended the following pay ment hydroelectric power com for greenwood lights for may and june 5400 the standing committee on dam ages for sheep worried by dogs re ported and recommended payment aa follows g a annis 1 lamb killed 5 wm thorn for inspecting mr annis lamb 50c the tax rate was struck and will be the same as last year a bylaw was passed to raise 7000 for building an addition to the school house v no 7 division next meeting of council monday aug 27th t over 4000 musicians will take part in the music day program at the canadian national exhibition including 25 bands 2500 choristers and many troubadors opera singers instrumentalists and other artists saturday august 25th at 2 p m at the mansion house stouff- ville 20 choice holssteins fresh with calves by side and a few for ward springers the property of w a fanning terms three months credit or six per cent off for cash f w siversldes auc tioneer stouffviliijffi markets thursday aug 23 dairy eggs 28 stamped eggs 30 butter 28 to 30 chickens 25 to i cattle hog ac hogs 800 to 850 good butchers 5g0 to 50 medium butchers 500 to 00 common butcher 400 to 500 calves per cwt 00 to j00 sheep per cwt 200 to 500 grain market oata 48 to 55 white wheat 112 to 115 goose wheat 110 to 11j buckwheat 73 to 75 the tribune is published thursday afternoon terms 200 a year in advance a v nolan publisher stouffville ont editorial comemnt beware of what you say no one can reckon the influence for good or evil of what is said the seeds in an appie can be counted but no one can count the apples in a seed sugar is dropping in price evi dently the profiteers in the big cen tres couldnt stand the abuse being heaped upon them or perhaps they have made enough to satisfy them for a while in the county of ontario for the quarter ending july 31st 7790 was collected in liquor fines there were 2d prosecutions according to the report of license inspector c a mason of oshawa in another part ot the province a farmer is being sued because an autoist ran into his cattle and dam aged his car to the extent ot 200 to our way of thinking the farmer should get damages for his cattle being injured the autoist who doesnt know enough to slow down when passing cattle on the road hasnt brains enough to drive a car there is too much rush and speed these days which is accountable for nearly all the accidents married fifty years a notable event in the life of mr pad mrs harvey p appleton well- known residents of unionville was the celebration of their golden wedding anniversary on friday august 17th at unionville many members of the family and numer ous friends gathering together for the day mr and mrs appleton live on the sideroad between mark- ham and unionville and are widely known in the community both were born at langstaffgrew up and were married there mr appleton was engaged in farming until his retirement a few years ago and he and his wife were active in all local affairs they are members of the methodist church osman k was a member of the original prin- ss pats and fell at the battle of vi my ridgo a few of those who spoke briefly rt the celebration were rev mr wilkinson geo champion william regan and dr hore of markham all of whom voiced the hearty greet ings of the whole countryside in best wishes for the futuro of the couple win pettit of lemonville who was best man at the wedding added n few words of congratulation and good cheer a well filled purse of gold was presented to mr and mrs apple- ton by the members of their family while many gifts were received from neighbors and guests fourth line uybkidge clerk h roach and wife of good wood visited- mr and mrs oroach on sunday roy crawford of toronto was home for a week and assisted his father in the harvest field on sunday mr and mrs george redshaw visited mr and mrs rus- sel dowswell on the 3rd line mr and mrs roy yvrsop and son freddie also robert roach and freddie mcdowell were visitors at mr h roachs jr on sunday crops in this vicinity are excel lent the root crop too is looking splendid on tuesday the rain held up operations and most of the far mers are just finishing cutting the raising at ed evans on the 5th line took place on wednesday this week a good number from this locality assisted in the opera tions robert rawson send back a line from sudbury stating that every thing was going fine on the trip to the western harvest netds two other boys who left here for the west were douglas dickinson and frank collins summer millinery is being offered just now at greatly reduced prices drop in and have a look about remember our stock of wool goods is alway well assorted mrs f wilsons phone 4303 fall fairs markham oct 4 6 beaverton sept 17 19 oakwood sept 17 is orillia oct 2 3 lindsay sept 19 22 midland sept 27 29 sunderland sept 25 26 zephyr oct 2 coldwater sept 20 21 port perry sept 13 15 fenelon falls sept 14 15 oshawa sept 10 12 tips for the thrifty if you are economically inclined youll find a money saving hint in every item nere bovs overalls at only 65c pair mens kharki pants from 150 to 175 mens strong overalls 190 pair mens boots fine leather military dress toe 500 good serviceable mens boots for work or sheet wear to clear at 375 pair mens oxfords and tan boots real classy 500 those dresses we are bound to clear the balance of ladies ging ham and chambray dresses for house wear num erous patterns and the price is less than you can buy the material for they are made in pretty designs only 125 while they last house aprons at 50c j l little west end stouffville mount albert r james mewburn has gone to new ontario for a visit mr james lawson is at present assisting mr j jardine at the gar age dr and mrs burns are at present the guests of mr and mrs p e rowan mr wm stokes of toronto is spending his holidays at his home here mr and mrs wm r steeper spent the week end at duclose point lake simcoe mr and mrs hall and mr and mrs jardine visited friends in ux- brldge on sunday mr and mr w robertson and mr and mrs alex dunn motored to the city on sunday mr and mrs pilkey and daughter have been staying for the past week with mr walter jjraper messrs kenneth wagg and george walsh left last week for the west- to take a job helping in the harvest field miss clara sherrlck and miss mae sanderson of bethesda spent a few days at mr wes theakers and mr h spangs mr alf hoover masseyharris expert has been in this vicinity for the past few days setting up mach inery for the company the mission circle of the metho dist church held a quilting bee and supper at the church on mondayjaf- ternoon which was well attended rev jesse gibson spoke at the union services in the methodist church on sunday in the interets ot the british and foreign bible so ciety the baseball matcn on saturday afternoon between orillia and new market at newmarket drew quite a number of the loot fans from here the baseball match between the uxbridge and mount albert ladies baseball teams took place here last week and resulted in a victory for the local team by one run the score being 19 to 20 the next game will be played at sandford dr mills who succeeded dr cody about ten months ago has sold out his medical practice to dr carru- thers ot stayner dr mills has been very successful in his practice and will be much missed in the community having made many warm friends during his short resi dence here he expects to take up hospital work mr stewart travlsa who operates a threshing outfit mot with a seri ous accident on monday morning while in the act of putting a belt on a pully his coat caught in the machinery and drew his arm under the pulley breaking his arm near the shoulder if it had not been for the prompt action of on of the men who was assisting the results might have been much more serious ver sale m men men men the stack of mens and boys clothing must be reduced dont miss this chance to have a new suit of clothes at a ridicu lously low price for the next ten days we will offer any mans suit in the store for 1495 100 mens suits consisting of tweeds in several shades and navy and grey serge to clear at 1495 boys boys boys 50 boys suits all sizes from 24 to 36 to clear at 495 50 juvenile suits to clear at 295 v this store will be open tuesday thursday and saturday even- ings closed fred ay at 12 noon during the summer montha w h shaw phone 9512 stouffville