bredout women the meaning of a cough a cough is a reflex action that is it is a succession of coordinated nius- cular movements intended to force a what they iseed to kestore coi 0 air throiin the respiratory jihealfh j tud 8t as t0 epd some irritant that jm is lodged there thi irritant causes ttt woman whc5els tired out who a disagreeable sensation in the raucous aches all over when she rises in the membrane of the tube and the nerves morning- who feels depressed most of carry news of it to a centre in the ber time needs just the help that dr i spinal cord which sends back an or- wlhiams pink pills can give her der to tie muscles to mart the niech- now rioh blood and stronger nerres j anlam by which th thing can ba re- the numbor of disorders caused by moved when tho irritant is a drop of thin blood la amazing and most wo- j mucus or other secrotlon tho cough men are careless about tbto condition sends it up to the moutfci but when the of their blood their nerves are quick- trouble is a spot of inflammation with- ly affected and they become irritable j oat secretion the cough does no good they worry over trifles and do not obj and may do harm by keeping the part tain refreshing sleep there may be inflamed stomach troubles and ieadaches this i j or inflammation in other to the condition that calls for dr wi1- parts thal are 88rvcd by branches of hams pink pills the bloodmaking tho bama d ttat g the larynx nd norverestoring tonic the value ma axclte a cough the centre of this medicine is proved by uiej thj bplnal cord cannot always tell statement of mrs john conroy fall j from wnat organ receive3 the news hlver ont who says two years becoming confused as it were it may ago af tor the birth of one of my child- lt coming from tho air ten i became so rundown that i had tube3 thus a oc nt in to wean tho baby and could not do my frequently in children wio are teeth- housework i lost appetito took no in- j ing or a co may be owing to a re- torest in anything and was laa pitiable condition i tried different doctors but they did not help mo very much i was in this condition all summer un til a neighbor advised mo to try dr williams pink pills after taking two boxes i felt somewhat better and got a further supply i found my at jpetite improving i could do my house work and living again seemed worth jwhlle i continued taking the pills for some montb3 and was then enjoying he best of health i cannot too strong ly recommend dr williams pink pills to anyone ran down and lu need of a jtonlo as they built mo up and there is no signs of anaemia about mo to day you can get dr williams pink pills from any dealer in medicine or by mall at 50 cents a box or six boxes for 250 from tho dr williams medicine co brockvillo ont a distressing ecd painful coush thus wc see that a cough is not a simple matter with a single definite cause we should realize therefore the neces sity of a careful inodical examination wfcen a cough persists and tho foolish ness of swallowing some nauseous and possibly dangerous medicine just be cause lt relieved a friends cough which may have been owing to some entirely different cause greenland moving west 20 yards a ye red lights can be seen at a greater distance than green minards liniment for neuralgia flex excited by a foreign body or by an accumulation of wax in the ear or per haps by actual inflammation a socalled nasal cough is not at all uncommon it is produced by some ir ritant of the mucous membrane that covers the posterior part of either of tho nasal cavities tie irritant may bo a little dust or a foreign body such as a pin or lt may be a tumor the cough that occurs with a beginning cold in the head is usually owing to nasal inflammation rather than to any trouble in the larynx sometimes a little irregularity in the heartbeat excites a slight cough and disease of the heart or of tho kidneys may cause a little dropsical swelling in the atr tubes and thereby may ex cite a cough that is both ineffectual and troublesome a gouty condition also may exclt a bothersome cough happlljs however it can bo promptly allayed by treating for gout finally inflammation of tho pleura that is tho membrane covering tho lungs and lining the chest almost always causes tho earth is wabblingm its axis according to col p jensen the danish scientist who returned recently from a degree measuring expedition into greenland says a- doudon despatch he reports that greenland is moving wastward at tho rate of twenty yards a year this seems to confirm the re cent reports of surprising climatic changes at the north pole it is now established that there is a periodic shifting of tho latitudes of the north pole the movement is dif ficult becauso of the small area of the pole about the size of a tennis court somo authorities say that the poles are gradually changing their positions and that this alteration to the worlds axis will in time mean that regions which are at present icebound will be come warm and habitablo countries veteran tells how he escaped keep little ones m by dr j j middleton provincial board of health ontario or ulddloton win bo glad to answer questions on public health mat- ten through this column address him at spadlua house spadlna crescent toronto agfe the motion picture has com to stay tew week9 should be 100 deg f and as an educational factor of reat value j then- 98 deg f after six months 87 ideg f coming down to 00 deg f a in health propaganda many audi bath thermometer should always be varied aro the topics that such a film used wash hands scrupulously clean may cover all of which axo able to before giving bath baby should have deliver a forceful message that could its own tub many boils seen on tho hot be got across to tho public in any i tender skin of an infant are due to other way the careless use of the family tub a valuable contribution to tho old fashioned white castilo soap is teaching of child hygiene is supplied j best with clear soft water the folds try a now film entitled babys bath of the skin creases in the neck tho land toilet in which the advice offered i clenched fists must all receive par- lis shown being put into practice by ticucar care first dry the baby thor- scenes plenty of fresh air andloughly and then sprinkle talcum pow- ilots of sunshine should enter the der carefully remove excess to avoid babys room shiem its eyes from di- leaking on the skin oil is carefully rect sun of light rays and guard put into eaoh nostril with toothpick against draughts warm stuffy air having cotton wrapped on end weak l- is devitalizing and increases the dan ger of catching cold tho baby should bleep alone not in a cradle a crib is best this will eliminate the cver- prcscnt danger of smothering over- rrarsring or shutting off fresh air strongly protest against the habit of kissing tho baby on tho mouth as disease can thus bo carried to the jbaby handle the baby as little as possiblo and always support its head and back keep a careful record of its weight weigh lit regularly every seven days under identical conditions after bowel movement and before feeding etc the baby should gain 4 ipzs to 8 023 each week it must be bathed at least once a day and tho emperaturo of tho bath for the first temi boracic acid solution for tho ears two or three drops of weak boracic solu tion for the eyes babys clothes should be loose and roomy and of loosely woven material to allow ventilation for the skin it should bo clothed according to the weather to insure uniform body temp eraturo feet and hands should be kept warm and the head cool too much clothing will cause sweating wet clothes should be changed imme diately and the skin carefully dried and talcum powder used a film of this kind showing the actual carrying out of these principles in the care of the infant cannot fail to be of practical value to mothers and prospective mothers winter is a dangerous season for the little ones the days are so change able one bright the next cold and stormy that the mother is afraid to take the children out for the fresh air and exercise they need so much in consequence they are often cooped up in overheated badly ventilated rooms and are soon 6elzed with colds or grippe what is needed to keep the little ones well is babys owr tablets they will regulate the stomach and bowels and drive out colds and by their use the baby will be able to got over the winter season in perfect safo- ty the tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mall at 25 cents a box from the dr williams medicine co brockvillo ont lilliputian flying machines an outstanding feature of the aero nautical world is the influx of lilli putian machines one type is known as the pocket aeroplane it is from a design by a w whippet and is to small that it can be dismantled and packed in a fair sized trunk the de signer olalms that it can develop a speed of 100 miles an hour the british crow weighing under 250 pounds has a span of 15 feet and will develop 75 mijes an hour lieutenant b passepartout a french designer claims to have turned out the small est aeroplane in the world it has a span of ton feet the initial outlay and tho cost of tho upkeep of these midget aeroplanes have received every consideration the average purchaso prico ranges from 900 to 1250 and a fair ex ample of performance is given by the arro baby it is equipped with a 35 hp green engine and is capable of a speed of 75 miles an hour and will give 25 miles on a gallon declares tanlac freed him from stomach trouble swelling and weakness left by pneumonia george l lewie boullle st lon don ont wellknown carpenter and veteran of the south african and world wars has added his name to the long list of ontario people praising tanlac for the beneflts they have de rived from taking the medicine last winter said mr lewis i was down with pneumonia and after that i couldnt get my strength back and was unable to work i bad no ap petite and if i did dare to eat it only caused mo more suffering with my stomach i had neuritis in my legs and my feet would swell up till 1 thought they would burst my kidneys were out of order and lt was impos sible for mo to get a good nights sleep but 1 havo taken on new hope and courage since i started taking tanlac i can just feel tho medicine building mo up my appetite has come back full strength i can sleep like a top and you can bet ill stick to tanlac tanlac is sold by all good druggists corns lift off with fingers meat consumption figures the average per head consumption of meat of all kinds exclusive of poul try and game in great britain wa3 about 120 pounds a year prior to the war of this amount throefifths was homeproduced and twofifths was im ported of the overseas supply 70 per cent of the mutton 17 per cent of the beef and 9 per cent of the pork came from within tho empire cana da australia now zealand and south africa money orders the safe way to send money by mall is by dominion express money order a bargain sight you dont mind if i leave my hat on do you asked the sweet young thing of the little man in the seat be hind her at the pictures not at all miss not at all re plied the little man i enjoy looking at bargains variety in foods is essential of course but in providing variety do not overlook the importance of nourishment some foods supply bulk with little nourislhnent others provide nourishment with little bulk crisp delicious grapenuts is a highly nour ishing cereal food in unusually compact form it supplies the rich nutrition of wheat and malted barlcyy including the mineral elements of these splendid grains without which health and strength cannot be maintained grapenuts with good milk is a complete food combining air the food elements needed for bodybuilding economical too because a moderate amount provides unusual nourishment sold by grocers everywhere the ultimatum cook i wont stand for that mans temper yon either gets a different husband or a different ccok the body builder theres a reason maffa by canadian postura cereal co limited 45 front st e toronto factory wiadior ontario a costly comma it is said that a comma once cost the government of the united states 2- 000000 the tariff bill in which tho mistake occurred provided that for eign fruit plants c should bo ad mitted free of duty the idea being to encourago tho culture of high grade varioties of fruit trees and grapovinc3 in that country when the bill was printed foreign fruit plants cread foreign fruit plants c and as a re sult oranges grapes lemons bananas c camo into tho united states free of duty for a year the error cost tho government just 2000000 in revenue if stomach is troubling you instantly end indigestion or stomach misery with papes diapepsln as soon as you eat a tablet or two of papes diapopsin your indigestion is gone heavy pain heartburn flatu lence gases palpitation or any misery from a sour acid stomach ends cor rect your stomach and digestion for a fow cents each package guaranteed by druggist coarse salt land salt bulk carlots toronto 8alt works c j cliff toronto america ftoster doff smaedlea book on dog diseases and how to feed mailed free to any ao drees by tho author k clay aiovor coz3a 129 went 24th fltrcot now york usa too cheap pasted on tho window of the book publishers store was tho sign port- or wanted and in tho window itself on a pilo of books the placard dick ens works all this wook for fi the ablelooking irishman road first the sign and then tho placard ho blurted out dickens may take tho job dickons can wnrrk all tho week for foor dollars if ho wants to but ill not touch it yod better knpe dick ens 0 british houses of parliament tho houses of parliament cover an area of eight acres aju havo a river frontage of 940 ft they contain more than flvo hundred rooms- and about j eighteen residences tho resident latlon being about two irondre- dent popaj red sneezing natures warning signal heat and inhale mlnarus lini ment at once it relieves cold in the head nnd nrreste the de velopment of more aerloun trouble minards liniment the family medlclno chest ooooooooooooooooooooooo i the cause of heart trouble faulty digestion causes the generation of gases in the stomach which inflate and press on the heart and interfere with its regular action- causing u aintness and pain 15 to 30 9 drops oi mother seigtls curative syrup alter meals sets digestion q right which allows the heart to o beat full and regular soc and 100 bollle at druggists 9 u ocroo00000000qooch00 issue no 6 23 classified advertisements maib ban wuma tlon etc broadway american n y uiulc co 11 raa- cta1 oxotss huea1i clovkit the great annual write for intrtlis tit rjt uderton formation d fraser ontario belt ms for sale beltino of ah kinds njcw ob cied pulleys nwi cable hoi etc shipped subject to approval at low est prices in canada york belting cow iis york rt toronto the mouth of a fusgrown whali when wide open measures 12 feet bf 18 feet minards liniment for rhsumitltm iii doesnt iurt a hit drop a little freezone on an aching corn instant ly that corn stops hurting then short ly you lift it right off with fingers truly your druggist soils a tiny bottle of freezono for a fow cents sufflcient to remove every hard corn soft corn cascarets 10c best bowel laxative when bilious constipated to clean out your bowols withou cramping or overacting take cascar ets sick headache biliousness gases or corn between tht toes and the cttl- 1 indigestion sour upset stomach and luses without soeness or irritation all such distress gone by morning nicest physics on earth for grownups and children 10c a box tasto hk candy small and formed sore eruptions skin sore and red cuticura heals pimples broke out on the back of my head and neck at first the pimples were small and then ran into each other and formed sore eruptions about the size of a ten cent piece the skin was sore and red and itched a great deal causing me to scratch i had the trouble about six months before i began using cuticura soap and ointment and after using three cakes of soap and three boxes of ointment i was healed signed j a macdonald giffard quebec rely on cuticura soap ointment and talcum to care for your skin sacbetrrb7vtaa3rc5a iijiainfl ha lted 344 st ul st w hostsmt sold itoy- where soep2cointaient25anil58c talcomsw rsstcuucura soap shaves without ixu will be interested in mrs tliomp sons recovery by use of lydia e fiakhams vegetable compound winnipeg man lydia e pintf hams vegetable conipound has dona me good in every way 1 waa very weak and rundown and had certain troubles that women of my age ar likely to have i did not like to go to the doctor so i took the vegetable com pound and am still taking it right along i recommend it to my friends and to any one i know who is not feeling well mrs thompson 303 lizzie stwiniuv peg man when women who aro botween tba ages of fortyfive and fif tyfiveare beset with such annoying symptoms as ner vousness irritability melancholia and heat flashes which produce headaches dizziness or a sense of suffocation they should take lydia e pinkhams vege table compound it is especially adapted to help women through this crisis it is prepared from roots and herbs and contains no harmful drugs or narcotics this famous remedy the medicinal ingredients of which are derived from roots and herbs has for forty yeara proved its value in such cases women everywhere bear willing testimony to the wonderful virtue of lydia e pink- hams vegetable compound women who suffer should write to tha lydia epinkhammedicinecocobourpr ontario for a free copy of lydia e pinkhams private textbook upon ailments peculiar to women q bruisesstrains apply sloans the blood circulates freely and normally againthe pain ful congestion is broken up all soreness disappears made in canada rkillspain unless you see the name bayer on tablets you are not getting aspirin at all accept only an unbroken package of bayer tablets of aspirin which contains directions and dose worked out by physicians during 22 years and proved safe by millions for colds headache rheumatism toothache neuralgia neuritis earache lumbago pain pain handy bayer boxca of 12 ttbfcts also bottles of 2i and 100 preggists aspirin 1 tho to raarh rehta in ca cf birjr ivviilr cf sallctllcaeld white it ii wll known that afplrln mtiw will fc tanitl w st trafl rear to bayer crow