the cow puncher by robert j c stead copyright the uuaxm book co chapter xx contd itseif do you really care he said oh dave i guess im all right dave ans- w ua t room cnd talk wered but i got a job ona n im- e n con x to for portant job on i must set it done tome t dk to me gods sake talk to me someone she followed hm but her womans intuition had gone to c the room and then he told her uie story ing s sake but just that i perhaps a i can help when he had finished she arose and dave was silent for a m j to e o the windows and watching her she had changed her ftwn with unseeing eves upon position and he could see her face d et uns eemge p suddenly it occurred to him that kfjss e1ien had laid his heart sssssss irturlif lii jg tenderness of lip and eye a certain wn dauej womanly delicacy friend to she was under es were as i blind to her love as they had been oh she cried and he could not lf sie should let him know he guess the depths from which her cry tj her his h was wrung i should not have b c in her han and asked you dave she said i m afterwards ha would despise her for e0 r having taken advantage of his hour of they stood n moment neither wish- we she ha waited all these ingtomovc away iou said you had- d m ghe must wat something must be done at once she d e were her form reminded him at length silhouetted against the window it yes- he answered i have to kill aea to that in form emh a man thenfra going to join up 1 vcrv mu irene he recallea with the army that those dead pnst days when her hands were again upon him th used to rde together edith had but you mustnt dave she pleaded rem him of irene when she no matterno matter whatyou stoqq silmt s0 i he spoke again mustnt do that that is the one thing ji a j havent played a very you must not do heroic part he said somewhat edith you are not a man you shamefacedly i should have buried dont understand that is the onej secret m my heart buried it even thing i must do from vou perhaps most ox all from but you cant fight for your coun- j enou have faced the world try then ou will only increase its with a gm as one who rises above troubles m these troublod times dont 3i and arrows 0 outrageous think im pleading for him dave but fortune pea do that kind of thing for you for the sake of us for the book perh eo do in real life sake of those who care u so ean teh from the out- he took her hands in his and raised i carrie4 w them to his shoulders and drew her b your friend butyou face cose to him then speaking can a me edith i will value very slowly and with each word by hatever you i she trembled until she thought he must see her and she feared to trust her voice but she could delay a reply no longer you are right dave she said at length you never cantgll what yery inventors r inirinln him u i consider good lnvimtmis fortune ore madofrom new ideas to suit modern times send for free list of ideas and circulars will- the hajcsay oompiht patent attorneys cicpf lajt hi for oloi ar- ti 373 bant st ottawa can 6nd for iltt of inraatlons wanted fcy manufac turer fortunes hae been nsd from etmple ideae patent protection booklet on rcqutat harold c sh1fman ft co m1 attorneys gsrs ssssi vj proveuts chapped hands cracked lips chilblain makes your kin oft white clear and smooth all druggists sell u i0t1er wm childs bowels california fig syrup childs besf laxative is even a sick child lores the fruity toate of california fie syrup if tho little stoniaci is upeet tongue coated or if your child is cress feverish fos of cold or has cckc a toaspoorful wlu never fall to open the bowels in a few hours you can soe for yourself how thoroughly it works all tho constipa tion poison sour bi aad waste from tho tender little bowvcn and tlvea you a wfl playful cibiii akain million of inchot kes california fg syrup hacdy they know a tea- apocnful ioay save a scck child to- morrcw aik your dmgest for geau- ias tclifcxnia fig syrup which has dlrcikns sr babc and children of it ssft printed oa bottl mother v jj vi j ty taf orcsi or you may tc xn i4iiti rs syrup other peaplo are carrying perhaps even as you say your closest friends tho first thing is to got tid of the idea that your experience is unique that your lot is harder than that of other people it may bo different but it is not harder when you get that point of view you will bo able to pass eane judgments and when you can pass sano judg ment you may see that the cvidonco is not even at the worst very con clusive why should you take con- wards word in such a mutter a3 this i didnt take conwards word thats whv i didnt kill him at once it wasnt his word it was the insult that cut but she tried to save him she threw herslf upon me she would have taken tho bullet herself rather than let it find him that was what that was what i know dave she had to hold herself in check lest tho tenderness that welled within her and would shape words of endearing sympathy in her mind should find utterance in speech i know dave she said the next thing then is to make sure in your own mind whether you ever really loved irene hardy he sprang to his feet loved irene he exclaimed and she was in a turmoil of fear and hope that he would approach her but he paced his own side of the room edith he said there is no way of explaining this you cant under stand i know you have given your self up to a life of service and i honor you very much and all that but there aro some things you wont be able to understand you cant under stand just how much i loved irene i think i can she answered quietly you have kept your love faithful and single for a dozen years and i 1 think i can understand but that isnt why i asked because if you loved irene a wik ago you love her tonight have you never known of love be ing turned to hate no other impulses may be but not love love can no more turn to hate than sunlight can turn to dark- ness believe me dave if you hate irene now you never loved her listen i love beareth all things believ- eth nil things hopeth all things en- dureth all things not all things edith not all things it says all things dave was silent for some time when he spoke again se caught a different sound in his voice a tone as though his soul in those few mo ments had gone through a lifetime of experience edith he said when you repeat ej those words i knew you had some thing that i have not i knew it not by the words but by tho way you said them you made me feel that you were not setting a higher stand ard for me than you would accept for yourself you mad mo know that in your own life if you loved you would be ready to endure all things teh me edith how may this thing be done she trembled with delight t the new torp in his voice for she knew that in that hour dave had crossed a boundary of hi life and entered into a new and richer field of existence she knew that for him life would never again be the empty flippant selfish irresponsible thing which in the past he had called life he was already beginning to taste of that wine of compensation provided for those who pass through the valley of sorrow in your case she said the course is simple it is just a case of forgiving he gazed for a time into the street wh2e thoughts of bitterness and re venge fought for domination of his mind edith he said at length must i forgtve i do not say you must she ans wered i merely say if you are wise you will forgiveness is the balm of our moral life by which we keep the wounds of the ijoul from festering and poisoning the spirit nothing it seems to me is so much misunder stood as forgiveness the popular idea is that the wliole benefit of for giveness is to the person who is for given really there is a very much greater benefit to the person who for gives the one who is forgiven may merely escape punishment but the one who forgives experiences a posi tive spiritual expansion believe me dave it is tho only philosophy wjjich rings true under the most criticfl tests which is absolutely dependable in every emergency is that christianity he ventured it is one side of christianity the other side is service if you are will ing to forgive and ready to serve i dont think you need worry much over the details of your creed creeds after all are not expressed in words but in lives when you know how a man lives you know what ho believes always suppose i forgive what then service you are needed right now dave forgive my frankness your country needs you right now you have tho qualities which make vou extremely valuable you must dismiss this grievance from your mind at least dismiss your resent ment over it and then place yourself at the disposal of your country the way is so clear that it cannot be misj understood that what i had been thinking of he said at least that part about serving my country although i dont think my motives were as high as ycu woud make them but the war cant las itll be all over before i can take a hand civilization has gone too far for suoh a thing as this to last it is unbelievable i im not so 6ure she answered- gravely of course i know nothing about germany but i do know some thing about our own people i know how selfish and individualistic and sordid and moneygrfciing we have been how scothful and incompetent and selfsatisfied we have been and i fear it wili take a long war and sacrifices and tragedies altogether be yond our present imagination to make us unselfish ard publicspirited and clean and generous it will take the strain and emergency of war to make us vigorou3 and efficient it will take the sting of many defeats to impose that humility which wkl be the begin ning of cur regeneration i am not worrying about the defeat of ger many if our civilization is better than that of germany we shall win ultimately and if our civilization is worse than that of germany we shall bo defeated ultimately and we shall deserve to be defeated but i rather think that neither of these alterna tives will be the result i rather think that the test of war will show that there aro elements in german civil ization which are better than ours and elements in our civilization which aro better than theirs and that the good elements will survive and form the basis of a new civilization better than either to be continued maple sugar candy delicious maple candy or maple wax may be made any place where there is a cold snap with plenty of newly fallen snow a can of pure maple syrup and a knowledge of how they make maple candy and sugar off in the wood9 one day there were fully three feet of snow banked against our back door a can of maple syrup was in the cellar the knowhow had been stored in my head for thirty years mother nature as expressed in the sugar maple needs no vanilla or but ter ormilk in order to produce candy she needs nothing but heat heat to make the sap run in the tree heat to boil it into syrup and heat to boil the syrup still more until the candy stage has been reached i poured a full quart of maple syrup into a pan and while it heated i step ped outside to prepare my snow bed and get my candy tester my thir- toenyearoldscn unaccustomed to sugar camps or maple candy making watched eagerly as i pounded the newly fallen snow into a compact mass for a full square yard of the pearly drift a honeysuckle vine that had trailed up the porch furnished tho blower or tester a piece about eighteen inches long was clipped and the tip curled until it formed an oval about one inch long and half an inch across a piece of thread tied the vine and assured me of an oval hole that would stay put in the sugar woods the tender sapladen maple or birch or beech twig would permit a knot to be tied in its tip the little tester take3 the place of that portion of a candy recipe which says drop in water and when it forms a hard ball as the boiling syrup thickens the oval of the twig is inserted for an instant raised to the lips and a gust of air blown through the slight film stretching across the opening in the twig when the candy is ready to be poured on the snow a slight blow through the hole will throw an immense balloon- shaped bubble from the stick some times half a dozen bubbles of candy will appear before the film has been exhausted this is the method used by the men of the northern sugar camps when this stage is reached the candy should be taken immediately to the prepared snow bed and poured over the surface thinly it hardens aimost instantly and in a moment may be lifted and broken into pieces of desired size by sharp blown with muslin shades use heaviest grade of unbleached muicin or brown domestic if impos sible to buy same width as window sheeting may be used and cut to fit allow for shrinkage if you have wornout shades and rollers aro in good order these may be used other wise new rollers may be bought in cutting allow about eight inches more than length of window and one inch for hem on sides as a hem makes them more substantial and less likely to wrinkle when being rolled up and down the lower end of shade may be cither plain or scalloped if scalloped use any size scaebp you prefer press ing downraiv edge of material and finishing with ball fringe tape stitch ing same on machine unless you are an expert on stitching better baste fringe to shade before stitching with machine a stick such as is used at bottom of shades should be placed about six or eight inches above scallops a cas ing same width stitched on material may be used for this for top of shade make a hem to fit close over roller slip roller in this using one tack at each end of pole when soiled shades may be laun dered they must not be starched cost of shade for ordinary window is about 50c tassel is made of any heavy crochet cotton or carpet chain shades like these are of course substitutions for better ones to come or are used in kitchens or other rooms where a makeshift is desirable for kitchen windows they are very good because they can be kept clean by frequent tubbings to remove the inevitable smudge that arises where much cooking is done they nre just the thing too for oddcorner windows v back halls or pantry attic store closet any place where it is not convenient to have the regulation shades dye any garment or old drapery in diamond dves a knife or small hammer the resulting candy can be compar- ed with no cthtrr it is in a class by itsef naturos own candy only those who have visited the sugar woods or who are willing when the first snow storm visits them to iring the sugar wosds to them can imagine the flavor of pur maple candy and the children can eat it freelv luncheon sets practical and attractive luncheon sets aro made of japanese crepe in yellow green blue pink roso and lavender the lunch cloth is one yard square the napkins twelve inches tho oases are raveled one and one- half inches datp to form the fringe to prevent tho fringe front raveling the ts are overcast in black and j white embroidery floss tho corners are left plain or ono corner is decor- ated with a elever little crossstitch motif square dolly sets aro finished j with narrow hems and crossstitched i in blue i buy diamond dye3 and follow the simple directions in every package dont wonder whether you can dye or tint successfully because perfect homo dyeing is guaranteed yrith diamond dyes even if you have never dyed be fore wori faded dresses skirts waiato teats sweatee stockings draperies hangings everything be- como like nw again just tell your druggist whether tho material you wish to dye is wcol or silk or wfcsther it is linen cotton or mixed goods diamond dyes never rtreak spot fade cr run sure to succeed original men are net conttct ta be govemsd by tradition they think for themselves and tho reut is often that uloy succeed wheo oihore fall now a certain photographs never says to a tady customer lock pleas ant madam lf you pleaw he knows a formula infinitely better than that in the mot natural manner in tho world he remarks it is uncjcessary to ask you to lock pleasant i am suro you could rt look otherwise then click gees tie camera and the result is never in doubt minards liniment for burns scald france is now buying german cine matograph films with tho reiult that her imports of american films have de creased by onethird heres a new package of sun- maid raisins that you will want to try da in t y tender juicy seeded fruitmeats packed in tins the tin keeps all the flavor in no matter when or where you buy them these raisins have the freshness of fresh fruit especially delicious in a cake or pie and all ready too try them next time you buy raisins see now good they are mail coupon for free book of tested sun- maid recipes sunmaid raisin growers membership 14000 dcpt n53329 fresno californa rauinsfurnish 1s60 calor ies of energizing nutriment per pound in practically pre- digested form also a fine content of i food iron good food for the blood i you may be offered other brands that you know less well than sunmaids but the kindyou want is the kind i you know is goodinsist i therefore on sunmaid i brand they cost no more than ordinary raisins easy tricks the changing ace no 17 n cut this out and send it sunmaid raisin growers dcpt ns3329 fresno california please send me copy of your free book recipes with raisins name- street- cnr i i s arrange a pack of cards with tho three of diamonds on top faces of cards uppermost and the ace of diamonds just beneath it show tho three and declare that you will cause it to change its nature and appearance put the cards behind your back utter a magic phrase which you can make up to suit yourself and bring out the cards quickly hold ing your fingers over the ends of the face card as in the illustration you see the trey has changed into the ace thero will be a strom of protest everyone will think that you havo changed the trey to the ace by the simple method of biding the end spots with your fingers pretend to misunderstand their protests un til everyone is certain that you have been caught napping thon move your fingers and show that the card really is the ace by that time everyone will have forgotten that in the moment the cards were behind your back you had ample opportunity to slip the top card the trey into the pack exposing the ace ccjip this nut and paste it ictth others ol the series in a scrap hook when dickens read when dickens decided to givo pub lic readldgsv when he appeared face to face with tho public lor the first time ergland was- in a turmoil tie halla were packed and jammed enthusiasts cltmbod up tho pillars or crept under his platform simply to be able to hear their beloved poet in the united states in tb3 bitterest winter weather people brought atons miattreaico and slept la front of ths ticket office wait- era broutt them food from nearby restaurants but the crash was be yond control every hai proved to be too small and finally a church was se cured in brooklyn from the pulpit he raid th adventures cf oliver twist aoi the story of little nell fame tor him was not capricious it frocol waller sco to 02 sde it oventadowed ttcckicays genius for a whole lifetime and wton the light went out when dicker died the a- tiro ensllei speaking world felt it like a blow on the streets foreigners re marked to one anothor that ixindon weir as depressed as tttaigh soma great battle had bean lost a thought wsefcing star that shines tonight do not smile cm me lock you toward come lcoely child who in the dark may be bluebird srr not at my iccr but bo yen swiftly flown to where perhaps feme hcoe child in sijktco sits clone roadside berries red in jutc ci tinge your place to grew for fear some lonoly jittlo child may emptyhanded go hulda a s chafer j after every meal fioksski knew from experience man hello lve me central 12zi operotot brrrng horo your party man is this main i7sr voice ves minards liniment fsr coujhc colds chew your food well then use wrigleys to aid digestion it also keeps the teeth clean breath sweet appetite keen 77 grat canadian swettmtal f0r better ipicestioh c 4 j