Ontario Community Newspapers

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), January 4, 1923, p. 2

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atfjresi communications to agronomist 73 adelaide st west toronto lowed to help themselves they usually e ii l please prescribe a proper ration for my cons to supplement oats com corn fodder and marsh hay arr wer a ration made up of corn foddc- and marsh hay as the roughage and ground oats and corn as the con cent tes lacks both nitrogenous ele- which are necessary in milk ction and succulence it would 1 to make the grain ration one- each of bran corn meal and oat an even better addition would be cilcake meal about one pound per day clover bay would mako a valu- addition to the coarser portion ration one feed of this per vould be a suitable amount from o 25 pounds of either turnips or sols a day to each animal would the importance of colostrum thb big word colostrum refers to the first milt given by tho cow after becoming fresh we have- always thought that tho vahie of feeding the first milk to tho calf was to clean out and start the digestive organs in tho perfonnai of theirproper function it appears from tests recently made that this position was wrong experiments running over two help themselves hkj w xperimens running over two t th t a slightly lger proportn s wished the fact that fth the s in some cases to per cent colostrum is a real genn kilwr re committee men pro be v thir chc- of d- k hei tho succulence of the ration ca- fn i son t disease of ergot ergoted grain i- iable to cause premature birth and tjuld therefore be avoided with all brooding animals consume a reaching in some cases to per this colostrum is a teal germ of the whole ration j it destroys the dangerous germs the price of tankage varies accord- wn the digestive tract of irg to its protein content tankage t young animal some of the calves containing from 50 to 60 per cent of these experiments were giver laxa- protein usually sells at about 55 perj tives to make certain that their bow- ton the lower grade which contains e m0v regularly these calves about 45 per cent protein has a niarj wore much weaker thrn those receiv- ket price of about 45 per ton so colostrum and the death rate was that tho cost is about the same hr high as ameng those not getting cither case in relation to the- value of tn f milk out of twentytwo the feed tankage is a byproduct of ca which did not receive colos the modern abattoir it is usually trum eleven died sold by feed merchants and tho larger seed stores protected by patent rights the regis tration machinery will include pro vincial representatives as well as committees to deal with different classes of plants applications will be first dealt with by provincial repre sentatives next by the registration bureau who will determine whether or not tho name asked for is already in use will then pass his opinion on the mer- registration will anction of the registration- committee the propo sition has been hid before the domin ion minister of agriculture who ap proves of the plan and gives hope that the necessary assistance for car rying on the bureau will be provided the secretary of the registration committee and also of the council itself is captain l f burrows ottnwa w h i am going to keep my sheep in an old hen coop this winter will chicken lice stay on sheep if they will what should i use to rcmovo them answer it is presumed that the building termed a hen coop is some thing more than the name implies rather a house in which fowls hava calves from tubercular cows can be b would you kindly give me opinion on feeding rye to dairy e le in connection with other such as oats and corn tiswer ryo is an unsuitable n to feed to dairy cows for the j begitket poultry lice are quite un that this grain is subject to ikely to romain 0i1 sne they do not remain on human beings it would r k i have twentytwo fall pigs and i have no milk only what i buy and that is half water how would tankage go and how much should i feed to each ono hundred pounds of weight of pigs please tell me where i can buy it and its probable price answer the dominion experi mental farms as a result of experi ments carried on in the feeding of tankage to swine have adopted two systems of using this feed which is found to be a very useful substitute for milk one is to expose the tankage fa an open box in the pen and allow tho pigs to help themselves at the same time they are give satisfying rations of either dry chop or sloppy feed the other system is to mix the tankage with tho chop and feed it either dry orin- sloppy condition when tho tankage is mixed a propor tion of from 5 to g per cent of the mixture- is used when pigs are nl- be well however to cleanse tho house of this class of vermin poultry lice are usually found in cracks and cre vices or behind boards near the roost ing quarters all loose boards should therefore be removed and the house given a thorough disinfecting wash preforably put on by a spray pump a three per cent solution of creolin or a hot lime wash should be effective unless the building is much larger than the terra hen coop would suggest the sheep should by all mean3 be given an outdoor run in fact they would be the better for this in any case c r can you tell me the reason that my fivemonthold pigs have piles what can be done for them answer the ailment complained of is probably duo to constipating foods and tho need of exercise this can be corrected by adding a small proportion of raw knseed oil to the ration feeding liberal quantities of roots and allowing for a daily run in a sunny yard the use of milk in producing eggs j and poultry meat is becoming more i general a3 tho good results aro evi dent breeders who do not produce j milk at home can often buy the com mercial semisolid buttermilk experi ments have proven that five pounds of sour slammilk is about equal to a pound of tho commercial semisolid buttermilk tho cash value of the sour milk for poultry feeding is rather difficult to determine but a fair price of seven cents per gallon has usually been con- sidered fair tho commercial semi solid buttermilk usually costs close to fout cents per pound although the cost is greatly influenced by tho am ount purchased and tho freight rates there aro quite a few poultrymen mixing their own dry mash by pur chasing the semisolid buttermilk for the protein and then adding as much homeraised grain as possible plus tho necessary items purchased off their neighbors or elevator this makes an economical mash and tho poultry- man knows what he is feeding therascems to bo a vahio to feed ing milk that cannot be expressed eas ily in cash it has the vitamines which produce growth and vigor breeding stock that have milk in their ration seem to produce more hatchable eggs than hens which get all their protein through beef scrap or fish scrap in feeding liquid sour milk and but termilk the dishes should be frequent ly scalded and scrubbed with a corn cob to loosen the gummy accumula tions dirty milk seems to bo a source of digestive troubles do not feed sour milk in any type of fountain which cannot be opened up so you can sea all tho inside when it is rinsed and cleaned right type of hog essential to export bacon trade addressing a body of senior officials of tho live stock branch of the fed eral departeiont of agriculture at ot tawa a few days ago dr j h gris- we deputy minister of the depart ment pointed oat that at the present should be sound and liquidtight shipping potatoes in winter to mako a box car safe for shipping potatoes in weather that is below freezing tho floor walls and ceiling of tho car must be covered with build ing paper held in place with laths after papering a false floor should be laid on supports running lengthwise this allows a free air channel four to six inches deep below tho false floor and extending from tho centre of the car to either end and connecting with vertical airpassages formed by false walls built four to six inches from tho car ends false wal3 also should be built a fow inches from tho sides of tho car the falso floor should not cover tho area between tho doors hero a stove is installed if the shipment is likely to- pass through severe weather a falsa door should be built on ono side for a stovepipe and bulkheads put across the car at either side of tho doors to form a well for tho stove these false walls as well as the centro bulkheads rise well toward the ceiling and with the false floor form two large bins around which the air continually cir culates the bins should be lined with paper raised without exposing the young s winds they become blind animals by heating the colostrum to treatment fivo or six drops of a sat- 140 deg f for thirty minutes this urate solution ei boric acid in tho destroys the tubercular germs but eves twice a day keep it up several does not decrease the diseaseresistant days or immunizing properties of the colos- 1 when you stop tho team on the trum to provent thickening tho col- put the blankets on have horses ostrum should be heated in a double j sharpshod on icy roads cooker or in a pan placed in a bucket water stock in the barn rather than of hot water a large number of turn them out in stormy weather calves were raised on colostrum thus keep fall pigs growing it doesnt treated and are doing as well in every pay to rough them through the win walk into my kitchen by marjorie sims why should not my kitchen be one cretonne is not good because it does- of the most attractive rooms in my rxit launder satisfactoril h un- house since i spend a larger propor- bleached muslin is nofetyfcd cither tion of my time there than in any because it shuts out too much liglat the dominion horticulturist other ene room except my bedroom my curtains are maueof dotted swiss the kitchen i grew up in was big thinly starched and ironed in pleats it took an endless time to mop the to give my windows the fresh crisp window looked out on the hog lot and look i love bivause of the amount all i could see was mud the stove of pleasure i get from tiuge curtains came out in the middle of the room i am perfectly willing to sped tho and i had to walk around it to get time it takes to iron them if your back to the sink the pantry was do not have the time or desire for across the room from the stove and curtains like mine try this type get the table and themiles to be walkod very sleazy thin unbleached muslin in bringing dishes from the dining for sash curtains crochet loop3 across room across the kitchen to the table end and run the curtains or two by the window washing them while jods one at tho top of the sash and we gazed mournfully on tho hog the other at the bottom these cur- pens then carrying them back again tains do not blow out over things some to be put away in the pantry when the windows aro open and can and some to be returned to the dining bo pushed asido to let in a much room the miles did not add anything vt as desired if tho rods aro to our zest for housework fastened to the window casing the the floor was always dark because rjfa dow they do not need lronintr but aro simply washed out at night winter pointers when sheep are exposed to cold way as tho carves which nursed their dams a canadian plant regis tration a movement has been set on foot for the recording and registration in canada of new varieties of herbaceous plants shrubs and trees at a meet ing of the executive committee of the canadian horticultural council held in ottawa on nov 13 it was decided to proceed with the establishing of the bureau on the basis of a report prepared by the registration com mittee of the council tho registration proposed is intend ed to protect the name of a new var iety and the rights of the originator in the same sense that inventions aro ter get em ready for early spring market if the fowls aro kept busy scratch ing in litter they do not mind the cold seed corn needs air give air a chance where seed corn is stored the air should get to every kernel of the ears this means that the corn should not bo piled on shelves or even laid on the floor the best plan is to sling it up with twine or stick on nails so that no two ears touch each other this will provide for the free circulation of air and thereby increase the germination farming is a game of put and take the more you put in of fertility and care the more you take out in crops parents as educators making the most of stories by mary frances davis one of the most valuable assets oflther so the little boy stopped cry- the mother of small children is the ing and stood up and smiled at all ability to search through her treasure- his friends mothers wih find ample house of stories and find just the right material for these homemade stories one for tho need of the moment i in everyday happenings and should all children love stories and are eager to listen to any interesting one but by giving careful thought to the selection of her stories a mother may make them contribute directly to the mental and spiritual development of use simple words and keep the action brief the stories ehat naturally follow these fall into two classes those which relate incidents that might real ly have happened and those which her children the real purpose of open up the world of fairies and make- telling stories is to give joy and of believe i course this primary aim should alj children of kindergarten age de- ways be uppermost in the mind of light in fairy tales because they stim- the narrator ulate the imagination in this stage the simplest way to classify stories of mental development the imagina- is according to the age of the hearers tive powers are very alert and little nursery rhymes are used universally children live almost as much in the as the very first stories for they de- j world of makebelieve as they do in light children who are still mere bajthe real world because af this their bios the jingling rhythm first at- minds crave fairy tales tracts the attention and after many nature lessons may be taught beau- repetitions as the little minds develop tifully and impressively through the words begin to convey mental pic- stories children enjoy these and aw tures and the story is gradually the same time gather much valuable understood many babies only two information years old recognize and enjoy most of boys are especially interested a dark floor did not show spots walk ceiling and woodwork were dark green for the same reason those readers of this page who have never worked in any but bright cheerful sunny small convenient kitchens can never appreciate them as i do mine after tho kind i have de scribed i decided that my kitchen was too big and i find now that the ten by twelve floor space is all i need even for my large family our house has a living room in which the family can live so i do not need to plan on using the kitchen for anything more than kitchening in theres so much beautiful in nature to be looking at while working that what is the use of staring at barn alley or hog pen all the time the windows over my sink look out on the road and on some days i have a movie all of my own the other window stretched on the rods and by morning they aro dried in pretty fresh fold3 i use colored loops to make them more attractive dutch curtains for the full length window are satisfactory these con sist of a pair for each sa3h those of the upper sash being finished at one end with a heading and at the other end with a hem finish the pair for the lower 6ash with a heading at each end and run them on two rods which are fastened to the casing when the lower window fe opened the lower bash curtains slide up under the upper pair light can be let in from or shut out from either sash as desired there is a pretty seersucker material on the market which does not need ironing thi3 material comes all white or white background with colored stripes finished with a simple little cotton edging that costs a few cents a yard full length gives me a view of flower it j most attractive and vegetable gardens and the drive way just grass and trees make a restful view the best position i really had some things to enjoy in the old kitchen one was the breeze from the south and another was the shaded west window that let enough of the afternoon sun in to keep things cheerful the tree out side the west window saved us from a hot room when getting supper ready my own kitchen has a door and win dow on the south and two half- windowa over the sink on the west i have been in many delightful south- gingham curtains finished with a rickrack or plain bands crossbarred dimities and swisses are all satisfac tory materials tho cozy corner my cozy corner does more than anj other one thing to make my kitchen and therefore myself cheery i sa considerable time dntht dark green kitchen on a straight ordinary kit- chen chair waiting for cake to bake or for the tea kettle to boil or watch ing the meringue that had to be snatched out of the oven at just th right second i do not mind sitting in the kitchen i hare now and i find east kitchens but i wanted the east my friends and neighbors like it too side of our house for the long living room and sun parlor i have always said that if we built our kitchens first and then built the rest of the house around them we could hava what we wish and the kitchens would not be stuck into the only corner left for them proper ventilation makes such a big difference it gives us a cool room to work in when necessary and pro vides a way to draw off the odors of cooking that we do not wish in the another neighbor said dont yos other part of the house i enjoy the at a rocking chair is too good fox spicy smell of gingerbread but needle kitchen and i replied that no- i always announce to the whole family thing is too good for the kitchen if ii that ive let the potatoes boil dry or j j jit to serve its purpose spindle- the eggs scorch legged rockers no longer good enough good light is necessary for effijf the parlor have no more place in ciency the woman who for eleven t kitchen than does the picture an years lighted a match every time she indian massacre hanging over the looked into the oven was wasting bed in the spare room whero the guest care of barnyard manure tho conservation and application of farm manure is a matter of vital im portance to farmers as the amount of available plant food in the soil is the principal factor in determining crop yields barnyard manure is the most effec tive fertilizer and best soil improver known each ton contains approxi mately 10 pounds of nitrogen 5 pounds phosphoric acid and 10 pounds of potash supplying three essential elements of plant food for increas ing soil fertility farm manure is un equalled and it is ono of the most valuable assets of the farm the more manure tho larger the crops the larger the crops the more live stock- that can bo kept which in turn will produce more manure and increase crop production all the liquid manure should bo saved as it is far richer in nitrogen and potash than the solid excrement the floors and gutters in the stables suf the mother goose rhymes true stories of heroes and many bis matches endangering her life and the supposed to sleep peacefully a there is a slight gap between the torical facts may be presented in this house and cutting her efficiency at comfortable substantial rocker either stories given in storybooks we have way least in half because the hand holding wicker or w6oden has just as defi- found that twoyearold children several recent collections of chil- the lighted match was no help in n a place in the kitchen as the sink greatly enjoy simple tales relating drens stories are indexed according turning lifting or taking food out j range or table at least i think so their own personal experiences when to the moral lessons they contain later on she found that she could getl the things which it seems to me this method of classification is very plenty of light into her oven by simpl any kitchen cheery aro its size useful to mothers who like to use j ly turning the stove around j its coolness its brightness and its stories as a means of discipline a light should come from over the coziness and so in contrast to tho skillful storyteller may relate her left shoulder if it does not we work dark green kitchen of my girlhood my story with the idea of correcting in our own shadows for this reason kitchen of today is comfortably small some childish fault without losing a central light is not satisfactory tho fresh appealing charm of the each working space needs its own light story itself perhaps this is the i had one light put in over the sink told in a clear direct manner for instance once a little boy named preston went out for a walk and he fell down and began to cry his friend the squirrel ran down from a tree and looked at him then his big friend the dog ran to him and bark ed bowwow then along came his sister and said dont cry little bro- supreme test of a good storyteller the road to success ttmo canadian bacon on the british ficlent litter ox beddirjg material market is losing rather than gaining ground this conclusion was drawn from a study of markets whce in engi- hmd a few weeks ago compared with should bo used to take up all liquid manure for corn which is one of tho principal crops entering into ro- tationa of ah stock farms in eastern danish bacon which easily tops the canada can bo applied as mads by import market canadian sides were drawing it directly to the fields and too short and in many cases too thkfc spreading it whore corn is to be sown to command fee best prices tfcodifthe following season this practice foresee in price between canadian and j rasana not only a saving of labor but danish was about thr cents per prevent losses in plant food from pound this was on the wholesalo i leachine and heatmjf market and the limited study that with the bmlted amount of manure eoum be given to the retail market usoasy at ike command af farmers h indicated that a wider difference bejk not desirable to plow it under too tweea canadian aj danish bacon was deeply if well incorporated with ths the rule dr grisdaje expreaed con- first flva inches a soo h ws by its fldence that hoy grading now boiag fenn warm ths sarfsca sofi oscabifohed woukltend to restore to and larrwe its molsferehoiiing ca- oirsda her ot prestige on the brit- pdty and thus nourish and fesd tfca tsh market which is the only ojtlet af young crop whoa it is least alls to importance for casadua bacon forage dstjar to 8a food i one near the range and a third near my mixing cabinet i might have had a central fixture into which to screw a threeway socket then i could j have used three cords and had my three lights wherever i wished if i could not have had electric lights it would have been easy to have shelves built near or over these various work ing surfaces and put lamps on them question of curtains curtains have a place in the kitchen but only certain kinds of curtains ment of electricity for the fcranspoj- tation companies and all users ofj tirej all the news about the coal and rail- i dependent on coal these things inj way strikes i happened to be taking turn will help to conserve the worlcvj a ramble through tbewoodlot in the j coal supply which is in danger of bej course of my wasc i passed several jjjg nsed too rapidly in our modern fine pbes of aubody maple stovewood enterprises so that we can see thai dcas nows enterprises even strikes may serve useful pur- poses never dreamed of by those who promote them if we havent eensoj enough to practice reforestation and conservation providence makes use of our struggles and foolishness to lead cs to the right course peter mc- arthur over by tha long window i have a comfortable little sewing rocker there is a hook shelf trade the win dow sill because i like to read some thing besides a cook book once in a while one neighbor said to me whenever i have a minute to rest i want to get away from my kitchen i clear out of it well may be i should feel that way to if i had to work in her icitchen mine is not the kind 1 am always wanting to get away from and cheerfully bright i say this be cause it could be glaringly bright i like to look out of its windows and watch passerby on the road and when i am tired and want to rest a minute i can rest right there and not have to go through the dining room or up the hall to the living room to find a spot into which i can drop i keep a pot of parsley or some other green growing thing hj the- window sni what a difference it makes it would have cheered up myj j old dark green kitchen and i knowi curtains would have done worlds forj it too the trees dont strike one day this summer after reading power see the danger of being entirei out the coal and rail- 1 iy dependent or rral fine pbes that was cut last spring and i3 sea soning properly tor use next winter it is true that we only meant to use it in the kitchen stove but if there is any shortage we ws3 hot find it nec essary to burn the furniture or tear up tho floors to get fuel to keep us warm we went through a winter in the war without using tie coal icove and can do it again of course coal is handier to use and needs e33 at tention but if the coal operators and their employees will quarrel it doesnt mean so much to us as it does to city people the woodlot is a kind of in- copulation of canada wholly ind suxanoe for the home that is orthj of the coal miners end ho keeping up a shortage of coal forj me operators in th matter 4 fuel whl stimulato reforestation in the keeping the home fires burning country for many fanners already 4 realize thsi it is not safe to he entire- the man who works late ay cbs ly dependent on outsvie supplies of- up with his work but the om wmj fuel it iria tdso promote the ccvep- starts early keeps ahead of it i value of a woodlot a woodlot on every farm main tained under the rules of scientific forestry drawn upon for fuel anno ally would make about half of the tg y

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