ttoilii v iuhkvllle ontario tl 1ua v march 14 is published thursday aftkuxoox at the ofiico ftouffville oxt 0rms 5125 a year in advance u madill editor and lrop business cards legal iccullouh button ra it r1 steits solicitors coxveyaxckrs he a k 15 v s5 8 a i ii stouffville monuy to loan of canada head office toronto your surplus earnings in our savings department earn inter- r est at current rate 2i stouffvilxe branch a c burkholder manager doors that is to say if foodswere as cheap as potatoes we couit live on twentylive cents a day csvjealtnr nlen have lived and all the siu points i porience purposes uextal pr d c smith l i s i i s dtintist onor graduate of toronto and chicago universities nice- over huntleys store esidence main street near officer t home every day except tuesday r e s barker h i s 1 i s d b ntibt s10uffwlle school b meeting honor graduate o royal college dental iuisebfis and of the nivcisity 01 toronto lice hours 9 to 12 a m 2 to 5 i in lofficein grubtns block over jow- ry storo sidoijce main street east end phone 8201 res 3s0u tdarkkam every tuesday- office m whites store j3 aiid embalm eit stouffvimje ptclciico church street pxvo iloors north of store imuvio lios 980 j or 08t2 i and night calls promptly attended to isuraince h clark tale glass accident and life western lands for sale ivest permanent loan co itures lo loan on improved farms llhonk 220 22h liryitilib qnt rsesh0er and- a blacksmith the regular monthly meeting of the stouffville school board was hold on thursday evening march 7 miss whitoman tendered her res ignation to take effect march 28 it was accepted the following accounts were pas- sed g brownsbergor caret aking and scrubbing rooms 400 geo collard books for primary div and supplies 520 jas movat 1 wks caretaking 3600 goo m hendry co 2845 a b bartholomew 2 cords of wood 1000 e v nighswauder rent and care- 975 1310 19791 lgo 455 is 75 is 75 3750 goo moved taking b burkitt carting todd cook coal j urquhart express orlen mott cutting wood w h clark insurance irecaman insurance j s dougherty insurance j l irncs inspection the fcilzwlng resolution by j s dougherty and seconded by a stoulter was passed that the stouffville school board desires to place onvecord their sincere appre ciation of thojacioh of the board of jafsers ctt sl4e3by teiian gliurcli fnxplacing- the iaeinent of their church at our disposal free of charge for school purposes during the past year and that a copy ofthis resolu tion bo sent to the presbyterian hoard ot managers messrs collard smith and itolden wero appointed as a committee to purchase desks and seats for school secure a motor or other moans of transportation the milk producers are alive to the situation and are taking action the are sending the following resolution signed by all of the leading milk shippers is be ing sent to the board ot railway commissioners we the undersig ned are part of the milk shippers unionville markham and stouffville to the city of toronto the sutton train which was due at unionville at 935 a m and on which wo snipped our milk has been discontinued and the only train on which we can now ship mill to tor onto is no 93 due at unionville at workodfor months on a diet of no- down thingv else than potatoes oleomar- j commencin gariuivand a little fruit potatoes towards the cjn contain protein of the very best kind j drawn at ah angle or they v also contain mineral salts which neutralize harmful acids in the bpdy the food material in po tatoes is 9s per cent digestible canadians have largo supplies ot potatxes carrots onions and turnips amvbjr consuming these vegetables fredly they can economize with breach iioia than 300 ways of cooking potatoes are known they combine weiiixvlth many flavors thoy can be used to economical advantage with meat and ilsh in stews cro quettes hash chowders meat pies otcridone half a cup of mashed po tatoes and two cups of flour make a stage fills n grces for the last stroke the drag may he drawn backw with the round side of the slab lo front and with comparatively li angle there are two stages when roads will drag and one when you cannot do a job satisfactorily the first stage is when they are in a very slop py condition ii spring or in other seasons after a heavy rain a road may then be shaped up wondcrfii j wel and after chance todry cat up with smooth fine 1135 a m which invariably runs late lately she has been one and a half to two hours late consequent ly our milk does not reach the city until about 3 p m the milk dealer is complaining and we find it a great disadvantage to ship on this late and irregular train if the sutton is not started again or some other train service established we as ship pers say that part of us at least will feel compelled to discontinue shipping milk to toronto after april 1st and devise some other meansof disposing of our milk it isup to the citizens of stoufc- r ville unionville markham uxbrklgo arid everybiher vilagealongtoe line to see that strongly worded resolutions are submitted to the board ot railway commissioners urging that action bo taken to have an early train to the city breatfiuiixture that helps the hour to go father good cooks know the ways ot using potatoes are various boiled steadied lyonnaised baked chipped friehashed brown creamed es- calldned stuffed au gratin and scored of combinations canada has plenty of potatoes and althoiigh the price is high compared to tcatmal times it is not high in comjiirison with other foods in war time iload making milk producers protest ami painji if the g t r continues to give us during the summer months the train service that we are getting now the company hilght as well close up the line to passenger traffic altogether persons going to the city will not bother waiting until the af ternoon to start for toronto thoy will use their automobile or hire one not only will the servico bo a dis advantage to passengers but it will further add to the difficulties of the food and labor situation milk ship pers who have been accustomed to ship mill on the early train in the morning will have to await the arri val ofjb everlate food value of potatoes people who wish to help in food conservation should consider pota toes as a partial substitute for wheat lour potatoes are the chief staple of the semiperishable foods can adians do not eat their fair share of potaloos even in normal limes wo have been largely a wheat beef beef and pork consuming people these staples are now required for overseas and it behooves us to sub stitute other foods for them where ver possible wo consume perhaps two and onehalf bushels of potatoes per capila per year or about one- third of a pound per day equal to one fairsized potato in somo euro pean countries one pound per day per capita is consumed and in some districts four pounds a day and nearly twentyfive bushels per year if in p- since thorp are many miles of roads which must be maintained by some means more or less expensively on i the dominion experimental farms j the splillog drag is found to be one of the most useful implements for this puipjjso it is now in use in uniny localities and an increasing mileageot rural highways of this c is being kept in repair cc bsssgaiisss itissun implement construction ot split tjbjj tfra a dry sound red cedar log is the best material tor a drag the hard woods being usually too heavy for this purpose the log should be from seven to eight feet long and from ten to twelve inches in diame ter and carefully sawn down the middle the heaviest and best slab should be selected for tho centre both flat sides to the front and set on edges thirty inches apart giving the back half a setback of sixteen to eighteen inches at the right end so that when the drag is drawn along at- an angle parallel to the ditch on the right side ot the road the end of the back halt- will be directly bo- hind the front half as otherwise the ditch end of the rear slab would stick out past the ditch end of the front slab crowding into the bank and interfering with the proper working of the drag two crosspieces arc wedged in twoinch auger holes bored through tho slabs anc on the right side a piece of scantling is inserted between the ends of the slabs this is ot grcatvauto in- strengthening and stiffening the end of the front slab in working in a clay or gumbo road it is advisable to put iron on the lower edge ot both flat sides nay be attached to a piece to a piece ot waguu i ii i t the to tho ditches comes a sticks will roll up un roail cannot 1 factory eondit whon the surfr bly texture t very successful grad t it tr to cat on- desi when ly is into means getting well as happing processjjrrstan inventory i g thqn a desire osav iil to eerwunmarriod persi widow and widower without dl ent children receiving an inc 1500 and over andtoju persons receiving an income 000 and over will unquest result in u large proportion in a determination to sav that means more general and renewed national strong but a national stocktaking l incidental ot course to the purpose of the income war tax is to provide revenue for the cation of tho war inittr eqiiita manner as possiiiti7 the war be graduated according to onef bility to pay those who are receipt of only a living wage or ary will not be called upon lo p those enjoying the highest incon will he called upon to pay the great est amounts and the great body of income receivers between witba called upon to pay in theiiiiduo proi portion moreover tho purpose of tho m is to distribute the burden equ among all classes byway tration lho farmer will be n lo add to the valne of his a cometho value of the horn products which his family this places the farmer on with the salaried man tin whose services is who in the income recetv which he must chai