Ontario Community Newspapers

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), June 16, 1904, p. 1

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vol xvii no 1 stouffville ontario thursday june i i04 whole number 850 the tribune is published every thursday afternoon at the op ce qrubins block stodmille oat terms 91 in advano 8125 it not paid in advance jli wort prompuy attendei to wm malloy b a editor 3 3w33 cjimld3- james mcculiough ll8 batritr sounltor kto crubins block upstairs stouffville ont mone t jjoan c rfflll fitd pb l lb barrister solicitor notary public conveyancer ac- 3ffice daleys block stouffville lennox lennox button barriten solicitor conveyancers c istouwmlo office spoftords block tvuroru oino over ontario bank larkham cnce opposite franklin hum perbert lennox john p lennox t lou bjttau are you i building wo carry in stock a full line of buildefgk jferdtdare call and let us quote you pri ces on wire nails barn door tracksdoor hangers eavet roughing meta hie roofing and siding a good assortment of express wagons and gocarts iust received call and see them a large stock of good sil verware selling at cost jithigori brog hardware merchants 1ikmxal dentisti qraduite of tie royal college of dental surgeons iqnor graduate of toronto university post qraduau ohicayo celiegs qitjcorqyer spofforda htore residence rupert ave west endj appointments may be made for evenings tail s barker lds dds stouffvuie ont f of itdyal college of dental i honor graduate pf unlver- urooto- 9 to 12 am 28 to 8 p u r la crubins block next feast of tribune office ilntmente may be made for eve- habkiiau ever j monday and tue day offlas over u whites store shaees barber shop -and- cigar store yk ep no iwur or apprentice all firtt ct wormea a all will convince you tuat our barber shop n upto date aqd anliscoptio q lftr stflre ik headquarters or he best braudt ot ciiuhs anl tobaccos tod j w shank ei prop 5 isx c lll c n a o cr r- o i q o cehent buildings a modern skyscraper of cement is tho wonder of cincinnati architec ture which is expected to revolution ize the building trade this structure as described in tho architectural rec ord occupies the entiro area of a oor uer lot 50 by 100 feet ana is fifteen ystorics and a full attic practically six teen stories rising to a height of 210 feet above the sidewalks the onehalf of the basement is the usual twelve feet deep but the other half contain ing the power plant is twenty feet deep the foundations extend five feet below this so that the entircjiei- rht of the structure from the bottom at the foundation is 235 feet entirely eoncroie ateel in fact it isa concrete pox ot eightiiiph walls with concrete walls and loot concrete beams cou- jvetc stairs the whole entirely qev oid of the usual ibeams zbars angle irons pla tea rivets ojid bolts it con sists merely ol bars imbedded in con crete with the ends interlace mak ing actually a complete ooncrete raon- olytb of the entire building covered fn the exterior witb a veneer from four to six inches thick of white mar ble for the lower three stories glaz ed grey brick for the next eleven and glazed white terra ootta for the top story and cornice the concrete is made of highgrade portlana cement clean sand with grains of variable sizo and prushed lilone it is mixed with enough wat er to make it semifluid to insure inti mate contact with and adhesion to the steel bars and is well tamped the floors are continuous slabs five inch es thick reinforced with a mesh of threequartersinch twisted steel bars laid eighteen to twenty inches between centres in both directions and strengthened by a beam across the centre of the column bay divid ing this into two panels of sixteen feet r witiit other support ing beams wind bracing has been oarefully and sufficiently looked after during the progress of the work of construction grave doubts were ex pressed by persons assumed to bo ooiu potent critics as to the success ot rue experiment tboy said it would new fr reach tho height prescribed in tho design that if it did it would disinte grate and fall to picoes by shrinkage isracks and that it oould not possibly withstand wind pressure but it was completed without difficulty or do lay it did not dovolop shrinkage pracks and in the heaviest winds to which it has been subjected it has not shown a perceptible tremor on che subject ot tne ornamental employment of cement concrete mr r w lesley in a paper lately road before the engineers club of phils dclphia said by a most ingenious sohema of pour ing cement into ujainp sand in a jnioib pd analogous to ho making of cast iron the most beautiful effeets in aeul jptnro are produced in concrete and yr mercer at doylostown is now reproducing garden works and tba statuary of rome and greece in the colore form and ontline ot tlii mat eriat ooiorcd m ij most beautiful way and giving the inost artistic eta feota and at an expenditure absolute jjr naljruifioant aa conrparod wftj ye goode olde summer time is with us once more and with seasonable weather you will always find our store full of of am kxjfds all the uptodate lines of ladies summer dress and blouse materials and trimmings shirt waists wrappers fancy collars and belts and everything that goes to make up a stylish toilet specialists in mens summer suits all kinds ot straw and felt mats summer weight un derwear print shirts neckwear c keep cool and call on us bbnuffe peters stouffville ont stone s the baltimore fire emphasized with great clearness the value of steel rein ioiceu concrete as a irei existing ma teriul the future of plastic architec ture is full ot promise audit is confi dently predicted that it will seadily ncroich on every other form of bull uuig material how in use- genfckal niiws of sickled trout or brook trout up more may be caught than in the aggregate sliall exceed in weight 10 pounds or no greater number than so though that number may weigli less than ten pounds examine alt the king kdwurd silver coins you get especially 5c ana fluj jiuces there are more bcogus 23 c piuocs than any other coins they ap pear likeho genuine article and have xhe right ring but thoy ar so soic that a person with good teeth could biiu tncin in two jig dancing says an american dancing master should bo taught in all public schools practice in jigs makes one surefooted a young wo man rvho has become proficient in ouie little step would have no dlffi culty in getting on or off a street car she might joard one in motion or bkip across a rough or slippery stiect without danger of falling or getting injured before the dominion agricultural tjoniumcco recently joseph l uay cock dominion binder twino inspec lor was examined lie said that last ycar about 1000 was collected in fines for tho infraction of the law the quantity of tho bindar twine was ieing greatly improved through the inspection system the consumption of twino in can- iia last year was 11 thousand tons of which 0500 were inado in canada what is recreation tha office man who goc lorth on a summor holiday may ask himself to break out in ath letio exercises walking rowing blimbing hills or swimming miles all well enough for those accustomedj but tho offico man should drawlthfi lino a nerve specialist prescribes that the- man whoso working nuars bavo been given to intellectual occupation stay in bed as many hours of the iwcntyfour when on his vacation aa he convenient can he needs down- right inc ee more than anything lsc it is pioposed to devote the convict labor of tbo u s to road improve ment each year the convicts in the iprisons of tho unitod statos perform 15001000 days woric mucn of which is ip competition with tho la- bor of freo men outside of prisons this oonvict labor is sold to tho high est bidder as a rulevand is worked un dor contract miohigans highway cofamissioner believes that theso con victs should bo employed in the work lot roadinaking work which is not nonv being dono on a largo scale not only would such employmeta of con viots take them oat of competition with free labor jn tba industrial our suits but it would provido a wayjfor the improvement of highways that pannot be aocornpliahod it all theiav bor is lo bo paid for at the ourronf tat ot iragei i cvjlu fob sale a quantity of piping and iron wire for tenoing purposes imaged by fire write for prices to jas p soott co 187 duchess st toronto the hon e j davis commission er of crown lands ha3 donated a handsome silver oup to be played for as a perpetual challenge cup repre senting baseball championship of au- rora and newmarket for which a series of games has already been ar ranged the discovery that the mosquito is a lover of music suggests an easy met hod for regulating bis whereabouts the way to do is to get an apparatus which will sound the note that lieiia fond of that will vibrato agreeably over his nervouj system h9 either will be paralysed or dasbveeipitate- 1y toward the instrument whioh if duly charged with electricity willj after amusing him for a brief period put him out of business h b- cowan superintendent of agi vicutturall societies reports that at thopgh there is this year a small in- 01eaae in the san jose soale in the fruit distriets the prospects o icon- trolling the pest are bright the grow ers are wideawue t ue necessity of spraying at ci d by the fact that eleen power spiayera are in use his year as against three last year the growers are also uniting in the preparation of macoriaf about a week ago mr jos oould was in markbam village and tied his corse a spirited one in front of the standard mutual fire insurance cos office the animal took fright at a passing load ripped off its bridlo and dashing through a narrow apace be ween two paasixur waggons stripped itself of the rig and most of the harq oss andtmadeexpress time iq its race house turning the corner at welling- ton street it ran upon tho rdewalk flipped and fell into the oj knock- a couple of panels down rolled over regained its feet in an instant and continued its mad run home beyoud one or two slight scratches tho horse was uninjured but tho buggy and harness will take considerable ropair fng itcoalling a trip over the siberian railway from moscow to lake bai kal william wbyte assistant to the president of the canadian pacific- has this tc ssy of tbo physical nature of that railways transportation prob lein the rails were light the ties far apart the engines were incomnd arable and the worst feature was this tbo distance between station on t single track was too great do you know the secret of working a single line railway it fa t his make your connections close do not have say twenty miles between stations as is tbo qiso in the transsiberian itaiw way suppose you bare tbls condii tion you lose time in the passing of trains you lose all olose connections and the result i fneffloienoy russia designs to pour into manchuria some half million of men how la this nun 1or to be maintained ijcnowj what it is to sustain a law thousand men in the northwest when wo hare a ltud den bit of road to build that la serf ops enough when you are away from 1 lyour base but think o boatla iooq ifiulea wjfro luurbmh standard bank of canada establirhed 1872 assetsovett thirteen million dollars a general banleing business transacted savings bank4 deposits of one dollar and upwards received on which in terest is allowed from date of deposit at th highest bank rate accrued interest is added to accounts every six months and becomes prinoipal married women and minors my make and withdraw deposits without the intervention of any person loans made to farmers on note at lowest rate sale notes cashed collected or may be left for safekeeping only for which no charge i made your business will receive our careful and courteous attention p h qray agent two quarts of buttermilk taken ev- daily is said to be a oure for thealco hoi habit and also for nervous indii gestion the third survey for the mckenzie and mann railroad has been convplet od to some distance north of mount albert the line runs through the viilage crossing ihe g t r track a short distance north of the station ad in continued northeast crossing the centre road about a mile and a half north of mount albert it also iruns tbroueb franklin and passes o the grist mill v one of the devices of the smuggler is to bring in rings watohesand oth er compact articles of value conceal- ed in books a thick innocentlooking volume is selected for the purpose and a hole is hollowed out in the cen tre large enough to receive the smug gled goods the book is then dosed and tied up its weight offers no cjqw to the presence of thai valuables evca if the inspector should take ft in hia hand and a book fa of course likely to pass mustor even with the most care ful oustoms agents an interesting phase of tjie rapid development of the gasoline motor for tho automobile is the building of hxperimcntdl engines with similar motive power for use on steam rail ways a locomotive of this type has been built at kansas city wbicb is viqwerful enough to haul ope passen- gor car at a good rate of 3peed end if the fiist experiments prove enoou f aging other and more powerful gaso line engines are to be tested on rail ways an 80 horse powor gasoline mo was tested on the sohomoorg branch of the metropolitan railway this week and as usual with gasoline i110 tors did some little kioklng to start with but it is expected to havefit in operation in a few days a great transformation has taken jplaoe in the fostoffice department since sir william unlock took the helm saying nothing ot the useful reforms he has made in various bran chess the railway mail service deadletter office moneyorder otfii ees etc the financial results ac- coonphsficd are exceedingly satisfao tory in 1800 tljere was a deficit of nearly gsoooob after sir william bad been in office two years tho bal- inoe on the wrong sida was cut down to less than 50000 wbore- jpon he felt justified in trying the ex uooriment of lowering the postage jatcs in 1893 mainly through bia efforts the rate on letters between panada and the united kingdom was reduced from five lo two cents per half ounce thoyear after the do- unestio rato on letters in canada waa itduoed from three to two coats as also the rato between canada and the unitod states naturally the reven ue fell in consequence but it recover pd by 1002 when there waa a small a on the years operations io 1u03 the surplus had risen to three irandred thousand dollars although in addition to the reduotionof rates io had all along beenj paying for the yukon service whioh was not in ex istence when be entered offico the lost office for the first time in its history fs now a aelftustaining de jpartmont and something better rexaix hjse dyes these dyee will dye wool 0tton silk jute or mixed goods in one bath they are the latest and moat improve dye in the world try a package all colon at 0 oollabd sole agent there are soma ounous facta about our oalendar no century can begin fvith wednesday friday or monday the same oalendar cau be used every wonty years but most people now get new ones every yearo otober al ways begins on the same day of the week aa january april as july sep tember as december february aa marab and may june and augusbali ways begin on different days from pach other and fnom every montn in the year the first and last days of the year are always the same thia rulo does not apply to leap year advertisements are appearing in some newspapers of stocks offered for sale at very low prioes tho pub lic should beware of making purchas es without consulting tho head pffi foea7 aa recently persons have receiv ed stock certificates which were rai sed tenfold sometimes giltedge slock is used as a bait to draw the at tention of intending purchasers and when they make an offer jq pur- chase they are told that all of that particular stock has been sold and thdy are asked to invest- in some oth- er stock if you wish to be safe al ways dea with a responsible broker or with head office the value of the sunflqwer as a field orop is unknown iii this country and yet there are few plants which in proportion to the attention requi red make larger returns almost ev try portion is uaofnl the seeds are val ued as food for cattlejand poultry and from them may ba obtained an oil not inferior to that of tho olive thoy have also their usoj in medicine making soothing emulsions like fjaxi 1 in russia they ana eaten like lin a fn many parta of south am erica are ground to meal of which fbrcad is made the leaves are equal in nourishing qualities to corn fodder snd the stalks are an exoellent fuol in italy and spain these plantsare ex tensively cultivated aa a field crop for tho sake of thei oil pressed from their seeds an mora will produce co bushels each yielding a gallon oeoi1 it is no doubt a orop whioh draws heavily on the soil and the cost of fertilization should be inquired into ibefore undertaking to grow this un tried crop fishing reguitions the now fishery regulations recom mended by mr 13 t ibaatedo ontar io commissioner of fisheries have been confirmed by tho dominion gov errimonl they will go into effect at onoe the most important obangi is that reduction from 12 to s the num ber of bass permitted to bo oaugh t by iny angler in one day tho present limit id twelve tho size limit leu in olios remains tho same thero waa aojtno talk ot increasing it to twelve inohos but on further consideration imr rastodo came to tho conclusion that such regulation would have tho opposite ot tbo desired effect the regulation reads as follows no ono shall fish for catch or kill in any of the waters ot tho province in pny ono day by angling or shall car ry away a greater number than a small or largo mouthed blacks bass 4 maskinongo twelve piokerol four lako trout the site limit for piokerol is fifteen inohes for maskinongo thirty inch es measuring from the point of the nose to the centra of tho tail tho sale and export of speckled trout black baas and xnaaklnonge is prohlb ited for a period ofj fivqyoara provi ded however that any person from a foreign obuntry fishing in the wat era of tbo province who obtains an anglers liqpnaa may upon leaving the protlnpey take with him the iaw jul mtch of jtjc adt flahlng we study the eye llhen wo examine your eyes each eye is tested separately every angle of vision is measured w try your accommodation we test for muiccular weakness we de termine whether any astigmatism be present your eyes cannot be safely and perfectly fitted without such teu and sight i too precious to take any risks eye strain cau tea headachefainting or dizzy spells narvous troubles etc let us fit your eyes properly eyes examined free spe ctacles are never recommended un less found positively needed market drug store g coilard scientific optician anrl jris stouffvuie fire notice i wish to inform my man customers that the big toronto fire did not affect me as 1 had all my spring- goods in stock also a new assortment of hats and swell line of shirtsties collars etc etc tbi fashionable tailor todds block li c try monkhous e for y0ur spring suit in scotch tweeds worsteds serges the largest collection in tovi monkhouse i co the leading tailor n- e- smith licensed auctionaicr for tn countlas of zork and ontario all sale of farts stock an fund ed to a the shortest notice am raa- eoaaw rattan uertf aad bailiff aalm att t u

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