r tonflvtllc rtbtim vol xvii no 6 gstouffville ontario thursday april 7 1904 whole number 840 the tribune is published every thursday afternoon at the office grubins block stobmille oxt tkrms si in sdranca 125 it not paid in advance jill wort prsblly attended to wm malloy b a editor m 0 mwss fcaisibg james mccqliongh lib barrister solloltor kto grubins block upstairs stouffvilhe ont vloiiev co lioan i russell fitcli pb l lb barrister solicitor notary public conveyancer c- office daleys blocic stoutfville lennox lennox button barrittr- solicitors conveyancers 4c scouiville office spoflords blocic vurora uffie over ontario bank harlthamojlce opposite franklinhous r herbert lennox john f lennox p ljtj bitun uhniwi j i smith lds dds dentist graduate of the royal college of dental surgeons honor graduate of toronto university pout graduate chicayo college office over spoffords store residonce rupert ave west end appointments may be made for evenings wis barker lds dds stouffvllle ont uraduate of royal college of deatei irgxi honor gradaate of unlver- it of toroato hoorab to 12 m 22 to p office in aruwrts bixkjk next ooor east of tribune office appointments majlw made for eve- markiiau ever monday and toe laoftloe over m waltet store shanes babbkb shop and cigar store we k ep no amateurs or apprentices all first class woncmen a all will convloc youtliatour barber shop u upto data and anluceptic our cigar store i headquarters or he behbrands ot cioabs anl tobaccos and pirxa v first class laundry established try ui with your next parcel t w siiankef prop c in ui x o cc o c r- o i q c o d 3 o gene n easttr 8unday occurs on the sab batb next after the firat full moon succeeding the 21st of march but if tho full moon occurs on sunday then hsaster will be on tba sunday follow lnfc mr e a coombs principal of the newmarket high sobool was compel led to give up teaohing recontly ow in to c severe attack ot rheumatism ana a substitute will probably ottiol- ate in his stead for a short time the nmn who with his teau got lost om- night recently near airora ana travelled all night through the jtieldi and over deuces one ol thum toeing ot the stump variety must nave bad snowshoea on ins horsed or tthey travelled in dfitianoe ot tlie law ot gravitstiuu the oliver must auo nave hau a meandering time ot it a mitimg ol the north ontario ba- kera association was held reeeuty at buuoerlaud wheait was agfjeu iuot to lama ine price ot dread aiiiio it had gone up cousmeiably in tba bit- lea it wua ueciueu to hoia the uexi meeting in the second week in jauiu ary instead ol maron as tornwrij tiue pioce at which it will ba hem wis xiot ueciueu upon jul win proutu fiq siluitville mr was prea- fcut atiht meeting it is stated that a new steamer lor tluxea coiiuohing und simcoe ivil- ers is iov be built in oftllia rou as expetuu tu ua reauy tor the -uui- mer tiuue on those lakes open lor excursions ol ah kinds tne vessel win fjo sevemjiive teet long auu tweive toot beam be will be tnoruiguiy moutxn n all tier appointments jiiueu bj electricity litted witu e ctric luns auppued with opera seats etc- xakebimcoe needs 4 boat ot tuis btiiu and weekly exourstoua arum dtoucna iuint bene bwaa auu jucksuii point to oritiia auu birtie will uc uoubt bo taken advauteuge0 ny oaupert auu summer tourists uu- ring- tlie coining reason reports of threshing have doju cum ing in horn argentina lor some time jiasc ana a pretty lair estimate it tne cron if now to hand damage nas deeu 4ioue by hail storms and frost lidie uu there and there nas been a guou iotai 01 damage in one or two sp ai- ui aistricts out in spite of tnuc it is sain that the crop will bu nearly 11 uot quite as large aa that of the pre- ceuing ytai tne quality is reportea 1h be cjccuient on the whole xud pri- pe9 are good ilowever aa a setutt atriuea just now are blluotina artfen una as badly as they bave the north era part oi the american continent 2neru lat- been strikes both ut hue ios ayres and rosario among other jiuces which account more than ai- ning eisu for a nhortaga in tne e x porta ol wool this year of about se anty thousand bales in the meaatiinu however exports ol wool may lessen seoausn ol the great incroase in cut tle in argentina and the decrease in sheep it bavins bee lound by lbs pasioialists that cattlo raising uuu oaitlu feeding is mora profitable tbui wool gruwing the point tor the cue tuian to nolo however is that ai- jgeutrna is going to oe a more tortut- uadio rival to us in the luture tnauni the past it is true that argentina has oniy about a third of our area or ljzlhulili square miles to our 34j- pt4 square miles put our oountry grows broad towards our polo wiuu theirs giown narrow towards theirs una tne county in general onjoys an 4quabe temperature and noalthtul climate ihe population too is aig amounting to lour and a half millions as oompaied with 8774282 of the commonwealth of australia and our 87islb tho country la riclt in mlneisis and the population u grow ing sppuciahly by immigration which amounted to 00000 odd in jooij aitbougn tho emigration ico la laxge lb is a progressive country however it has already eleven thoui and nilics of railways in working or der connecting tho principal cilia s of 4h6 rtpublio with tho capital and it has odogc odd miles ot telegraphy mostly government lines and s con nected by cable with all tho cities in the world a country such as ibis with a population more sisblo than is usual among the spanish republici wnich are mostly tropical with n te la fmpoit trade gold ot 108 million collars odd ana an export tea jo ot a boat 170 and a balf million dollis odd is not to be disregarded whan tlif nrorlda food nppdeaara being laken into consideration with a view 10 fluantiutf ada pnoes and argentina la amtl today oompared with whit sih wulbauaugoas weol the new hardware a great slaughter in stov es to make room for a car lod of new stock arrivio next week ire have to offer 4t only oxford campus ranges at 24 regular 30 1 only dutchess of oxford katge and high shelf 35 regular 32 1 only oxlord colonial range 35 regular 42 all these are new and up to date stovesand if nob old during the next two week will be returned to the factory to make room for a full line of impettlal ox fords which viu be our leading and only line se our london fknok machine build your own fence it will save you money jsiliigori eo successors to mammoth fair co ffiie honey croj ia likely to be vtjry ebon tum 6eajon owing io tlie jatn- ty oi tho past winter it is ttaid that auout ball the beea will die and that tmany arc already dead iack ot prop cr ventilation is one great came oi the ex tensive mortality it sbculu be satisfactory to thd brit iult taxpayer to retlect that the tor etio eaten wnich pmyed havoc with the kustian lleet at the outset ot the war h the far east are nearly all enghsii built wnion circuaistauceliut lerentially beema to bo a guarantee tiiat the nome government in getting is juoncya worth and lias a reauy reuauiu mat line ot dutence la all aiapua tso twenty vessels jpeeuiiy couatiutted lor torpedo work at rnq lime ot the last ouicial rjeturn seven or eight mouths ago and svqateeu ot these t torpouo boat deacroyeia two ol tneae werei built in japan uiii vuu otner iiiteemin great britain tho 1ominiou uovcrumcntis aeud- ting out an exploring party to tuj feaco itier district of which ao much it being beards lately and wmca nolus out so mupu promise ot conitort ainuopueuob to ihe industrious iu t pifcparatory to opening tho kands loi eolonization in the wsieiu portion oj atbauaaoa the survey pui- cy nov being sent out will run line iu that part oi the territory uuiuvioi eu betwten theotb initial mend in auu the biitish columbia border it 14 eponedrepurted that this strip oi pouniry consists largely ot gpou t growing land ol the very boat fiuufity and win atiord vaiuabiu home veuua ior thousands o set tie ra tne premier spoakiug recently ol vue secuiities wuien tne uovernmunt vin hoitt loi aiding the doo indis- tries tuiutne securities laudd bu giueueu to 1 ha guarantee ol inter bl oxi two jniition uollars whieh the fjoerninent proposed to take tuerc niust bo no incumbrance or any dttli cuty about any part or phase o the uargain it must betas sale a traavic tion a a loaj to iuu uauk ot engiiud vto propose to tajce no risks tud wiu r ask tne house to tako lny tlie jround in eleur in some respects but not mothers 1 ihopo to be able to bat sty the houac that it is clear on if re ly bejoiu asking it to proceed wih tho bill the harts mountains in oorminy are the centre oi tho oanaryoiiii ut oustry ynt birds raised there hivu ihooln lox the training of their oi cwu tbo lest voices are carefully se lected and their owners set apart in a oiass oy themselves a canary with a iauftlisf voice and long uxperince in singing is chosen for a courier when tho timc cornea to train thd young uidb they are suffered to hour and imitate only tho pure rrotes f the leader ol the school tho st andreas- btrg canaries arc rockonod the fioest jsingers in tho world singing mouoois for birds also exist in now 3forlf where imported german bunfinaue arc trained with tho aid ot a tlute 1 zeed oigan and tba human voioo tny trainers am marvellously expert wbts tiers baiifinohes can bo taught co pipo tho tuce of popular aooga and a nearly showing of 5w things spring will bo here before you know it dont let other get ahead of you in selecting your spring goods our stock is arriving every day now from all parts ot the country our first consignment of stew prints is in the- patterns are all uptodate none of last years leavings and off colors but all new goods bought at old prices we are therefore independent of the use in the cotton market all the newest things in dress goods suitings silks linen affects cambrics ginghams dress lining ribbons watch our adds for particulars tmiliffe peteks km fcaxie about 500 ipushels ol iirstciass turnips or nioru ut lot lu coucbssiun i vtnucnurun bxuaitl camjtbiol tne llussiau government spauos ukro mone on its press censors tuun on its bcuoois itsst year an papeis were sibponued tor various pertous uuu zk ere lorbiuuou to jiccupt eii veriisemeuts wnne zo cunora ivuie 101u thuc tney could nave u short va- taiion m biueriimt tney concinuuu hutir uiscussion otpuono questions interesting experiments with the wuors ot herbs uavo lrom nmu to time deen maueand it liaa neentounu tnat mtny apeoieao microbes are ta- sii oeatioud byvariuua smells tne uuor 01 cloves nas been known to ue- stioy microbes in u5 minutes cinua- luun win bill some species in 15 unu- utes rnyine in ho minutes in 16 lutnutfcs common wild verbena is 11uuu eueativq while the odor ot uatut hii aesiroyeu various lorui o microbes in commutes and it is re ciuruud us the most otiective ol ail bu- lorb as an antuceptio it is nov her neveu that lierba wliich have bawo uiavo been luuud in egyptian muu- jnieo wciu placed on tbe bodies moro for their uutisoeptiq properties than as mere ornaments or objects ot 0h ument froniolers and investors interests d in elcotiic mines will not lind cun- isolation in the last report jt ibe kailroud commissioners of massa- iccusetti out of aoi oompamea in hat state no less- than 05 aaw und gentleman ot very large exponeace old denial cd and paid no iliviuonjsa interested in electriu lines operations in massachusetts recently stated that eiectric lines do not pay oxoept whon acorn ted within densely populate j cir is distriots or wlthinv a short radius thereol liko boston and its immedi ate suburbs judged by this staud aid electric lines in ontario outside of those operated within cities will not bu able to earn dividends at lease lor mony ytare to come jvnen tho popu lation of that province becomes more denso than massaobusotts trheie 10 jnany tiectric linos oro not proficablo at piescnt there is in massachusetts a population of 849 per square mile against approximately ten pen squuro roilo in ontario or roughly 14 to x aside from this indication as to on tario being an unfavorable field for eteotrfe iini operation it la intorast- log to note tbalontarion now onjoys three times as large steam rsilvsji milago as massachusetts to eaoh ono thousand of population woods fiioarpiiodlxkx tka oral eafflak 1uw and tauaen prsparatloc basbwq pramribvl and osm onr w r mtt ad drnr autala vint domlslaa of cuisda mil and reeommsnd as baioa the only nudufoaof iu kind that raneaed it pmnptlvand iu ttsafe stfv end ajur ot totkxxv opium ot sumuuinu mmm lotornlowhlaildtolairiniw ooniubd aa jjj 2 tt svw ulld pronipttoa im- anrw swdforrmpasidhlm addma wladser oat oaada woods ph03ph00ins u ld b7 o colurd and o r douoao drugxlft stouivui aiaot fnaanli inu olliel txiniuiuuity outuluu olouiu carlo it so pctpieatedwith tbo eamb iiije spilit as australia in new oil- ana tint gross amount put through tlie oialistiior yearly approacnes eight nunured thousand pounds sterling pu ictoria it la calculated tho stream u gold coins llowing tbrougb tba ma nine will amuunt to no tess ihun nitlion pounds annually 01 this sunt tnt lajliig ciuba jvia taatto 70011 lounub and tne cbucities uouu- pirui us tlit latter bum being luereiy u bribi iutenued to urug thn moral sense 01 tne community if the totau 1410x becomes law it is repprteu mat a sis ft ct 10u oiurks will oe employ- ml at iieniiuglou to work toe lua- tlllf 1 1 a j- jj when iho dahua wus first introduc ea it wac a vegetable tne plant ia said to to reany akin to the potato ami it was- tbougnt ihuc it would iprove iiu importunt addition to tur aoou itsouices lucame from miu- iu the spaniards having at js liellev d lound it m mexico dome darug euventureis appear to have maue a trial o it as an edible root pit it is never an easy matter to popularize u new article oi iood and tne tube ot line aubiiu dii jtnecome popular it ic hsu done so the probabiuty is tbat we bloutd never have been troibiod juuol about its cultivation as a flow or tec aoublo dahlia was j later pro duoi than the single and for many yeurs almost entirely superseded thu simpler llower whiou not many sum- oieit tgo oume into voguu again with ibe interest of a fnpw discovery to u pinsiclt ruble extent they na gone out again now and the doublo oooia gaiu lu the front in popular f avofy if tlu government should ever yiela to the proteotioniat demand lor a revision of thetarifl it mlgnt bo well to consider the wisdom of a bem- ry duty on products of tho magiiai tion canadians we are convinooi if protectecr against dumping would uovcluu a very fair oias of homo pro duot but tho lumping process bus zroigbt the local industry to 1 low ebb in protectionist campaign 111 ments for ipstanoe wer have the sur- jilus pioduol of tba unitod states trusts thiown upon our market k ibeap that tho present practice is to import the staple materials from no toss me line and pat a little local vtn cor on them then as to soa serpout talcs ttbo fisherman isoyra the oulf who assures the newspaper men thit ho ha seen tho writhing wonder 10 quireo only courage not originality how oap snob inventions hope to 00m pete with suoh a magnificent product as that ot an iowa man wha is peti tioning bio state to givo him moueyi to to out to sea catch thirty whale and bring them through the ualc of mexico end the mississippi river io the woilds fair at st louis lie pro posrii to take them to a flooded pas ture and milk thomt tvrioe a day each whale will he says give 000 gallons r mill a day which can bo sold tt a dollar a gallon so that thirty wonks would in three months prodioe al most two million dollar worth of oflk thai boat tho roller boat that wm to ton acroaa tba aea regarduu oltttwliid 1 i 1 1 4 30i waktlid to learn the uak jug country boy preferred applyi to ijivj abxpxujuq htouuville ont an tolct for the exlcrmlnatiou of jlhe innocent and welcome robin hut gonu out uom the mwbigan state horticultural society whion nas seat tenceu bun as a cherry and straw- berry pest ot all the inseotivoroour auu grubaevouring birds in unta vio tue robin is by far the best we bavo no auequaiu idtui ot nia uiotut- nesa 111 tbeso liues jet rid ot ifio ear y spring toliin and our f arms and gir ueua would soon be overrun witu a multitude of pests of various kiada wnicli wouia baulo all tbe lpgeuui ty ot man to keep in subjection iuaio tne robin alone and auord him ana his nects o very pro teouon eacciunt sigo tnem to narpor in tbe urouara anc aont oegruugp tnemt a braatast ot obcuieb or strawpurries jhe cause ofthc present law price of bogs is attribmeu to tne largei in- pxes in tne sbipmenta from beui uiark and ireland aa many as ausjuo i week aie being shipped from tpo lor juor country many pt the uanadian packing houses aro discharging a mj xtamber of thorn men as tbo pn- cet paia lor hogs are nigner than the present condition ot the traaa nan rants n ia jusd possible that low 51100 ky prevail iture lor some con- luerapu time the beet traao will at so bo limilarly atleoted it may ba nat iwc have reached a point wuen cue english maritec is not able to con jhudv all the meats offered for bile tne tiniu haapome when farmers will ioo obligea to ruisa the best ot uvory- thing lor export ana ship their prod uce in the most attractive manuor so fi to niajte it acceptable to tbu brit nib consumer 1 while out for exercise in toa jail yard at whitjiy on monday afternoon ftorpian aork a prisoner who was tried heie a short lima ago lor bnrsc- stenng made bia escape getting ovi art be hi root brick wall byplauiag a atepladoei on a snow pile several jieet nigh whichl was naartba wuh he was missed a faw minutes after the bietk for liberty and jairur lya tj and high constable calveit star- leu in pursuit thoy traced the fugu the tliiough adjacent fields ana ov ei the runway tracks here he dulled bis oonvict uniform whioh his pur suers found eventually thoy corner ed him iu farmer vauatona barns on llhc bate line where ho was oapiurud having bidden under a eead anil which was completely covered by grain bage and from which cluy rou ted him by poking fence rails intohu irotreau when oapturadjhe waafouud tc bu ciad only in bia underclothes and the farmer had to lend him a suit of clothes to wear back to jad 1 h will cow have to stand a trial lor jail breaking whitcaurci council met at megaffins jhotel oak ill j ges maich 80th members being su present cominunieations from frank buck- judule bill for attending uppo oa- ear woodard and wife whllo quaran tined willi diphtheria dr wesley re medical attendance poott family tho uteve and treasurer weie cm- powered to invest clergy besorve fundacojiital walter bobinson was appoiuiod ipatbisstter in lllou oc w yyom t is removing bichaid eogor in uleoj of koberi jdillard albeit oear in lieu ot thomas moo dy removing david widoman lp lieu of j j collard the treasurer was imstrnoted to make the followlngf paymenta- tot siewart walkjr 950 amouuiof legal costi ro collecting taxes 130l to d w mtgaffin use ol unifor council sjoo to t skinner jr shovelling snow r d 0 coo 1 92002 to a b davidson a pportloning rclergy jr f interest to sohoou 92 for cutting and grading fulls be itween loir 70 and 71 oon 1 wv for claying hill batween lo 80 and 1 con 8 010000 the clerk was instructed to notify franl bucklndalo that the council refused lb pay bia full bill for attaqdv ttg oacai woodard and wife xhe reeve wa instructed to pur- bhaac mould tp manufacture onlrort pipe councillor skinner wag instruotod to interview n it uooormacs bx member of the board of healin spooling bill presented by dr wesley foi attending tho soott family council adjourned to neat at jose jhall btliantraa op aptu ctto curing that grip cough 1 grip leaves the lunga in a sensitive i condition grip count is the i symptom of a sullen stubborn in flammation of the air panares that should be cured aa quickly as possi 1 ble theres no question aa to the kind ol remedy needed it must beheal init soothing building itronjthing preparation that will remove the cause el th trouble ordinary nar cotio cough syrups will not answer 3 white pine expectorant has just the action that any remedy must have to thoroughly cure grip cough it has a direct specific effect on the mucous membrane of the air pass aves we knew of cothiug better for cough of this class or for that matter for any kind of cough we will refund your mouey if the re medy fails price 25o market drop store g collard sclentlflo optlolan and druco stouffvllle spring goods in nifty suits 1618 if you want an easter suit leave your order eaitly x j mi tbi fashionabt todds blou try t monkhouse foe your spring scotch twei worsteds serges the largest collecticn in touj monkhouse k co ttie leading tailor with r- or n- e- smith r ucrnskd auction cosatlm of york at all tale of far a stock t- tk akorteet 001 aoaam tatea ucrtgag iiilmii mmkmt ljs 5