Ontario Community Newspapers

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), August 6, 1903, p. 1

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h ab m cr aiit oi tottffotuc ribntte vol xvi ho 23 stouffville ontario thursday august 6 10s whole number 806 ul 60 35 18 35 18 1u 18 10 6 12 8 5 is niu d 4slb everr tnusraaff lvening tfummotb bint k itiuuitviile teuvis 0 year paid in adrboe 00 six month if paid la ssdce 00 three months it paid is aanee 25 caa year it not paid lo oce 125 no paper will b diarsntlucd until all arrearages an paid except at ike option of the publisher advertising rates space lytar 12 year 1i slot omu column hall columi quarter column dlslth column transient advertisements legal ttuuiclpal ac 8 ceuta per hue let oeertlon and 4 cent per llneeacli abaequtnt insertion itoltnonii carde one inch and uder 5 per year 3 or 0 mouths eluding copy ot paper transient advertisements mudt be ul iu not later than thursday at clock notice ot change of stand- ig advertisement must be given not tet than monday at 10 oclock and py must be lu uot later than u a u tuesday nil of far me for sale one inch l under 1 month 1 each subsepu- i month 75 cents j of sire t animals 1 of 3 in- rtiooe dfitisemente without epeclflo rectlons will be inserted every issue ii rnrudden and oharged accord- iy- job department have also a firw class jabbing jerttuent in conuertion and are purtd to do busiboff in that line riiei that canuot be beaten lm8 cas0 irvm m alloy b a general news khaki is to be disused as the fight ing color of uh british army its usj aroso in india but will bo chiefly o- sbclated with the boer war tn future tbo troops aro to wcer a bluish pray irees a color kn jwii in scotland as alhol eray there is in canada today nearly 10 thousand operating oil wells petro- loa has 8000 wells i northwood 17 duttoc 95 jiothwell 203 and oil springe eupbemfa and smithh fall approximately 1000 wells these pro buna about 42000 ooil a month so far 100 agricultural societies in the- province have decided against horso raaing at tlielr annual faira oxport judges of live stock will be pre scut at these shows the agricultu ral department arranges the dates for the circuit and appoints thq judges last year 59 fairs wora attended by these expert judges twentyfive thousand cases of tra choma or granular eyelids are- re ported in new vorkcltyj anuxa lead ing surgeon says there be danger vbf wide infection this infcctibnho says is ono of the importations and la due to poor hygienic surroundingsit is ono of the diseases for which new comers aro specially rejected never theless it has gained a serious hold in tbo united states and canada is also getting its share of ft i j j i sf 333 vww3 km uccallodgb llb hit- rltr solicitor bjro d standard bank vond floor west of postoffice fville t ont louev co jooari pallb aarrister solicitor otarv public conveyancer 4c- jkfice daleys block stouifville lennox lennox button arritfiw souciton conveyancers 4c juville oflloe spoflords block uronobe over ontario bunk warkham choe oppoaite franklinhous r herbert lennox john f lennox p ljite button stratford is in rather an awkward fix over its vjwerao system the tbwn has been dumping its sewage li to a little stream which used to be known as bellucrcekj before theftqwa became a city and the creek became tbo river avon the farmeranlong the stream below sued tbclplty for nuis- anoo and got an in junction forbidding tho discharge of any morq refuse into tho creek apd maw the mayor and council are in danger of gofng to jau in bunbb for disobeying th injunc tion- examinations of over 200000 pairs or eyes and careful tabulation of the results io the boston public schools show that nearly all children noter lit- prircury schools withe normaf oyes in tbo higher grades onefourth 0 the pnpifs arrntrnfii nln unfpr hta inrwcs until fromtoato 70iper centtbo elufjents ajo myopic y in other words nearsightedness incrca sea steadily from thei lower to the higher grades aqd in exaptproportl lo the lcflgti oil time devoted to ithe oytrain of sohool life mr h k jonefl has left the smpfoy of the sovereign bank markbjam aod intends to proceed with histuuiverui ty courso mr george e liumsden denutxpro yincial secretary of ontario ufcrltl sally ill from cancer of tjio iacrea i rare manifestation of the disease i jsvl a company of east york tarmers has be3n organlxed with the object jpf establlfhlng bogfcedlng stations ad jacent to grain clevatorbnqjabbatoir jt beinsr contemplated the basiaof pro fit boing that earned dn the eedlna of bogs tbo system has beenyjdvised by the ontario ljopartuient of agricul ture a start has been made lit unlon- vilie where a farm nasi been purchas ed adjiicont to robert hay cos le vator and a building laumv incourse uf erection the piirton veems tooe that tho risk in killing curing ami marketing hogs is toojjroatrqr locaf xon to undertake cardinaf giuseppe sarto patriarch of venoe has been elected popef he has assumed the titleoft pope piusx xcardinal srto eujoys great popular ity in hisdioceseudis bqnorej by all for his purity for the strict upright ness or his life and fofliberia ideas jilo is a modest and agreeable man highly cultivated very kindhearted still strong and robust lnsplto pf his c8 years ho has- nover token great part in the political jind public jifef of the church but divided bfl timetbe- twoen study and good works owing to lllbealtb bon edward blako baa resigned his appointment as chief canadian counsel on tho alask an boundary commlssm in regard to rood preservatives it is observed that to decide whether chemical additions are safe or unsafe it is not necebsary to determine whfe- ther the chemical employed is or is hot specifically a poison ir a polisoa so much the worse but iu without known toxical properties andf merely serving the purpose for which it ils used that of an jmtiseptlq and pre servative it is miehievoai ift delay ing the ntauural processes of disso lution and decomposition by- which food is digested andprepared for as similation in tho human system that which preserves food before t is eat en will continue to preserve it in much tho same condition after it ta batcn this means an artlficllal inter f erenco with tho process of digestion iho government officials gatcftho pro the effector whieli is extremely bad per chunge in nickels and pennfes and i ol n and when found tjfci ai tiiit-vrugr3r-i- uifeciori jt the bo ifot fean i fiiujiwe i ty ffa n w i n bublnpss t t north ontario agricultural society iheld recently it was decided unan- mously not tq hold a fair this fnllbut hold a spring fair instead thel direc tors came to this conclusion after careful consideration keeping in view the fact that thd toronto exhibition was being extended about a week long ukntai owth l d s dds stoiillville ont tlemberanii grailuite ol royl college jcnal aurgwint honor ffradust toronto v raiiy uradume ol hmkell postgrad v ohloaiio collage will visit curomoul -n- r4 tiesdsy ol eoh monfh idjoe hiun i to 12 i lo 5 office over ilpnl a cos- store i s barker lds dds stoiiffvlle ont luatn of itoynl collegsof dental jtii honor graduate of liniver- of toronto louru to 12 am 22 to 8 p m iffice la niibin8 block next ior east of tribune office vppnlntmant maybe made for eve ning 4arki1au svery monday and to v office over if whites store shanksls babbxb spf ani cigar store v7e k ep no anuteurs or apprentlcss il 6rtt iuss vakiko a call will coavlocs yoc that our barber shop uptodau aod ibtlaosptle osr cigar star is bsadqaartsrs for ha bast braoda oi cioaiss and toaaosos and pitas fint class lauury jtahluhed try os with your next parcel j w shankel mop apple bligbta numbor ofro ports rrom widely separated districts i or than usual andthuhtlb would hfl complaining of tho ravagos of iheap better to drpp the- fairfor hno yean plo blight have beea receiveto by the fruit division ottawa mr peter ataderspn hopworth ont thus de- ecrlbes the situation in his locality apples both early and winter jire suffering from a now disease here a blight struck the blossoms whenjln fulf bloom and withered them as 1tili9y had boon scorched by fire it is now withering the small twigs and limbs in ttioeamo waythcitopeof the trees look no if flra had been applied to ab out onehalf of tho smnlloi branches until tho leaves wero all brrso and brown and oven tho wood as far as this extends is evidently dead the only remedy is toioffbout tho blight- brahohes well below tho affected part say ono foot bolow any appear anco of bligbt tho knlfo used for this purpoeo should bo thoroughly cleaned on tuesday of last wcokimr henry ilarsh of the fourtlr concession of king had a warrant issued tor the arrest of john harris of the same township jchargcd with attempting to injure mr marshs cattle threaten ing to poison them also to shoot har rio was brought before aj ivo vtj p and tried on the charge of attempt ing to injure theoattlctron tho ev idence the trouble seems to have ar isen irom harris havjrg a potato patph in tho middlci of fiftyhjere field belonging to mr mareji oround aoujjuypoooja own pirtons oq ipiqiv lo protect his potato patch aid which iio failed to do hc substituted for tho fenco throe doge which were seb upon the oattlo worrying them mr marsh ohjectod to this procedure hence the notion after hearing part of tho cy tho latt graft ha been un covered in new jersey in wnatf ap pears to be a systematic plan to en tice tramps to the section near tren ton that tboy may bcvarrested tor the fees that ajich captures will produce from the treasury of the bounty it is asserted that some railroad train men are implicated to tho extept of promising tramps fijee transportation and then putting yiem oft tbo cars near there on thursday afternoon lant while a graveltraln headed by a 45ton en gine on the aurorasohomberg hall way had gone just across the sidqroad west of the intersection df that roll- way with tho metropolitan ther en gine suddenly began ta sink until the nmcikettack was on af levet with the aurfneo of the ground xhhsubsou was a treacherous quicksand with a siyer abundance of water a- sof horsenower engine was brought to the scone to op erato a rotary pump to get rluj at the surplus water which greatly impeded tho workmen engaged in niakingi pre parations to havo the engine hauled out upon the solid roadbed when the engine began to sink thcienginecr and fireman both jumped off anit sq escap cd injury the filling in off theroad- ed at this point sot aa to get rid of the quicksand will cost the company bnbidernbie money tho pacjflc coast cltuof the uni ted states arc now demanding small coins nickels and oneceqf pfeces for general use up tof a ferw years ago these coins were despised andf not ajs ed in making ahangc drygoods adver tisements in san francisco- newspa pers unlike those iik the east do pt attract shoppers with tho rdlurins 40 bent and 198 prices- tho quota tions are afways iul multiples of five and tho offer of two throo vr mora articlee for a quarter is a survii va of tbo time when goldeeker8 de spised little things tho change to the pee of small coins dates from the impo position of the spanishc war taxes in selling tbo intqrnal revenue stamps i skeleton found in scarboro rui vicarious acqnement for crimp fs a custom among tho chinese two gold miners at crows ban killed a brother chinaman with a hammer took hi hoard nnii hired an old sckv aid de- prepid man of theln natjoit to iifisnme be blame and pay the- penalty this arrangement however did not suit tho public authorities who have ex amined and proven the transaction tbo case has been dlacussedinsa ere markablo one in vancouvers chinav fcjwn a veteran merphant shrugged his shoulders deprefatlngly nothing atrnngo to chinamen heisatd sack chum old man no- mqnny- soc n die evory day in china suoh thing china man not like whltcman pot afraid to die suppose some ono payibls funeral iako oaro hu family 1dle hoajay chinaman kuow sack chum we sup pose hell himself tot men who kill ah che somebody muse die fori them sack chum say bet dot it all right po- lioo ot him- whatfprthey want more or sterilized beforo being again lusedj idencq the court adjp for a few on healthy wood days thesovereign battk of canada authorized capital paid up capital reserved fund ssoooooo 1300000 325000 head office toronto executive office montreal d m stewart qeneral manager i triveuers letters of creoit avail able iii all parts of the world 6eheral banking business sums of 1 received interest allowed from date of deposit no tiouble red tape or delay savings bam department wrest auoweo0n deposits stouffville branoh w t stark manager on main st in premises fonwriv occupied by stark abarnes points in fashionable llliiy er1 tho high qrowq remains a popu lar stylo in etraw os well uvs in lace chiffon and tulle i almost everyi in- stanoo the brim lswidealliround with a slight fiaro off the face plumes and tips offer manifold possibilities in the adornment of jlgh prowiiod hate the fovltal of tho little bonnet with btringi will undoubtedly beoomo more general as tbo scasoniudvanaes gossa mcr materials and straw braids are used to fashion them and ostrioh tips moo and sequins form tbo flecorauon with thu strings usually of rclrct rib bon tho youthful face looks especially well under n fiat plateau or iho new sailor with very low crpwn and rau or wide thougbotber ebapo may be varied by rolling back tho flirlml on cno or both sides of by turing it with a bandeau for those whorhave tired of straw ttjoro qroftbo smartest bats in wblto pray onfawo felt with a elm pie ribbon or scarf trimming vclrct ribbon in widths varying from half on looh to two inchest is much in demand in tho millinery world the broad jwldtbearo od to fornt tho quillings that encltclc the low crown of tho now ballot n wh asiton bor nod rflsottcj moth trait and flowers an to bo popular dtooft lonfor thcrenxly atotumo bat and in hit rai deep greens and sere drown sttadea tby nx particularly oasonabio brds too are used and are admirably suited tp ton present flat style of trlmmlngfrpni i tbo beuaeator for 8jjtaitr tho skeleton of a girl has been found in a lonely spot near bongs creek a trlbutory of highland creek in scar boro township and tho people of that ylclnlry are greatly exercised brer tho matter vague rumornot thamys terious dlsappearanco or or young girf tmo years ago are afloat several llttlo girls were playing through tho woods on the f armf of mr charles thompson on sunday last when suddenly the little daughter of wm mosor a farmer in thav neighbor hood came running to the other girls with a human skull on a stick fright ened by the sight the other ohiljren ran to the honed s mr thompson nad related the gruesome incident in coo pany with two boys the farmer went in quest of more information and came upon tbo skeleton of what is uow de clared to be that or a girf lying on the gi ound lightly covered by und jr brueh th spot where tha toe were f is about half a mile from tho home of thompson and a plana very rarely via ited no one fa known to have beeu ibeit in the last three years thre years ago c party of woodcutter pc engaged in clearing toa tr- f tho faun these are the only peoptf known to have been nean there for years previous the underbrush which partially covered the skeleton in sup posed to have been put there at more recent date william moehor who has been around thesetpartsj all his lire and is a formerenlares that tho underbrush could not have been lying there more tham threeyearn at tho most tho strongest feature of the case b how any one oouldt havd got to tbl spot that did eob know the neighbor hood am several tarmers described it it would have been next to impossible to have come from the main road into this lonely spot without some previ ous knowledge or the- lay of the land that tho unearthing of these bone will bring near to light some hitherto unknown mystery is more titan likely iltwat twenty yar ago- there wa tho body of a man found to wllson swamp in the vicinity whfctbadi been murdered he had beenirutmo a barrel esh was mosiot hlo olothos so muchtsovtbat no ohie to bb identity was over discovered w1j poos swamp is qulto noajt highland creek a mysterious story fs being ofrcu latod just nowbyithocountry folk ab out a mnnilvipg near there a number of yeareago whotwasiknown to had a number oft women from 71ni ta time live at bin hjouse tjo iti dead nojf but it is said maqymysfer5us things wippeflej wlien bo wasj ffvfngi there there are those now alive who it is stated apouid tell of manyi uncanny cbcnrreqces hbout that time the county authorities are deter mined to thoroughly investigate the matter and constable burnsi has boen nuthorued to make a thorough search r the locality thoro is a growing tendency among iho heirs at tho departed td worrjr- moro over how tho teetaton left his mundano affairs than how he has ar ranged matters tor ibfeternat world thoro le a move on foot which will if it becomes law provide what will tie known ns tho telephoneistamp the purpoeo of which unto givo fho imsu master the prlvlloge to ppeq fetters boarlng wic a stnmj audi rend over a telephone to parties tot whom tley are addressed allout the only thing that qjimoiq tiib- man who eltsdow nndi walls llko mlcawbor aro wrinkled aocf sil very looks automobile regulations the most important provisions in tho sow abt relating to automohllpa are a follows trio motor vehicle shall be run opon tiny public highway wlthlnt a city town pr incorporated vfllago at a greater rate of speedthanf tenimllcs an hour oruponanypubuc highway outsido of any olty town or tncorpo- raated village at greater rateo speed than fifteen miles an nour vlded that the council of any city town or incorporated village maji oy bylaw sot apart anpublloj itreetor highway or any part tbcroofon which motor vehicles may be driven af any higher rata of speed tbant herein lim ited for the purpose of testing the qamo and may pass dylows for veg- atlng and governing tho use of any suoh street or bbsh way on part thoro of for tho purposes- aforesaid it is also stipulated that no person shall drive a motort tehfolo upon any public highway in a- race or on 1a wa gor tho person operating a machine must when approaching horses excr orclse every reasonable precaution to prevent the animal from becoming ftrlghtened it any horse- fibould ap pear to bo frightened the driven of tho motor vehicle shall reiuce its speed and if requested shall not pro ceed farther towards the animal un less it is necessary to avoid an seal- dent upon- approacning a crossing or street intersection or in crossing a bridge the speed orthmjtpt vehicle 4miat be reduced the penalty tor violating any pro- visionu ot the abb shalt bo for- the irst offence a floe not exceeding 926 and for the second on any gmoeequent of fence iv like penalty or imprison ment for a term not exceeding on month accurate eye fitting no eye defect which glass i cs can remedy is too com plicated for us we are prepared to do the most delicate fitting our ex perience and skill in this work is amplsand our out fit of eye testing applian ces includes everything needed costs to nothing know- we make no charge for testing eyes profit will eot tempt us to advise glasses if they are not needed nor will we supply glasses where there is organio disease of the such cases revuire the service of an osu- liat we charge for classes only charge moderately too market dm store g collard scientific optician an tirvy 0 stouffvllle- respite in the east bishop j a ttcsslcr superintendent of tho american monnonlto mission at dharntalr c p andia wdk adores mooting at tho wldeman church sth lino markbam tuesday evening angus 11th at 730and it theralto- na cburob wednesday aug 12th bt at 10 a m this wlh botauotbonoppor tunlty of looking on tho filb a eouthorocr olalms to have lnvent- od a machine wlilcli worte llko axtoq- pasj in finding falddea treasure it has several bar or prongs each indic ative of some precioucmetathe sto ry goes that by its agonby a lino che containing w0oo0 in gold was found lurled on tlje premises of avdtceased miser after te relative had earco od in vain if tbofmochlnef will work nob wonders it will make the tortun of tbo inventor aidefeottin nm roak rfjp is hinted at howrrvrlen it i aid that tbo prong pofnted toward gold wlon thi moartolrfloo bropo kitloq wa the tine cheat containing the gold why thotaorongue k work require xpianatjqn j it is consoling to learn that peace is npw assured in the far east russia having made concessions to japan groat britain and tho united states which have eased thd situation rus ln will probably apb up to- her prom- iswfora tliao aft least fu apq i in a position financially to go to war fiennemberlcg how she demanded from china compliance wlth conditions which she denied sheihad over submit ted to china therci 1st considerable dif ficulty in understanding her way of oolng things to borrow an nrgamenft from hume it tnayibo safely laid down that wheb foots constantly belle pro fesblons it is logical to aasnmathit tibo professions are moro snbtertugeei but there are otben reasons for bellev ing that russia may be sineerrn for ifonly to gain time- if russians hartf been crowding into manchuria so have japanese and not only have the hnanders gone in great numbers into that province but they bavo poured into otaer part ochina and into co ruji in a way tq make russia reel their presenoo uncomfortably at tho same time the japanese government is aid to bo steadily pursuing her policy of forming an alliancor with china for uielr nratual defence against the en ipronchments bf russia awiaif orleiw tal people who understand the chinese as ao european pooplo can and as on ly tho asiatic russians can hopa- toj the japanese may eventually succeed in their object al sign of their pro gross that has attraotcdf attention la that japanese of floors havo replaced anany europeans in thcichlnoso army and it is believed thah several power ful mandarins havo fnllenln- with ithe japanese idea- another is that there aro two thousand chinese atudonts in u10 university and other schools at to kio including eons and moro surpris ing still daughters oatho highest nobli ity and offioials of china japanosa dlptomooy has been directed to briqgj bout a revolution in china similar to tlhat through japan herself wont nb out tho middle oflasf century tho raovement has ncocssarlly been slow as it bad to be mostly carried onl by winning ovor thp chinese aristocracy and educating its young people tho chinese nohloa and offiobtls saw that eduoatloa in mndorn knowlodgo was a necessity for tholrjsons who apircd to official posjttons a kail do lo pbina and it could bchadln japan far cheap er than elsewhere thus tha japanese hare been slowly working their- way into tho mainland and it la believed that i few darsl they wilt bo in- ppfltlqn to pat an effectual check ta tho russian advance fa china every har should strive to wear nice clothes if you cannot dress expensive ly he should dress peatiy nd be comingly and he can do all that by buying his clothes from bundy clothes do not make men but men make clothes and bundys is the place to have yours made everything in the lice of furnish ings always in stock the fashionable tailor todds block pkmimo vwiksh x moth is agjt for mm subratsd oasrtag ma cm twlss b um tefor- we are showing a large selec tion in light weight tweeds and flannels just the thing for lib i weather co the leading tailor n- c smith ucknsxd auctioneer for tk ooaatlss of york and ontario all sals ef tart stock ao attend ed to ea tb shortest notice and rea- soasms rate lfortgag and balllfl mlm atteass to tssltki ont vi tefe

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