thji stsuffvtixe tbibune thuesday july 11 i901 empirejjjlding jir chamberlain fiigualirctt the birth fay of our nation vy hunting out to the colonies an offer of closer rela tionship tcthe empire a thing whicu jn itself and if it involved no burden they- wouid not bo slour to resooat to teeing that tho citizenship of whut the british people call a colonist ia only bccondprato or second hand cj nadlans have never beeu he phrase- colonist as applied 40 thciu pel vet even before confederation which iia way raised us out of tho category of autre colonies our gcq fraihical divisions werq spotonof m provinces and not as colonies and the word colonics was not heard a- inoug usa excejit as it reached us faint ly and in our ears oppribriuuslyfrom across the sea still whether wolik tho condition or not wo shall have to own to being essentially colonist go lohg as wo have lioj say iu perial policy may from our ix tion intho family bo able occasional y to force the parental hand on a taf iff question especially wheu the im perialism of our course makes it itu possible to gainsay it iwe mako littlo dash into an imperial war and get us great glory we may eveniu- sert our share in foreign diplomacy in matters entirely our own tsiu uutll we jhavo a recognized say in t tie 1 affairs v tho empire- of 1 which we jorma part we aro a uepehdeiicy jund our citizenship is second hand iwe haveloug acquiesced in his seb6nd- firy condition and may do so stlong us we eco ourselves in the nature of tilings gradually growing out of it ah wholesome evolution is gradual and wlthf a gradual progress towards full citizenship we can rest content out failing constant progress in that direction we cannot rest content vhat has roude us so content to re main children instead of becoming full partners in the empire has been our privileged condition as children we have enjoyed the full benefit of the imperial defences without paying anything forf them we have demand ed the services of all the family ser vants just as the children in a great family do with a full sense of right while subscribing nothing towards their maintenance wo havorccent- ly asjust remactedgot us great frlprybj sending colonials tc the veldt and shown- the mother country of whntf stuff her offspring woreand tow strongly we share itlie family pride if wef do not share the family burdens but we have as yat ilbre little or nothing to shoulder those burdens until we are ready to co tthls in proportion to our strength we must remain copnihts dependents and secondhand citizens mr chan jberlnin told us as much lw offer trf t place in tho imperial councils has as wo say a string to if in the hint that iii assuming the position of par tners in the business wo would cf bourse betjookedi to do our share to- twnrd carrying it on we are behind australia and tho cape in thislthcse jfcivo contributed ships we spent a igood deal on our contingent but wo did not jmy it jextra exertion should tempt fatqby fighting against evident odds such individuals when eventually striken have the most severe attacks and are most apt to die suddenly from fecrebral shock wiso id the one wlo takes a warning in time and drops put of the fight with merely prelim inary symptoms of socalled heat ex haustion such cases are quite sure to recover under prompt treatment dizziness and stomach faint doss are always bad signs in extreme hot wea- ither as are also cessation of perspir ation and high fever it is well un derstood among laborers that ti sweating generally means safety fagninst sudden seizures or prostra tion to relievo the victims of sun stroke as quickly as possible is the imperative indication theyj should bo removed to the shade the gar ments should be loosened and cold wa ter dashed oti head and necs ijnuips of ice wrapped in cloths are some- lumes useful as local applications tixul of ten mild stimulation to main- tain proper heart power is indicated further than- this it is not safef to go without medical advice as to partic ular requirements regular practitioner no re sult mrsianniecchestnutofwhitby was formonthsa rheumatic victim butsouth american rheumatic cure changed the song from despair to joy she says i suffered untold misery from rheumatism- doctors medidne did me no good two bot- tlesofsouth american rheumatic cure cured mo relief two hours after tuofirstdoss 50 old heliable drug gidre stotiifvllk u another source 01 power it hf now found out that electricity can be generated from the culm pitta at the coav pits as cheaply as i can by niagara lalls power tlio sys tem is now finding application in england on a largo scale by corpora tions sufficiently capitalized to un dertake the business already tlie necessary parliameutry legislation i an exciting tmesaturday af ternoon jubfuftcr the arrival t the auluuteers one of our popular jjouug grocery clerks had a rather exciting jiinei in lookim- through some old papers klonging to his brminr-in- iaiv ho found the following receipt for making money for tho ixa ho is an ardjt jleajguor he became at once anxious tu make known tha hchemu ho sawvrrhe times reporter iiaskhn authorizing private comp ia tjlo of uoor and at les to supply hght and power- over our considerable areas the geuei- ators and other necessary machinery for thci productions of useful currents sot the purioses in view aro to te built close to the pits of tho coal dit- tricts as fur as possible tho culm jplles representing the waste of a ceu jury of mining will be drawn upon by the methods of destructive disti- jutlon giving producer gas this refuse can be utilized at very small cost and atf a current will move itself tha resulting economies wilt be important under this system many britislrcitlts and towns will bo supplied with elec tricity much more cheaply than would be possiblo from lecal plants inuit- cipal or corporate cj resulti of trusts i f in case of sunstroke during hot weather moderate liv ing and drinking togethor with con servation of general strength shojild be the rulo for all consequentlyaw o no person who cannot stand to his tnsk who imay feel tho exhaustion ef vbs iopsgssipvg j thats a favorite attitude of the small boy and in this again the child is j tlic father of the man the man does not essay to walk through- life on his hands but he creates for himself a king dom of topsy-turvy- dom he tunis night into day he cats re gardless of time and physical necessities he makes n pleasure of- his business and a business of his pleas ure in fact he ef fectually reverses the order of natural liv ing the result is physical disability cnerally introduced y weak stomach the food he eats docs not nourish him be cause the stomach and its associated organs are not able to extract the nour ishment from the food hence the body u under- nour ished and disease de- fiy velops in one form h or another dr pierces golden medical discover cures diseases of the stomach and other organs of digestion and nutrition it cures through the stomach diseases f which originate in a diseased condition i of the stomach and its allied organs 1 hence it cures weak lungs weak heart weak nerves and other onus of i ocallcd weakness f i had been troubled with catarrh of the tomach and heart trouble writcor w d merchant of tylcrabunr clarion co pcnna kad doctored for aome time without relief then x began to take dr tierce golden mcd- leal ducovcry i took seven tmttlca before i befan to take it i weighed 1 1 pound and now i i weigh 176 i am working atcadily mid feci like a welt man i fnd you many thanka dr pierces pleasant pellets cure con ctipation ac international truer to control the salt trade of the whole world dif- xcrs from other trusts only in tb3 fact that it is tho first combination of tho kind which seeks to bring nil the earth into its grasp tho stan dard oil company aimed to establuh ing a monopoly of this kind but the sources of suppb in itussia and olse- where were beyond its reach less on account oft the financial minitudqof the attempt thna on account of the jealoussj of the governments in the countries concerned the constant discoveries of new oil fields and the abundance of capital also niado the endeavor to gobble everything too big a job even for the iccekcfcllor or ganization apparently an inter-na- tional gnlt trust is beset with less fjifficultlcs by combining tho salt union of great britain the national salt company of tho united states and the canadian salt company of canada the trust will secure monop- oly in the most directly remunerative countries as salt production is a- monopoiy in germany franco and spain no great difficulty is antici- pated in bringing those countries into x the ring russia the greatest salt producer of all appears to be omitted from tho echcmd at present just ns russian petroleum is free from the standard oil company biitj china ftnpan and the countries of africa and and asia aro included in view of tliis fecheme to control one of the most common of the necessltlecf life the idea naturally occurs that if the salt of the earth can be covered by a tru6t why not other necessities one after the other till the economic slavery of mankind is established by a money power supreme in its finan cial strength over national govern ments and parliaments it seems evident tbatf the coming struggle will bobotwecmthopeeyplo and the money interests for tho control of legisla tures ij toronto fresh air fund tho toronto fresh air fund has entered upon its eighth years work and lias for its object tho sending away to the country for twd weckh mothers and children who aro badly in need of a change good homes have been provided many of themjou farms where thoy got substantia food and are well cared for these children and parents aro selected by the known mission workers in tor onto who arc well acquainted with ovory case that is denit with for the mothers and babes who aro un able to leave home day excursions are arranged and about ono hundred at a thno nro taen to ono of the parks on the tnko shore and bcfoie leaving for home refreshments are fieri cd to them tho pleasuro ana ihu profit that is tho outcome ef this work s inestimable thinking that some of our readers might like to help their poorer bretbern wo ww feccivo subscriptions and aenkow- yedgo receipt and forward it to the treasurer inf toronto or they maybe fcnt direct ito the rev h c uixon lloom g 15 toronto st toronto wu1tuiwrgu g0lwc1l at vandori hall on the 3rd of july members all present bills werc presented by stewart campbell cedar for culvert con 0 at lot 10 ii tindall uo yds of igravl goo x b davidson appor tioning clergy rflriterest rto schools 70c w a powell reps to bridge con 4 all lot 10 s510 f li lloyd building bridge bet lots 15 and 10 con 3 cj iihcaloy 70 yds gravel i503 a gilbert managing road uracil ino 35 john gray 57 yds grave v 39s john gray damage to crap hauling gravel 2 mary smith 40 yds gravel 3444 t d skinner ex pended bet 30 and 31 con gv 4 s p foote expended between lots 15 and 16 con g 5 the treasurer was instructed to pay the bills presented j councillor foote was instructed to place guards on bridge opposite lot 14 con g and to repair guard rail on 5th con opposite lot no 2 councillor macdonald was instruct ed to repair road bed bethveen lots 10 and 11 con 3 councillor macdonald and lluart man were instructed to repair bridge between lotstso and 81 con 1 the treasurer was instructed to pay s foruse of hall council adjournedto meet at hills hall ballantrae wednesday aug 14111 t otce cauod him acrefos the road to si- juro bis udvicoon tho feasibility tf the receipt which reads as follows in toronto they havo introduced hugging societies 0 swell the fhurcu treasury and it toronto paper gives the following scaloj girls under mx- tevji 15 cents for a hug of two miia tess or 10 cents for a short squeeze fixiu sixteen to twenty go cents tfiom twenty to twontyfive 75 ceuts ichool uuirms 1u cents another mans wife 100 widows according to louks from 10 ceits to 3 gratd yldows for a tight stiueeze 1 per iixtinute old maids 3 cents apeice or two fora nlckie and tot any limited time preachers are not charged edi tors pay in advertisements hut jj not allowed to participate uutii every nody else has gotten through and e en then they aro not allowed to squeeze anything but old maids and tchool teuchorsy uibridgcf times best gold km 1c0 svrscoldllll 100 r bet glasses ico woiuanuiteo jxvfixt calacatdb globe op1tscal co 93 yon3 street t to- cancer tumors tafjeraiosfs 3ood taint rjankinw cannot cvse bbease nvtube can lcf u tell jiihi iw be is curlg iscv jnd ohcr imur- iiu our v 11 tunic rtrrn on utu aiweas notice on account of tho scarcity of vive anil cedar timber i canuot fcupply iuy customers with fauioglcs and timber at my mill tor this purpose i aia putting a stock of lumber lath and shingles in tho yard of the stouf- fvillo plaining mill opp hallway sta tion j a heise a boon to the dry mountain air of colorado has been recommended as the best medicine for tuberculosis for so many years that it is hard to believe the disease la now indigenous to the state yet such- is the report of the state medical society it is explained how- ever ithat the disease was not for merly indigenous there but has br- come so through infection from im ported cases the statistics gather- ed by the association show that death from tuberculosis contracted and de veloped in colorado aro ni- present about 13 per cent of the total from that disease in the states and about 2 per cent of tho general mortality it is notf generally known that the value of tho apple crop of thci united states is more than that of tho wheat crop the aggregato vuluo of the former being 430 million doflaraiid that of the latter about 300000000 voters lists 1901- a curd we the undersigned do hereby a- grec to refund the money on a 00 cent bottle or greenes warranted syrup of tar if it fails to cure your cough or cold wo also guarantee a 25 cent bottle to prove satisfac tory or money refunded john w ilays a j white co av 13 smith c b allen co catarrh and colds relieved in 10 vo 60 iviinutes one short puffof the breath through the blower supplied with each bottle of dr agnews catarrhal powder diffuses this powder over the sui face of the nasal pass ages painless and delightful to use it relieves instantly and permanently cures catarrh hay fever colds headache sore throat tonsilitis and deafness 50 cents 41 ow itellablo drug store sluuii villa jpariii for sale 113 acre farm for sale being west halves of lots no andv4 in the 71u concession township of whitchurch good orchard and buildings over flowing well and never falling creek canning across promises in excel lent state of cultivation convenient to churches school and post off ico 3 1a miles from stouffville for further particulars apply la 1 jp g button jtingwood 1 o the longest is the cheapest 550 ft to the pound for o cents at the jlutwbek taks our factoiy is now pen every day from 7 to g pm to receive hogs when the high est market price will be pljid honesty lair treatment and courtesy giiarauteed earmeis will consult- tlieir interest in dealing withus the pakenham pork packing co stouffville ont ememfe ow weaihffiffi is not here yet but it will come ure ooiv is to cheap to sell if you need any good warn blankets sock or woollen goods of any kind better lake if to aimira wooilon mills and get it manufactured into what you wunt asd be ready for winter f von sell it now tho money will be spent and no blankets or anything to keep you warm when cold weath- ek comes s b lehman sons will pay tosotto proo in cash or 2c per lb more it itb for any quantity of wool dcliveij at aimira woollen kills i r jiuniciiality of the village of stonfiville tho britlsli admiralty havo come to tho conclusion to discard wood in tho construction of modern battle ships oxcept whoro absolutely ne cessary nonimflammnbio wood has not proved nf success and htichchorri- ically treated wooil will no longer bs tmjioycd countv of york notice is hereby given thntj i havo transmitted or delivered to the per sons mentioned in section eight and pino of ontario voters list act the cdplos required by said sections ta iw so transmitted or doliverotv of the list made pursuant to salt act of at persons nppenrliig by tlto inst rovle- ctl assessment itoll of thq said sliit- icipnltly to bo entitled lf voto ln the said munlcliiallty at eleclions for members of tlto legislative assembly nnd at munlcipnl elections and that sald list was first posted tip nt my ofllco at stoufflvlllo on tho 29tlutlay of jnne 1001 nnd remains there for inflection i electors nro called npon to cxnm- ino tho fald list and if any omission or nny other errors nro found therein to tnko immediate proceedings to havo the said errors corrected accord ing to law a o brown clerk of stonffvlllo i dated thai 20th day of juno 100l binder twine season 1901- farmers siecial binder tiiiue tupplied to farmers only at 8c per lb in twobushel cotton lcoz grain bugs bound with two ropo snap hid tors nnd wclghingoo lbs each jongtii over coo feet per pound quality and length guaranteed cajii with orders purchaser pays frolght address orders j t giij10ur war len control irison toronto furtlier particulars nddress jas noxon in- nspccto- parliament buildings tor onto v j r stratton provincial sec toronto juno 8th 1001 is bound to lead no matter where you buy your boots shoes bring them to a- lehman the neatfst repairer iii stouffville rips sbwbd prbb with halfsoling one door east of the stand ard bank south side main st- stoiifivillc austin briilinger uenoralulaeksinithalapiattical horse sitoer overreachers knee knockers jlnterferorscorus and contracted hoofs successfully treated charges modsrato a tritl solicited the li sseilable n- e- smith licensed auctioneer for the counties of vork and ontario all sales of ftirra stock e attend ed to on the shortest notice and rea sonable rates mortgage and bailiff sales attended to residence stouffville ont tlie noxon implement co fas implements and repair shop in stounvillo and has appointed w- a mclean js their ageistt also ayent for the 3titioinil itence cjo serriclcvilie fairvibwana okanaqan big 14 mining and m1llng co of b c limited capitalization 1500000 ignores par value 100 each faljj paid and nonassessable holding immense pro puitiesin one of tho richest mining districts of u cgooufa6itles for shipping ora assays already taken gllng 1g to tho ton incpjpar be- kiuu salucsin silver and gold stoplc at present only so per sh but will bo advanced to 10c per sh dn the 1st of june this is one of tho best bar gains bit tho mining market a this stock will likely bo 1 per sh whin mines are properly developed ad dress all orders to a s ball secretary woodstock ont orto- w mall01- ba stouffville out i i 1tice to creditors he surrogate court of the county of york in the cstnto of john vickerv late of tho villago of stouffville 111 tho county of york deceased notice is hereby given pursuant o tho revised statutes of ontario chnp ter 120 that all persons having claims against the cstnto of john viokery who died on or pbout tho 31st day cf 1st day septembeiyl901 march 1001 nro required to deliver their claims with full particulars thereof to jnmes mcculiwigh solici tor for tho executrix of tho estate fitouffvllle ontario on or beforo tho nnd that nftcr said dato tho execu trix will distribute thq assots of the deceased among tho parties entitled thoroto having regard only to tho plnims of which sho lina had notice p j vxckerv jexecutrlx f an mcciilioneh if er solicitor dated 20th juno a d 100l stuhion leegsster gilsland tlirf tliorohred import cd clydesdalo stallion tho proper ty of wm hunt lot 1 con 3 whitchurch terms to insure s payable feb 1st sou bills for route j burnbltae the imported clydes dalo stallion tho property of gra ham bros will stand for marcs during tho season 1d01 at ills own stnhle cnirnbrogio stock farm claremont terms to insuro 13 paynblo jan 1st macqueen tho fnmouj inported clydesdalo stallion the gcit living siro nnd show horse in america tho property of gra ham bros will stand for marcs during tho season lbqlat ills own stable calrnbroglo stock farm claremont terms to insuro 20 pnyablo jan 1st young detractor registered standard bred trotter tho pro perty of w1i johnson will sturd during tho season nt ids own stable lot 15 ronr7lhconj mark ham ovory day hut wednesday ovenings and thursdays when ha will bo at ii m wintcrstcingtlot 4 oth con whitchurch terms to insuro s paynblo jan 1 123 royal prince tlio first prlro car riage stallion iho proporty cf jacob s wldomnn will stand nt g- h ta-rrlia- 33utojder reeps on hand all kind of ettesh mi salt sikats sausages head cheesp and fish in season in fact everything that iskept in av wellordered shop bcefsold by the quartcrnd porkby the carcaao at reasonable rates note cash paid for hides skits and tallow 50 years experience stouefsu coulsoff liave s500000 to loan at 4 12 to 6 pel- ccii t we rilso rent soil or buy tarnis houses or vacant lots pnjconimisaidi and havo a number of siiapson hand at the present time agents for eight of the best fire insurancoi companies in canada general agents for tho sun lifo assurance company this company stands at the head of all lifo com panies in the dominion agents and appraises for tlie can ada permanent and western mtg corporation if you want to save mono v call at us at tho sun lifo office old stand ard bank building stouffer coulson imv surancfc brokfis uiiui ill feiliii i ll- m i i a n trade marks desisks copyrights c anyone wndlnn a skctcli and description mm r opinion frco wliellicr on jwilciuntjlo communis tlonsnlrlcllyconlltlontlnl hftiidbookonljitcnts rpteuil notlct witliout clinrcc in tlio scientific hmerlcak a hnntlsomolj hrwtraf 1 vrocmf jjircojt ctr- olatton of nny t clentlflo journal jcnnn t3 n roar our months tl soljbralt ncwtktcilcrs munn co new york ijradcb ortlco css v eu washiamon j c write for oir iirrrrmisr t rs llslp ant huisv tt send usn roupih pkti ir ventioii orliniiroirrijr ffcertir opin ic lis invent- cc swindled ijtl of your in- vih tell you you m li probably patentable ftejrctctl sjc hmve jwysoften beeiimicccwriilv r- n t ly iw we mt l to iiimontreai to prompt ire pntentj refer tlli f my dispatclt wtuu nir outditl ns ic iitmt m urn f their i patciitj procure firii ifarlansfi mi- irlon receive sptal tc witjmit charge in lover ic n- om itd throughout the dominion i specialty imtit 1 riiss of manufsc5 jturersainf njmitrs marion harion patent zrzzrt o4 gelicltbrs 0fflce f 7 vim- ivili rtontel 1 al ilm wnlilnittondc his own stablq lot 27 con 7 mart i ham i the famous wetmore truss i trenorally acknowledged to no the moit corntortablecuiiy adjust cdand durable tmssfxi tic tiarkot siottand he coininci at tho marm mi store siodflnle 0 0lab druggist sioitli repairs promptly attended to prices jnoderato