Ontario Community Newspapers

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), November 22, 1889, p. 4

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v8examine your address libel the number on the laid is the one to whicfi you are paid up the receipt of your renewal is acknowledged ly the change of the number on ihelabel keep your subscription paid in advance the year ended last march and if you have not renewed you oweus a dollar the tribune washington lhtrer stouffville nov 22 1889 new advertisements great december treat fred sposbrd overcoats j urquhart notice to creditors fred w hill weekly empire printers inkgeoprowell co clubbing rates we have not space to mention the papers that are clubbed with the tri bune but if you desire auy publica tion along with our wi we can supply both at a considerable reduction watch our columns for announcements of the various magazines thk news comes from brazil that a revolution in that country has compelled dom pedro to flee to portugal and that the imperial fbrm of government has been done away with and a provisional republic formed elections recently held resulted in a great triumph for the lib erals or rather the government were t to promise radical changes such as universal suffrage in order to retain office but it appears that the victory was won in a large measure by corruption and coercion and the govern ment was not really popular strange to say the revolution was caused largely by ao set on the part ot the government whioh at first blush appears most praise- wot thy and laudable that is to say the abolition of slavery but the slaves were emancipated just at the time of the gathering of harvest and as the landlords were unable to pay the wages demanded and shape themselves with the new order of things the result was that the crops rotted in the fields and the landlords were ruined and- the government absolutely refused to hear about compensation with the empire of brazil perishes the last vestige of the imperial form of government in america it is true that the dutch have a colony in south america but it is quite unimportant while although canada is nominally a british dependency she hasj virtually a democratic system ofgovernment veh- zuela too has risen against the dictator portugal in europe is threatened with an upheaval similar to that of her off spring- and the federation and indepen dence of the australian eoloniee is by no means an improbable event verily loyalty is at a discount in these day dyspepsia and indigestion is occa sioned by the want of action in the biliary ducts loss of vitality in the stomach to secret the gastric juices without which digestion cannot 3 on also being the principal cause ot headache parmelees vegetable pills taken before going to bed for while never fall to giro relief and effect a cure mr f w ashdown ash- down onfc writes parmelees pills are taking the lead against ten other makes which i have in stock s4les to beheld farmers and others who get their sale bills printed at this office will have a free notice of the sale inserted in the tribune up to time of sale monday nov 26th 1s86 extensive sale of cordwood belonging to mr jas cook lot 18 1st con uxbridge mo cords of dry wood will be dispos ed of sale to commence at 1 oelock sharp n j armstrong auctioneer saturday nov 80th sale of farm stock consisting ot about 60 head of cattle and 2 colts sal at 1 oclock 11 months credit on approvod notes n e smith auctioneer ftoc and easy crxpefctoration immedi ately relieves and frees the throat and lungs from viscid phlegm and a med icine that promotes this is the best medicine to use for coughs colds inflammation ot the lungs and all affec tions ot the throat and chest this is precisely what bicklcs anti-cousiimp- tive syrup specific for and wher ever used u has given unbounded satisfaction children like it beoausc it is pleasant adults like it bceausc it relieves and cures the disease never make love in a cornfield re member lliai corn has ir and is csily shockei you should ntkt an oat of this from ear regular correstonitnt washington nov 15 1869 the instruction received by the british delegates to the international marine conference to change their exclusive attitude and enter the dis cussions on the same footing with the representatives of other nations will gratify everybody interested in the proceedings of the conference it is safe to say however that this move ment is not so much the result of a change of heart on the part of great britain as of the discovery that she is able to control the actions of the con ference to a very largo extent when ever she sees fit to exercise the power it is a fact which has been generally recognized ever since the meetings began that the british delegates came here uncommonly well fortified with fasts and figures and arguments so that whenever a topic arose in which their countrys interests were touched in the slightest decree thoy were on their feet in an instant and ready for action the result has been that their influence has been largely felt in everything the conference has done thus far and having learned that englands conservative ideas are not going to be overridden and her buoy system and other timehonored mari time institutions ruthlessly brushed aside for halfdereloped innovations they have convinced their government that nothing serious is to be feared from giving them authority to take part in all branches of discussion the extension of their powers is a good thing for all for the debates on many questions of supreme interest to the merchant marine conducted without the participation of the greatest com mercial nation on the globe would be something like hamlet with hamlet left out president harrison has decided not to risk his annual message in the hands of the printers until after it has been sent to the two houses of congress the constitutional requirements make it necessary that written copies be transmitted to the senate and house but the practice heretofore ha been to print a large number of copies in ad vance for the use of the daily news- papers these copies were distributed by the press associations with the understanding that they were not to be lised until the release was tije- graphed from this city which occurred as soon as the clerks of the houses began reading the message to con gress the president mistrusts that his first message might be prematurely published and he will take no chances extra typewritten copies will be pre pared by the white house clerks and the press associations will be furnished with these in time for transmission by telegraph before the afternoon papers go to press inconvenience will result trom these precautions for the reason that the press wires will be blocked with the message to the exclusion of othernews on the day the message is sent to congress of course no post master would risk his position by premature deli very of the document and it was a satisfactory arrangement all around judge cooley the- chairman of the interstate commerce commission in forms the public that passengers on railroads are charged more than a fair profit on their transportation and also eiyes the causes of such 6 yer charge he shows that large numbers of per sons are carried free that the privilege of granting excursion rates u abused and that the support of an aririyof scalpers or tioketbrokers is such a tax on raifway business thatr- the vast multitude of ordinary passengers have to pay rates that are more than a fair remuneration for the service perform ed this matter becomes of special interest at the present time because it is understood that the commission will make it the subject of a represeii hospital remedies re they the growl uedical matters has i what are they the growth of intelli gence in medical matters has given rise to a demand for a class of genuine reliable medicine the opportunity of the ignorant quack who crew rich curing everything out ot a single bottle has passed to supply satisfactorily this demand this list of reme dies has been created they are the favor ite prescriptions of the most famous medical practitioners of the day gathered from the hospitals of london paris berlin and vien na prescriptions which cost the patients of these specialists from s25 to s100 are here offered prepared and ready for use at the nominal price of one dolar each not one of them is a cure all each one has only the reasonable power of curing a single disease and each one keeps is contract sufferers from catarrh diseased lungs bronchitis asthma consumption rheumatism dys pepsia liver and kidney complaints fever and ague neuralgia female weakness leucorrhceuur nervous debilityshouldsend stamp for descriptive catalogue to hospital bemedy co 303j west king st toronto canada if your druggist does notkeep these remedies remit price and we will send direct four months for 35 cents subscribe for the detroit free press and read its 3000 prize stories and the tribune the best local weekly both papers for four months for 35 cents 9 curds 1 hows buns eajsy no backache 20 lbs sugar for 100 at s m warriners stouffville to every cash purchaser of 5 00 worth of dry goods groceries and crockery sugars excepted we will give 20 lbs of sugar for one dollar having bought a tremendous stock at the very lowest cash price we are now enabled to give our customers such inducements never before heard of in the history of stouffville remember this we will not be undersold see our stacks of new dress goods from locts peryard upwards cashmeres black and colors from 20cts per yard upwards remnants at less than halfprice 100 pieces of grey and check flannels from 12 j cts per yard upwards great loads of mantliags below what you could ask or think see our piles of overcoats mens and boys from your price down to mine sec our piles of mens and boys clothing bought at gocts on the dollar the customers will get the benefit light sugar 15 lbs for 100 white sugar i lbs for s100 granulated sugar 1 1 lbs for 100 japan tei for 25cts worth 40cts try it the best 50c tea in stouffville 6 fts good tea for 100 all canned goods at big bargains we guarantee to sell goods cheaper than can be bought anywhere else in the country and give 20 lbs sugar for 100 with a five dollar purchase space will not permit a more lengthy price list suffice to say we keep a full as sortment at prices to suit the hard times and help the farmer to bear the burden of the low price of grain s mi warrhnter the leadee in prices mssojlutioif of partnership notice is hereby given that the partner ship heretofore existing between us as cabinet makers undertakers and furniture dealers has been dissolved by mutual consent mr jacob burkholder retiring the business will be continued by mr samuel burkholder who will pay all claims against the firm all accounts due the firm must be settled by 3dec oth 1889 thanking the public for the liberal pat ronage given us we remain yours re spectfully s burkholder j burkholder stouffville oct 21 j 88 wiordeterlpti oosem- ortulnlnc testimonials from mtnim cr imanllmlllw4i 01r jsodo now 5j s atj sm be had where tl jsials j2j3li i had where there u s tjeaiet liwiitnmoi for olios s sw b w ot tau tool wjrbwiy a tie their own aawa now and do it better than the featett- expert eea wlthont it adapt to all yylotpawi brery one whoownaa saw taenia tow dealer or write- fcldinc stwimo ma 1kb tmu b oeaal st oucw 111 note lost detween marj5th and oct 1st 1889 a promissory note for100 dated mr 15th 1889 drawn by robert pollard in fiit- or of th undersigned all partis are warned not to negotiate the same as pny neat has been stopped signal frank smalley east gwillimburynot 5 1889 in continuing the above mentioned busi ness 1 have decided to do so on a strictly cash basis in order to reduce the very large stock on hand prices will be cut down very close many lines will be sold consider ably below wholesale cost j hoping to receive a continuance of public favor i remain yours truly s burkholder alesmen wants d salary expenses paid or liberal commissions to local man outfit free no collecting permanent positions guaranteed exper ience unnecessary choice of territory i apply at once l p thurston co- empire nurseries rochester n y 85srn tatiou to congress at its coming- session ard will abk for authority to restrain the practice of exacting more than regular and reasonable passenger rates whether the discriminations complained of can be removed by legislation may bo questioned but be yond doubt an effort will be made to place some of the difficult problems of passenger transportation within the control of the interstate commission the panamerican congress has re turned in safety from its extended swinsr around the circle and possessed of a large additional stock of know ledge concerning the products re sources and pi ogress of the country it is worthy ot special note that tins remarkable journey the first of its kind in our history has been accom plished strictly according to the sched ule agreed upon at the start and with out a break or accident r notice to creditors of tj james blackie deceased j notice is hereby given in purauvncebf r 8 6 1887 chap 110 sec 86 that all persons having any clalma or demands against the estate of james blackiij lateof the village ot stouffville in tha county of york gentlemandeceascd whodied on or about the 29th of october 1889 are lequireu to send to fred w hill esq solicitor for the executor of the said james blackie at the village of stouff ville on or belore the 21st day of decem ber 1889 a statement in writing of their names and addresses and full particular of such claims and demands and the nature ard particulars of the securities if anyheld by them and notice is hereby given that after the lust mentioned date the executor will proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased among the parties entitled tliuieto having retard only to the claims of which notice shall then have been received and the said executor will not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof so distributed to any person of whose claim notice shall not have been received at the time cf such distribution dated stouffville nov 20th 1889 fred w hill solicitor for executor w ij 8andehs executor 9192 rkmakkahie seikcoxtkol theres a man with sclfcntrol enough to make a firstclass diploniatsaid blumer to his friend how do yon make that out by he permitted a load of hay to pass him without pulling a wisp from it december lippincotls printers- ink a journal for advertisers j printers ink is jut what it purport to be journal for advertisers it is issued on the ret and fifteenth days of each month and is tbe representative journal the trade journal so to speak of american advertisers it tells the intending and inexperienced advertiser in pi tin comprehensive articles how when and where to advertise how to write an i advertisement how to display one what newspapers or other media to use how much to expend in fact discourses on every point that admits of pro fitable discussion if you advertise at all printers ntkcan help you perhaps you expendbuyten dollars a yearinadvertising if so printers ink may shov you how to obtain double the servieeyou are now getting for onehalf the money a years subscription costs but one dollar a sample copy costs but five cents advertising- is an art prac tised by many but understood bjr few the conductors of printers ink understand it thoroughly surely their advice based in an experience of mire thin twentyfive jfeari will help you address geo prowell cos newspaper advertisingbursauv s r id spruce slnew york one pound of any tond of tea to every twentieth customer whobuy8 on any thursday oo ote wcsbth of goods this is no sham wewihguarantee to give you as good tea as can be bought for the price you ask you ask why we dothis we simply do it to introduce bur leas because some people live with the impression that they cannot buy as good tea as they do from men who peddle their goods who are here tctday arid away to morrow we want you to try our teas and if they are not as ofoodand cheap as any you can buy from such sources or any other source we will double the offer a g brown telephone store hamiltdns stationhiy stationery j j we have just received and placed ia stock a new and complete stock of stationery school pooks 4c these are not old and shelf worn goods but newartdreshfrbiuthemauu- i acturers which we ate -offer- low 1890 subscribe- for the 1800 canadas leading newspaper patriotic in tone true to canaoa true to the empire iag ridiculously prices merchants account books and nntissujb paper a specialli j remember the place hamiltons first door east of station the empire is now the great weekly paper of the dominion and special arrangement are being made to add new and attractive features which will greatly increase its intercut and value as an inducement to place it i the hands of all patriotic canadians the balance of pre sent year will be given free to sew subscribers staking ilonly one dollar from now till end of i890 aitilrchs tjibempikk toronto ont -oxo- the weekly empire and tin- triiujnk will be sent to one adtlrcsv lor 150 till the end of 1890 addrci tiiktitiriljxkstoufrvlllc ont the sun life assurance company of canada assets si sooo ooo low rates large profits to policy holders claims paid promptly titos- workman esq- r- maculay president- managing director b j daley general agent and inspector stoufiville ont

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