r three noted blihd mejj alrnoat incredible are the accounts or wnattuej uld willi- at t yen john mttcilf a mojt wonderful production of the last century wa born kcareibor- ough yorkshire england in 1717 at tho ago of 4 yean a hird attack of tbo measles struck him totally blind so blind that tbe brightest rays of tbe son gave him no per ception of light yet he did not give up in despair a calamity bad overtaken him which would have benumbed tbe faculties of a less souragcous man forever not so with jchn metcalf it seemed only to brighten hij reuniting senses at first he learned matte and at tho ege of 12 was the most expert violinist in all england when ha arrived at mtni ejtato be was owner of a house ssmall farm and a horse and car- rige5lt the age of 23 he was a well- known carrier engaged in the occupation of carrying persons through the crowded streets to and from places of amusement betides us street work be frequently engaged to carry travelers to york a distance of six teen miles in all this i hazardous work he was as trnety as any man with two eyes and got into but few difficulties from which he could not oasily extricate himself ho became a great hunter and followed tbe hounds with as muoh pleasure and as surely as tho most keeneyed hunter ho had his own horse and could tell the baying of his own hounds among hundreds at tho age of 40 he began the study of sur veying and bridge building this not for idle pastime but for profit at one time he was the official surveyor of yorkshire even to this day there are dc z msof monuments to john metoilf in his native shirein the shape cf elegant roadbeds and splendid bridges at budderifbld one of the fiaest and most sub stantial bridges is known to have been con structed by htm what he could hive aocom plished with organs of sight unimpaired we can only conjeoture john cough an englishman by birth be came quite celebrated as a botanist and writ er on subjects pertaining to natural phil osophy ho was totally bliod from the age of 3 years the sense of vision being so dead ened that he could not perceive the glare of sunlight upon the snow on the brightest winter days disabled by this appalling affl otion he studied botany bis wife broth ers and sisters doing his reading and col lected and arranged by tho sense of touch alone and without the least aid from any living human being one of the largest and moat valuable collections of dried heibi and grasses at that time 1780 known in britain that wordeif ul invention theatring alpha bet for tho blind was invented by a man who never saw bis queerlooking maohine the face of his miiher or the glad sunlight i pfwhioh be so feelingly wrote david mac- 3w was blind from birth yet a perfect genius inadozsn different ways he was an accom plished musician a perfeot prodigy in math- rraies and an inventor of no mean order of merit besides his string alphabet be was the inventor of one of the earliest known revolvingbarrel ohurns of a damp to be need by book binders in stitching leaves together and of a selfoiling attachment for wagons and oarriages he could take mb watch to pieces and put it together almost as quiokly as the man who made it conld have dono it was without a orystal and by gently touching the hands with the tips of hit fingers he could tell within one second of the time of day or night he was an expert at the national game of cricket and was reckoned as beidg one of the most valu able men in some puts of the game but useless in others when ho died he bad been engaged for years on the perfection of a fire escape whloh has since with some slight changes at d additions made a london firm indep indent vidal the blind souptor is one of the won ders cf tbe french capital he has been blind sinoe his 21t year we can qntte easily understand how a blind farmer would culti vate the ground with the plongh spsde and hoe how he wonld feel around the tender plants and gently loosen the dirt from roots or how the blind birmingham ala miner tells with the sense op totjch alone the direotion and to what depth to drill his boles before putting in a blast but tbe work of vidal stands out in bold relief unique wondorful and incomparable to be a sculptor it is generally supposed th it one must have the mechanics eye and the artists taste and perspicuity the latter faculties vidal has to an exceptional degree even more acute ho believes tban if the formerwere not lost tohimforever by slowly parsing bis hands over an object he notes its ex4 ynal proportions and imitarea them in sisy in a manner which strikes tho beholder dumb with surprise a dog horse human face or anything alive or dead he models with as much ease as any of the dozens of parisian soulptors who still retain the faculty of sight from 1855 to 1875 vidal received more modala than any other exhibitor of works in the paris art exhibitions many of his works mado in the solitude of his perpetual midnight are now on the shelves at the great exposition where the blind wonder contends in friendly rivalry with his lets unfortunate brother artists ho never complains is al ways genial and festive when among his friends who always speak of and to him as though ho could seo and well may they do so for he is one of the best art critics in all paris annual holiday bible competition 2100000ll case and other rewards to be given away an extended hevlew or tbe hew bible tompeiltloa ol the ladles journal no 24 for over five years pist a aeries of bible competitions have been in progress in to- lcnto canada which hive created great and widespread interest many of the leading men and women of canada in fact of the world have taken part as well as thousands of others in ail grades and con ditions of life howards to the value of half a million dollars have boon distributed to the successful more than two hundred and fifty thou band persons have received prizes since the inauguration of this system ranging from a fine brick house and lot to one thousand dollars in cash as well as magnificent pianos organs silver tea sets gold and silver watch es genu ullk dresses books o over thirtygro thousand people have voluntiri- v testified t o the value cf the rewards re ceived and to the tairnees with which the prizu havo been distributed the editor of tbe ladies journal has conducted twentythree similar enterprises and oant afford now to fait to keep his promises he announced recently that no more competi tions would be offered but owing to the clamorous appeals of thousands of his sub soribsra and prize winners he is really com pelled to go on this competition will be open to the end of november closing with the last day of that month but those of our readers who wish to take advantage of these most magnificont offers should do so now the bible questions where are tho three following words first mentioned in the bible mother sister brothor to the senuer of tho first correct answer received at the ladies journal cffico will bo given a very fino toned upright piano to the cender of tho second correot answer one hundred and fifty dollars in gold and bo on till all tneae first rewards are given away and srpera to be a terr gcod untrairent will too pi ase except my best thanks or tochl a handsom iria it stem to be quit a wonder amook the locdcneis so many hare said to me that saw soar ecnipet tiu but did cot believe soy one ever got ths handsome present that they were a 1 a haix i invite every one t come and fee my piaao they will then tee 1 themselves it is a reuty iu- i tend to try u the- can be as oriunie m i hue been i hire always hid great wlh in your pre miers ted now i will hire more than ever since wkuucg froch a handecme pls for which i azila think yon yours truly c v ntuxs i hepe to continue well dcimr london doutb 22nd feb 1es9 the piano won by my eon benson in bible corn- petition no aid which cams to ut a yearac prevestolelnevery respect a snpeilor instrument tbe tuner a toronto gentleman eays it tcne and fluih ire cmnlete a luge number ol pople dur ing the year hare called at the nurse ana ximitei and tiled and are surprised at its txcilttnce p smith pastor of st andrews presbyterian chorth matkham ont geo b act no 41 east are st earlltcn ont expresss himself as greatly pleased with the piano he won in a recent competition our citizens havo been very successful in tub ladiis journal bible competition several have received valuable gold and silver watches handsome silver cake baskets gold rings and breeches books etc anocg he number are the following mi a l vanstone organ 10 stops 8s50 m mosetta junes silver tea service 100 mia john vankelt w j heard frfd brav amanda bend the sbreman each a lalies cold watch 90 mr w it bond mrs tho sheridan mi lie werrywrs wm mokoian mrs smith ma j 11 jrues mis wm jewell mre m dayman w w tatnblvn ma each a kilrer watch s30 total 81000 boicmanritte statttman attorney to ju or have von not with in tha laataix montcs paid off 2 000 o old debts that were outlawed years ago i juror 1 t nave attorney riumphtltlj i challenge him for cause ho is ineine af 72 the handprlnted delaines for tea gowns are among tho prettiest fabrics imported this year they are not disposed to indnlgo in any false sentiments in paris about punishing corcorers and tbe engineers of commercial combinations whsn thoy huvo come to grief we do not know that tho frenoh law is any moro spartan than onr own about punishing tho manipulation which aro successful while tbe oopper combination was apparently on the high road to vast wealth secrotan and his aisooiatea were nn thirsted butnowthrt tbby have made a smash the tribunal of commerce la dealing out salty penalties fiines are assented on the managers and directors oi tbe comptoir deicompt aggregating 19 000000 franca or s3 800 000 this will certainly deter the people who havo to pay tho fines from going into any rrore gambles for soma time by reason of the lack of funds but a moro effcctlvo remedy wonld bo to fine tho specu lators wbo make a success cf their comers and thus take away tbo temptation which 4ejb unmolested wealth offers to others tub riqkt rkward8 1st elegant upright piano i sid cash in gold 100 by canadian arm 600 1 4th cash in gold 76 2nd cash in gold s150 5th cash in gold so to next 100 each a lady cr gentlemans fine goldwatch 0 850co to next 100 each a floo silk dre68 pattern s35 3600 to next 100 each a fino gold moonstone brooch or pin s2 200 to next 260 a fine individual salt and poper orutt85 1250 to nrxt 60 an elegant imitation morocco brand family blbte with concordance bible history and all complete 2000 illus trations 820 1000 then follow tho middle bewards when to the sender of the mid lie correot answer of the whole competition from first to last will be given number one of these rewards the next following the middle number two and so on uiodlk bbwarxs 1st one upright i 2nd cash 160 piano very fine j3rd cash 75 toned inttrument i 4th cash 40 by celebiated can- 6tb cash 20 aclaaurm 8160 the next 86 each a ladys fino gold watch 86 81760 to next 76 each a beautiful tea set or ser vice china abont 100 pieces 826 1s76 next 116 each a superbi bound volume of doras bible gallery 310 1050 next 26 each louies fine silver open face or hunting case watch 10 250 next 11 each a ladiee heavily gold plated locket 3 123 next 40 each a lady or gentlemans solid gold chased or stone set king 2 92 next 10 each ladles fine gold moonstone pins or brooches 150 160 next 03 each dor tiiplo silver plated table spoons 8260 102 to the laet correct answer received pobta marked where mailed not later than the 31st nov will be given number one of those con solation rewards to the second to tbe ast number two and so on till these are all dis tributed tub consolation bbwards 1st cash in gold 1504th cash in gold 60 2nd cash in odd 100 6th oath in gold 25 3id cash in gold 76 6th cash in gold 10 to next 10 each a ijidy or gentlemans fine gold watcb svi 86000 to next 100 oh a fine silk dices pattein 35 350 to next 75 each afiaesolid gem bmg 810 760 to next 0 one mirer watah s3 1000 tonext 2 jua3i3 ennrlgical uictlon- ary a 1 ovolopajdu 260 fifteen days will be allowed for letters to reach ladies journal from distant points and whenever they are mailed it they bear the postmark of the 30ch nov or earlier they will be eligiblo to compote do not forget that eaoh person competing must send one dollar for a years subscrip tion to ladies journal a sixteen page family monthly which alone is worth the subsotiption price asked any person can compete any nnmber of times and the paper will be sent to any desired address inamediately at the oloee of the competi tion the names and addresses of tbo winners will be published in the ladles journal tho december issue so thoro will be no wailing dont delay sending in do it now if you are not in time for the first rewards yon may be for tho middle and if not for tho middle yon will bo in time for the conso lation h you delay all tho prizes may be taken np but if your answer is correct nnd your letter roaches ladies journal office in time yon will certainly get something as there ore over 20c0 ptizsb offered and tbo sooner you answer the moro certain you will bo of snecees all thfse prizes wul be given sure int don t run away with the idea that every body who competes is sure to pet a prize every prize offtred icill be given of that you may be absolutely urtain but remember first come first served in each of tbe divisions eo hurry in yonr answers now to send money by registered letter la tho best pest office order is almost equally efficient american one dollar bills are taken at par pontaond ttvmpsof any kind unless yon add six cents extra for the discount ad dress editor ladies journal toronto canada we have only space to give the following fonr testimonials from thousands from oolloge and university professors clergymen of all denominations school tecohlta mem bers of parliament mayors of cities a lieutenantgovernor down to boys and girls of all ages and people of all grades and conditions in if dear sir the piano arrived all right yesterday poor bloegs bk cs late in tallow trade who has just bought place down in midlandshire confi- dentiallv tt the etrl of midlands after din ner now wot i was athinkin my lord wai this youve got the rank ive got the money sposin my son marries one of your gals eh my lord wot do you bay earl of midlands pale but calm with great pleasure mr bloggs which one would be liko the kitchen girl or one from the dairy poor bloggs i dont want belief bat cure is tbe exclamation of thousands buffering from catarrh to all such we say catarrh can be curod by dr sages catarrh remedy it has betd dono in thousands of caeca why not in yours your danger is in delay enclose a stamp to worlds diepenbory medical association buffalo n y for pamphlet on this disease the tyrolean io the newest shape for gentlemens hate poor girl poor girl so young bo fair and doomed to die so soon the seeds of death are scattered there and long before lifes noon the grass will grow upon her grave so friends in sorrowsay and think no power on earth can save the dear one from decay why do they think and talk like this simply because come of her family have died from scrofulous poisoning of the blood and they eee indications of tbe tame taint in ber scrofula of the lungs commonly call ed consumption is a terrible disease and it is not to be wondered at that they dread it but it oan be conquered the poison can be driven ont of the blood the taint can be eliminated from the system dr pierces golden medical disoovery has cured thou sands of persons who were cxpeoted to find early graves because there was scrofula in the family gulden medical discovety is warranted to remove all blood taints from whatever cause arising it cures all scrofu lot b skin and soaip diseases or money paid for it wu be returned one of the purest of confections and is simply deliobus adams tatti frutti gam sold by all druggists and confectioners 5 cents consumption surely cured to the editor please inform your leaders that i have a positive remedy for the above named disease by its timely nee thousands of hopeless cases havo been permanently cured i shall be glad to send two bottles of my remedy free to any of your readers who havi consump tion if they will send mo thsir exprebu nod p o address rsspy t a slocdm m o 164 weat adelaide st toronto ont the parisian ladies are wearing skirts of sheathlike tightness at the present time to the st- leon mineral water jo penetanouisheke august 1 gentlemen i use st leon mineral water three times daily find nothing better as a regulator and to promote good health and buoyant feelings st leon is simply grand for the whole system h h thompson mayor testimonials as above come from all quart era down to tbe lowest despairing sufferers after a free use of st leon water all are changed raised to heights of health past all former conception porohaeest leon sir uoorge trevelyan in a letter to tho arbitration soolety eulogizes tho movement 1 j 1 i i l l why you should use scotts bmusioh of cod mver ohirrn hypophosphites it is palatable as milk it is three times as efficacious aa plain cod liver oil it is far superior to all other so- called emulsions it is a perfect emulsion does not separate or change t is wonderful as a flesh producef it is the best remedy for consump tion scrofula bronchitis wast ing diseases chronic cough and colds sold by all druaaisti soc and 100 queens laundry bar ask for it and take no other beware of imitations rracfsdaik mulobjthl aieettoitltsoilcor pkopmiktoittt oftmr mostzal worldrenowned babys own soap ud tumor specialist prints hospital no knife book free h mchichabi m d- no6iniezuast buffalo hy nneacileescan make money dating vacation h by canvassing for one or mote of our fist selling books and bibles especially hitory cl canada by w- ii withic dd latest and best edition vir published prices loir term liberal write for illustrated circulars and terms wm briggs publisher toronto t t wwp ewrraveri tiettsegror0nt6iiasalv luoix over 50 000 desnukoro now proclaim ibe wondeifal mcdowell garment drafting ma chine to be the trreateat invention of the age it cuts basques coit3 poonaises princesses wraps sleeve eta to perfection dont be without it sfnd for circular head office- l adelaide stieet wes toronto cbmmercial education writ for cliculars from the iarges5 commercial and shorthand college in canada over three hun dred pupils last year reopening homihv sep 2nd 1ss9 addrest canadian lsusixess university public library buidiwr loronto xnos bknoouoh ciias h brooks president secretary and manager h williams co slaters felt roofers mauuficturera and dealers in roofing mater ial and building papers eto opficb 4 adelaide st cast toronto proprietors ol williams flat slate it ol telephone oil beaver m1v ste sailing weekly between montreal and jlivkkiimtli saloon tickets 40 50 and 80 return tickets 80 90 and 110 according to rteamer and accommodation intermediate 30 round trio tickets 60 steerage 20 apply to u b miiebaf general manager canada ship ping co i custom housr square mohtrbal or to lccal agents in all towns and oitlea the boiler inspection and insurance go of canada established i it the prevention ol steam boiler explo ion by propr impactions sut alxxanst cavrssu k cuo hi gov ot ontario president head vhicr 8 toronto st toronto out consult ing knuixeers and solicitors of patents gso c r0bb chlel ensloeer i a faissx sccy a largo aruonmw- ittust funds to l t a ten low rate or interest on ntt class security apply to beatty chadwicx blackstock caii barristers and solicitors wellington st cor church over bank etsorsnto toronto ont choice farms for sale in ail parts i i parties wiahin tc purchase improved scuuvr farms from 80 acres upwards with ipmidutc possession call or write to o i 3iaixlson mo arthurs block main at winnipeg information furnished free of charge and settlers assisted to making selection itteohrcera stop xobv2m at current ratbr of intksst a dorehwend toronto manufacturer hair goods foe evbsybody ladies bings waves wigs switches etc gontswigstonpees c the largest house or hair cced in canada goods ordered by mall guaranteed asiatigfactory as by per sonal telection snd for descriptions doeenwends paris hir wobks 103 and 105 yonge st toronto canada b 8500 jf pays every expense except laundry for 20 weeks course in business traixixc deluding shorthand and tspwhrnka free adn le sion to primary drawing and collegiate classes one college year 10 piiop burdik of toledo ohio dirictor faculty of fix teacherp albert college belleville w p dyerma panjcipal x x when i say core i do not mean merely k stop them lor a time and then have them re turn again i mean a radical sobs i hare mado tho disease ol fits epilbpst op falling sickness a life long study i wabbakt my remedy tc cube the worst cases because others nave failed is no reason for not nowrecelvlne a cure send at once for a treatise and a fbee bottlf of my infamjbte remedy give express and post office it costs you nothing for a trial and it will cure you address h o boot mo 164 west adelaide st toronto ont assbbe h52sve3z knitting machine send for illustrated catalogue and jtbis advertisement witb your orderf or our new bibber a d wo will allow you slopremlujeiscount abdbkss icreelmm bros mfgs georgetown o allan line kwyaki mail steamships the pioneer canadian line and n till to tao f rooti regard to the provision mad j for thessfetyanl nomortof it customers rvclily shuiors between liverpool glas gow nnd the st lawrcnee a fortnlkht ly service from 1 option during summer month mall steamers run between liverpool and portland via havfax during winter glaijjow steamers pal- throughout tho year to boston and philadelphia call in at irih ports and halifax en route for rxtes of pisagrt and other information apply championed hy that socioly as in tho highest j g lfjlsa ssstli jour county beware of imitations royal dandelion coffee none genuine but tbe royal 1repared by ellis keighley toronto degree praotical the book of lnbon a man without wisdom uvea in a fools paradiss a treatise especially written for diseases of man containing faota for men of all ages i should be read by oh middle aged and young men proven by the sale of half a million to be the most popular because written in language plain forciblo and instructive praotical present ation of medical common sense valuable to invalids who aro weak nervous and ex- haustod shoeing hew means by which thoy may bo onred approvod by editors crltioa and tbe people sanitary social science sobjf ote also gives a description of sped 6a no 8 the groat health renewer marvel of healing and kohinoor of modi cines it largely explains the myaterloa of lifo by its teaohings haalth may be main tained the book will teach yon how to make life worth living if every adult in the civilised wrld would read understand and follow onr views there would bo a world of physioial intelleotual and mora glints this book will bo fonnd a truthful presentation of faota calculated to do qood tbo book of lubon the talisman of health 1 brings bloom to the oheok strength to the body and joy to tho heart it is a message to the wise and otherwise lubons spool fio no 8 the spirit of health thoao who obey the laws of this book wil be crowned with a fadeless wreath vast numbers of men have felt the power and testified to the virtue of lubona spocifio nj 8 all men who aro broken down from iverwor- or other causes not mentioned in the above should send for and read this valuable treatise whloh will bo sent to amy address scaled en receipt of ton cents in stamp address all orders to m v lnbon room 15 50 front street e toronto canada whaley royce 3 dealers in 11 kinds of 3 musical instruments- m agents for the bfsson f and hioham bind in cd etrumenta ksr sheet i jausio ana music book manuiacturen of tho imperial band instruments lest in the world eight years guarantee send or illustrated catalogue and testimonials 283yongbst wto ft o o q o providcnt life and live stoek assoen chief office room darcade toronto canada incorporated a mftiul benefit assocn solid invkstjiextby paying to tbo abov asjwluionone cisnr psu dy a peraon aged trentto and two cents per day a person aged forty four can seenri five dollars per week while duabld ihrcugh sickness or accident also for two and three cents per dav persons aged as above can secure for their dependants five hundred dollars la event of death llvfi tvrock owxebscan provld agalnstloii by death througa dliease or accment of their stock at easy rates those interested send forprospeatoes etc kiaue agents wanted in unrepresented db trlcts wllitm joes managing director irons i7siru liriizj 2himaionikri53u fll w s3n0istllri kik0n3byis35sfl for sale- jwew newmodel machines much below the ordinary prices when these gone no mora are to be had loose in want of a rood ma chine should not ml the orportanltv and all are guaranteed new perfect and firstclaw in every rspc pent may bs made by cait or wrooih iron scrap for whlh highest cash pries will bs allowed a c paixas de- all kinds of meuls mhery etc 3 vonze street toronto t write tn partlcalaas j jia