the tribune stouffville apkil 2 1689- clubrates wo offer thetuibusk together with the following papers for one year at the prices mentioned weeuy clotexna rural canadtan2oo weekly maitsii farm and fireside 175 weekly a and one engraving christ before pilate or fathers of confederation 175 weekly news and both pictures ioo weekly advertiser and engraving falls of niagara t75 family herald 75 century magazine 45 st nichols 35 saturday viit 2 fireside tveeity 2 hamilton iiie stoei journal 175 address tle tribune srouktviixk oxtj a friend of ours the other day as serted that we had the greatest knack for dunning delinquents of any pub lishers of which he knew that is saying a good deal but at the same time we told him that perhaps we had need of all our wits inorder to get our rights if this should catch his eye and he should happen to have any sur plus over and above the crooked cop per that he carries around he might send along the little balance lie owes and thus relieve our impecuniosity extradition it has long been a disgrace to the continent that there has been free trade in criminals between this country and our neighbors on the south rome of the linest residences in montreal were built with capital stolen rom poor widows and orphans ot the united states and inhabited by men v ho have betrayed their trust and escaped to tins country with the thousands 0 dollars with which they were intrusted in fact some americans have come to believe that a large minority it not a majority of the inhabitants of- this frozen country are runaway boodlers a bill is now before parliament and every lover of honesty and honor must hope to see it become law that pro viding for the extension of the list of extraditable crimes there is of course a number ot objections con stitutional and otherwise which may delay the passage of the bill but let our legislators show the rest of the world that we would be glad to get rid of our extensive colony of yankee boodlers coeiilcspojx ubistce we wish it to be distinctly understood that we do not hold ourselves responsible for the opin ions advanced by our correspondents coires- pondents may write over a pseudonym if they choose but the real name must accompany each communication to the editor 0 juk tribunk dkak sin will you kindly allow trie space 111 your very excellent pper to pluce before your numerous ram- rs a lew thoughts in reference to the board of healths quarantining those who were exposed to the smallpox last autumn during the scare in our vill age and the illness 0 the peteruiau family it appears that one man out of the several families that were quarantined is kicking against the action of the local board of health and has had the members of the board served with letters from a lawyer threatening to take legal proceedings against said board tor damages we are satislied ho will get no damages if he under takes the same and bir 1 think 1 am speaking the truth when 1 say that every loyal and intelligent citizen will stand by the board of health in all they did on that occasion and for the best of reasons first because they did just right and what it was their duty to do i hey acted promptly and stamped out the dreaded plague with a zeal and earnestness that brought forth commendation from all intelligent citizens of stoiillville as it did also from the provincial b of h but this man tries to make us believe hu was not fairly used while all citizens know that he was used tin same as others who had becii exposed to the small pox he says lving shut up for four teen days was a great damage to him admitting that it was a damage to him would it not have been a greater safety of the citizens of our village and j11 tho discharge of their duty iu this respect the law is on their side and will shield them from all harm there fore there is no legal redress for any whom the board isolated i quote from the revised statutes 18s7 paragraph 81 iu reference to the duties of boards of health when the smallpox scarlet fever e dangerous to the public health is found to exist in any municipality the health officers or local board of health shall use all possible care to prevent the spreading of the infection r 1 desire to dir ect the readers attention particularly to the words shall use all possible care can he or any other person honestly say that the board of health did more than use all possible care for the safety of others i think not the power of the board is very- great and so it ought to be for it is one of the safe guards against epide mics and death hence clause 101 of the statutes says where a local board of health or any health officer is required or empowered under this act or any public health act or under any regulation made thereunder to disinfect any person or thing or to isolate any person such board or offi cer may use such torce and employ such assistance as is necessary in or der to accomplish what is required the board did not have to use force but had it been necessary they would have been justified iii so doing now we beleive the citizen of stouffville will have no sympathy for any one who will put those gentlemen who compose the board of health to the in convenience of defending themselves before a judge or jurv but should they be called upon by him to do so they will find the citizens of this vil lage standing by their side as well as the provincial board to back them to the last in this just cause while we sympathize with him or any of our citizens who are in trouble we know the fact is every one must bear hib own trouble and suffer his own pain better the one to suffer than the many but one says better settle if the board can do so for less than it- will cost to defend a suit i say no it would not do to better even at a small outlay for others will come along and demand the same compens ation on the same terms and where would it end besides it would be establishing a bad precedent and be virtually doing away with the power oi the board so you see the only- proper way is for the board to fight it out and this i am informed is their decision and though 1 am not a pro phet nor the son of a prophet yet 1 predict no judge or jury in canada will ay the board acted unwisely in this matter but did the best thing hop ing in the meantime the citizens of stoulvville will not get excited and that the b of h will stand firm and true as they have in the pist and that the kicker will be careful not to place himself in hot water that will scald to the quick and thanking you air editor for space iu your paper i am dear sir respectfully yours vance the brightest flowers must fade but j jq the farming community voung lives endangered by severe coughs and colds may be preserved by dr thomas eclectric oil croup whooping cough bronchitis iu short all affections of the throat and lungs are relieved by this sterliug prepara tion whhh also remedies rheumatic paius sores bruises piles kiduey diffi culty and is most economic a german composer was conducting one of his overtures as the horns played too loudly he told them repeat edly to play more softly and more softly they played each time at the fourth repetition with a knowing wink at each other they put their in struments to the lips but did not blow at all the conducter nodded approv ingly very good indeed said he now one shade softer and youll have it in 11 clever article on the incredibility of histoiv in iipinvti msgiziiie fr may w ii walsh shows himself to b an iconoclast so fur lis many sacredly pre served historical iiii4es are concerned and thisu he smashes right an 1 left with the amazins rapidity of a bgnrjus break inir jrlass bills timber foi sale i have a law quantity r bound tim ber of al szes and lengths for culverts and bridges it may be sen at the fo- owiini places divns hill arthur spofforils almyrii and a so at lot 1 and 2 co 2 scon 1 have alo a liifse lot of cedar insts round cedir timber and lumber a so planks atmv own premises iut 84 con 8 wliitclmruhi al tf jljo v a m 5 the letling- ij1ileikivx i jele r is now showing at his wareroom8 rr m 7 go chas spofford allowed out on the street to spread dis ease in other families he says he did not have the smallpox true he did not and so much the better and the more he has to be thankful for if he would look at things in their true light wo have the highest medical authority stating that persons being exposed to smallpox are iiot only like ly to take the disease themselves hut communicate it to others by infection in their clothing therefore the only safe way waste quarantine all who had been exposed to it and in doing so the board did the best thing for the a dinner piil many persons suf fer excruciating iigony after partaking of a hearty dinner the food partaken of is like a ball of lead upon the stom ach andinstead of being a nutriment it becomes a poison to the system dr larmoleos vegetable pills are wonder ful correctives of such troubles they correct acidity open the secretions and convert the food partaken of into healthy nutriment they are just the medicine to take if troubled with indi gestion or dyspepsia dos eoroet that we have moved to kemps new store where we always intend keeping on hand fresh groceries tobaccos roller flour porridge meals horse cattle food garden and field feeds if you don t see what you want ask for it a g brown telephone store feby 8th m a kjj jl vp -el- 1su 1 ja 3 b dj4tt near the market a full line of the most perfect farming- imple ments that is to be seen any where in the country- consisting of the brantford illight steel binder rear and front oat mowers manufactured by a harris son co of brantford over four thousand of these bi riders passed successfully through the harvest last year and not in one solitary instance was there one returned this is a sufficient guarantee that they are the leading- binder of canada he is also showing the tubular iron frame drill and the favorite sectional tubular iron frame culti vator manufactured by j o wisner son co of brantford this cultivator being in sections adapts itself to all inequality of ground and the way the farmers are catching onto them they must truly deserve the name they bear he is also agent for the celebrated gananoque buggies manufactured by the gananoque carriage co of iananoque these buggies for appearance and durability cannot be excell ed and are meeting with very ready sale there is also to be seen the adams son truss rod waggon manufactured in paris this is a strong well finished wag gon and only requires to be seen to be appreciated a gall solicited stou ffville april 1889 el l vawzant n would over gen boulanger has been expelled from belgium the belgians are al ready sick of hi in it is beleived that ho will go to london wyoming once had a man named a fool and somebody asked him why he didnt give his whole christian name he said that it was bad enough with out making it adam fool since the old days of open voting election contests in this country have been carried on iii a comparatively peaceable manner in england how ever if the london correspondent of the new york sun speaks the truth there is as much fun at an election as there used to be at dounyhrdok fair the following is his description of the canvass for candidates to fill the seat lor kocluster the local news papers teem with violent and brutal personalities nearly all the editors in the place have been assaulted lo ral magrates ave punching one ano thers noses with uuquenclied and mi- oueiehable enthusiasm in the light of day and local lawyers have had no time to think ot polities owing to the damage to other citizens had he boon prodigious demand for writs and sum mouses for libel and tcrvmail assault and bat- dont despair of rjlief if troubled with chronic dyspepsia or constipa tion these ailments as well as bil iousness kidney infirmities and fem inine troubles are eradicated by north rop lymans vegetable discovery and dyspeptic cure an alternative of long tried und clearly proven efficacy it i iie blood depurent as well as corrective and contains no ingredients whicli re not of the highest standard of purity did nt know tw as loaded may do for a stupid boys exeukij hut what can be said for the parent who mat his child languishing daily and fails to recognize the want of a tome and bldollpurifier formerly a coarse of hitters or sulphur and molasses was the rule in wellregulated families but now all intelligent households keep ayers sarsaparilla which is at once pleasant u the taste and the most searching and oifeciiro blood medicine ever discovered nathan s cleveland 27 e canton st ilnsiuii writes my daughter now 21 yiars old was in perfect health until a yiiir ago when she began to complain ol atijjae headache debility dizziness indigestion and loss of appetite i con- iladud that all her complaints originated in impure blood and induced her to take ayers sarsaparilla thismedicinesoon restored her bloodmaking organs to healthy action and in due time rccstab- lisliid her former health i find ayers arxaparilla a most valuable remedy for tlui lassitude and debility incident to spring time j castright brooklyn power co brooklyn n v says as a spring mieiiue i find a splendid substitute fr the oldtime compounds in ayers sarsaparilla with a few doses of ayers pills after their use i feel fresher and si longer to go through the summer ij j ayers sarsaparilla tkepaiied bv dr j c ayer co lowell mass- trice 1 li bottlm s5 worth 5 bottle dissulution ok partnership notice is hereby riven that the part nership heretofore subsisting between us the undersigned as the firm of j ic ray nier carriage manu facturers in the village of stouffville in the county of york has been this day dissolved by mutual consent all debts owing to the said partner ship arc to be paid to messrs dickson taylor mccullough at thciroffice in the said village of stoutville datcdat stouirville this 10h day of april a d 1ss0 we have decided to allow the mm to remain in one week longer along with our ring suitings we intend to make the finest display of boys youshs and mens shirts of every kind evei seen in stouffville from may tlie 1st to may the 8th do not forget we are still giving 10 per cent discount j bray the clothier sptli side main street stouffville april 2gth 1889 i rmonkhouse co for witness f saxoster john raymkr eli ravmer new spring goods- low prices are all the go with us we have just received our new stock of cebmtlemens hats caps the nobbiest hat in town for the least money we have also on hand a fine range of all the largest styles in tweeds a great variety and a large stock of all the latest styles in prints at away down prices g ive us a call farmers pro duce taken in exchange for goods will pay v cash for 500000 doz eggs r monkhouse co todds block west end stouffville stouffville april 5th 1889