wfe- the tribune stouffsille march 29 1889 club rates we offer the tribune together with the following papers for one year at the prices mentioned wmy globe and rural canadta2oo weekly mail anil farm and fireside 175 weekly nans and one engraving christ before lilate or lathers of confederation weekly afewand both pictures weekly advertiser and engravii falls of niagara family herald century magazine st xieholas saturday lyijil fireside weekly hamilton lire stoek journal 75 address tle tribune stoukfvilije oxt the question of the hour 75 200 75 75 450 35 225 2v0 notwithstanding that the govern ment majority voted down mr lauri ers motion to continue to issue licenses to american fisherman during the pre sent season the ottawa government have decided to adopt that course sug gested by the leader of the opposition despatches from gloucester mass state that the american fishermen are well pleased with this actiou should your eye happen to fall on this paragraph read it through those of our subscribers who have renewed so promptly are entitled to our thanks those who have not yet done so will kindly call and secure a receipt for a dollar if you are not in town a re gistered letter will find us we have to pay cash for our paper and other supplies and we would feel bad if we had to go without our dinner for a week or so in order to pay our debts send in vour little dollar and feelgood panics as is stated in our account of the gospel temperance meeting on tues day evening which will be found in our local column the fall of a lamp from the organ on the platform caused a scare which needed very slight en couragement to develop it into a first- class panic the facts of the burning of the brooklyn theatre and of similar horrors must be fresh in the memor ies of all except the children and it is no exaggeration to say that all present on tuesday evening ought to feel thankful that the little sensation which is uow a subject for merriment did not prove a very serious affair it is queer that people who under ordinary circumstances are possessed of undoubted intelligence should become so easily rattled no one present on tuesday evening ought to be ignorant of the fact that daleys hall if packed to its utmost capacity can be emptied in less than five min utes at the very most provided every one walks out in an orderly manner whereas if people start to go helter skelter over the seats in their efforts to be first out the door ways and ante room would become blockedand a much longer time would be needed even if no one was injured the public schools of toronto have what is call ed a fire drill an exercise which should be practised in all schools es pecially those occupying two storey buildings an alarm is sounded in the midst of the lessons and neither teachers nor scholars know whether it is a genuine alarm of fire or merely drill it does not matter each teach er without undue haste calls his pupils to order books arc put into satchels the pupils rise at the word of command and file out in perfect order keeping step like soldiers on parade by this means large schools like liyerson and hope st schools are emptied in less than three minutes the excellence of the discipline was exemplified in one of the largest schools in toronto not long ago in the case of a real fire when over one thousand children were marched out of the building carrying their books with them in less than two minutes neither teacher nor pupils knowing whether these was really a fire or not we recommend the idea to the notice of our school board of all the questions before the public at present the one which is receiving the most attention is undoubtedly that referring to the jesuits estates bill the attitude of the two political parties towards the question of disallowance would be extremely difficult to define that the government will disallow the measure is very unlikely and that a large number of the opposition will vote with the government is according to the majority of the newspapers a foregone conclusion the globe is in for anv amount of abuse from cotcaiporaries representing both part ies that the globe has been so very inconsistent after all we fail to sec as far as we understand the matter the globe has argued from the first that if unconstitutional the measure should be disallowed and since becoming con vinced that the measure really is such has continued to boldly demand it dis allowance even if the globe at first was noncommittal in its utterances and that is all that can really be said no one can truthfully charge it now with giving forth an uncertain sound the third party seems to be an ac complished fact but we have yet to learn that hon mr meredith has ac cepted the leadership possibly mr hughes eloquent appeal in the mail last week escaped his notice the anxiously expected motion of col obrien was brought before the house on tuesday last and in the opinion of the mail the gallant colonel has rendered the country a great ser vice this opinion it seems is not shared by the globe which considers that the resolution is couched in such terms that no catholic member could possibly be expected to vote for it while numbers of protestant members would hesitate to do so from the sense that the wording of the amendment is unnecessarily offensive to roman catholics who were it otherwise expressed could conscientiously sup port it thus the war of words pro ceeds but what the ultimate result will be it would be difficult to conjecture up to the time of our going to press no division has been taken in the house on col obriens amendment speeches have been made by colonel obrien barrow wallace mccarthy mcneill and against it by rykert colby and sir john thompson the motion for adjournment of the debate was moved by hon david mills who will therefore be the next to address the house dont forget that we have moved to kemps new store where we always intend keeping on hand fresh groceries- tobaccos roller flour porridge meals horse cattle food garden and field feeds if you don t see what you want ask for it a g- brown telephone store feuy 8th route bills to the farmers of tore and ontario cos horsemen requiring route bills this spring will find a large assortment of horse cuts at the tribune experimental work for mers far- no medicine has had greater success in checking consumption in its early- stages thatayers chorry pettoral it stops coughing soothes the throaj and lungs and induces ranchneeded repose hundreds have testified to the remarkable virtues of this prcpara on from the live stock farm journal the members of the experimental union are endeavoring to introduce a system of practical experiments in which they solicit the co operation of the farming community the object is to inaugurate such experimental work as will bo valuable to every far mer in the province these experiments are intended to be such as can be carried out by al most every farmer with but little trouble or expense the following are the experiments chosen for this year and the systems for carrying them on 1 a continuation of the experiments of 1888 on the same plots without fur ther application of fertilizers 2 a test of superphosphate dried blood farmyard manure and no man ure with oats 3 a comparison of the different sys tems of raising fodder corn the first is only to be undertaken by those who experimented with fertilizers in 1888 the second is to ascertain the value of some of our quickacting and best known fertilizers this experi ment will prove especially valuable to small farms grain and truck farms the third the shortage of pasture and increased use of supplemental crops impress upon us the need of tho best methods of raising fodder for sum mer and winter use with this object n view the experiment with corn was planned other experiments are being arrang- ed in stock feeding dairying horti culture and uookoeping by different committees s we solicit the help of farmers in this work and would ask them to apply to mr c a zavitz secretary of experi ments o a c guelph for further information our means being limited those who apply first will ie supplied with ex perimental material the result of the work should well repay each one who takos part in it experimental committee ok grains and fertilizers -4ffice- workdonepromptly and at lowest rates a free notice of your horse given in the tribune if you get your bills printed at the stoufmle tribune office gentlemen- if you want to a cultivator sulky plow twin or gang plow single plow land roller iron harrows or scuffler go to the sssyi stouttville agricultural works if you want the best articles manufactured in these lines our cultivators unsurpassed by any in the market our lever raises the ieeth two inches higher from the ground than any other spring tooth cultivator made this is acknow ledged by all to be a very great advantage our twin plow has been very greatly improved and thoroughly tested having last fall been brought in competi tion with nearly all the leading twin plows in the market and in the practical field contest have taken the bun every time in their construction we use the very best material and they are put together with very great care our single plows are so well known for their superior working qualities that it is useless to say anything in their favor here more than that we are this season using in their con struction the best soft center steel mould board manufac tured in the united states which is a sufficient guarantee of a gwd cleaning and consequently an easy running plow our land rollers iron harrows scufflers c are also of no 1 quality and unsurpassed by anything in the market to those who are in need of anything in the above lines we would invite an inspection of bur stock before buying be sure and get our prices especially our cash prices as we are prepared to make things very interesting to the man who buys with the cash kindly note this in your cranium repairing done as usual a fleurysoms stouffville feb 22nd 1889 5253 the first symptoms of all lim iisiiisos art itmrli tlwsamo feverikliiifs low of upjhillt son throat putt- in- w eh- ami iixcl ikmtktclir ttc iii u wye iiy you may i wtw ii on tin otir hiiiiil yon may u nioii with 1iifiimouia or jjahopiiiji lviminpimii linn no risks lrcrt ufgjti iiiivtlirtly io mk aytjrv ciiprry ltutojl her m yr jiiikv junimrd of ltariem conn was swveruly ill tim itoctiir sail he wis in coiisumpion mid thai they could do nothing fur hint biti advuuid him an a last report- u try aytt clnrry pectoral a ft or inking thin mcdiciiil two o tiirvu iiioaiiit hit was pronmiucmt a well mn hi- h tii remain good to ijvc pmsriu day j s bradlfv mactii mass wt i three win tors nio i inn u scvi-rt- od which rapidly dovrtlontd into jlrmuliiiim and consumption i was jo wk that 1 rotild n- sit nji wha it in rli niirl and couched incessantly j iotriiitl several doctors hut thy vri javwvr- lis and all agreed that f was in con sumption at last a friend brought inc a bottle of avm cherry ivctora from the first dtwt i found ruliif two bottles cured me and my 1 tin hi iiak mnce been perfect ayers cherry pectorai ntkfakkd iiv dr j c ayor co lowel mas bold by alldnlmiu price 1 nix iioiiim fv important announcement we purpose dressing our show- windows for the coming three months with a different line of goods every week and will give a 10 per cent discount off regular prices each line will remain in the window for one week and b advertised in this paper the previous week which will enabl readers of this paper to take advantage of the liberal discount which is genuine from wednesday april 3rd to wednesday april 10th we will show in our window every kind of head gear a man youth or boy can wish to don our stock is much larger in every line this season than ever before if yon have a house to sell or to buy any kind of village or property call on r j daley want farm alsikeclovertimothysecd corn black eye peas at a g browns indiscretions in diet bring on dys pepsia and irregularity of the bowels eat only wholesome food and if the trouble has become permanent as it is cry prqugto do try acourse of north rop lymans vegetable discovery and dvspeptic cure tho combined effects astonish ahddelight the sufferer who soon begins todigest well regain functional regularity and improve in appetite the blood becomes pure and good health is restored take an endowment policy 20 pay ments in the sun life assurance co it you want a good investment r j daley general agent stouffvillc the clothier soutu side main street stouffyille stouffvillf march 27th 1889 new jpikimc messrs robert monkhouse coy having leased for i toiin of viars the prrinisrs formerly oecnniel hvtodd ifc co todds block andjiaviiig s purchased their stock ok goods coin print ng dry goods rtttocrcuttf- clothing gents kufnishing3 school rooks stationery etc at the risrlit 1iice are orepared to give moro goods for a dollar tlun any other house in ike trade wo intend at all tiinjs to keip a well selected stoek to choose from and arc prepaicd to knock out toronto prices every time we would ask y on one and all to give us a call no troiimeto ahow good wo hope liy ktrict attention to bune d fair dealing to mirit a spare of your patronage terms cash or buttei eig lard tallow etc taken in exchange for goods at cash prices doors open at 9 a m thursday 21st inst- yours truly bobt ivtoistkhotjse co todds block west end siouffvirrb march 20rn 1889 stouffvtlle