Ontario Community Newspapers

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), March 29, 1889, p. 1

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volume 2 no5 stouffville ont friday march 29 1889 whole number 57 travellers guide trains leave stouftville station main line and sutton branch as follows main line south mixed 810 a m 1 express 1102 mixed 423 p m express 757 north express 908 a m mixed h02 mixed 545 p a express 604 sutton branch south mail 810 a m north mail 610 p m stouffville markets fall wheal spring wheat flour per cwt barley rye peas peas blackeyed oat- bran per ton shorts per ton hay potittoe- per iiiii gggs butter lnrd geese per lb turkeys per lb chickens per pair 1 ootos 1 01 0 00 0 93 2 80 3 j5 0 48 0 52 0 eo 0 00 0 00 0 0 0 70 0 75 0 30 0 35 0 00 17 00 0 00 20 00 17 00 18 00 0 35 0 40 0 00 0 10 0 18 0 21 0 12 0 14 0 08 0 09 0 00 0 12 0 00 0 70 church directory methodist church rev george brown pastor services at 1030 am and 7 pm sabbath school at 230 pm pray er meeting on wednesday at 730 pm young peoples prayer meeting 1 hursday al 8- pm congregational rev j unsworth pastor services at 103c am and 7 pm sabbath school at 230 pm prayer meet ing on wednesday at 730 pm presbyterian- rev mr knowles pastor- services at 1030 am and 7 pm sabbath school at 230 pm prayer meeting every wednesday evg at 8 pm baptist rev mr barker pastor ber- vices at 1030 am and 7 pm sunday school at 230 pm prayer meeting on wednesday at 730 pm church of england rev mr os borne incumbent services at 245 pm sunday school at i 30 pm meetings of societies and boards village council on tbe second tues day of each month director ok mec hanics inst on the third tuesday of each month r t of t on the second monday of each month a o u- w first and thud monday of each month in daleys hall beneficiary certi ficate given for 2000 in case of death h johnson master workman j urquhart recording sec public school board on the first tuesday of each month masonic lodge wednesday on or be fore the full moon of each month farmers club each alternate friday i o f first and third friday of each month 33ws2s31s33 bmw fred w hill b a barrister solicitor etc formerly with nlorphy miller toronto office sanders block formerly occu pied by the late mr mclean stoukvilleont james obrien licensed auctioneer for the counties of york and ontario orders by mail or telegraph will re ceive prompt attention charges mod erate james obrien stouffville ont dickson taylor mccullough barristers solicitors kto money to loan offices nt tllocfc manning arcade mcii ssmtvillei toronto r a dicksos a m taylor bcl j w mccuuocgh bcl kerr macdonalil davidson patterson luvijrcisakrs solicitors notaries public etc- offices masonic buildings toronto st toronto and main sf stouffville j k kerrqo w mcdonald w davidson jkoa patterson r a grant a robinson dentist will attend at millers hotel stouffville on the isth and a the tremont house markham f on the 20th of each month rosemans hotel mount al bert on the 14th victoria i square on the 21st when these dates fall on j sunday the monday following will be undei- lstood cedar posts for sale the undersigned has on hand about 1000 fiist class cedar posts for sale h mcdonald march 8th 1889 stouffville thoroughbred bull i have for service on my premises rear lot 2 con 9 whitchurch a thor ough bred short horn btjxjl abraham stouffer mar 6th 1s89 543 mos the paris iiaik cutting and shaving iarlor stand one door west of sanders block main st stouffville a complete ladies and gents hairdressing parlor haircutting singeing shampooing curl ing etc haitdressing for balls parties thea tres etc in the most fashionable styles n j w shankel proprietor hospital remedies what ara they the growth of intelli gence in medical matters has given rise to a demand for a class of genuine reliable medicine the opportunity of the ignorant quack who grew rich curing everything out of a single bottle has passed to supply satisfactorily this demand this list of reme dies has been created they ore tho favor ite prescriptions of the most famous medical practitioners of the day gathered from the hospitals of london paris berlin and vien na prescriptions which cost the patients of these specialists from 25 to 5100 are here offered prepared and ready for use at the nominal price of one dollar each not one of them is a cure all each one has only the reasonable power of curing a single disease and each one keeps is contract sufferers from catarrh diseased lungs bronchitis asthma consumption rheumatism dys pepsia liver and kidney complaints fever and ague neuralgia female weakness leucorrhajaor nervous debilityshould send stamp for descriptive catalogue to hospital remedy co 303 west king st toronto canada it your druggist does notkeep these remedies remit price and we will send direct english phycho safety are all the go this season give ycur order to w j w1ertens agent stouffville and get the best stouffville mar 27th 1889 the sun life assurance company of canada assets s2000o0o the sun is a home company investing all its funds in canada and has thus a special claim on canadian assurers it is a strong and prosperous company with large and well invested assets its rates are low and its profits to policy holders large and equitably divided tire sun alone issues an absolutely un conditional policy there arc no its or provisoes about it the only condition is the payment of premiums the sun has not one contested or disputed claim on its books- thos- workman esq- r- maculay president- man director a- ii gilbert manager western ontario toronto e j daley general agent and inspector tor counties of york and ontario stouffville ont the leading shoe house has re ceived 23 cases of boots and shoes with more to follow which added to their already splendid stock will make an assortment unsurpassed in quan tity quality stylo and price the public will be cordiallv welcomed by d stouffer co local items fresh groceries as cheap as any in town at a g browns telephone store opposite market spofford is doing- a slashing- trade in his large well filled store in daleys block bobbed the hexroost thieves entered the premises of mr shank near the rouge bridge on 8th concession markham one night last week and cap tured three geese two turkeys and a rooster beautiful lace curtain nett at urquharts from loct yd up to 25 cts great bargain tares seed beans onion seeds do setts mangold and carrot seed at tele- pone store off the track on monday last one car of a train jumped the track just west of goodwood an auxiliary train from york was soon on the scenu and there was no delay in the traffic as the track was not damaged urquharts loct lino of dress goods bear them all cali and see them new fihm the general store for merly under the mauigement of mr- j a todd in todds block has been purchased by robt monkhouse co the new tirm should do a good busi ness as they promise to keep a full stock and sell at low prices great bargains wonderful barga ins tremendous bargains awful bar gains at spoffords store go to a- g- browns telephone store for all kinds of grass seed e watch for it on wednesday next j brays window will be filled with hats they will stay there one week he will give ten per cent on all cash purchases following week there will be some other line see his adv on another page best brand of boiler flour buck wheat flour and porridge meals-al- ways fresh and good at a g browns two brick houses on church st for sale enquire of r j daley neighborly the times suggests that a baseball team be organized in uxbridge soon and a match arranged with stouffville on may 24th to take place in that town there is one seii- ous objection our boys have a little scheme on hand for that day of which particulars later the sun life assurance co give an unconditional policy have unques tionable security and pay every claim as soon as presented r j daley general agent temper ance meeting themcet- ing on tuesday night was well attend ed and the programme was immense the young ladies who prepared it well earned their success the instrumen tal music by the orchestra and the solos were well received the dialo gues were mirth provoking and it is hoped more of them will bo given in the future jimmy campbells club swinging was exceedingly good and it was dazzling to follow the rapid move ments of the clubs tho tableaux were well conceived especially the bridle scene during the evening a lamp fell on the floor taking fire caused almost a panic among the fair ones who rose in a body and started for the door a grenade was prompt ly broken in the blaze and the fire put out tho proceeds were over 18 so that the attendance mustliave reached nearly four hundred congratulations to l e n j see urquharts parasols from 25cts up all wool cashimere hose 26 great news on saturday and monday in addition to our big clothing stock ranging from 395 up to 1600 per suit in our back room daleys you can see a small bankrupt stock of gents furnishing at 40 cts on tho dollar which will bo sold at dona tion prices rather than store awav un til next fall f spofford you are looking for urquharts store if yon are looking for the cheapest place in town two and a quarter acres choice land good house and stable 27 good fruit bearing trees and other fruit inside of corporation price only 70000 en quire of r j daley juvenilf- entertainment a juvenile entertainment will be given in die school room of the methodist church stouftville this friday even ing commencing at 8 oclock the programme will be furnished by four teen young girls of the school and will be well worth the small entrance fee of 10 cents proceeds in aid of crosbys missionary steamer glad tidings black kid gloves only 50 cts per pair at urquharts i have eight farms on my list which are offered for sale on easy terms r j daley we guarantee to give satisfaction in tea or money refunded a g brown good friday nianr the royal templars intend having a social and entertainment on the evening of good friday something good may be ex pected the royal templars always get up something good one firstclass brick house on main street in choice locality apply to r j daley a big market the attendance at the market yesterday was unusually large the prices paid for at least some articles being quite up to toronto tho growing popularity of our local market is fully attested by the crowds that attend every thursday john bright the eminent british statesman died on wednesday last first class butter and eggs always taken in exchange at a g browns telephone store on tuesday last a carpenter named wadham had the top of his head taken off by the elevator in t thompsons mammoth house toronto obituary on friday march 22nd death re moved from our midst one of the best and most favourably known of the old settlers in this vicinity william brown was the youngest son of william brown who settled in this county early in this century and re moved to tho farm at present occupi ed by mr wilmot brown just east of stouffville where the subject of this sketch was born on oct 10th 1824 he has resided there ever since he was of an exceedingly affable lovable disposition and those who knew him best entertain nothing but the fondest memories of the de parted he leayes a widow and two sons wilmot and albert besides a very large connection of relatives and friends the funeral took place on sunday morning- last from his late residence to the stouffville cemotroy where the funeral services was conducted by the rev geo brown in the presence of a very large number of people ivho came to pay the last sad tribute of respect to the dead the congrega tional church was filled to its tit- most capacity afterwards to hear the funeral sermon by the rev j k unsworth the other churches were closed to give all a chance to par ticipate hioh tersonals frank minns who has been residing with his uncle in vanvlack for tho past year returned home on monday last dr m robinson of lewiston called at the tribune office on monday mr mrsc f mitchell of toronto were in town over sunday mrs obrien and son from buffalo and miss breckon from orillia are vis iting at mr james obriens we wish them a pleasant visit dr wilson of carsonville michigan is visiting his brother dr wilson of this town mr t hagerman and family re move to richmond this week where we understand he purposes to open out in the bakery business we wish tommy every success nothing impure or injurious con taminates the popular antidote to pain throat and lung remedy and general corrective dr thomas eclectric oil- it may bo used without the slightest apprehension of any other than salul- tary consequences coughs rheumatism earache bruises cuts and sores suc cumb to its action akingston dentist says he had an odd experience the ether day a man came into his office and told him ho wanted a tooth pulled after he had been seated in tho dentists chair he now dont pull it all at once pull it a- little then ease up on it and punish the pesky thing punish it it has been punishing me for a month kingston freeman toronto street market from thursdays globe the street market today was quiet and prices steady about 300 buslies of wheat offered and sold at 108 to 109 for fall 109 to sllofor red winter 109 toi18 forspringand 87i for goose barley steady with sales of goo bushels at 43c to 53c oatssteady 800 bushels sellingat 37c to 38c peas arc quoted at 57c to g9jc and rye is quoted at 60c hay easier with sales of 8 loads at 10 to 18 straw firm selling at 10 to j1 a ton dressed hogs 075 to 7 beef 350 to 450 for forcqunrters and 750 for hindquarters mutton 6 to 7 lamb 8 to 850 vcal7to9 round about us rotes got by hook or by crook with scissors or ien in hand west toronto junction is agitating for a fire company a coutmitto has been appointed to let the contract for boring a gas iwell in pickering on sunday last constables arrested duncan calder near brechin and seized a still which they found in his barn there has been quite an ice choke at the bridge in pickering and some hard work was necessary monday to let the jam away london shows signs of progress in that it has to enlarge its jail by adding another story this is a case of on ward and upward the australian wheat crop is a par tial failure the total yield is 6200000 bushels from 2000000 acres of which onefifth is not worth reaping on account of illhealth dr castle has resigned the principalship of tor onto baptist college- pro mcgregor has been appointed to fill the vacancy on tuesday of last week fire in bowmanville destroyed property to the value of 50000 one of tho buildings was threestoried and the finest stand in the town an old man in uxbridge gets even with the kids who annoy him by firing a revolver at them if a bullet should strike one o them there would be a first class sensation last session the majority against un restricted reciprocity was thirteen more than it ftas this session after an ap peal to the people it will be wiped out altogether advertiser conductor nk sniderof the gtr preached in theberkele3st methodist church on sunday evening last he preached an elective sermon from the words what think ye ot christ the account of the east 1 ork reform meeting was crowded out last week webbers large hall in unionville was crowded on friday mar 15th to listen to addresses by g b smith m l a and others at the meeting of the uxbridge town council on tuesday evening the clerk was voted an increase of salary of 50 for the present year while a resolution to give the chief constable an increase of 50 was voted down mr james russell of richmond hill paid sutton village a visit last week and whilst there purcnased two fine young mares one from mr j i howard and the other from mr chas laviolette for which he paid good prices a young man named henry wilson from cannington married one of port perrys fair damsels in august last and forgot to pay the preacher soon he forgot that he was married and es poused a seventeen year old girl of goorgina in february last he is now indurance vile bail being refused on the twelfth ot july next tho jesuits and the orangemen will be able to hold a joint celebration the orange men will commemorate the victory of the boyne and tho jesuits will cele brate their victory in securing the rati fication of their compensation bill by the dominion government ottawa free press the college y m ca held its first business meeting last friday night to adopt its constitution as the hon mr drury was at the college he was inyitcd to address the association he expressed great pleasure in knowing that such an association had been form ed in all parts of the province ho had spoken with confidence of the mor al and religious influences surrounding the students at the o a c and this organization will add force to these as sertions he said tho joy he had in christ is greater than the joy from any other source that godliness has promise of the life that now is tho christian young man is saved from tho degradation of such vices as drunken ness etc the oest time to accept christ is in youth his best wish for the students was that during tho criti cal time of college life each might know the saving and sustaining power of the saviour his words were listen ed to with great interest guelph mercury 4 a triple murder on tuesday last wm h harvey bookkeeper for j wlyonof guelph who was wellknown and highly re spected fatally shot his wife and two daughters he then proceeded to toronto for the purpose of shooting his son but was arrested and taken back to guelph it appears that his ac counts were short and he had been charged with embezzlement and ho committed these murders to save his family from disgrace pi

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