Ontario Community Newspapers

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), December 28, 1888, p. 5

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jfj district news si ati a tlic people i this locality as well as the rcst of the world are looking forward for sleighing the christmas tree on thursday evening and tic examination on fri day afternoon held by tlie public school were woll attended our worthy teacher miss maggie irwin left on saturday morning to spend tho holidays with fiieuds at chatham newmarket on saturday last as wilmoi lehman was driving robertsons breadwaggon up to dales store at the north end of the town the horse took fright at a robe that was being- hung out in front of the store and ran away throwing wilmot out striking- his head on the hard road he was brought home in an unconscious state and on drs bent- ly aud widdilield examining him they found no bones broken he has lain unconscious almost ever since but is now quite rational and hopes are entertained of his recovery many people have called and much sympathy felt for the sufferer bloominulon mr byron jones and mr and mrs hartman jones arc home tor the holi days tho sunday school social on thurs day night dec 20th was not so well attended as is usual but those who were present spent an enjoyable even ing plenty of good viands were pro vided by the ladies speeches by rev messrs brown and wilkinson music by the choir and recitations readings and dialogues by the scholars the door receipts were about 24 at the annual school meeting on weunsday the usual routine business was transacted and mr m hao was re elected trustee claremont friday december 21st will bo long remembered with mingled feelings of pride and pleasure during- the day a public examination was held in tho school messrs c n callendcr t a brown and w j stark assisted in the examination and tho pupils gave strong evidence of the good work which tho teachers mr s brown and miss ii smith have been doing during the past year at the conclus ion of the examination mr duncan mcnabb was appointed chairman and by the way mr mcnabb makes an ex cellent chairman a short time was spent in hearing addresses from tho clergymen teachers trustees and others who were present there seem ed to bo but one opinion regarding the teachers and that vas very flattering to the teachers in the evening- a concert was held in the town hall under the auspices of tho school and seldom have tho public an opportunity to attend so good a con cert outside the valls of a city the singing of the fishermen by miss baker aud or halliday was especial ly worthy of praise and tho enthusias tic audience recalled them again and again miss leuau elocutionist from toronto and miss smith teacher in claremoif earned hearty applause and iu fact all who contributed to the programme acquitted themselves co the entire satisfaction of the audience after tho concert mr brown gave in oyster supper at tho queens to those who had taken part in the proceedings of tho day and evening and availed himself of the opportunity to thank those present for their assistance dr halliday in behalf of the guest made a happy reply the company then separated carrying- with them pleasant recollections of their day iu claremont i jinikx iiow to cure headache some pec pie suiftr untold misery day after day with hoadichb there is rest neither day or night until the verves are all unstrung tho cause is generally a disordered stomach and a cure can be effected by using parmclees vegetable pills containing mandrake and dande lion mr linlaywark lysander p q writes i find parmclees pills a firstclass article for bilious head ache palestine scarcely had th5 darksable death cloud withdrawn which so lecently overshavvcd our thriving little town scarcely had tio bivaved mourners recovered their accustomed cheerful ness when dath returned aud claimed as its victim the youngest one of the number up to the time of its sudden dcpartiitv the deceased was of a vigorous cdnstirufion giving evi dence of an extended life of usefulness but alas pisssa had fastened its deadly fangs up her and threatened her spsedy destruction dr t was peremptorily kuinnioaed who soon located the disease but thought it useless to prescribe being confident that tho patient would die however it was thought b tj call iu another physician with a view to a consulta tion dr jones was accordingly speedily summoned who after a care ful diagnosis of the case agreed with dr t that tho trouble was in tho threat and required speedy troament or the patient would soon die of stran gulation the medical gentlemen while agreeing in their diagnosis of the case differed widely in their man ner of treatment dr t thoughtthe only way to giro relief to tho sutiero- was to force a rod down its throttle thus forcing thi accretion to return back to the place of entrance in tho meantime dr johnson happened to drop in and gave his advice and im mediately proceeded to treat the case by lifting shi pa i nt in his arms and giving- it a vigorous shaking with its head downwards offering as an apolo gy fur such barlmrmis treatment that urgent and dangerous cases require heroic treatment now whether it was tlie disease or the treatment that caused the death of the patient i am una- e to state it- is safe to conclude however that if it was not the treat moot it must have been the disease at all events after about thirty hours of intense and almost indescribable agony death came and put an end to its sufferings dr jones in order to satisfy himself as to the actual cause of death held a post mortem to his astonishment and surprise he found tho alimentary canal perfectly clear and in its normal condition tho lungs were perfectly sound and healthy affording ample security ag ainst that fell destroyer consumption which had been the fruitful cause of the removal of other members of the family after a careful examination of tho digestive organs dr jons was of the opinionth at tho real cause of death was not obstruction of the ali mentary canal but congestion of the rennet catarrh catarrhal deafness hay fever a new home treatment suftcrers are not generally nware that these diseases ate contagious orthat they are clue to the presence of living parasites in the lining membrane of the noe and eustachian tubes microscopic research however has proved thi to be a fact and the result is that a simple re tried- has been formulated whereby catarrh caurrha deafness and hay fever are perman ently cured in from one to three simple applica tions made at home by the patient once in two weeks x likor catarrhal discharges pecu liar to females white this remedy is a specific a pamphlet explaining this new iicatmcntis sent on receipt of ten cents by a ii dixon son west king sireet toronto canada scientific american suflcrers from catarrhal troubles should read the above carefully wfca ts weak nervous debintatd who ja his folly i ignorance k trl- heduway vigor oi body mind manhood causing exhausting drains vpon she fountains ef life headc saokache dreadful dreams weakness jf memory bashfufress iu society pimples opoa tio faceaod u tho effcco coding to early decpy consinrjtler insanity- r lad car tpovc ho u positive cs imp fouihful figor ritc- x ftizl power to c1 a ouog strougfeeca ac vtgorate to brain and nerves vulmjuy tli iuosalr system uid arouses inta actica tho whole phybieal mercy of tho human frame with our specific o23thd2noct obstinate case can bo curwl in wrco months and rvwetoncs in less than thirty lays each package contains two weeks treat ment fcprieo 2 cures guarantccdoour fjwe- ic o 1 is an infallible cure for all private seasesfomatterof how longstand ing sold under our written guarantee to icect a cure ri59 5 xoronto modlcina fc toronto oat ladies omly french regulation pills far superior to krget tansy pennyroyal or oxide endorsed by tlie thousands of ladies who use them monti ii v never fail re lieve paiu insure regularity pleas ant and effectual price 2 toronto medi cine co toronto ont ikes 18 advertising i see how it beads dtjfferin land loan agency farms for sale amaranth east west west east half lot 5 and 6 cou 22 con 3 a con 3 i con 6 3 con 3 6 con 6 2 con 4 rl con a 6 con 3 4 con i t lie firs symptoms of all lung diseases fire much tho same fevcrishness loss of appetite sons throat pains in tho chest and hack headache etc in a feu- days you may he weil or on the other hand you may in down with pneumonia or galloping consumption run no risks but begin immediately to take ayers cherry pectoral several years nio tames rircliard of darieu conn was severely ill the doctors tad ho was in consumption and thai they could do nothing for him but advised him as a last resort to try ayers cherry pectoral after taking this medicine two or three months lie was pronounced a well man his health remains good to the present day j s bradley maiden mass writes three winters ago i took asevere cold which rapidly developed into bronchitis and consumption i was so weak that i could not sit up was much emaciated and coughed incessantly i consulted several doctors but they were power less and all agreed that i was in con sumption at last a friend brought me a lhhtle of ayers cherry ftctoral from the first dose i found relief two bottles cured me and my health has since been perfect ayers cherry pectoral dr j c ayer co lowell mass 6odbyalldniggu triccl blxbottlc45 5 con 20 con 5 west- loandtlie wiofthc eof lot 10 con a 150 acres and lot 11 200 acres east 28 con 7 west icon 3 east 2 con 10 west 1 and s oiihe wj4 lot 13 concession 22 con 9 s and 6 con 5 of w half lot 4 con 9 mono part of wt half let 20 conccssson 6 lot 23 concession 1 east kast half of lot 15 concession 3 west east half of lot 14 concession 3 west west half of lot 26 and 27 concession 7 east half of lot 28 concession 3 west east half oflot 22 concession 6 east w part of lo 7 concession 2 east mono e part of ihe cast half lot 7 con 1 east mono also a new saw mill on lot garafraxa east naif of west half and west half of east half of let 16 concession 10 south west part of lot 16 and 17 con 11- lot 4 concession i west half of lot 14 and 15 concession 14 west half of lot 9 concession 17 easr half of west half of lot a con djcast 3 concession a melancthon lot 266 concession 1 s w of t and s r lot 225 concession z lot 270 concession 2 lot 288 289 and 200 concession 4 s w of x and s r lot 2 concession 4 lot 2i concession 4 n e of lots 11 and 12 con 5 s w of t and s r lot 18 6 cxledok east hdfof lot 31 concession 4 west west haliof lot 23 concession 3 west west half oflot 28 concession 1 lot 2 cncsssion 1 cast woodhouse parts of lots 13 and is in the gore of the township of woodhousc osprey lots 1 2 3 and 4 con 3 south dnihnm aoo lot 12 concession 13 100 euphrasia west half of iot 15 concession 11 100 albiox ot 6 ml i7concei m 7 6i also for sale in orangeville a number of uriclc and frame dwelling iioscs a great number of building lots and a tenacre field all of which will be sold cheap and on easy terms a cemmission of ten dollars on all sales under fotn hundred dollars over four hundred dollars pr 021u r w medlay manager office opposite the cordon house orangeville oixt stfireand life insurance and loan aent valuator 200 x04 i30 i30 i30 ioo ioo i40 ioo too 5 103 ioo ioo 80 150 ioo 20q 45 s3 200 ioo ioo 200 ioo 96 75 10a 300 s ioo 75 75 53 5 5 150 aoo 100 200 100 7 ioo 100 what does daley sell why jfcots and shoes of course where is daleys shoe store one door east of tlie hank in daleys block stoullvilie are daleys prices right u they tire all right does daley advertise a little bit does it pay him to advertise well he sells a great quantity of boots anil shoes always busy there it must be the big stock or the little prices or tlie advertising or some thing daleys is the place for anything in the shoe line stoifkviuk november 20th 1sss j 3 jl vjll ji ht- ij 1 ukbapest place to buy is at j urquhar note the following prices 3 lbs granulated sugar for 25c 3f los light sugar for 25c 4 lbs dark sugar 25c 3i lbs raisins tor 25c 3j lbs currauls for 25c 6 lbs rice for 25c 6 lbs barlev for 25c 3 boxes matches for 2 brooms for 10 bars soap g bars electric soap for 3 lbs starch for 1 lb good tea for 2 fancy cups and saucers for 25c oc 25c 25c 25c 25c 2i dress goods from 10c per yard up flanaels from 15c per yard up grey cotton 5c to 10c per yard 3sand every line of goods equally low j my stock of dry goods groceries glassware oncl crockery now complete mens youths and boys overcoats selling very cheap to clear a large lot of wall paper always on hand stoullvilie dec 4th 1888 fall abb winter goods the subscriber begs to intimate to his numerous customers ano the public in general that he has received and is receiving- daily a full supply of seasonable goojs received which will be sold ax prices to suit tlie times in the following lines especially of which we carry a stock second to none iu stoullvilie woolens of all kinds in english scotch and canadian makes both for ladies and gents wear made to order or by the piece resdymsde clothing ingrest yuriety gents furnishings consisting of hats and caps collars and lies and everything- a man or boy requires to make up his toilet we make a specialty of ordered clothing and guarantee perfect satisfaction before taking tlie goods away from the premise wo also carry the following staple lines dress goods prints cottonades cottons shirtings table linens hosiery and cloves carpets and oil cloths groceries crockery aud glassware we will not be undersold in a ny of the above lines hoping to be favored witha share of your patronage j bray mil side iain trsst stouffyill he avants all the promptpaying people in stoufmlle and the surrounding country to call and inspect his line stock of goods of which the following is but a sample 18 lbs 16 15 111 brown sugar for 100 light brown sugar for 100 white sugar for 1g0 granulated sugar for 100 good tea for 100 he best 50c tea in the dominion 26 lbs riccfor 100 14 currants for 100 soda 5 cts per lb salmon 15 ets per can in fact every tin ag in the grocery line at lending prices fro 1 iit o tremendous piles of overcoats and readymade clothing at unheard of prices the largest and most stylish assortment of gents furnishings in town see them we lead in dress goods for quantity styles and cheapness anything in mantling or mantles to be had at warriners a large quantity of cottons prints dress goods reduced tc cost call on warriner for bargains as he is fairly giving away goods sroufiville nov sth 1sss

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