Ontario Community Newspapers

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), December 21, 1888, p. 4

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the tribune stouliville onc fr1day december 21 1888 club rates we offer the titibubtogcther with the following papers from now till the vud of 1889at the pricjesfmcntioned weeuy gloe and rural caiiadianzoo weekly mail and farm and fireside 175 weekly news and one engraving christ before pilate or fathers of confederation 17s weekly news and both pictures ioo weekly advertiser and engraving falls of niagara j75 family herald 75 century magazine 45 4v nicholas 350 address the tri15une sxouffville ont we are sorry to learn that our sub scribers alokgtho sutton branch have not been receivingtheir papers regu- liirly we shall endeavor to remedy this although it haa been through io fault of ours should it occur again we shall be obliged to the post master who does not receive his bundle of papers to inform us a once electricity is to be put to a new use criminals are to be despatched into the hereafter by lightning in new york state we await the report of the lirst execution with considerable inter est as the last criminal made his exit in the old style a few days ago alder bssea the chairman of the city const of revision periodically amuses himself by raising assessment lie had the tables turned on himself by judge medougall recently the learned judge raised the obese aldr- maus assesment was raised 2200 on an appeal from the decision of the court 6c revision hesgetting a big boy now and itsamcst time be knew how 1 o brush his own clothes and wipe his own nose for hes getting a big boy now toronto is the boy referred to above the chairman of the census- committee vld docms presented the official re- iiorf of the census to the city council on holiday night the figures are 1gss0q against 27351 over the as sessors report six months ago thousands of children who have been straining brains and nerve in pursuit of knowledge since midsummer- will be let loose tonight for a lew weeks dissipation and their- parents iind friends will have a chance to taste the joys in a small way of a pedago gues life we have known people who looked upon schools as merelv institutions fox relieving overcrowded households teachers ap deputy mvpscs iyid holidays as unpleasant inter vuptipns of this arrangement we beg to bespeak for teachers a better recognition of their services and for scholars a pleiitifu1 supply of santa clauss goods lollypops ilapdpodlcs great things andsmall the toronto world has got itself in to hot water it has two libel suits on hand jlr ii a massey whgmthe world has of late been in thq habit of volerring to as hayfork massey has notified the world unit he intends en tering an action for libel on account of certain statements concerning him whicli appeared in the worlds news paper recently in connection with the university federation question the second suit isthat of the mail news paper that paper complains of an article latckvpublished in the world stating that the mail and globe were about to amalgamate the world decs not appear to be very much alarmed at the prospect as it came out the day afcer iyeeiving notice from the mails legal odwiser withan article twice as cheeky as the one complained of hiu iho first place if the world gets into a scrape which it probably will the world people have only them selves to blame as that paper has ex hibited entirely too much gall of late in their statements concerning the ilolie and mail and matters also con- crning thfe methodist church notably iii reference to the trouble in rev mrj jcflerys cburth it is i wonderthpsa cjtv reporters do not get fired out without cercniony when they come rfctind with their imricrtincnt questions whitchurchs capital items of news and words of wisdom gleaned at the seat of government the venerable treasurer collins was on hand at the final meeting of coun- eil and handed out the shekels at the order of the council he talks of re tiring from office next year and well deserves a pension assessor norman was there pre pared to explain all about thft dos that were not killed according to pro mise the midland railway is about the only ratepayer that has not responded to collector walkers appeal they will doubtless toe tha mark before the 29th the clerk was busy writing out or ders and attending to claimants for damages for sheep killed the township may be well satisfied with its efficient staff of officers and if they cannot keep the council straight i it is no fault of theirs quite a large number of electors were in at the death of the present council and took advantage of the oc casion to air their views on municipal matters the utmost good feeling prevailed among all present and even the rival canditates were seen pleasant ly discussing together the chances of the other man getting left the- electors think that statute labor should be per formed in vhe beat where the property is situated that the dogtax should not be used except for its legitimate object that the township debt sho uld be paid off and the rate ought to be high enough to do it 1 i that jones and younjf divide the honors for quickuess and quaiutness of rjparutu thit then will bo lots of fun on nomination day that lmdlord mc quillan is a jolly good fellow- according to the iwwnded law the clerk must send to the first twelve electiors who ask it a copv of detailed statement of receipts and expenditure th- probabilities for a warm con test are exceedingly good l- l hart man and m jones arc bandshak ing for the reeveship messrs mack- lem and mcconnack arc in a state of jrlorious uncertainty as to whether they will be opposed for the two de puty chain and the names of seneca baker haines uose skinner and cooney are mentioned for counsellors further developments may appear at nomination and the electors should have no difficulty in selecting an effi cient council from such a phalanx of men of mental ability get the most for your money i who ts weak nervous dobllltaw uhoinhts folly and ignorance tri fled owoy bis vigor of body wind ana manhood causing exhausting drams upon uio fountains ot llfo headache baokache dreadful broams weakness f memory bashfulness in society plmploa upon the faceaadttutho effects iindiiig to early deoay consumption insanity- vv find 7 oar speaflc 2so 23 positive cihl- ii fapbs tfouthfup rigor rested i ftim pover in old and oung strengtfeenb zud the brain and nerves buudiji tho uiiulor system iud acouscs into ectica the wriolo physical morgy of the human frame with our epocine no 1 the most obstiutta case can bo cured in ihroo months and rccoones in less thairthirty lays each package contains two woks treat- ncntf price s3 euros guarantoodour spoc- hc no w is an hifalliblo cure for all private diseases no matter ot how longstand ing sold tinder our written guarantee to meet a ouro frioe ss toronto uodicin tw xoroitto ob ladies only french regulation pills far superior to ergot tansy pennyroyal or oxkle endorsed by the thousands of ladies who- use them monti 11 y never fail re lieve pain insure regularity pleas ant and effectual price 2 toronto medi cine co toronto out we are offering a special reduction on all purchases made during the holiday season boots shots and sltimers in great variety mens felt boots haxdmaik c large stock mi nfc 1 alii ll 1 c ot s prices exceptionally low womens misses and childrens cokdigan overshoes we have the exclusive sale of this line vrmcb is somethiug new look at them mens womens misses asdciuldreksoveeshoes rubbers etc in great variety gg-priccs- on anything- in the trade lower than the lowest we invite inspection and examination of our stock see the styles look at the quality- marvel at the prices ordered work a specialty repairing neatly and promptly done e hmdekhxll stouffvuik nov 13th 1sss stouffyille asi markkas- ajt this silvester doligherty- mjpney wanted for seasonable goods at the- stouefville hardware store wo have 17 kinds and pricesvof wood cook stoves and 5 kinds for coal and wood all guaranteed to work satisfactorily box stoves round wood heaters with or without oven coal surface heaters art garland and art countsss base burners hoth taking the cold air direct from the floor and are the best made crosscut saws maple leaf disston robertsons corpor ation fiddles3 kinds files axes 9 kinds 75c to l50 see our handmaev allsteet axe whips 10c to 300 curry combs 10s to30c horse brushes from 15c up rope and web halters gw ties sausage stuffers and grinders etc wo stillmiave an immense stock of lamps cheaper than ever before those for parlor and hall use are unusually lmndsome our lines of table and pockot cutlery are complete we have received the largest assortment of silverplated goods wo liave ever had ladies call and sue hprse shoes and nails very low silvester ss dougherty foreign and domestic fruit store -by- new fruit now in stocks raisins oranges currants lemons figs dates cranberries full line of mew groceries teas coffees sugars soaps tobaccos ant cigars of the finest quality canned goods of all kind gr salmon peaches pineapples lobsters tomatoes liebigs beeftea sardines apples corn beff u try ouk mince meat thf bestren the world manitoba imported flour goulds faultless and mount albert best all full roller process come makoready foryour christmas pudding wedding cakes got up in the latest styles and on shaft notice i mending brides please note thisiaet confectionary and nuts of all kinds come and secure vour goods before the bakery- is taken goods delivered to any part of the town everything clump ibrcash eleasc dont askfor credit h johnson siuffvimb nov 28th 18s8 reiembeb groceries teas sugars canned frnits raisins currants best brands of floar at meal corn meal granulated wheat cracked wjteat 6vahanv flour oats and feed come and see us at the telephone store a g brown stoajfvhlc dec 6hrl888 pronounced by the press the iest papje of the kind published in canada today thk sural canadiah ikcobponatlsg the farib jourrlat cakttdirn fflrfler- rlio the dlftrywuh an illustrated monthly fob the farm and home 30pp ash covft s100 j yxealt on the 1st of janiary next the rural canadian will enter on its twewti1 ykar of puhlicniion iliiriiig the past even vents it j lia lken ri crivcl wiih jrwin nvflr by n j cvcttucrcamu number ff rtaurs anl in tlic cofnjbr year no cifurts will be spared hlccly to enluiuce its value to the intelligent ayricul- turist a statement of the regulardepartments in the rural will lcst convey anidiaofihc scie of the pulilicatioif karm and ifelil morses and coltte hie dairy meep and swine carden and orchard liecsand honey poultry and pets rural notes home circle household hints scientific and l leful jintl two full pages of music- guamntoed to give perfect satisfaction with cither coal cr woocl a laro assortment of firetclass stoves of sfll- kincl alotuyskeprin stock a splendid stock of tin and copjier wave alvayson hand remember the place bookeb bbos stouffyilfe lcv2stl 18981 stoiipevillek

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