Ontario Community Newspapers

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), December 14, 1888, p. 8

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n i news sjfjfarv the toronto world has offered that tiaper free for one year to the person who makes the nearest uess to the population of toronto as shown by the census which is being taken this week the official returns have not been announced vet but a rough estimate shows that in all brobubility tb present population is between tfooo and 170000 j m do lessens announced to the panama canal shareholders last night that the new londs had beentaken up and the project was eaved from col lapse the rev v f wjison appeal case occupied nearly all day wednelavat the geicral sessions the case went to the jurv who disagreed and were discharged necessitating a now trial mr sol h jeffcry of kinsalo in tends holding a grand school concert on fridaydpc 1lth to raise funds for the purchase of a library before leav ing that school rev newton hill of markham preached the anniversary sernons at the collier st methodist church bar- rie he on sunday last gave an ad dress at the entertainment on monday evening the bavrie gazette is fearfully ex ercised for fear that a salaried police r magistrate will be forced upon that rising town to make good his case the editor has to admit that the popu lation has decreased to less than 5000 the judicial committee oi the privy cauncil gave judgment wednesday in favor of tjie proviuce jin tho case ef the ontario government v jthe st catharines milling lumbering co upholding the decision of the superior court the court of appeal and chan- cillor boyd new years day will be celebrated by old ol by a temporary retirement whind the friendly moon probably for the purpose of quietly turning over a new leaf the same as the rest of mouals and for the purpose of adopt ing a new series of resolutions for 19 the retirement here will come so jate in the day that it will not be visible at all and new york state where jjho sun wui set sn eclipse will be t castenuposc place where the suns per formance will be visible men the eclipse will be on at sunrise for our neighbors the aleution inlanders and thus the- wil have a rare opportunity for a late nap for it will be dark with them after sunrise from that point on the surface of the earth th line of the centre of the eclipse will sweep southward and eastward across the pacific ocean and will laud on our western shores to tw north of san fransciseo across nevada idaho and montana the line will fall till u ends away up in canada where therei is nobody of consequence to observe it it is expected that the results which will be gained by the observa ions of this eclipse will be better than have ever before been secured from any like event boston herald iwhitevale mrs joseph wilson of manitoba is isiting friends in town viss ada wilmot spent a few days k jf isiting br m iny friends in ouryaie miss siiumini oi cedar grove and mr major spen sunday wih b hag- arman we are glad to hear that mr william boyd is on the mend our town may be proud of its four socities the oddtelloai foresters work men aud sons all in fairly good stand ing both in funds and numbers the foresters liave under their aus pices a flourishing brass band of four teen instruments- news markham miss w edycr of oshawa has been visiting the methodist parsonage mr c 0 barr called at the econo mist office on friday last br w lehman lately returned from germany was recently appointed med- iealinspector of the provincial board of health the pastor being engaged at the anniversarygeryices at barrie mr brace of toronto occupied the method- st pulpit on sunday last g r yanzant and w h hall are in the field for the reeveship of the village and thos williamson and anthony forrester for the same posi tion in the township debate at the methodist church in markham on monday evening dec 17th the following question will be de bated resolved that men have done inorefpr liberty than they have for fame- the following gentlemen will take part affirmative messrs john simpnn m- a aych morrison wiii douglass negative j f grierson b a 0 hezzlewood d ccnnamore admission 20 cts those of the gentle sex who have experienced the pain and annoyance caused by excoriated nipples and in flamed breast can well appreciate the value of a remedy wjuch removes the trouble tiis is precisely what dr thomas eclectric oil does besides cur- ing when used internally asthma roup and other maladies s wsany ivjaevlkszal r la weak norvous debilitated irtiolnhis folly and ignoranco iaa t ri ffled away ms vigor pi body mind n manhood causing exhausting drains upon tho fountains of life headache baokache dreadful dreams weakness pf memory bashfulnoso in socloty pimples npon th face and an tho effects leading to early decay consumption insanity- tl oar upooife so 23 positive 0ir- s impure youthful hgor rcstci- w filial power old and roung btrofthena av3 gorate tho brain find nerves build m tho fcjtnlar system lua arouses itito actlcn tho whole physical margyof too human fraino with our specific so 23 tho xaoet obstinate case can bo cured in threo months and rocejanes in less than thirty iayseach paokago contains two wke treat- mntfcpricosq cures guaranteed our spec- ncko 24 is an infalliblo cure 1 private diseases no matter of now long stand ing sold uudor our written guarantee to rtfect a cure prico 85 toronto modicin u toronto ont want of sleep is sending thousands annmihy to the insane asvlmu and the doctors say this trouble is alarmingly on the incnam- the usual remedies while they may give jcjnporary rulitrf are likely to do more lann than good avhat is needed is an alterative and jjioodpurilicr acers sursiiparilla is incomparably the tyst it corrects those disturbances in tlje circulation which cause sleepless ness gives increased vitality p storos the nervous jystm toliuahhxul condition rev t g a cptc agent of the mass jloine missionary society writes that ijfis stojrnnch was out of order bis sleep very often distiirbed and some im purity of the blood manifest dint that a perfect euro was obtained by the use of aycrs sarsaprilla frederick w pratt 424 washington street boston writes my daughter was prostrated with nervous debility aycfs sarsapariua restored her to health avilham f hoivker erie pa va ouredof nervousttcss ami sleeplessness by taking ayers sarsaparima for about two months during which time his weight increased over twenty pounds ayers sarsaparilla ritepareo bv dr j c ayer co lowell mats bold by all druggist trice 1 six boul- you wnt to get fixed up m flrfcristmds teady first week in decemeer a ggat holidav papgf i new type new kress fine paper five handsome lithographed plates firstclass illustrations original matter and superior workmanship the best xfflas p ever issued in ga1da the literary matter in the christmas gtxibe will be entirely original wn will include stories from the ablest pens in canada tho subjects trcated being wholly canadian five handsome lithographed plates accompany tho paper thftprinci- v one being a scenefrom vancouver park bc from a painting bymr l e obrien the celebrated canadian artist mechanically tho xmas will bo in every way firstclass and no cxpenso will be spared in having it surpass anything of tho kind heretofore published in ths country as the demand willbo yery great wo would advise intending purchasers leave thoirbrders at ttieir newsdealers or send direct to this office not later than tho end p the present month as the supply will necessarily bo limited and wo cannot undertake fo print a second edition tho prico has boon placed at only 25 cents per copy it is intended to hay the edition ready tho first week in december in order to allow njenty of timo forjnailing copies long distances so as to reach destination before christmas 4 t globe prixtix co toronto the weeklyglobprthe best family nowtepaper jji cariadn nd t ruitivl canadian tho best agncuhural papsrin canada fcoth rw to cad of 1g29 only cico z -yob- 1 christmas fresh impgfttatjons at famoy goods x jey ivisins- new currants new peels new figs new teas etc that coffee- and cheese is ahead of anything- in town crockery glassware and wall papers idry goods in abundance dress goods cloths flannels ladies and gents guernseys cardigans bustles etc all at rock bottom prices stoyfirif nov 2911 1sss todd cos -fob- fresh gioceries dry goods clothing boots shoes glasswaieand crockery gents furnishings amre and complete stock to choose 1wl dont buy until you have examined ourgopds we will notfde undersold goods delivered in the corporation promptly at 10 a m and 4 pm a call solicited todd co b a b g a ms t b ar gains i have jjist bought below regular prices a large lotof seiis feflt boots some of ttiem extra quality overshoes rubbers shippers for znieisi wmegi and children i propose giving customers the full benefit of these cheap pur chases and thereforefinvite all friends and customers in facf all who boots in ingvvood stouffville ibloomingtpn lemonville iallansrae and their respective neighborhoods tocall and inspect these special lines andmy general sto0k qf bootjsi ix will jsay x9 t so u u 1 i have aljso special values in ijans and boy overcoats mensnd oys suits knicker suits for children geo h silvester rjngwood mrs stock has just received a large stock of fancy goods flosses arasenes berlin wools suitable forjioljday season best groceries iea from 25cts up 50cts gets lib of bilking pffivr der and your choicoof beautiful glassware all kinds of canned goalsi spices 10 bars soap for 25cts oatmeal granulated wheat raisins currants peel cen- fectionary krs j stock chemist druggist iealjeln general iiis i mil patent bieojeines dye stuffs essences pure spices toilet goods c school book and stai03stkry also a few llies ov jewellery spectacles ylfjcji are seliisg at cost- tfce follojving lroprietary medicines sliouli be in every house rowms gojgh syrup one of the most effectual rqrnedios in for coughs coms hoarseness c rowms winter fluid the fine preparation in use for chap ped havs and all koughness oi tho skin rowans capilline a superior hair dressing promotes the growth removes dandruff and renders the ijr soft andglossy rowans stomach drcffis v rains in the stomach bowels is-c- great reductions ix- millinery at mi8s wilsons o some choicg- mnhres left knitting wools saxony berlin and andijjtsian alep childrens wool goods old ludysdresfficaps call and sec our goods before puxj phasing elsewliero mrs f wilson wm ib sanders is up to the times with full ljnes0f tysrv goods to suit the season also special ftnes in scottish teei3 imported direct tailoring o order a ispeeialty diagonal woksteds fancy worsteds plain worsteds also special lines in teas coffees spices sugars glassware and delfwaijd v acall is pectfully solicited furniture warerooms still to the fore dec j- davis has now in stock a vamed assortment of furnitai prjq5s exceptionally low- picture framing a specialty a fine line of baby carriages undertaking in all its branches n shortest notice give me acall

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