Ontario Community Newspapers

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), December 14, 1888, p. 4

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the tribune stouifville ont friday diecember 14 1888 club rates we offer the tribune together witm tlto following papers from now till the end of 1889 at the prices mentioned weekly globe and rural cauadianzoo weekly mail and farm and fireside 175 weekly aeus and one engraving christ before pilate or kathersof conictatfonc i7s weekly ntuu and both pifiturer 200 weekly advertiser and- engraving falls of niagsjcj 75 enmity herald 7s century magazine 450 stnukolas 35 address tie tribune stouffviue ont- imioktant if ouri customers re quiring job work doner would try to got their copy in a day or two before the work is needed they would confer a favor as we are very busy andut is not always possible to get out a job the same day the copy is handed in new advertisements and changes should be handed in not later than monday or tuesday correspondents should post their news letters so that ilufy may reach this officftaiet later thap wednesday noon- we understand that some of- our readers hit ve seen fit to- take offenco at some remarks ofour correspondents in this connectionve beg to remark that we have endeavored and shall al ways endeavor to keep everything of a diqagreeabls tjature out of- our col umns u it willbe noticed at the head of pur csrrespondencecolummthat we distinctly state that the opinions of our icontributorsare not necessarily ours and we wish all correspondents as far as possible to avoid mentioning nanies so that all may perfectly un derstand us it may be well to inti mate that bdsides the communications that appear under the regular head ing jop correspondence the para graphs headed observations and all the district news are from thepeas ofpnr icorrrxspondents and often refer to matter conserving which we have uojknawlcdge and are as much news o s as to any of our readers observations agitate agitate for no more tas ademptions wft welcome all good citizens but pay vourtaxps please the- subscribers to the tribuse must tiov think the writer of this column is the editor he doos iiot sit in that kind of chaiy if observer says sany thing about idtyy mcduftseow pleasa polly dont get rivailfor observer is often accused of saving things truthfully gontlytwcstcnder gave the small fry a chance jake oofc and ed are heavy men buf- this isjtjio season fofjbaskct wil ling baskets they arc made iiit this iovfit as a rule allosoeieties or companies select the best men to fill the mostim portant officers- why should it not bej so in a community there should be no trifling in public matters let every thing be done decently and in order we have some 150 elector on the roll when 1 he proper time comes for us to make a choice let it be done without fear or favor personal or party feeling should have no place in matters of this kind ability should bo tha whole aim of every elcctoi hctofore men have been put up onlyto be knocked down now dont do that detect say live of the best men- for hoove and twenty of the next best for council lot them goto the poll and -let- the ballot say who are the men fit for the position dont say that the men who have most money havo the most in telligence as a rule it is the reverse v u are apt to get cither a knave or a look observer many an otherwise handsome face is disfigured withpimples and blotches caused by a humor in the blood which may be thoroughly eradicated by the use of ayers sarsaparilla it is the safest blood medicine in tho market being cattrcl- free from arsenic or any diletertous drug the special qualiy of ayers hair vigor is that it restores the natural growth color and texture of the hair it vitalizes the roots and follicles re moves dandruff and heals ucning hu mors in the scalp in this respect it surpasses all similar preparations the cradle mckissos at stouffville on dec 9th inst the wife of mr robt mckinnon of a son peucy at stouffville on dec 10th inst the wife of rov w percy of a daughter patteitson at bloomingion- ou the 12th inst tho wife of geo patter son esq of a daughter the altar- ravmer- farley ohwedncsday 21st nov by the- rev w p brown at the methodist parsonage stouffville menno raymer to kate farley both ofrthe township of markhhw hbmaxbouser on wcdncsdav 28 1 tri inst by the rev w p brown at the east end methodist parsonage stbuffvillo nathaniel harman to elizabeth bouser both of the village i of aurort raymer- akmitage on the 5th inst at the residence of the brides- mother in the village of oakwoodbb the rev mr curtis mr john ravmer of- raymer bros carriage builders to miss emma armitage of oak- wood if you are despondent low spirited irratable and peevish and unpleasant sensations are felt invariably after eat ing then get a bottle of northrop lymans vegetable discovery and it will give you relief you have dps- pepsia mr r h dawson si marys writes four bottles of vegetable dis covery entirely cured me of dyspepsia mine was one of the worst causes i now feel like a new man to save life fnftjhently requires prompt action ah hofir4 delay waiting fur the doctor may bo atteailcd with serious consequences especially in cases of croup piikiiiuoiiii and other throat and lung troubles hence no family sliotiul ha without a bottl of ayers cherry 1ectoral whmi has proved iistf in ibousautls of cis tbo best einerjjenuy medicine everdisiovered it gives prompt relief amri prepares the way for a thorough cure which is certain to be effected by- its contiuuetl use s ii latimer m ilit vernon oa says i have found ayers cherry pectoral a perfect cure f croup in all cases i have known thd worst cass relieved in a very short trttu by its use and i advise all families iodise it in sud den etjrmgencies for coughi croup r a j eidson m dvmiimietowu tcnnf says i have used ayers cherry pectoral with tho best nftuut in my practice this wonderful prepara tion once snvcil my life i had a con stant cough night sweats was greatly rettuced in rlesh and given up by lify physician one bottle ami a half of the pectoral cured me i cannot say euourb in pr of ayers cherry pectoral writer- e bragilon of palestine texas v buliev- ing as i ilo that but for its tunr 1 should long since have died ayers chen pectoral rnepakkd ey dr j c ayer co lowell mass sold by all druggists- irlce 1 u bottlea silvester dough erty hones wanted for seasonable goods at stouofvtlle hardware store the wehave 17 kinds and prices of wood cook stoves and 5i kinds for coal and woody all guaranteed to work- satisfactorily box stoves kcufldwoffitrtieaters with or without oven coal surface heaters art garland and art countess base burners both taking the cold air direct from he floor and are the best made crosscut saws maple 1 af disston robertsons corpor ation fiddles 3 kinds files axes g kinds 75c to 150 see our handmade allstocl axe whips 10c to 300 curry combs 10c to 30c horse brushes from 15c up rope and web halters cow ties sawedge stuftors and grinders etc v we still have an immense stock of lamps cheaper- than ever befrfre those for parlor and hall use are unusually haudsome our lines of table and pocket cutlery are complete we have received the largest assortment of silverplated goods we haiveever had ladies ctull and see horse shoes and nails very low silvestert dougherty sleeplessnessis duo to nervous ex citement tire dilieatoy constituted ihn financier jhc busiitoss man and those whiie- occupation nccessttaus groat mental strain or worry all suf fer more or less from it sleep is the great restorer of a worried brain and to get sloop cleanse the stomach from all impurities with afcw doses of par- mclces vcgcttwe pills gelatiie coat ed containing no morcuy and tire guaranteed to give satisfacvou cr he nictyoj wixlbc refund d vi remember we sek1j- groccrfcs teas sugars canned fruits raisins currants best brands of frnir oju meal un meal granulated wheat cracked vseat graliam fjour oats njta fecil c05ie and see us at the ifelepine store a g br01i5 stoafjviuoicr 5th 1ss3- pronomiccdby he lress tlie liest paper of the kind published in canada today the 1 rural camaiai incoftlouatisr the farm jourfrfal canadian farhjrfft ftnd tfl ulkklffluh- an illustrated monthly kok thk farm andliomi- 0prat covki sino por ykah on tic 1st ofjvnuory iut the rural i canadian will nur on its i wurrn ykar of puhlicaiiun ljiitrng the past eleven years it j has been received ith growing favor ly an ever increasing ninnher of readers and in the coming year no ertorts will be spared likely to enhance its value to the intclligcat- agricul- limit a statcrherfr of the regular dcparthients in i the rurauwitl lst convey an ic of the scftjic of the publication karm am field jjorses midcaitlc the dairy sheep and wine gardcivaml orcliardj bees and honey toullry ana kcs rural notes homecircle ttbuscliold ninte scientific aaduscfunik tifofullfgc ef mc s e a s ojst j b l e sty in fall and winter goods wo invite attention to our complete and carefully selected stock of comprising extensive lines of newest and most fashionable ladies shwes gents boots and shofjs childrens shoes hubbllrs overshoes etc mens felt boots haxdmade large stcck womens misses ani childrens cordigan overshoes something new come and see tkeln 7 n prices ailf pay yeu to idowisr get our quotations before luce remember the srounvime nov i3th 1sss inspect our stock and purchasing elsewhcik r underbill stotl ffv ills aku markha t jr rti3s- foreign and domestic fruit store -by- new fruit now in stock raisins currants figs dates oranges lemons cranberries full line of iew groceries re as coffees sugars s9aps tobaccos axd cigars 0- finest quafelty canned goods of all kinds salmon peaches pineapples lobsters tomatoes liebigs beeftea sardines- apples corn beff try our mince meat the best in the world smii mwwm- wemwm manitoba importcrl flourigoulds faultless andmount albert best- roller process all fall come make ready for your christmts pudding wedding cakes got ftp inthe latest styles and on slnrt notice iiuendiiig brides please note this ftwfe confectionary and nuts of all kinds come and secure your goods before the bakery is taken oods tleliverctj to any part of the town everything cheap for cash fleas- dont ask for- credit h johnson stobfivilie nov 28th 1888 i gnamnteod to glvq perfect satirifuetion with either con ctavooci aiiavge ssorrment of fiistclass stoves of alu kinds always kept in stock r a splendid stoeteof tin and- copper aare always orhand rjbmcnitber tlmee baokm3a broa mc- stohffvllle

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