Ontario Community Newspapers

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), December 14, 1888, p. 3

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miscellaneous one of the very beat sources from which the farmer may get sound practical ideas about his business and much interesting and useful information of a general kind is the american agriculturist which is publish ed in new york information has reached us that it is not necessary to go so far as london eogand to find an instance of cheap gag it appears that at j lckson mich the price of gas vrtz reduced on the 1st of october to 30 cents per 1000 feet the gas is a water gas but is manufactured on what is known as the swedish system it is stated that cornwall ont is soon to be supplied with illuminating gas on the same terms aa in the case of jick- i son if gas can le profitably supplied to consumers in a small place like cornwall vfor 30 cents per 1000 feet the citizens of toronto would like to know why they are charged 125 the grey nuns were founded as a reli gious order in canada about a hundred and fifty years ago the mother house being in montreal la minerve ot thursday contains an interesting account of the pro gress of this order from which it appears that it now numbers in the dominion 1301 persons namely 1080 professed nuns 141 novices and 88 postulants they have a hundred and two establishments in various parts of the country spread over twenty- three roman citholic dioceses some of the democratic papers in the united states have been claiming that al though president cleveland was defeated in not securing a majority of the electoral college he did get a majority of the popu lar vote in texas there was a gain in the democratic figures of30000 in michigan 20000 and so forth apparently greater than the total gains of the republicans the latter however refuse to allow that the figures from the southern states can be fairly included in making up the popular vote for republicans contend that their voters are not allowed to cast their ballots in the solid south a mr tuke of rotheringham who died in 1812 by his last will and testament left a penny to every child who should attend his funeral with the result that over 700 youngsters who didnt care whether school kept were in attendance all the poor wo men of the parish were made happier by the bequest of one shilling to each the bellring- ers were left a halfguinea to strike off one peal of grand bobs at the exact moment the body was inearthed and seven of the oldest navvies were to have a guinea for puddling him up in mb grave an old woman who had for eleven years tucked him up in his bed was made richer by the sum of one guinea his crewning act was to make one endowment by which forty dozen penny loaves were to be thrown down from the par ish church steeple at noon on every christ mas day forever the following is the percentage of water in some wellknown articles wheat 15 barley oats 16 rye 12 rice 13 beans field 15 beans kidney 23 peas 14 turnips 88 carrots 83 ryeflour 14 barley- flour 14 mazs flour 13 indian cornflour 14 oatmeal 14 wheatbread 44 to 48 ryebread 44 to 49 cane sugar 5 the american journals are apprehensive linseedcoke 10 flesh 77 skin 58 bones that unless the drainage of coin is stopped mons but the prejudice against the trans action is so strong that many years may elapse before it is adopted ireat britain spain and italy are now the ouiy european countries which do no pay their parliamen tary representatives france paye lso0 a year and prussii s5 a day oa this contin ent mexico the argentine republic the jrited states and canada all pay the mem bers of their legislatures the present sys tem in great britain which prevents poor men from entering parliament unless luce the irish nationalist members they can in duce their constituents to subsidize them has done sufficient harm to more than conn terbalance its advantages the london diily telegraph points out that while forty years ao the world went crazy in favor of youth the present tendency in public life is to worship old age the english people in particular believe fervent ly in old age and grand old men there is however an awkward side to the worship of old age for at least ten years says the telegraph the duke of wellington delayed needful improvements in the british army for about the same period lord palmerston stifled reform and if one day the realm is split up into two three or four sections of jarring nationalities it will be because reverence and gratitude led the multitude to accept any proposal however wild or sentimental made by that remark able man who excels in his old age the ora torical achievements of the strongest spaak- crs of the past from all quarters come complaints of tho arbitrary conduct of the german authorities in samoa and unless some change takes place in their treatment of other europeans there is likely to ba a serious diplomatic protest from the english and united states governments by the latest advices the situation in samoa was very complicated and a battle was pending between tamasese the usurper and matnafa the successor of malietoa who was deposed by the germans the german marines and sailors besides giving aid and supplies to the usurper have been guilty of several attacks on english and american residents an englishman was met on tho street by a night patrol of the germans and knocked down and otherwise brutally maltreated should the american and english governments take joint action in demanding redress the germans will doubtless find it prudent to make amends the balance of trade against the united states for the twelve months ending october 31st was 44354089 while the exports of gold and silver amounted to 20000000 more than the bullion imported a re publican journal in commenting upon these facts says that it seems the united states can no longer pay for what they ioiport with the products of the farm the stock range and the cotton plantation they must continue to pay with coin unless the manu facturers will come to the rescue and send jv f f i iw i watson s cough drops are the best in tho the traits ot the loom ana the anvil in ex- i u t l change tor the necessities or luxuries obtain- world sfjsssffig tttt i vw ed from foreign lands if the manufactur- equalled see that the letters r t w i- a y i e ftrn rtanirted on each drorj ers are to do their part in paying for the imports the tariff policy will have to be modified and assuredly not in the direction of further restriction in any case the fact of there being an adverse balance of trade is not particularly alarming but some of wine women aad son but the greatest of these is women wine is a mocker and song is good to sooth the savage but women respond to every active power and sentiment of the human mind when in good health but when pfllictod with disease you will find them tantalizing ccqiettiah cross and hard to please for all female compl tints sick headache irregularities nervousness prolapsus and other di placements popular ly known as female weakness and othc diseases peculiar to the sex dr pierces favorite prescription is the great world- famed remedy anna catherine green the detecive story writer writes with a leadpencil dont bead this for 500- for many years through nearly every newspaper in the land the proprietors of dc sages catarrh remedy who are thor oughly responsible snancially as any one can easily ascertain by proper enquiry have offered in good faith a standing reward of 500 for a case of nasal catarrh no matter how bad or of how long standing which they cannot cure no lucinda women are not called the fair sex because they like to get up christ mas- fairs love in a cottage chally said amarantha jane i notice that your spirits recently seam to be bubbling over with happiness i am glad to see it but do tell me deir what has caused it j i will baid charley as he encircled her waist and imprinted a kiss on her invit ing lips you know for a while i was melancholy blue as indigo had no appetito was bilious and dyspeptic but the use of two bottles of dr pierces golden medical discovery has brought me out and i am k bright as a button i feel like a new man now jane name the daj soon there is more of this medicine at the drug store mont ligue says there is no torure that a woman will not endure to enhance her beauty consumption surely cared to the editor please inform your readers that i have a positive remedy for the above named disease by its timely use thousands of hopeless cases have been permanently cured i shall be glad to send two bottles of my remedy free to any of your readers who have con sumption if thoy will send me their express and p o address respy ta slocum m c 16 adelaide st west toronto the turkeys and chickens are beginning to roost high and far off mrs oscar wilde has written a volume of fairy tales coff ho more iuvprng extracts baking ftawbir is rubs frcto i 5s3loiiwpuecream1artas v flavoring extracts arc j islbcnot5lurc5t akd best hnrsem 1j eauhful sroky i ot keuiriot thrurnt brilliant durable 17rnnrtmir1 i i rtttsumi nisttss ioiimi cieuu 1 rvuuuumtl il out fifth scho auric eir- u giaduales are and clden oems by j w bad ud t lie witt tslrage do autiful illuhationf color d and plain bands inelv bou- lsi ge quarto bmlc pi iu tpeand jmtiuch a ho i thit taethe rye at a tlacce terms to agents extra liberal william liawiis publisher toronto variable 7 to 20 beef 74 veal 75 mutton 71 pigeon 79 haddock 82 trout 80 sole 79 tea 5 coffee 1 1 mangel- wurzel 85 cabbage leaves 92 cabbage stem 84 mushrooms 9g fungi 80 to 95 potatoes 75 watermelons 94 cucumbers 90 vicegerplant 95 wheatflour 13 to 1g cocoa 5 manna 10 figs 21 plums 75 apples 80 gooseberries 80 peaches 75 eggs entire 74 milk 87 blood 79 to 83 gastrio juice 97 cheese 40 hair wool horn 9 to 11 brandy 56 whiskey 47 ram 30 beer 90 there are many tendencies in tho civiliza tion of the united states like the rage for divorces for example which do not promiae well for the future of the republic the tendency to seize other peoples property and bolt for a foreign country is another it does not confine itself to bank cashiers and civic officials but has spread into the ranks of society afflicting young and old even young girls falling victims to the pre vailing rage a girl of fourteen ha just been taken back to new york by her mother having been caught in a canadian city she got bold of a large sum of money and fled with it the nursery door needs to be doublelooked in view of such cases as these the crop of anarchists in chicago hows no signs of giving cut and tho quality is also firstrate evidence is being taken against certain prisoners belioved to have had some connection with reoent dynamite plots daring the progress of one of these caies an informer named chleboun was giving testimony inplioating anarchist hronek one of the men under arrest hronek told me he said that he bad a bomb ready to throw at president cleve lands carriage when the president was here and would have thrown it had not sohneider and nekolando dissuaded him this will give rise to the impression that the number of presidents assassinated in chat land of free dom may not be so large as those who have narrowly escaped a violent end from zanzibar it is reported that the english and german admirals in the sul tan s name have published a proclamation to the effect that the blockade will commence at noon on sunday and that the fleets are to take their positions today the german vessels on the south from war ga to linde and tho english on the north from wanga to lamer island the sultan is still ill heavy and constant firing was heard on the mainland yesterday it seems that the ves- els sophio and carola were fired at from tho shore and thereupon bombarded the coajt they also landed some men who found two dead arabs one german was wounded it is rumoured that the arab chief bushiri with s00 soldiers is assembl ing the tribes at bjgamoyo for a fresh attack there is renewed agitation in great bri tain in favour of the payment of salaries to members of tho imperial house of corn- why 1 why suffer a single moment when you can get immediate relief trom internal or external pain by the use of polsona nervil- ine the great pain cure ncrviano has never been known to fail try a 10 cent sample bottle you will find it just as ro- commonded neuralgia toothache cramps headache and all similar complaints disap pear as if by magic when nervilino is used large bottles 25 cents test bottles 1ft cents at druggist and country dealers 10 there will be grave trouble caused thereby the habitual cougher in church is being rapped over the knuckles by the london lancet his existence not being confined to any one part of the world the views of the great medical journal may be noted it is held that too often the cougher disturbs the audience through thoughtlessness and aiittle restraint would remedy the matter and even when basis of disease nnderlies the explosion a little selfcontrol could usually do something to lessen its force or its fre quency the admission is made that honest conghers do really exist and these are re commended to refrain from using the voice during the service and to resort to medici nal aids the public eye is therefore upon the cougher at present in england how much of the complaint is due to the bad ventilation of churches the london oritio does not seem to consider nor is any light thrown upon the curious fact that the chorus of coughs comes just whon the preaoher is making some interesting announcement or winding up a brilliant sermon with an elo quent peroration it is said that the workingmen of the western states will make a big effort to obtain a reduotion of the hours of labour a great convention of labourers is planned to be held at st louis in december which will consider the advisability of a general strike in the interest of the eight- honr movement the strike is intended to take place a year from june next and the long preceding interval is to be employed in or ganizing and in making other preparations an eighthour law is in force in illinois but it has not worked to the satisfaction of everybody the effect of substituting eight hours for ten has there been to cause a loss to married men and slow men the former suffer by having their wages reduced the latter because they cannot earn as much in eight hours as they did in ten hours no doubt the shortening of the hours of i bour will give work to many now unemployed but would the oondiuon of the present wageearners be benefited by the change this is a qnestion which has not yet been satisfactorily answered are stamped on each drop santa claus well what of it so does a cat itching mies symptoms moisture intense itching and stinging moat at night worse by scratching it allowed to continue tumors form which often bleed and ulcer ate becoming very sore swayrora oiktmbkt stops the itching and bleeding heals ulceration and in many cases removes the tumours it is equally effi caoious in curing all skin diseases dr swathe son proprietors philadelphia swavnbb oiht- mrnt can be obtained of druggists sent by mail for 50 cento a p 428 diamond dyes excel all others in strength purity and fastness none oilier are jus as good be ware of imitations because they arc made of cheap and inferior materials and give poor weak crocky colors to be sure of success use only the diamond dves for coloring dresses stock ings yarns carpets feathers ribbons c c we warrant them to color more goods pack age for package than any other dyes ever made and to give more brilliant and durable colors ask for the diampndaaa take no other a dress dyed p a coat colored v garments renewed j oents a child can use them at druggists and merchants dye cook free wells richardson co montreal f q i now tuiploe1 a b okkeep r bu loots managers steaofaphtr etc by many of the urget business j houses in canada and the tnitt d states you njj men rduoaett ileririoj a thoioujb bueiuss ducition w ill consult their own eifare bv atterdinc heguelph business ctlltue for urm and prtr u r addrta m mccokmick prln ipal canoes send for 111 catalogue wm englisu rclorlkro ont ifuittiupcreelluab lym i i ii1u georgetownont machines to sav timesend for illustrated catalogue cf our patent pisless cujthrs like it will be ready very aooo tirbox becs toronto ont ulcers scrofula etc oured permanently without the knife apply to dr w l smith 121 qusen si e toronto ganger why you hiiqmlq use ss r n rfi m ti of cod liyer o with hypophosphites it is palatable as milk it is three times as emeacious as plain cod liver oil it is far superior to all other so- called emulsions it is a perfect emulsion does not separate or change it is wonderful as a flesh producer it is the best remedy for consump tion scrofula bronchitis wast ing diseases chronic cough and colds sold by all brugauu coc and 100 the leading cana dian college 1ob young women j st thomas out seventeen raduatea and certificated teachers in the faculty nearly 200 students last year graduating courees in liter ture music fine art commercial science and elocution low rate gooi bord thorough work mclaughlao hall coating 20000 now open elegant dormitoriea for 6n moe ptudinta address paincuai austin b d t to loam on iw3 qajt rates if f so delay corresponaence solicited k w butler financial agt established 1sc0 72 king st e toronto toronto uttig school- gentlemen deiirous of acquiring a thorough knowledge of ginnent cuttiog should visit us scientific and rtlmle systems taught whereby perfect fitting gar- nients are ptoduce1 circular with full information on application s corriqan frop 122 yonga at toronto cancer and tumors cured noknite book free drs mcmichael no 63 niagara st buffalo n y sausage r sfaaon 1888new im- portatlona of english sheens v finest amcricin hog casings orders filled for any desired quantity wilts for prices f jame3 fabk a bon 41 to 47 st lawrence market toronto 70it may have one 1 1 just send yonrnamo and address and 10c for sostaifo aud receive by mail a handsome ilkliandkercheifandtbomafficnecdlei anton itrtiosetoryono 1 addrosswhiton novelty co toronto out leatherbelting best value in the dominion fedix0hc0makers70kingst e toronto send for price li- to aad discounts an ecoentrio hat seen at the wedding of gen bonlangors daaghter was blue velvet loworowned and broadleafed the trimming simply being a boa of swansdown wound once round- and tiod above the right oar leaving an end sticking up and then de scending to wind round tho neok where it was fastened in a coil ifr was all singularly pretty and so was the face under it several hours continuous burning these long nights tests tho best coal oil wicks get charred chimneys smoked and light grows dim to avoid this ask dealers for and be sure they givo yon tho genuine carhon safety oil it is sad to note that the average christ- masstockidg is longer than most parses a cure for drunkenness the opium habit depsomanla the morphine nervous prostration caused by the use of to aooo wakefulness mental depression softening o the brain etc premature old age loss of vitality caused by over exertion of the brain and loasot natural strength from any cause whatever men young old or mid dleagedwho are broken down from any ol the above causes or any cause not mentioned above sent your address and 10 cents in stamps for lubous treatise in book form of diseam cf man books eat sealed and secure from observation address m i v ltoom 11 wellington street east toronto ont brown engines iron and steel boilers an size toronto engine works princes3 and front sts j perkins co toronto ladies look berlin wools all colors 8c per oz shetland and andalusian wools sc per oz sixony woola11 coors 10c per skein ice wool best quality 10 per bvli embroidery silk every shade 10c dozen skeina arcaaone all cobra 30c dozen skeins filoselle best quality 4sc ani s5c dozen skeins macrame cord 15 cjo 10c bilt felt extra quality yards wide 5100 per yard woolen java canva all colors 45c yard always on hand the newest mater als for fanty work at lowest price letter orders have prompt and careful attention goods can be ssnt to any part ct canada bv post writr for price hat a trial solicit ed henkv davis importer 232 songe street toronto please mention this paper are you bald is your hair cray or iifiw falling ouf try dr dorcmrcnds german great hair it is the finest in the prica dl00 per bottle or 0 boitles for 500 try it it will roako your hair grow thbk and strong for sale by all drusrglsts everywhere or send direct to the manufacturer enclosing the amount stained glass for churchks dwellings and public buildings mcausland son 76 king st w toronto allan line royal mail steamships sailing durlnpr winter irom portland everytbursda and halifax every saturday to liverpool and in sum mer from quebeo every saturday to liverpool ealllop at londonderry to land mails and passengers for scotland nd ireland also from baltimore via hall- fax and st johns n p to liverpool fortnight during summer months the btcamors of the gifts- ow lines sail during winter to and from halifax ortland boston and philadelphia and during sum mer lotween glasgow aod montreal weekly glasgow and boston weekly and glasgow and pfcladolpii fortnightly for freight passage or other information ipply to a schumacher si co baltimore s cunard a oo halifax shea ft co st johns nfldj wm thomu son ft cc st john n bj allen 4 co chicago lnve 4 aldon new york ii bourllor toronto allans rae co quebec win brookle phtiai phia ii a alien portland boston montreal y oung men suffeu1ng from tho effects of early evil halilte ihr result of 1norance and folly who flni themselve weak nervous and exhausted also middlxaoxd and old mkn who are broken down from the effects of abuse or over work and in advanced life feel the consequences of youthful excess send for and read si v lubona treatise on the diteasos of men the book will be sent sealed to any address on receipt of two sc stamps address m v lubon wellington st e toronto o ol ivtarr children who cheerfully loin in the chona whth breadmakers yeast is the subject before tt- mamma tried all the rest so she hrsoas its the test lighter cause her bread is the whitest her buns are th and zve eat all the pancakes she dare et before us buy yhe breadmakeivs yeast price 5 cents uvkada pjersianjest loansanasoompaay incorporated is55 head office toronto st toronto subscribed capital 8 450000 paid up capital 3800000 total assets 10000000 the enlarged capital and resources of this company together with the increased facilities it has recently acquired for supplying land owners with cheap money enable the directors to meet with primptness and at the lowest current rate of interest all requirements for loans upon satisfactory real estato security application mv be made to either of the company loca aporawere or to j herbert masonmanacff director toronto i wm9x tailors square s tiffaction gnaranteed to teaoh ladies 5ho- full art of cutting all carments worn by ladies and children pro smith 349 queen st w toronto agents wanted wanted every music teacher in canada to send for srkciaicatalogues of sheel uic and music booh 3 we sell cheaper than any other house id the trade manufacturers of band instruments and dealers in nil kinds ol musical merchandise whaley r0yce go 883 yonge st tororsrao delays are dangerous dont wait until yon are burnt out or robbed buy a safe now and sleep easy and be sure and g- 1 prioes etc of tho newchampiopsafe s s ktmball 677 craig st po b 016 montrealpo standard chopping mills usesbestfrenchburrv millstones finest crinder iiithe world no renewing platesa5 in ir0mmiils smtid 0hfst0mliullleef curo all dlsoases of tb stomach bowels sleeplessness femaloomplaints drunkeness blood liver kidney urinary organs nervousness 1 ooo reward paid for a case thoy will not cure

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