Ontario Community Newspapers

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), November 30, 1888, p. 4

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this ybunzman is dying bosald to win alas he is still very young to finish a career which he has succeeded in rendering so gib ripus the emotions of these tew last days havo killed him r tho ofllcer an old spaniard devoted to the diiko of arcos made no reply i will run to tho church del carmine and fetch the last sacraments- added thobecov dietine do not quit the room in my ab sence dom francesco immediately got into a calessino drove in a few minutes over tho distance that separated him from his monas tery and taking a little glas3 vial out of his cell returned with it in all haste to the palace of the duke of arcos the monk gently opened the fishermans lips and poured a few drops of the cordial into his mouth under the influenceof13ie generous liquor masaniello experienced a nervous feeling of shivering raised his trembling frame rind looked round him with an air of affright j the monk dipped iho end of a piece of liiien in the vial and rubbed the palms o the patients hands as well as his temples and eyelids with it i oh father father what easei you have procured me said poor masaniollo in a tremulous voice feeling new life as ho spoke the benedictine continued his paternal as sistance until ho had placed him out of danger but tho fisherman had lost all his strength his head was weak whilo strange noisesraiig in his ears and the room seemed to bo turn ing round him dom francesco hastened to the officer in the antechamber brother said ho tc him you for- gotten to bestow on mo a slight almswfiich tlio monks who pray at tho pillow of a dying nian always receive tho officer felt for a pieco of mbnoyintho pocket of his doublet it is not money that i ask for but to far cpazionecontinued pom francesco in an obsequious tono ahl i understand to far cblazione re- piled the spaniard haughtily that proves tbatyou have a good appetite father and byvourlady pf atocha wish- you arj ex cellent one you shall havo some breakfast brought ypifrpm my lords own kitchen dom franccscoawaited tho offlcbrs return a fewminuts worthy ben- cdictinororentere maiajoiellbs room wh a largo slice of roaitljeef gajfio pasty and a bbttlebf yrnp- i eat my son ho said to him and rej fresh your shattered atonjrtb you have just escaped death tollma wit your hand upon youribeartwhethtar yoi weropreparedvv to appear before fho piiir erringjfudge wbov rewardsprpunfajhpsusl j y 1 havo been fearfully guilty i kow rev plied the fisherman ias horrible thougbijcondoinnf tjon bit iwas mad bom francesco j my reason had deserted mo father what is this horriblo complaint theso furl- opspas5ipn to tiie raosf sreadful stalo of prpstratipni- f rpmwuch yoij have cured mol ypu shall know 7yi- ti to iflsft unfortunate yputvrtnke a little of lthjsfppthjsiaijeasjxnius6 bo added in a low voico tobnsbl i rthofuhcmanipbeypd dojntfraocescos dl- reef jons jg fc w as ho devoured the slice of ooefana ira bibed tho generous liquor whichhadbeoit given as an alms to tlio benedfctinc masa- uiellofclthissngtureturn ih then rtsiugqhdrunntoaenotlan mlr- roruocwlaiflwd- alav fugiu- lam pncpmorp strong fuuot vigor appj jooragol como to mo bouor filoryrnnjouqh 3lvsrvz do liciouspronrisqsl couioto mo bor trolthliisbajp leadiybu totlwntarip dom fjsinpgscq jo9l8 with n smfio of pityv v jjj and ypuftbrothprs of kopjes tayo yon forgotten thorn masaniollbr said ho to him what havo thoy to ask from tajr in quired the young man havo myedlct bctn violated oh no not yet replied tho monk in a art voice 1would sacrifice- my lifoirt their defensor fvi between tola and tomorrow von do not fall a victim to somo ambuscade u you are not strangled like a slave or poisoned in some silent chamberqf thispalace 1 who wojiddaroto no thisf avhowouddarej is it possible thatyou bejioyp in the- sincerity of tho homage paid you by these great nobles who take off their plumed hats to greet y ou pv if they hato mo they fsarme still mora they kiiow that 1 have the whole population at my back alasl i pity you poor masaniello if for your defense you reckon on the peoples ris ing at present a whatf would they not di so pyeri if i in- voked their aidi 1 no not oven if you invoked their aid how can you suppose that they willrecpg- i nizo their fisherman in that masaniello who has becomotho husband of isabella in that masaniello who has been ptnibbljdbjjhe viceroy in thatimasaniello vvhgjirades our public streetsin a coulticdres flud yho hangs his brethren tor a seditious cry you weroonco everything in the eyes of tho pec- pie iiowiyou are nothingl but father ieaunot live at tho cpurtof the- duke of aicos intlie costume of a fisherman and why not do you think that tne heart beats less nobly beneath your common fishermans clothes than it does under splendid dress ofnnoue i understand masaniello you lovo isabella and thisyoung girl must havo a husband covered with lace and ribbon yet it was a man pf tho people a poor niohk who when you were abandoned by all cametoyour dying bed to save you 1 know it father 4nd my giatitudqwillj bo eternal yes your love for mo v e cere- then fly f rora this cursed abode whero you can meet wicn nothing but death and perditionl dom francesco what you requiro of mo is imikjssible 1 love isabella aud cannot bear tbo thought of being separated from her well thou shall i toll you added doin francesco approaching tho fisherman vwhat was the cause pf that horribloact of madness which uigcd you to immolato your brotheis yesterday shall tell youwhat caused tho dreadful suffcriug to whichyou neaiiysuo cumbod masaniollo experienced a presentiment of somof atal revelation ho was motionless who gavb you those flowers asked the benedictine isabella i then learn that ttieywevo poisoned tho young man staggered to the wall tod roitfaibfclfor aii instant resting motionlesa against it his oyo was haggard and ills hands wftrotlghtly clinchodtogother isabellas iloworsimisoned murmured lie at last stoppingat icach syllable doril francesco is it possible wasitl whosavedyour oh i yes you must be right bpavha can find the romody must know tho causo of tho disoasp oh hoavcnl isiit possible for th6 damned to suffer jnoro than i havo suffered for the last fow days 1 n como mysonletusawayj si the fisherman hesitated ho pissed hs hand across his forehead and seemed to hi collecting his thoughts j it was don juan fernandez whoigavp isabolla this bouquotto offer mosaid hef nol i wiu not go added ho oh 1 fer nandez you havo not yet seised your proyc masaniello hvcsl mnsnnicllo jios a sword srhtch w know3 how to usol to pbtah isabella you must first pass over my body adieufatro and tbo young man ran to tho doorj at tho same instant somoono knocked eveiything had been prepared so that tbo tetriblp drama which rwas that night playcdat- tho viearia might end in a proper manbevvi iu w though inforned y asasaniellosliqpelcsg state and oven- certain of being oblo to get rid of him withonttp intervention of c0t- call fernandez and iu duuo of arcos had none tha loss continued tho preparations for the nuptial fete all thbcpurtwerp labout to assemblo in tho state chamber of tho pal- ace and tho viceroy sent his- chamberlain to fetch masaniollo and to conduct him into tho council chamber whero tho marriage contract had been drawn up iii masaniello mrow tne aoor open in chamberlain bowed down to the groundv tho duke of arcos and his daughter are waiting for you in tho council cbainberv boid he to tbo young man lead the way 1 replied masaniello firmly and he passed through tho door the chapel ot the viearia presented a mag- nificeht and fairyliko appearance it was entirely hung with red velvet on which tho arms of the viceroy wero embroidered a thousand tapers illuminated the altar tho viceroys throne stood on one side beneath a canopy of blue silk picked out with silver and seats liudbeen prepared on the stepsfor nil the groat dignitaries of tlio state tho cardinal archbishop of kapleswuo was to celebrate the marriage of isabella and ma saniello yes seated on tho other side- ou a- thronc spin5wliat less elevated tliauthatof the viceroy tno marbio flooring oftha- sancturry wai hidden beneath a beautiful- ispahas carpet a crowd of generals o commanders of captains all in full uniform and of women covered with diamonds plumes andi flowers filled tho navo and tho galleries whp while waiting for the cpmjj monceqiontof tlie ceremony vvero comment ing onlhe strangeness of the union which was about to take place at lost the first peals of the organ broke upon the ear the clianters commenced the grave rnelo- dies of the roman liturgy toe doors of the sacristy were thrown wide open and tho grand master of tho ceremonies of the king dom of maples announced his highness jho viceroy i every ono rose in accordancb with tho rules of etiquette which uow agreed pretty well with the impatient curiosity of all pres ent the duke of arcos had his daughter on his arm ui y isabellh seemed agitated but her face was radiant ia smile pf happiness and pride played on her lips sho uppeareil plcaslil at having raised up to hor tho courageous fish- erniai who had restored jjlaples her lost rights hcrwhito dresi showpil pffhesliin and elegant form to greniadvantago her had encircled with tbo coronet of a duchess njoved with much grace an4 majesty in tho miiistof tho lnco ruff she wore round hcfjsleuder uect a white veil attached to a fluster of iber blaclt hair fell oyera mantle of twhite satin bordered with swansdown her arms were barennd the black pnaniel of hor bracoieta formed a strong contrast with their whiteness v bohind her walked masaniellij jeaqne was leaning ou his arm she still wore tlio picturesque dross of thopeasant buthor brother was attired ina splendid cos- timipihejworoa black cap with a heroics featiior ill it a mantle of violet colored vol- vijt jiijd a vest of whitp satin underwbich as it was left open in front was been a frill tof mechlin laoej abpyo his bucket boots silk stopkings clothed tblo symmetry of his legs jeauno was on jutg right arniwblip hj left hand gracefully rested on the handle of his sword thus attired masaniello with his athletio form bis noble face and martial bearing was wjthout csxeption the finest man of the viceroycourt v masaniello and isabella kneit down and tho cardinalifmmediatejy appeared followed by a crpyd ofdeaeons subdeacpnsj thurifer- arieqadacoiytesiijrhouudulated round ths altar llksa streampt gold 1 mass was said with all ttiopbmp of tio lipv man catholic ritual thochurch was full off harmony and perfutnpsmdthp archbishpp wasabout to give masaniello iwift his bridp tho nuptial blessing when cries pfr lopg feo thohead of tho ivfpplpl lonj liva masa- nibijoverosujldehrvtth i jnifftrnahde who had maintained throughout the jceremony dmost becoming attitude gave orders to haybthopeoplo ad- rqittcd so that jtoevjnight witrioss tho tri- umphoftheirbelyedtrlbunot tho doors werp thercfbro throwij open atidscwrecklessftoojlflg fedivldaals with hoarso voices and menacing gestures invacfed tho navo of tho chapel rushed among tbo spectators overturned the chairs aud throw confuhoa overvwber- these wero in effect tho assassins eirf- ployed by the intriguing don juan feman- dez they had cohionder cover 6f the name of the people to destroy tho fisher- man- i v dom francescos shrewd eye perceived the whole of tho infamous design in an instant- in another moment ho approached one of the v windowsyandraising tho sash lip made a sign tho sign of dangeito a tall figure which hodescried in tho crowd a few moments later there was a rush nround tho door of tho church and this was immediately succeeded by the appearance of- a largo body of fishermen variously armed with knives muskets pistols pikes and clubs whb rushed into the building exclaim ing i death tp the enemies of the head of tho pebjlptwoobb to him- who lays a hand upou bur masailiellol- the band of assassins glanced at one an other uneasily they saw intuitively that their ganio was up r 1 don 4 n fernandez glanced toward tho viceroy tbeir eyes met and both turned pale at this moment tho former felt a hand upon his arm turning he beheld the eyes of dom francesco fixed sternly upon him whilo a sarcastic smilo played upon his lip what want you with me monk de- mandedtlie young noble to tell you that the poisoned bouquet has failed in its e3ecw to tell you that the assas sin horde whom yon havo introduced hero to slay the head of tho people a tail in their design and tp tell you miserable wretch that not mosaniellos but your own hour has come insolent prirrt this to mol beware dom frdncesco made a sigu to a knot of fishermen who nadbeen gradually drawing themselves into aeircle of which don juan fcfhahde2 wits tho center the younginan saw in an instoht-thatho- was surrounded and a prisoner away with- him said dom francesco sternly in- another t don juan fernandez was hurriedout of tho church ten minutes later and hf jbodyhung dangling by tho neck from tho portals of tho palaco of the viceroy so perisy cried a vojco which every body redbgrfiied thoheadof mwas pietro who spoke the populace joined in tho cry which was borne on thobreeib tpthe cathedral the duke of arcos turned polo as h heardit 7 t what is to be don6v ho murnwred our plot is discovered i oil who wilf cbunsel me tbat willi answered a low but firm voice at his elbow the viceroy turned and beheld dprir fran cesco your ho exclaimed you counsel the viceroy of naples eveni my lordl replied tho monk firmly will giveyouthb samo cbunsol that i would give mybrotborweroiho in ydhr position t what would- you pdviso yoar brother demandodtho spaniard proudly togivo his daughter to the headof the people if ho had liko you so promised and then torcsign bis offlco into the hands of his riewmaijo sohihlaw anathen -j- and then mylorjlj iwbuld cotmspl him totako the earliostjopportunity to fly from naples ovcry ono of wbosq people consider it a doty to slied hfs bloodl- the viceroy inade no reply ho bowed down hishead tor a fowmomonts to thought meanwhile tbo throng inside thotemplo began to murmur why dpyou notproceodwithtoccro- mbnyr shouted a voco in thn crowd mutt thepcbplo await forever tho convenience off a tyrant doyouhoir my lordrsalddom fran- cesoo significantly tbe people grov clam- orous and-you- are already aworo of the power of tho pooplol v 1 too vicpraseclhi eyes and fixed thorn upon tho uionk as if he wished to look him down bu tbo latter met hu glance with atfbvb as unoeridns and firmer than his own arcos quailed and bit his lip rtiaeaha passion counseled him to smite the monk to tho earth but prudence advised him to an opposit course you are right priest he said in on un dertone your advice thoughnot friendly is based on wisdom and i will follow it on with tho bridals 1 wo have little more to tell and that little con bo summed up in a few words after tho marriage of his daughter don arcos relinquished tho government into tho hands of bi3 soninlaw masaniello whose mild firm and generous rule wouforhim the enduring love and loyalty of naplesand evidenced the genuineness of his patriotism as head of the pepplet pietro and jeanne were united a few wocklj after the marriage of masanielloj thbvnj fortunes wero cared for by their bravo and noblo brother and right worthily did hi watch over their interests without how- over sacrificing d siugleducat of the publio money dom francesco remained llio friend nnd became tlio principal counselerof ins foster son mnsnnicllo between whom aud himself existed n firm and fervent friendship which remained unbroken whilo they both lived corcclli alone did not profit by tho new order of things not having thought fit under the new viceroy to put a stop to his hazardous expeditions he was caught in tho very act of plundering and was soon swing- ing high lip in the air to the great satisfac- tion of all tho country the eot

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