Ontario Community Newspapers

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), November 30, 1888, p. 10

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j0rz 1 1 the pa ths sews wj1jiauv wm oconnor the toronto sculler who defeated teenier iho eliawpfojn of atnerica at washington on saturday last ls to receive a grand welcome at toronto o dc 3rd dr jcoldwin smith thinks ihat an nexation is the inevitable destiny of canada in reply to a question respecting the fisheries question m the british house of commons on monday night sir james fergussdri stated that government will not publish any pers nor make any statement on subject at present the british vessels engaged in the suppression of the african slave trade have recently captured a niunter ot slave vessels after a severe light in which many persons were wounded despatches report a terrible storm attended with great loss of life and property on the atlantic coast onmou- dav last it was reported that two gentle- meiibtlonginjf to the fashiouabl soc iety of new york fought a duel in central lark last friday the trouble was about a lady lillie charlton the young woman upon whom dr valentine and drug gist wood operated to procure abortion in toronto a short time ago is likely to die woods litis made himself scarce but valentine is sick in jail it is to be hoped strict justice will be meted out to those scoundrels the pope is likely to have to leave rome several of the crowned heads of europe however have offered him a home there is no more fruitful source of disease than vitiated blood it invol ves every organ and function of the body and if not immediately corrected by the use of ayers sarsftparilln soon er or later leads to fatal results be warned in time the combination of ingredients found in ayers pills render them tonic and curativeas well as cathartic for this reason ihey are the best medicine for people of costive habit as they reitore the natural action of the bowels with out debilitating for the benefit of those who are agi tating their minds as to the position of gen harrison towards the question of annexation a friend of the new presi dent whose relations with him are of a confidential nature says the simple truth is general harrison has really given no thought to the canadian ques tion and the annexation scheme is an idea that it is positively known he has never had in mind all the talk of tlio last week about his desire to add can ana io the united states was without louudation so far as known by his most intimate friends he has never expressed such views to whom it may conckkx breathes there a man with nose so red who never to himself has said this night before i go to bed ill go and pay the printer if such there be go mark him well for him no ministrel praises sivell alio when he dies hell goto well the place where theres no winter a lmtutal outkagk pktkituouo nov 22 about noon yesterday a man whose identity is unknown met six year old kt hie plum- mer on her way to school and by buy ing her some oranges and promising her a doiiitr rhdrcod her to go to a secluded piece where he outraged her the child ran homeand told what had happened but was unable to give a detailed description of the man it has been learned that several little girls bpve heen stopped by a man dur ing the past few days but this is the first time he could prevail on one of them to go with him a reward of 100 has been offeree for the capture of the fiend who as saulted the little rirl the tomb youxo on tuesday 27th inst at the residence of her uncle owen mcquill an on 7th con whitchurch jiaggie third daughter of wm young j p of typhoid fovea reynolds at goodwood on lhe2sth inst william key nolds aged 9 vears 3 weeksand 1 day- the first symptoms of all lung diseases are much the same fevcrishness loss of appetite sore throat pains in tlio chest anil back headache etc in a few days you may he well or on the other hand you may be down with pneumonia or gallopiuj consumption kiin norisks imttbegin immediately to take vyers cherry pectoral several years ago jairiffs birehard of djtrien conn was severely ill the doctors said he was in consumption and that they could do nothing for him lut advised him as a last resort to try ayers cherry pectoral after taking this medicine two or three months he was pronounced a well man his health remains good to the present day j s bradley maiden mass write three winters ago i took severe cold which rapidly developed irto bronchitis and consumption i was so weak that 1 could not sit up was much emaciated and coughed incessantly i consulted several doctors but they were power less and all agreed that i was in con sumption at just a friend brought me a bottle of ayers cherry pectoral from the first dose i found relief two bottles cured inc and my health has since been perfect ayers cherry pectoral preraked rar dr j c ayer co lowell mass sold by all druggists price si six bottles 5 thepilflrf 1 111- jlljjljlt number ready first week in december a geat houday papgf new type new press fine paper five handsome lithographed plates firstclass illustrations original matter and superior workmanship the best xma3 p ever issued in canada the literary matter in tlio curtistitys globe will be entirely original jftnd will include stories from tlio ablest pens in canada the subjects treated beinfc wholly canadian five handsome lithographed plates tho paper tho princi pal one being a sccno from vancouver park bc from a painting by mr l 11 obrien the celebrated canadian artist mechanically tho xmas gloiik will be in every way firstclass and no expense will bo spared in having it surpass anything of tho kind heretofore published in this country as the demand will bo very great wo would advise intending purchasers to lcavo their orders at thcirncwsdcalcrs or send direct to this ofiice not later than tho end of tho present taonth as the supply will necessarily bo liinitci and wo cannot undertaketo print a second edition the prico has been placed at only 25 cents per copy it is intonded to havx tho edition ready tho first week in dcccmbor in rder to allow plenty of time for mailing copies long distances so as to reach destination bcforochristmas v the globe printing co toronto f the weekly globe tho best family newspaper in canada nd the rural canadian tho best agricultural papor in canada ircr saw to end oi 1cc0 only 01-23- toxj want to get fixed up -foe- istmasm w- the great lung healer is found in that excellent medicine sold asbicklee anticonsumptive syrup it soothes and diminishes the sensibilitv of tho membrane ot the throat and air pass- ayes and is a sovereign remedy for all coughs colds hoarseness pain or soreness in the chest bronchitis etc it has cured many when supposed to bo far advanced in consumption northrop lvmans vegetable dis covery has worked wonders for dys peptics and we dont think there is a ease of dyspepsia to be found that it will not cure if the directions tiro fol lowed mr c- e wmiiams druggist vingham says the vegetable dis covery is selling well and i know of one bad ease of dyspepsia that it has completely cured fresh importations at new raisins new currants new peels mew figs new teas etc lliat coftec and cheese is ahead of anything in town crockery glasswaltjs and wall papers dry goods in abundance dress goods cloths flannels ladies and gents guernseys cardigans bustles etc all at rock bottom prices stoukkvillf nov 29th 1sss new fall millinery n ice line of hats and boets in all the latest styhs going flowers feathers also a splen- did lot of i mantles at very low prices a nice line of childrens wool goods call and examine our goods before purchasing elsewhere mourning goods a specialty mrs f wilson new goods mrs stock has just received a fresh supply of groceries of the t25t q i v ity teas keep tie largest best and cheapest stock of furniture bedroom and parlor suits of latest styles- p1ctuee ifra-jvinstg- a sprcialt vt undertaking e coffins and caskets kepi constantly on hand and all funeral supplies funerals promptly attended orders received at all hours- s j burkholder stouffvilte j tjequhaetb stock of is now complete a large assortment of mens youths and boys overcoats on hand at very low prices dinner sets tea sets toilet sets and cups and satjcers all at right prices call and examine j cxjh stouffvillc octoher 23th 1888 fall and winter goods hie subscriber ocgs to intimate to his numerous customers ana the publio in general that he has received and is receiving daily a fullsupply of seasonable goodsveae ived which will be sold at prices to suit the times in the following lines especially of which we carry a stock second to none in sstouflvillo woolens of all kinds in english scotch and canadian makes both for ladies and gents wear made to order or by the piece resdymsde clothing in great variety gents furnishings consisting of hats and caps collars and lies and everything a man or boy acquires to make up his toilet wc make a specialty of ordered clothing and guarantee perfect satisfaction before taking the goods away from the premises we also carry the following staple lines dress goods prints cottonades cottonspshirtings table linens hosiery and gloves carpets and oil cloths groceries crockery and glassware wc will not be undersold in any of tho above lines hoping to be favored witliasharc of your patronage ffiodf 25 ets per lb upward good value as i am giving vp the millinerydepartment will sell my ttock of millinery at f greatly reduced prices call and see before purchasing- elsewhere mrs j stock stouffville 2jth sept isss- il mbwm chemist druggist ilbvii b in general drtigs and meflinines patent medicines dye stuffs essences pure spices toilet g0ods c school books and sstjvrioinieiisr also a ikw lines of smmmvii spectacles wiiscii ase selling at cost- the ouwvin proprietary medicines shoum j j ii in every house rowsns goltgh syrup 3 one of the most effectual remedies b iu siso for coughs colds- hoarseness c rowans winter fluid t lilies preparation in use for chap- ped hivs and all roughness of the skin rowan capilline a superior hair dressing promotes the i growth removes dandruff and renders the jl- iair soft and glossy rowans stomach drops i pains in the stomach bovels isc ww i till to th fore el j- da vie ifts now in stock a vari cd assertinen t of fur ni turw i picture framing i specialty j a fine line ok uaiiv carriages prices exceptionally low j braysrtli side main street stouffyllle e j dayi8 sifflsffiblos in all its branches on shortest notice give mis v gjtj7j rw j l h mm 4frtm3tp miii j- ws3 rf

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