5 l i i 8- ft skws sujlmaitv- the face that the whitechapel inur- ders have all h en committed at the changes ot the moon is taken us mreiigthenin the lunatic theory berlin nov 19 the parting be- i wwii th empror ami his mother was very loucljiug he kissed and embraced her uiuuv times the party met tiie ksiuca of wales at flushing inl embarked on the roval yacht which started for england near midnight loxuox nov li most of the pig lisli papers in referring to the visit ot the exemprss of germany express warm sympathy and welcoine unox nov 18 the royal yacht tearing empress fredrick of gvr- inanvud hi- daughter and the prince- of vws readied port victoria his tnonuug jueeu yuoriaaudthc irinivss is louiw and beatrice left windsor this morning to greet the empress on landing among the wannest advocates of the use of northrop laymans voge- tabuvdtsioverv nd dyspaptie cure ar liidlcw formerly in delicate hakh wiioss v vliid bodily regularity have lie restored by it cases ode- bilitv o long standing chronic bil iousness weakness oi the baekaiid uid neys renin iic ailments anil oijstiiiate tps o rerv us indigestion are over com by u there vus only a small crowd u the station ot the airival of the queens train and there was no die ring or uncovering of heads the empress iandao shortly after tffi arrival of the ryj train it port vie toria when the greetings were oyei the whole party proceeded to windsor where thev irriveu this morning there is still a talkiif wiirun europe russia arid austria tois tme 1 he mcdieiye for liver and kidim complaint ictor auger o wa wriies i tiijiu great pleasure i recommending so the general public parmelaes pills as- cure tor live- and kidaey cifp1fjvr f hvve doe tord for ih las iligij year with id- ing physicians and have ti en maat medicines which were rocommniuksd so ma without iylief but after taaiag eight of pannelees pills i was qjlio relieved and now 1 feel as tree from tiis disease as b3fore i was troubled oi monday last lord sacitvilie piv- e joke oa the good pco- a re supposad to cordially hate every thing- in tha shape of llunkeyism a lot ot old plate crystal and crockeryware etc whxh was supposed to have been in his lnihihips family foryears was ndvertisid for sale by public auction a large crcvd of the native big- bugs attended and tlie prices paid wore large the despatch siys the stuif realized a larger sum than could hive baiii obtained in any junk shop in the world- the use of ayers sarsaparilla puri- fiesth blood stimulates the secretions and imparts new life and vigor to ever- function of the body for near ly li ufa century it has remained un rivaled as the bast blood medicine ever discovered be convinced by a trial th g ivernorgeneril of canada is sir joau macdonald who is classed amoag thi mosl astute of modern eng lish statesuini ha made a speech at ottawa recently after dinner our english kin take the intervals of iiillng thj stomach to empty the brain with uraat skill sometimes in which he iliuld to the annexation scheme 11 did not advise at he felt that it would npl be congenial in many ways id- i i ij i to p irt with any mire colonies esp dally c mada hisoeeu- pition apparently would be gone since his is an appointive office and for niitny other good anil sufficient petrated a huge joke oa the good pie of washington who of course lxlsiuduk times mr f monro has sold his paper the stouffville tbibuse to messrs hoidge bros and last week tins tribune came out in a new dress which much im proves its appearance it is now a bright little eight page paper which reflects credit upon its proprietor- the tkiuune has met with favor from its subscribers while in the bauds of mr monro and it will doubtless con- tinuehhi in the same way with messrs hoidge bros ami give them the reward for their enterprise which they de serve iickeitlsti xewf the stouffville titibuxb bus been sold to hoidge bros ami changed to the eirhtpage form it already be gins to look halfdecent west dukham sews we have received a copy of the stouffville tuiuuxe published by lloidgebros who have recently pur chased that office the initial number by the new firm is a great improve ment on the original publication and tiro publishers are to be congratulated on their enterprise wo wish them success in their venture aurora- baxxek the tuumkijpublihed at stouff ville has changed hands messrs iioidge bros havipg puruhased if from mr monro the form of the paper has been changed from what is called a blanket sheet to an eight page and it has also been otherwise improved hkifcald hicmoxi him changed hanis mr e monro ditor and proprietor of th stouffville iui ijuxe has sold out to messrs hoidge bros some slight changes have been hi ale in the paper and ave believe the ne iirm will be pushing- men markiiaji economist mr mnnroe has sold the stouffville riiiijne to messrs hoidge bros who wot cherge last week the paper has b in altered to an eighj page form wiu a patent inside we wish the iiew proprietors success hut are afraid the village is too small support two a wspapers o aignaunts he would vo5e against it th bsfftli anptfeutly kines a great many taings thi are not so vhy will veujiliw aough to lac erare your throat or lungs and run the ris of filhiig a ethisuinptives grave vn by rhe timely use of bickles aiiticonsuniptive syrup the pain can be allayed and the danger avoided his syrup is pleaaant to the taste i id unsurpassed for relieving healing anil curing all affections of the throat aid lungs coughs colds bronchitis rci etc argument in the manitoba railway crossing- case was commensed at 9 clock on wednesday in thesupreme court at ottawa hon ed blake christopher robinson and g clark ppiareil for the canadian pacilic tiilway and iloa 0 mowat dalton iecarthy attorney gen martin and f j gorniully for the province of isiiitobn who is weak nervous debilitated who in his folly and ignorance kw tri fled away his vlkor oi body ifllnd ons manhood causing exhausting drains npon e fountains of life headaohe baokacfio dreadful droamo weakness of memory bashfulneas in society pimples npon tho faoe ana ftu tho eff ecto leading to early decay oonumptlon inaanltyjyj and is otur apooino no 23 a positive cw ti tmparn mouthful trigor reotcij ti vlsl power mxa young stragtnen an3 ttgoratea tho brain and nervas tmlldsup the zmunular oystom ara arouseit into aotitn thoeffhole physical energy of tbp human frame with our spooiflo mo s3 the most obstinate case can bo cured in three months and roeacjbonos in loss than thirty lays each package contains two vks troat- montprioo 62 cares guaranteed our epeo- lfio no 24is an infallible cure tor all private dlooases no matter of how longstand ing sold undor our writton guarantee to ittoet a oura 3ri3o 5 toronto modioln w toronto out ft ki7 ready fihst week in etecemeer ggat holidav papsf tvpc nwpress fine paper fivehanclpmo litiiographea plates firstclass illustrations orisin- matter and superior workmanship the best 8 p ever issued hi mm tilli iitkrafw matthr in tho christmas gionr will bo cntirply original snd will ireuitlo stwlcs from tho ablest pens in canada the subjects tivitcd boiij whollv canaivthn bivk llanlkomitlitiiotiraphld platus accompany tho pajcr tho priiici- k one ljyiu a scrpo frpinvancouvc- park ijc from a painting lyiilrl r v cco jcapadiiui artist mixlianlcally ilio xivs gioiik will bo in every way ifirstclrjks and no will lc spared in hayin it surpass anything of tho kind licrotcfoie l j- isj this comtry as riil- demand will bo- very great wo wojdd rdvis irterdinc purclipmrs- to iwivohoir orders at their ncvsicalcrs or sv ivnctl to this ofice not later tvi tho end of tho prcient month as the supply will necessarily ls uuiitlj rm wo caviot undertake to print a second edition tho price- hat been placed at only 25 cents per copy iijftpdcd to have the edition ready to rt week in ieccrrber in i6v plenty of time for mailing copies lcr distances so as to rcaoh dc3tint bcioro christmas tir g10ith pricing co tpropto hie weekly globe end the rural can ecti c w to end i the bert ferilv novarjer in canada- o iccoi ciz nice line of hats and bonets ih all the latest styles going flowers feathers also a splen did lot of mantles at very low prices a nsce line of childrens wool goods callijtd examine our goods before purchasing elsewhere mourning goods a specialty mrs f wilson fjdont wait until your hair becomes dry thin and gray before giving the attention needed to ptesorvo its beauty and vitality keep on your toilettable a bottle of ayers hair vigor the only dressing you require for the hair and use a little daily to preserve the natural color and prevent baldness thomgs munday sharon 6rove ky writes several months agoi my hair commented falling out and ii a few weeks my head was almost bld i trjhxl many remedies but they did no- good i flpall 5 bought a bottle of ayers hair vigor and after using only a part qfrthe contents my head was covered with a heavy growth of hair i recom mend your preparation as the best hair- restorer in the world my hair was fadeo and dry writes mabel c hiyrdyqf ielavan iii- but after using abottle ojkayers hair vigor it became black and glossy ayer hair vigor sold by druggists and pert uiuers pimples and blotches so disfiguring to tho face forehead and neck may be entirely removed by tho use of ayers sarsaparilla the heat and safest alterative and bloodpurifier ever discovered drj c ayer co lowell mass- soldbydugs 1 ii bottles for 35 chemist druggist keaie3mx llillfii and ifip patf nt mepicihess 3je stuffs essences pure spices toilet goods c school books axd stjvriojrlis a1p0 a fbw i1nfs w jewellery sreltacles which arm seiiixo at cost- the lollowing lloprietary medicines shoum st in every house rowans gougm syrup one of tho most cftectiial roineilies in use for coughs colds hoarseness c row aks winter fluid tho finest propurntion in use lor chap ped ilitnds iuitl all kougiinbss ot the skin rowans capilline a superior iiair15rssing promotes the growth removes dandruff and renders ihe viir soft and glossy ro ass stomach drops pfins ii the stomc hcvekic furniture and cabinet wareroomfe keep the mmi best and chiahst stock 0 if bedroom and pairor suits of latest styles hctoek kbamixg a spkctivt tv sr 0 n dertaki ng coffins and caskets kept constantly on hand and all funeral supplies funerals tkomitly xvttekinl oltuers received at au hours s j burkholder stouffville i established 174 restalllsuelu74 has jurecjived his spring importation of dry goods con- sistincjaf dress goods prints cottons ginghams oottonades hosiery gloves and parasols hats cups boots shoes groceries crockery glassware wajll papers j of the latest patterns a large soock suul great variety fieldand oa3lzei seeds stouffville arilp 10 1888 j tjrqtjhlajrts stock of is now a larg assortment of mens youths and boys overcoats oij hand at very low prices dinner setb tea sets and cups and sauceb all at right prsces call amd e stoulvville october 23th 1888 eti eakibsb geojfflnns has constainly qn hand light hliavy uarsess collars saddles c all cnlirs proinptl attorfled to r ltipairing doi c cheap t mainstiibct stouffvjlljxi em ihc suhscriher begs to intimate to his numerous customers ann the puhlii j i eneral that he has received and is receiving daily a fullslipply of seasonable good jjreoeivcl wlilola will be sold at j prices to suit the times fi in the following lines especially which wo carry a stock- socond to noli ijstoufivjlle lift ivooieiis of all kind j jn english scotch and canadijxn makes both for lidies and gents j vear made too by the pice h resdymsde clothmg grert yuriettp gents fliltnishikgs consisting of hath and cups collars and lisjiji everything a man or boy requires to make up his toilet y wotriako of ordered glfthiiig and guarantee perfect satissc vefore taking the goods away from the premises ve also carry the following staple lines dress corns prints cottam cottons shirtings table linens hosiery an a cloves crprts and oil ci groceries crockery aiid glassware we will not he unijrsold in a ny ol above lines hoping to u- favored with a share of your patronage i hileff sis sits i im mw