Ontario Community Newspapers

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), November 23, 1888, p. 6

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the bloodhounds a pailnre the tmpt to make use of bloodhounds in tracking the whitechapel murderer has been a ccaspi the dogs em- sloved stem to have come from a pr iel those with which sir charles warren has bwn experimenting having proved worthy less in all tie preliminary tests the idea ol suing bloodhounds as trackers in the heart ol a deneely populated district was so prepos terous that it is amizing that it should have been seriously entertained by the chief of the metropolitan police the btnosed dog ever known could not have followed the trail of his master over tho streets of london with a stale scent crossed at every pace by a f resh- erone how any experienced official could have imagined that a bloodhound could sua- ceed in tracking a stranger over ground where confused and unfamiliar scents were numer ous puses comprehension it is not probable that sir charles warren ever believed that his desperate expedient was practicable his idea most have been to impose upon the cre dulity of the people of london by encourag ing then to think that the chief at scotland yard was an official of extraordinary resour ces and original power the fact has been established by experi ments in the field that the scent which a goodnosed dog ordinarily follows is an em- anation froti shoe leather an investigator who made a number oi striking testa with setters and h rands at a scotch shooting box discovered that he could invariably throw his dogs off the scent by changing his boots for a pair belonging to a companion or by running in stockings or barefoot the whitechapel monster could uodoubtedly elude pursuit by changing his shoes after he had gone a short distance from the scene of the murder as for the theory chat blood hounds could track him with the adventi tious aid of the smell of blood on his clothes it is untenable in this instance since he ap parently is remarkably successful in escape irg blood stains which indeed would inev itably lead to his detection in the streets if such a murder were committed in the country and the body were dragged any distance and concealed or buried the dogs would easily succeed ferret it out and pos sibly in the open fields or roads be able to follow the murderer in overcrowded lon don no suoh result could be hcped for with reason the facility with which the mur derer could throw the houuds off the track and gain upon them even if the scent were hot would inevitably baffle them by tak ing a cab or the underground railway he could break the trail and in a short time place miles between him and his pursuers to dure nervous hoieaes finelybred intelligent horses are very often nervous they are quick to notice quick to take alarm quick to do what seems to them in moments of sndden terror neces sary to escape from possible harm from some thing they do not understand that is what makes them shy bolt and run away we cannot tell what awful suggestions strange things offer to their minds for aught we can tell a sheet of white paper in the road may seem to the nervous horse a yawning chasm the open front of a baby carriage the jjws of a dragon leady to devour him and a man on a bicycle some terrifying sort of a flying devil without wings but we find that the moment he becomes familiar witn those things or any other that affright him aj knows what they are he grows indiffer ent to them therefore when your horse shies at anything make him familiar with it let him sinelj it t9uch it with its sensi- tyser4iryttnd look closely at it re- uuor too that you must familiarzo both sides of him with the dreaded objeot if he only examines it with the near nostril and eye he will be very likely to scare at it when it appears at his off side so then rattle vour paper beat your bass drum flutter your umbrella run your bby carriage and your bicycle fire your pistol and clatter your tinware on both sides of him and all round him until he comes to regard the noiee simply as a nuisance and the material objects as only trivial things liable to get hurt if taey are in the way he may not learn all that in one lesson but coutinne the lessons and you will cure all his nervousness a clever bascal some clever rascal in london odvertised that he would on receipt of sixpence in stamps return to the sender one shilling the advertisement was published prominent ly enough to attract considerable attention and it naturally excited remark to most persons it rcemed a very transparent hum bug too silly to be called a fraud but there were a few curious individuals who determin ed to see whether the advertiser was a crank or had some game so they sent on their six pences by return mail each one received the shilling a few days after the same advertisement again appeared in several of the newspapers and every body who had tried it before told all of his friends about it the result was that several hundred sixpences were received and next day as many hillings went back the third time the advertisement appeared the mail receiv ed by the clever sharper was simply onor- mous letters came from all parts of the kingdomondfromallrortsof ptople high and low rich and poor tho rogue pocked sev eral thousands of pounds and curiously en ough neglected to make any returns an irapetding dancer it fa right isi proper for the american editor to impart to the general public such items of news as may be conducive to its happiness the reader should be told when he may change bis flannels without incurring the danger of having to don a subsequent sar cophagus he should be warned in time not to inhale the loaded cucumber which goetb about like a roaring lion seeking by whom it may be devoured it is to the newspaper that the public should look for advice tor whom not to vote and how often it is the province of the newspaper to give the public reliable information at what drugstore to procure the proper antidote if he is suffering from adigrified liver a dignified liver is one that has become high- toned and refuses to work in a word while there is no kind of use ful information that should be withheld from the public yet we do not think that the editor should tamper with the planetary system and predict that the earth will be treated like an offensive partisan for instance articles have been going the rounds of the press to the effect that the earth is gradually becoming- cooler and that in a short time all the lower brute creation including of course the human race would be destroyed by the cold these predictions have often brought on the hottest kind of a summer and the people have suffered from prickly heat and disap pointment in consequence on other occasions the press has warned the public that the planet was getting hotter and suh predictions have usually been followed by cold waves that made the readers howl with face ache and ruined the trade in summer clothing- this sort of thing destroys the confidence which the people reposes in the press and is calculated to lessen its influence for good people simply say that an editor is little better than a liar just now for instance there is an as tronomical article going the rounds of the press to the effect that the public should be ready to dodge as a star known to the police by the name of arcturus is a bad indian and is heading this way and unless he is captured by the u troops and put back on the reservation he will make it lively for everything that wears hair when he strikes the white settlements this is what professor 1roctor sayb the result of the observation o these doings recently made at the greenwich observatory numbering h00 and extending over a period of five months is the clear establishment of the stars move ment toward the earth head on at the rate of something more than 50 miles a second 3600 miles a minute isooco miles an hour and 4320000 miles a day an we have already intimated we depre cate sensationalism prof proctor and all the other star inspectors may under stand their business but the public has been fooled so often that nobody is going to pay pew rent and lead an upright life on such encouragement as is contained in the above quoted paragraph may not arcturus high rate of speed be accounted for by the supposition that he is being pursued by a hornet or a deputy sheriff or mtb arcturus may he not be some celestial bank cashier who having heard about canada is anxious to join the american colony at toronto we have casually examined arcturus through a quart telescope with the stopper out aud can see no cause for alarm we believe that as soon as arcturus sees that we are not going to scare worth a cent he will discover that his motion is orbital for a time he will appear stationary and then recede with his tail coiled up between his hind legs at any rate we will not let arcturus get the drop on the reading public we shall continue our observations from time to time with a telescope of increased magni tude acd if we see the but of a pistol pro truding from beneath the horizontal coat tail of the heavenly visitor we shall issue an extra in time for regular subscribers to load their shotguns going home from the leoture young theologian mis buxom are you not oppressed with a sense of your own insignificance when you eaze up into the blue vault above us and think of the myriads of whirling worlds that encompass this little globe of ours and when you dwell on the considerations of eternity and the infinity of space do you rot experience an unaccountable yearning for more know ledge greater capacity of intellect and a olearer comprehension of those sublime mysteries in the spiritual and material uni verse which all our most earnest mental efforts so miserably fail to penetrate miss b well no mr surplice i have not been oppressed with a sense of my own insignificance since i was weighed at uncle freds store lost month and x never experience unconquerable yearnings ex cept when dinner is late irish agriculture continues to decline last year tillage decreased by 18 000 acres and grass lands increased by 50000 acres an ingenious inventor has devised a new screw halfnail and half screw two blows of the hammer two turns of the screwdriver and it is in its holding power in white pice is said to be 332 pounds against 298 pounds the holding power of tho present screw a farmer in the neighbourhood of lam- bourne england has just lost a valuable cart colt from a vory extraordinary cause the colt had for a long time suffered very much from breathing and had been attend- ed by a veterinary mrgeon who performed an operation on the throat to relieve the breathing but all to no purpose and the horses suffering increased so much that it was pitiable to see it the farmer deter mined therefore to put an end to its misery by having the animal shot whioh was ac cordingly done the carcase was out up and on severing the neck at the shoulders to the astonishmant of those present a fair ly sized toad was observed to crawl out from the opening in the windpipe and the extraordinary cause of the poor animals sufferings became at onoe apparent the toad was almost red when extricated bnt ater it assumed more of its natural colour as bad as a phonograph matilda fervently exclaimed the love lorn youth i can no longer endure this suspense and uncertainty i must know my fate this night for months i have carried your imatra in my heart you have been first in my waking thoughts last in the rev eries that have tilled my midnight vigils and your lovely face has been ever present in my restless dreams when sleep has kindly sought to ease tho burden that oppressed me you have been the the the lode star of your existence and the ultima thule of all your hopes mr clug- stone suggested matilda observing that the young man hesitated why how did you know what i was going to say he demanded in astonishment i got it from lulu bilderback and mary jane wheelhouse replied matilda its the same thing you said to them i can repeat the whole speech mr clugstone twm hard work i little ina nearly 5 years of ago set out to visit school the other day as gay as a lark but returned aftor the session with rather a careworn expression of counten ance when asked how she liked school she said i did not like it why not oh i had to work awfnl hard v what did yon have to do j i had to keep still like everything n y world quick temper a matter not unworthy of remark ia the most universal clilm laid to that supposed- tobe undesirable possession quick temper i have a frightfully quick temper 1 is an assertion often made without any sign ot re gret rather with evident selfcomplacency and how often when with the intention of saying something pleasing we remark with tie sweetness of a friends disposition to the friend in person as we are met with the re ply oh youre quite mistaken im one of the quickest- tempered people in the world 1 given in a tone that does not imply modest deprecation of a compliment but a decided sense of unappreciated merit now this willingness eagerness it may even without exaggeration be called to be convicted of what is acknowledged to bo a fault strikes one as a curious anomaly no one would answer if told you are very truthful oh no im a constant liar nor if complimented upon consistent attention so her own business would re spond on the contrary scandal-monger- ing is my favorite occupation at least no one would give either of these answers in the serious way in which the claim to the possession of a hot temper is made may there not be underlying this incon sistency and explaining it a misconception of the real meaning and sonroe of a quick temper to many minds this unde sirable trait seems to be the outcome of many very admirable qualities to bo hot- tempered means inferentially in such men tal vocabularies to be generous and large- minded and unselfish and after a lapse of time forgiving but i maintain that it means exactly the reverse of all these things if a man be quicktempered if he give way to anger quiokly and unrighteously for i leave out thequestion entirely thatrighteous wrath which rises for good reasons only and is quite a different matter from temper he is not genenous for he shows no regard for the comfort of those around him he ia not unsel fish for it is safe to say that in nine cases out of ten if not in ten out of ten his fury is kindled by some fancied slight to himself and is allowed to blaze simply as an illumin ation in honor of his selfesteem he is not- forgiving because though he may recover quickly from his aberration and soon be per fectly urbane to the whilom victim of it the restoration is simply forgetfulness and to forget the injury inflicted upon another by his own hasty words ia by no means synony mous with forgiveness of injuries he himself may have received list of all he is not large minded i am convinced that a quick temper in an unfailing indication of a limited intelligence and a lack of mental quickness if the mind were large enongh to grasp the true relations of things to see how small a point in the universe this temperrousing episode occupied and if itcould beethisqnick- ly in a flash of thought the ontbnrsc would be averted a at a fishing village in scotland many fishermen with their bags were on their way to the station for the fishing season as almost over so they said but were one thousand boats came in and twenty thousand fisherfolk were that day in fraserburgh to us it looked little like the end in all this busy place we heard no english only gaelic was spoken as if we were once more in the western islands it was the same in the streets the days work in the curinghouses was just about to begin girls and women in groups of threes and fours were walking toward them in the morning light we could see thatthegreaternnmberwereyonng all were neat and clean with hair carefully parted acd well brushed little shawls over their shoulder but nothing on their heads they carried their working clothes under their arms and kept knitting as they walked like the men they all talked gaelic when they got to work we found that those strange stuffs which had glistened in tho torchlight were aprons and bibs smear ed with scales and slime that the white headdresses were worn only for cleanliness that the shining masses at their feet were but piles of herring i have never seen women work so hard or so fast their arms as they seized the fish gutted them threw them in the buckets moved with the regularity and speed ot machines indeed there could not be a busier place than fraserburgh all day long the boats kept coming in nets were emptied fish carted away the harbor the streets the fields beyond where nets were taken to dry the curinghonses were alike scenes of industry if the women put down their knives it was only to take up their knitting and yet these men and women working incessantly by day and by night were almost all west ernislanders the people who wo are told are so slovenly and so lazy no one who comes with them to the east coast for the fishing season will ever again believe in the oftrepeated lies about their idleness harpers magazine the governors only joke the only time said mr hamlin that gov edward kent was known to mako a joko was one winter day just as he was leaving seavoys hotel at unity in waldo county on getting into the sleigh he found he had forgotten to take a cigar and he called tho bar boy and said jj please get me a cigar it was before the day of lucifer matches the bar boy hurried away and pretty soon came back puffing a brand now cigar and pulling it out of his mouth handed it to gov kent well said his excellency i suppose i could stand that asy enough before election but its a little too much after election tho boy went back and finally the governor drove off with a cigar of his own dedication the bonne femmo or bretonne cape is very useful as an autumn mantle in striped lim ousine or fanoy cloth in a tiny check or obined pattern it is made quite round without slooves and finished at the top with three superposed collars or with a small hood power of observation the situation of this faculty li in the face just above tho top of the nose filling out the forehead to a level with tho parts on each side of the nose it is a faculty which enables one to concentrate the mind upon the subject being discussed tho emperor of austria officially announ ces that he wants the anniversary of his acces sion to the throne to bo commemorated only by acts of public charity his first demand in this direction is a request that no addresses or deputations make him their victims a discerning publio in austria and elsewhere will please take notice what constitutes real charity her sad affliction is this the right road to wheatville asked a man on horseback cf a woman stand ing in the yard before a little log cabin on a western prairie wheatville v replied the woman oh wheatville aint but just a little ways from here going there on business i reckon if s mighty dull tbre now they say but i aint been there my self in a month ot sundays i jilt sit here to borne and dont go nowhere nor see nobody to talk but that dont make much difference for i aint no talker nowhow my nv n kin talk fer you better light eff end come in and set till he cornea and he thank yon but i must go on if you will he is a talker ive often thought that if i only had his gift o gab id be glad i hate to be so tonguetied i cant say a few words now and then thafa a right neat nag youre a straddle of bout six year old i reckon i like to see a good hoss my self and they aint nothinu ketoh my old mans eye quickern a good hoss he kin talk on the hoss subject he kin wisht 1 could talk bout anything it aint in me to for which road do i take j as i was sayin talkin aint my fortey but i like to pass the time of day or speak oivil to a stranger passin by same as you are youre a stranger in these parts i reckon 1 yes i allowed you was soon as i clapped eyes on you where might you hail from fiom michigan bat i really must go on if from michigan you dont say 1 well well 1 i aint no talker os i say- but it sort o gives me courage to try to open my month to hear any one say michigan why i was born back in old michigan and like as not you know lots of my folks i was a spratt fore i married a beeleon honner spratt and my sprott klnfolks is soattered over the hull state o michigan wisht i wasnt so tonguetied theres so many michiganders id like to talk bout ever hear o ths higginses or fjhe pil- grimses or the sampsonses or the harrises i knowed em all like a book an sod my old man if he was to home youd have somebody you could talk to hes glib enough but im so tonguetied i you aint going wait a minnit i say well if he aint out o siht fore i eot o chance to open my mouth 1 thats what comes o bein so blamed tonguetied mere absentmindedness now be sure not to forget said a lady playfully shaking her finger at her escort as he arose to stretch his legs between acts and turning to a lady friend explain ed he is so absentminded does he forget your letters and er rands oh no indeed 1 he is so absentmind ed i never intrust any to him but he for gets me why only last week he went out between acts and never returned i went home alone and fonnd him peacefully smok ing his cigar before the open fire quite oblivious of myself and the theatre i was very indignant but when i began with tears in my eyes how could you go off and leave mo so the whole occurrence seem ed to flash upon him he sprang to his feet declaring he had been worrying all the even ing about something he had forgotten and so overwhelmed me witfi loving protesta tions that i couldnt talk to him very ser iously how sod i wonder if all men are so afflicted my husband is why i re member once he arose from the dinner table and feeling a slight uneasiness in his eyes began operations upon them with his tooth pick nearly destroying his sight how unfortunate 1 yes and one night i asked him to re- plenisb the fnel in the grate and in a fit of abstraction he brought in a hod of water and poured it on the fire scalding himself and bringing ruin to everything o oh how perfectly awful 1 but i hadnt begun to tell you the worst about my husband why it was only a week after our marriage while walking down wood ward avenue arm in arm he so far forgot himself as to imagine he had an extremely burdensome bundle under his arm and off ered a newsboy a quarter to carry it for him but wars yer bundle mister the little fellow inquired and will you believe it my benedict deliberately handed me c ver to the small boy and i was so morti fied her voice was drowned by the orches tra doing as bomans do a friend went to call on two charming women from san francisco stopping at the fifth avenue hotel he found that they would enjoy being taken out to dinner had they any preference as to which place to dino he asked oh yes and to his astonishment they expressed a desire to so to certain table dhote place that was a little off color very good eating but rather dubious in the triflog matter of patronage they were asked if they would like clare t or chianti and they said they preferred champagne at the close of the meal they had brandy burned in their coffee and each lighted a cigarette the city man who was a stickler for all the proprieties could scarcely believe his senses at what he saw them do ho knew that every other man in the restaurant and everybody too must consider them fast to say the least do you always burn brandy in your coffee and smoke cigarettes and take cham- page in son francisco he ventured to ask oh mercy no 1 the elder lady replied such a thing would be monstrous there but here where it is the proper thing we rather enjoy it it was a littlo difficult to fall into your naughty new york ways at first but we are getting on slowly great heavens i i should say you were the city man whispered under his breath the wong kind of coon been out hunting uncle zeke dit i has sah well come over here and tell me what yon got dont stand away over there as if you felt i was an advocate of drawing the color line- taint so much d color line boss as it am de cotagion o bad breff dat makes me shame o mysof i shot de wrong kine ob a coon dia inornin rn iae got de malaria so bad dat yoll recognize it toons de win blows your way a word to the wise is sufficient catarrh is not simply an inconvenience unpleasant to the sufferer and disgusting to a others it is an advanced outpost of ap- j preaching disease of worse type do notf neglect its warning it brings deadly evils in its train before it is too late use dr sages catarrh remedy it reaches the seat of the ailment and is the only thing that will you may dose yourself with quack medicines till it is too late till the streamlet becomes a resistless torrent it is the matured invention of a scientific physi cian a word to thewis9iseufficient trust not the world for it never payeth what it promieetb battlesnakes as food it was said of a strong political partizan that he would swallow rattlesnakes if party interests demanded it it is only men of this sort who without protest swallow the large oldfashioned pills sensible people requiring medicine to cleante their systems invariably use dr pierces pleasant pellets they are nnrivaled in all derangements of the liver stomach and bowels people are never so fortunate or so un fortunate as they suppose themselves to be style tho most fashionable color at present is the hue of health and it will never go out of style its shades aud tints are various but all of them are exceedingly be coming it is perfectly astonishing what a change is being daily wronght by dr pierces favorite prescription in tlie looks of sickly women sufferers from any sort of female weakness or irregularity backache or nerv ous prostration should give it trial all druggists tho great successes of the world have been affairs of a second a third nay a fiftieth trial california ask for tickets via the oldestablished and favorite overland route comprising the chic ago north western and union southern pacific bys two fat trains leave chicago daily with unrivalled accommodations for first and secondclass passengers bates no higher than by other lines baggage check ed through fnll information covering rates etc with time table and maps given by j h morley canadian passenger agent 69 yonge st toronto ont politics is but another name for gods way of teaohing the masses ethics under the responsibility of great present interests coff so more watson s cough drops are the best in the world for the throat and chest for the voioe unequalled see that the letters r t w ore stamped on each drop immense round lace collarettes fluted a la pierrot are in great vogue not only for chil- dren but also for young ladies who also wear them of coloured crape to match the dress a good lioht is indespensible to the com- fort of a fomily during the long winter even ings poor coal oil in a house is next thing to bad bread housekeepers whe cannot have gas should use carbon safety oil sold by dealers everywhere there are souls in this world that have the gift of finding joy everywhere 1tchins fixes symptoms moisture intense itching and stinging most at night worse by scratching if allowed to continue tumors form which often bleed and ulcer ate becoming very sore swatnhs ointmnirr stops the itching and bleeding heals ulceration and in many cases removes the tumours it la equally effl caolous in curing all skin diseases dr swaynb ft son proprietors philadelphia swarms onrr- hknt oan be obtained of druggists sent by mail for 60 cants i have boundless faith in time and light i shall see what is the truth some day and if i do not some one else will which is far more important a care for drunkenness the opium habit depsomania the morphine nerroua prostration caused by the use of to acco wakefulnessmentaldepre9sionsofteningo the brain etc premature old ago loss of vitality caused by over exertion of the brain and loss of natural strength from any oause wbatover menyoung old or mid dleagedwho are broken down from any ol the above causes or any oause not mentioned above sent your address and 10 cents in stamps for lnbonl treatise in book form of diseatm of man books snt soalcd and secure from observation address m v lcbom 17 wellington street east toronto ont ap 425 patents procured patent attorneys and experts eetdlsst donald c hldoutt co toronto canoes send for 111 catalogtie wsi enflllsif felcrboro ont farms for sale or kent all subs kinns and pricks rome special bargains h s mitchell drattoh 0tt protection fbom fire a good thing usskrts spark arrkstkr and drcm combined works on stoves pipes mill stacks etc city and county rights or entire canadian patent tor sale w j usskry norwich out agents i unemployed we handle only standard specialties of whioh no other firm has a right to sell in canada write us tarbox bros toronto ont canadian business university publio library building toronto students from british columbia california kansas illinois and quite a number of tho other states and provinoes now in attendance write for descriptive circulars thos bengouqh ouas h brooks prwldait scoy ft mauager what he lied on paterfamilias ot the supper table to mr thomas catch susies beau it is said that a spaniard can live upon an onion and a few olives a day it seems surprising to us does it not susies little brother mr catch i know what yon live on mr catch what tommy 1 little brother on yonr aunt pa said so yankee blade r young man will you give assent to my marriage with your daughter sir old man grmly no sir not a cent the dandy patent bagholder which every farmer wants now costs ony 6cts nd i t there is no local agent may bo obtained free by acxpress or mall on sending prloe to o w allen ft co world building toronto sausage pottsum v flnojt americin hog ca season 1888new ira- of english sheeps finest americin hog casings ordsra filled for any desired quantity wilts for prices james park t son 41 to 47 st lawrence market toronto merchants butchers and traders generally we want a good man in your locality to pick up on satisfactory guaranty or us cash furnished address o s- iftvods htds pass vermont v 3

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