l tribune stouitville ont friday november 23 1888 clubrates wo offer thctniuoxetrgetlierwitli the following papers from now till the cud of 1889 at the prices mentioned veeuy jlohe and rural catiadian200 weekly mail and farm and fireside 175 weekly news and one engraving christ before pilate or fathers of confederation 175 weekly xctis and both pictures i00 weekly advertiser and engraving kalis of niagara 175 family herald 175 century magazine 45 st niefolat 350 address tie tribune stoifhillk ont- ouit xew stollv on the seventh page of tlite tssue will be found the weniiijr clujptqr of our now story entitled thraufrli good anil hi by norau laugher now is the time to subscribe for the tnniuxe as we cannot engage to supply back miinbersonc dollar pays for the paper from nov- till the end of next vcar the daily papers of the week rccoiil one of the most romrirkalile cases of love marriage disappointments and suicide that ever happened in this part f the world some mouths ago a mr barber raslding in england mot a toronto lady on board an atlantic steamer became infatuated with her proposed marriage and was accepted on wednesday of last week they were married at niagara falls and on thursii returned to toronto on friday morning mr barber left his newlymarried wile at her house no 17 windsor st and nothing more was heard of htm dy her until she learned from the dailies that he had committed suicide at niagara falls on friday evening it now transpires that the lady has had a very dark career hav ing been married and divorced and has been for years leading an humeral life in toronto it i surmised that mr barber learned the particulars con cerning his wife immediately after leaving- her while laboring under great mental distraction committed the rash act the ladys connections by her lirst husband are well known and highly respectable later the woman in the case known in toronto as iolly bredin has been committed to stand her trial fur bigamy tjxivkkstty kkukuation although the question of federation as it concerns the methodist church was settled by the highest authority of the church an attempt was made at a recent meeting- of the college senate at cobourg to reopen the question speaking of ihe action taken by the aiitiieueiation men at this meeting the globe says hut the antifederation men seems to have been determined to improve their chance ot relieving their souls on the whole question of federa tion they appear to have been allowed full swing by the federationists who decided to reopen the discussion ofa question which they considered decided by the highest authority in the church so the senate by a vote of 21 to 14 passed resolutions declining 10 concur with the board and express ing general opposiiion to the whole scheme or fedration although this vote may have no legal force it is to be regretted as indicating a want of har mony and a disposition to use the senate as an agency of delay it seems as if whenever a forward step is taken by hie friends of federation the oppo- 7iients are bound to do sonething to make the public think that the matter is still uncertain mr massey of this city went down to cobourg and stated that he would give from 50000 to si 00 000 for a universi y it cobourg providojd others won id lvake a half a million this was a safe oiler being hammered- villi several conditions besides ihcyc is no authority empow ered to accept any such oiler for a pro- jectiin opposition to the decision ot the general contereiee we have no idea thixt this little spur of the opposition will at all retard the progress of he federation movement or dampen the zeal of the earnest and loyal men who are determined to make it a success calivinpstonel have much pleasuse in recom- nieuding br thomas kclcctric oil from having used it myself- and hav ing sold it for soine time in my own ie i will tay foi it that it is the best pivparation i have ever hwdor bheu- jnatisui cobhb8potvdknce we wish it to be distinctly understood that we do not hold ourselves responsible for theopin- ions advanced by- our correspondents corres- ipondents tnay write over a pseudonym if they choose but the real name must accompany each communication editor tri bunk dear slit will you kindly allow me space in your valuable paper to set forth a few thoughts in reference to the family that has lwen afflicted with fiie smallpox in this village much credit is due the medical health officer imdetccting the disease before it had felly developed and by sodoing preventing it spreading to other fam ilies creat credit is due the hocal braid of health in strictly u forcing quarantine regulations and by doinjr socoulineditiie much dreaded disease to the one house and the one family thus far all is well and good but is it true that thedsoard of health allow ed the family numbering six persons only twoulollarsier week for the lirst few weeks and then they became move generous and increased the amount to three dollars per week now if this is the correct amount i think in all fairness to the board of health and also to the afflicted family the amount is too small altogether too small sind the board of health is not doing- as it should the golden rule is do unto others as you would that they should do unto you but mr editor imagine the members of the board of health brouglit down from their wealthy jofty position where they now spend paradventme ten to fifteen dollars per week to support thcrr own families some of them at least smaller in num ber than the family afflicted i say imagine them brought from their present prosperous position and placed in the position of the family referred to u fllieted with that loathsome and dangerous diseate smallpox not al lowed outside of their own small kabit ation and tlipii have a wealthy jioaid of health vote them the paltry sum of two or three dollars per week would they tnink it fair and right now this is the way to look at the present ease surely the citizens of stouff- ville would willingly pay a sufficient amount to supply the needs of the afflicted family if the board of health would vote the proper amount a thousand times better pay a fair and reasonable amount than have the dread disease enter any of our homes would not the quarantined afflicted family have a legal redress if neces sary and should they exercise their legal right i think there is not a judge in the land in which we live that would say two or three dollars per week is sufficient for the needs of a family of six placed in the position this family is placed in therefore in view of this and for humanitys sake and their own good name i hope tin board of health will see the fairness and reasonableness of increasing the present small allowance to a sufficient amount to supply all necessary needs until they may be allowed out in safety to the citizens of stoufivile with very great respects for the board of health and sympathy for the afflicted family i am dear sir a cltiex satisfied ignorant jurors think the casa dosent amount to much but let thi sainn judge get to considering the ease for himself and a hundred folios would hardly give him room to o one technical point in it we would like to admire our judiciary and courts but it is impossible hie their acts are a j theme of derision throughout the whole couritrv wbitbv chronicle doctor now you must rise by day light goto the springs and drink the waters eat plain food only and lie very careful about your diet and mind you one cijrar a day no more bepartieular about that ill call again in three days if you want ine sooner sendfor hie on the third day the doctor returns well savs he how are you gcttinjr along patient very satisfactorily doctor doctor you dont find ore regimen liardto ad here to do you fatient it wouldnt be if i didnt have to smoke the one cijrar a day i never could bear to- baceo faxrns for sate townsilir of calkhon co oflkki iol 27 con 1 oo acres 180 cleared well fenced frame barnv brick house orchard clay loain 2 miles from the tvu of orangevule vricos eight thousaaa lloilar also fast escon 5 10 acres 75 acres cleared well fcneeu frame stable rough c isr owvlhnj young orchard soil ksd c l convenient i school 2 miles from a market 1rice three thous and eight hundred dollars also 300 acres 165 acresclcarcd pood brick bouse bank barn frame stable and driving house we fenced 6 miles from town of urangeviue must be id price six twisand two hundred dollars i towsshil ok mono co wuffkkin 126 acres all cleared frame stable log dwelling this is saidto be one of the best grain farmsni iiw raised 300a bushels last year 3 miles from town of orangeville price five thousand six huuhrcd dollars also too acres so cleared frame barn frame sta ble log house well fenced good clay loam price five thousand two hundred dollars xowkship of ajiahakth ia acres 95 acres cleared frame house bank lain well iciced flag station on the larm p o bales from the town of orangeville clay loauis must be sold price four thousand dollars also 120 acres 70 acresclearedtrnme house bank barn well teiiccd well watered price two hous- and kight hundred dollars all the above farms are level and very cheap also a number of other farms tor sale cheap money to loan jlnieo iuys monday ami satttrtlity apply to 1l1ios 3aiisosrs real estate agent p o lion 138 orangeville great bargains at the foreign and domestic fruit store 11 lbs granulated siigav fur 100 14 lbs vcrv light brown sugar for 100 15 lbs dark lrovii snuar for 100 10 lbs brown sugar for 1 a 1 tea at 25e per lb hit 5 lbs lou 103 caxxed salmon 15 cts a tax saudlnivs 2 cans lou 25 cexts- 60 baks klixtuic soap lou 35 vviiuumalk pkicb in fact everything you vnnt in iherocery line away below crrent prices the best gradcof liinijy fleviftit the lowest prices always on hand the llaltgkst and hxfit i-v- lou k luixal m 1- from the celeuilvirl m nl iia ohiivh ijuasi l k uot ix ihe olnlv ihiu ue my 0vi imloulvl loiv pljvse call and see hie clueat vauiety of goods eyeftv- thlnli sfot cash weuuinc takes a specialty the best buvsds 01 tobaccos and cugaus to be had ix iwvsn stouitviile sov bh 1sss m johsof s e as onable styles faxl and winter goods i ya invite iittoiition to our compluto ami carefully selected stock of bv the wiiy the criminal courts arc foolinjr around- tins year u appears as if in future men will ba found no guilty in all cases where the judgo and jury did not sen the criirm com mitted at picton it was shown that the aa man loveless got into a light with church and held the poor man while yottng- loveless ran home for his revolver and shor church to death every witness present described the mirder in tne same way verdict not guilty in cartwright the heron girl was poisoned and strychnine found in her the circumstances did not leave a doubt in the minds of people that her uncle and aunt did tins poison ing lor the sake of some 1500 the yoor young- girl was so unfortunate s to possess yet at the cobourg assizes the herons were lound not guilty tom buckley for tramping a poor girl to fietth in toronto was found guilty of manslatighter the day is last coming apparently when a man to convict a eriniiralor win any other sort of n case imtst touch sonic tender spot of prejudice or religion or selfinterest tlitrciisageiieral cry of dissatisfaction agaiiistill verdicts given andifisso happeusjiiiatu man secures a righteous vcrtltetsomc higher judgo takes great pleasiratvn upsetting it on some truiiiiodp technicality judges dont apprimiitvc the semblance of an opiifippioihheir own in- addressing a juiiwr a coiiq9uyicjtlic easily- bufferin land loan agisisjoy farms for sale amaraktii halflot 5 ami f coii 2 22 con 3 v con 3 i con 6 3 con 3 t con 6 22 con 4 o con 2 6 con 3 24 con i rj con j ao con 8 f 10 and the v of the e of lot io con 2 150 acres anil lot 11 200 acres 28 con 7 i con 3 2 con 10 f 19 and sj of the vy lot 13 concession 1 22 con 9 5 and 6 con 5 of w half lot 4 con 9 ensi west erfsl west fast west kast west 105 125 loo ioo ioo 80 ioo 200 45 comprising ladies sholrs extensive lines ot newest and most fushioiiabld gents boots and shoes childkeks shoes iiubbeus overshoes etc mens felt boots haxdmadea large stock avomexs misses and childrens cordigan overshoes something new come and sec them ifc prices will pay you to away inspect our stock and purchasing elsewhere down get our quotations bcfoio remember the place stouifvuie nov 13th 1sss h underbill stouffville ass markham mono part or wast half let 20 cmicessson 6 i ai 23 concession 1 east east half oflot is concevlon 3 west must half of iot 14 conccssun 3 west west half of lot 26 and 27 concession 7 hast half of lot 28 concession 3 west east half of lot 22 concession 6 east w part of lot 7 concession 2 cast mono e part of ihc east half lot 7 con 1 east mono also a new saw mill on lot oarafkaxa east half of west half and west half of east half of tot 16 concession 10 south west part of lot 16 qnd ii cop 1 1 ixt 4 concession i west half of lot 14 and 13 concession 14 west half of lot 9 concession 17 east half of west half of lot 2 con dcast 3 concession a t melancthon ijyt 266 concession 1 s w of t and s r jlot 225 concession a lts79 concession 2 lt 288 289 and 290 concession 4 s w oftands k ijit 2 concession 4 loi 21 concession 4 n eof as 11 and 12 con 5 s v of t and s r lot 18 6 83 200 ioo oo 200 ioo 90 79 ioo 200 25 20j 103 75 75 58 so 50 150 200 ioo 90q ioo caledon east kalfof lot 3 concession 4 west 11 west halfof lot 23 concession j west ido west liallnilol 28 concession 1 100 lot 2 ouicsssiun 1 cast ijj wpgdhousse tarts of lots 13 and 18 in the sore of the tuwnhip of woodhousc 54 osprey lots 1 2 3 and 4 con a south dujham 200 lot 12 concesioyi 3 o euphrasia west halfof 1ot 15 concession 11 100 albion iot 16 and concession 7 161 also for sale in orangeville a number of prick and erainc dwelling houses a great number of lluilding jxrts and a tenacre field all of which will he sold cheap and on easy terms a ccmmisstuii oi tea dollars on all talcs under foul hundred doltais over four hundred dollars z per cent r w medlay- manager office opposite the gordon house orangeville ont jjstfireand life insurance and loan agertt valuator guaranteed to give perfect satis- taction with either coal or wood a large assortment of firstclass stoves of all kinds always kept in stock a splendid stock of tin and cop per ware always on hand remember the place bookeh v sisuryvate xov jpth 1884 stouffville opposite qukens iiotjrx lapr