mrs general harrison mrs harrison vrho will preside orer washington society is just about as old as ber husband tbe president elect that u 54 years and they hve been together ever sinoe school days she is a western wo man her father john w scot wss a teacher in miami university oxford ohio and it was there that the girl was born who was to be some day a presidents wife vtbey called ber caroline carrie for short and sent her to school in the girls college of the town she was quiet and demure and the village borne was not at all disturb ed by stiff parties or dinners in fact it is related that though ber daughter is cred ited with having been the best waltzer in lndianapolis mrs harrison herself never 4 at all when she was a girl and that when she was at school all the girls wore calico dresses and sunbonnets and were proud of them such a costume would cre ate a sensation at ogcaz the school where the daughter was graduated gen harrison isnt a tall mm and mrs harrison is not a tall woman when a girl she was what yon would call petite her form was slender and her face ideally beauti ful her hair was black and her complexion dark it still retains its full color but her hair has become silvered htre and there and her girlish form has become matronly her faoe is still handsome and its regular features seem to have been bat little lined by the passing of years she had a mouth in her younger days whioh made her face something to look at a second time it is just as pretty today and fho little smile of welcome that always plays npon her lips makes mrs harrison a very mirthful- appearing p raon one other thing is al- waysnoticed by a man who sees mrs harrison and that is her hand it is small and grace ful and the finsrers taper just enough the wrist is slender and well moulded and the arm above is full and faultless in contour sometimes she wears gold bracelets on her wrists and diamonds on one of her fingers but except those and her wedding ring she displays no jewelry except at very for mal gatherings when she may wear at her throat a bar with five diamonds she also has a gold band with five diamonds it was given her not long ago by her husband her earrings are black pearls or diamonds caroline scott met benjamin harrison in oxford they were boy and girl together got married settled down for life on some 200 that young tippecanoe had received from his father and had a baby before either was 21 years old young harrison said his wife was half his capital she was his help er in every sense when he began his career in law her ancestry had given her strength physically and her mother had given her that sensible instruction in applied house keeping which after a period of abandon ment is coming baok again in good american homes lawyer harrisons wife learned how to bake bread and she baked a part of her exercise wai with a broomstick and though she hasnt made bread or handled a broom in a long while she is a past grand mistress in all those things and knows all abont housekeeping and is not ashamed to tell abont those things even if after four months more she is to be at the head of the first official household in the land the supervision of the home at indianapolis is j indeed one of mrs harrisons delights she has a hobby of getting up at 6 in the morning and going to market every once in a while to buy meats and vegetables herself if she should do this in washington it would not be altogether new there for some of the leaders even now often do their own market ing and in days long gone it used to be one of the chief prerogatives of women of wealth and fashion election 8cesa in flew york under the star the city waited to see which part the great white flood of ballots would sweep into power and what a city it was a city that thrilled and throbbed from river to river its streets aflame with thou sands of bonfires and great black multitudes roaring and surging about with no thought of tleep now in convulsions of delight and new in agonies of despair wonderfully beautifally symbolizing the republic that dies and is born again every four years 1 is was as if some mighty earthquake had driven the inhabitants out of doors and every one was waiting for the earth to trem ble again all the flimsy paraphernalia of the cam paign were forgotten the rivers of gay crest ed knights and gleaming banners the labor ed slanders and threats of national disaster the people were gathered in the walls of their city trembling to know what the ma jority should decree it was a closj fight andevery one knew it au they could do was to wait and strain their eyes and shont till their throats were hoarse none could possibly know the result early in the even ing none unless it were the party managers and they sat pale and nerveless in their inner dens alternately sending out bulletins of hope or dread an unequalled scsnk the sight must have profoundly impressed a stranger to american institutions who look ed upon the chief city of the nation in its supreme ecstacy in madison rquare t i ty thousand people stood in front of the her ald bulletin and the snnd of their voices was like the beating of wild waves through a cavern along the edges of this majestic assemblage were th blazing corridors of the hotels in which halfcrazed men with flush ed faces and bloodshot eyes waved handf uls of money and with blasphemous boastings sought out their opponents crowds of drunk en men swirled into the wide tumultuous scenes from every comer of the oity the dainty ladies who had trooped down from their aristocratic homes unable to bear the suspense of ignorance any longer shrank baok from the wild savage oupour of the citys unwashed hosts whitehaired feeble men crept out and got into snug positions where they could watch the varying figures throufh their spectacles and tell the roister ing excited young men around them thai it was a more glorious night than the old times ever saw down in front of the newspaper offices a prairie of faces seemed to be spread out from grim st pauls to the brooklyn bridge when too car spassed through it the crowds parted like water and flowed agaia into the wake hurrahing and swaying with passion a war of v3ice8 but although this bewildering scene turn ed the oity into a babel the revolution was one of order no blows were struck never in the history of new york was such pati ence common sense tolerance and good nature exhibited a man who had 0000 wagered on the result and with wealth and beggary at once threatening him could hear the exultations of his political foes and smile it was a war of voices and not ot fists even the police who were scattered in these great throngs had to join in the enthusiasm and yell like the rest n y herald pain es c eler y compound acts at the same time on the nerves the liver the bowels and the kidneys this coahned crjcogsres it woo- dexful power to cfflft all diseases why are we sick because we allow the nerves to remain weakened ani irritated and these great organs to become clogged or torpid ami poisonous humors are therefore forced into the blood that should be expelled naturally f celery hwiuiamsc0nr00fers 1usutacicu1s ass malms a i bocllng felt slaters frit deafening felt carpet paper building paper booing pitch coal tar lako grarel otnee s t adelaide st east tormo allan line royal hail steamships sailing during winter bom portland rerytbuda and halifax every saturday to liverpool and in mm nwr from quebec every saturday to liverpool calling at londonderry nulla and passengers for scotland and ireland also bom baltimore via sail li im nl johns n p to urerpool fortouhtl daring summer months the steamers ot the ola gow lines sail during winter to and ram halifax portland boston and philadelphia anddurlnrsom mer lietween glasgow and if ootreal weekly glaagov and boston weekly and glasgow and philadalphl fortnightly for freight passage or other information apply a schumacher co baltimore 8 canard 4 co halifax shea ft co st johns nad wm thorn a co st john n a allen co chicago lore ft alden new york h boorller toronto allans rao ft co quebeo wm brookle patlvlt- phla h a allen portland rxtn vvl tub b91lzk uafkctloa net company cauda consulting engineers and solicitors of patents tob9ito o boss chief uwlomc a fsasixseortreas the racer tlun baeklanwtooth crosscut saw panes compound will curetttt01i8sressplx8b oohbtxpatiqn katutey cox plaints tjbisab t d female weak5bssbheubta- tism nztibai0ia asu all nekv0ub di60kdkbs by quieting and strengthening the nerves and causing free action of the liver bowels and kidneys and restor ing their power to throw off disease why suffer bilious pains and aohea 1 why tormented with piles constipation whj fxlghtenedoverdisorileredkidneyst why endure nervous or sick headaehest why have sleepless nights t use paines cblek compound and rejoice in health it is an entirely vegeta ble remedy harmless in all cases soldbyall druggists pricelmt six or if00 wells richardson atcoproprtor montehaipq m o n e y to loan ivlwllha i ckkd1t fs skr mi mo vah tdib5f capital j coo 000 hiu omci llwuu ornca oxtaeio division wstueni st toroinro this cenpany is pre- paed to make advance on the security ot good situ pbofmtt at lowest entreat rate or tn- trreat and on favorable terms moktgabea imii tski fo uformation apply to the local agents of the company or to it e losg manager torenlo oat- standard chopping usesbestfbenchbu millstones finest cbinoeb inthe world 0 renewing ftmesasminoax lls artificial lihits forcircu iars address j doan fc co toronto ont f to loan en i imj toijjt bates no delav correspondence solicited e w i butler financial agt established i860 72 kimr st e toronto palo altos breeding system i senator leland stanford in a recent inter view talked of breeding trotting horses in this way i had but two lexington mares and these were bred to my trotting stallions with the most gratifying results annette which is out of a daughter of gray eigle produced to electioneer the bay stallion ansel which has a record of 229 and also a level head in harness waxy that ran in a number of races after crossing the plains and produced the good race mare alpha bred to general benton produced waxwa and she bred to electioneer produced sunol as i got a fast performer in the first gen eration from annette and a recordbreaker in the second generation from waxy my experiments with lexington mares cannot be classed as failures the planet strain is almost as good as the lexington dame winne has two in the list palo alto 2 20 and gertrude russell 223j we regarded palo alto when 1 years old as faster than man2anita he trotted some very hard races and threw out a splint and we had to let up on him he will be trained next season and i shall be disappointed if we do not get a recori of 2 12 on him by the way palo alto wouij be a good horse to match with maud s if the record of maud s is beaten exjpfc by herself it will be by a horse higher bred than she is a colt out of her by palo alto would be stronger breed than she is and it should have a higher flight of speed i wish mr bonner would come to california i should like to entertain him and show him how we develop colts i could learn from him about the feet and he could study my methods the miniature track you remem ber was ridionled just as my thoroughbred foundation theory was ridiculed but i have lived to see the scoffers change their tones breeders in all sections of the country have copied my miniature track where the colt learns to trot without injuring himself and the trotter out of the highly bred dam is on top wero i to commence over again i should seloot from twenty to thirty thorough bred mares and thus lay the foundation of the stud i should as a matter of course study temperament and physical lines if got the heads right and secure a proper con formation you run less risk in gettiug trot ters from thoroughbred mares than you do from the low bred mares which are made up of unknown quantities you know what you aro doing when you use puro blood the mechanical construction of some tho roughbreds is just as well adapted to trot ting as any other gait control the actino through the head and a potent trotting stallion and the experiment ceases to bc- hubtful i have met with success in man ting thoroughbred trotting mares and stal lions because i have a mechanical eye and lave paid great attention to outline as well as brain the blood that has sustained speed at the mooing gait will sustain it at the trotting gait it has taken generations to make the arterial system of the runner the death sentence against the saviour a correspondent of the english notes and queries extracts from the koluische zeitung what is called a correct tran script of the sentence of death pronounced against our lord and saviour jesus christ the following is a copy of the most measur able judioial sentence which has ever been pronounced in the annals of the world namely that of death against the saviour with the remarks that the journal le droit has collected the knowledge of which must be interesting in the highest degree to every christian the sentence is word for woh as follows sentence pronounced by pontius pilate intendent of the province of lrwer galilee that jesus of nazareth shall suffer death by the oross in the sevntecnth year of the reign of the emperor tiberius and on the 25 th of the month of march in the most holy oity of jerusalem during the pontifi cate of annas and caiaphas pontius pilate intendent of the province of lower galilee sitting in judgment in the presidential seat of the pros tors sentences jesus christ of narareth to death on a cross between two robbers as the numerous and notorious tes timonials of the people prove 1 jesus is a misleader 2 he has excited the people to sedition 3 he is an enemy to the laws 4 he calls hmself the son of god 5 be calls himself falselythe king of israel 6 he went into the temple followed by a multitude carrying palms in thiir hands orders the first centurion quiotus cor nelius to bring him to tho place of execution forbids all persons rich or poor to prevent the execution of jesus the witnesses who have signed the execution against jesus are 1 daniel robani pharisee 2 john zorobabel 3 raphael robani 4 capet jesus to be taken ont of jerusalem through the gate of tournea the sentence is engraved on a plate of brass in the hebrew language and on its sides are the following words a similar plate has been sent to each tribe it was discovered in the year 12s0 in the city of dquill acjuilla t in the kingdom of naples by a search made for tho discovery of roman antiquities and remained there until it was found by the commissaries of arc in the french army of italy up to the time of tho campaign in southern italy it was pre served in the sacristy of tho carthusians near naples whore it was kept in a box of ebony since thon the relic has been kept in the chapel of caserty the carthusians obtained by their petitions that the phtte might be kept by them whioh was an ac knowledgment of the sacrifices which they made for the french army the french translation was made literally by members of the commission of arts danon had a facsimile of the plate engraved which was bought by lord howard on the sale of his cabinet for 2890f there seems to be no historical doubt as to tho authenticity of this the reasons of tl e sentence com spond exactly with those of tho gospels stained glass for churches dwellings and public buildings mcausland 76 king st w toronto the toronto silver plate 60 manufacturers of tfie high grade of silverplated wares trade mark factories and salesboom 420 to 426 king st west toronto jtw cbrantford catwa- may have one i juht send your daino and address and 10c for pnstiueft and receive by mail a handsome- rliani andkeitcheifand tho magic needle a burnishes everyone i address whitou novelty co toronto out r o un g men suffering from the effects of early vil habits tho result of igaoranoe and folly who find themselve weak nervous and exhausted also mnwllassd and old mbs who are broken down from the effects of abuse or ovor work and in advanced life feel the consequencog of youthful exoees send for and read m v lnbone treatise on the diseases of men the book will be sent sealed to any addrean on receipt of two3o stamps address m v lubon wellington st k torontoont eg qooderham manner j o oopp sectreaa m st paul minneapolis and anitob railway comraencioe on saturday nov 106h thre will be a daily firstclass through train eervee b etween st paul and dnttc montana comprised cf irw- incroom sleeping car day cooehei dining car and free colorlst sleeper equipment now modern and equal to tbe bast leaving st paul every morning and running directly through to butte the only line with out change and the only line via ft butorri ft benton treat falls and helena i for particulars apply f i whitney jm huckin3 gen pass tkt ag travetg pass agt st paul- 4 palmar house block toronto nervous debility dr grays speoiflo has besfl used for the a bf teen years with great success in the treatment o nervous debility and all diseajs arising from ex- cesoeg overworked brain loss of vitality ringing in tbe ears palpitation etc for sare by all druggists prloe 8i per box or b boxes for j6 or will be seat bj mail on reoelpi of price pamphlet on application the gray medicine co toronts the maple led raoir snd lance orosseut saw are now sold in all parts of the world the i quality ot these saws u unequalled their excellence is wholly due to their superior tmper the process or which is kept a profound secret by shurly a dietrich the manufacturers of these saws one of the best evidences ot their superior quality is that other saw manufacturers put on the market as dose an imita tlnn of this saws as they are able to produce and represent it to be as good as the maple leaf saw they run their saw upon one name until the publio become famllar with its inferior quality then they change the name in order to humbug the publio another season all of which is the very best evidence of the superior quality ot the maple leaf saw as it la not the custom to counterfeit a poor article the e counterfeits are sold for a much lower price than the maple leaf bw can be bought for the dealer of course endeavors to sell them at nearly the same price thereby realizing a larger profit and some of the more unprincipled dealers in order to tell the counterfeit saw will tell untruths of various kinds regarding ihe quality of both the genuine and the counterfeit good goodi are alwas cheap poor goods are dear at any price a av like a knife will not cut fat unless it will hold a keen cutting edge price 8100 per foot manufactured only bv shurly dietrich saw manufacturers graltj olclt tn are children vrxo cheerfully join in the eho whc breadmakeifs yeast is the subject befoi the chorus joreu mamma tried all the rest so she bums its the best lightest cause her bread is the whitest her buns are tit andtaeeat all the pancakes she dare set beforeus buy the breadmakers yeast price 6 cents canada permanent loansavingsoompaiiy iacobpokated 1855 head oica toronto st toronto oohjvfstons cluidbeef the great rstren6th giverj a perfect food awl fl ra a powerful subscribed capital 9 i 50900c paid dp capital 3500000 total assets 10000000 the enlarged capital and resources of this company together with the incroased facilities it has recently acquired for supplying land owners with cheap mccey enable tho directors to meet with prinptnc and at the lowest current rate of interest all requirement for loace upon satisfactory real estate security application ma be made to either of tho company loca appraisers or to j herbklttliasonminiirg director tironm imitation is sometimes called tho sincere form of flat tery this may account for the nnmbsr of imitations of the original and only positive oorn core putnams painless corn extrao- b tor all snch fail to possess equal merit so what it is and arterial capacity is essential j when purchasing get the genuine pat- to the trotter when tbe speed rate is high j nam s safe sure and painless all aid the strnfgle is protracted druggists scotts emulsion cores consumption sobofula beonohitis coughs colds wasting diseases wonderful flesh producer scotts emulsion is not n secret remedy containing ihe stimulating hypophos- phitcs and pure norwegian cod liver oil the potency of both hoing largely in creased it in naed by physicians all ovor the world palatable as milk sold by all frruofftst tioe and sloo exhausted vitality i recovery from this dietr3 log condition is often sought by having recourse to tonics or medecal treatment which only servos to aggravate tho trouble the yatem demands nut r1tion that on be easily digested and thoroughly as similated by he weakst stmach johnstons fluid beef supplies this demand bkcausba perfectfood andomv necessrr for renewing the tissues wasted by disease itji dilation andprodeces fltm musole and nerve s giver for best family use carbon safety oil ask dealers for it wholesale depots oni ario torosto 30 front street east ottawa 3s spark street bxllkvilli i w yecmans co quebecmosikkal e cavanagh maritime provincesst johns jos bullock sons manitoba n wt brandok w johnston co saml rogers co toronto canada 0 jii mm c s o tatt on capl till and funds now over 3000000 3ba office 15 toronto street toronto on a home com established o 1871 to this dato octobor 31st 1887 there has been returned to hoheir of policyholders death claims 8w054onn to the holders of matured endowment policies 5si to policyholders on surrender of polloles gjjjs xc policyholders for cosh profits including those allocated and being paid ilsiui m toholdersof aunultv bonds isoot u loaned to polloyholders on the seourity of their policies z 82sm 88 policies in force over 10000 amount ov gisiolnfln presidenth6 sm w p bovnxitckkcm it owwo vicepresidents william elliott esq edwabd hoopbb esq 69pollclm nonforfeitable after 2 veare and indefeasible ftor s year aw director rely on hop bitters mo a mocne n drnk cur a 553 3s x bowel blood liver kidneys urinary organs nervousness sleeplessness femalo complaints dronkeness t way savo your life wtjjggg reward pahfrfor a casethey will not m m9