Ontario Community Newspapers

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), November 23, 1888, p. 1

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attm yol 1 stoqffvillb ont friday november 23 1888 no 39 travellers guide trains leave stonffville station main line and suuqr branch follows mjun line sksth mixed 820 a m express 1102 mixed 341 p 41 express 757 jukth express 90s am mixed 1026 mixed 545 p 10 express 604 sutton branch sooth mail 810 am noiriimiil 610 p ra st0uffv1lle markets fall wlioat spring wheat ilouriercwt llarloy rve ivas ieas blackeved oits uran per ton shorts pur ton huy i otatoes- per hag fjjs butter lard oeese per lb i turkeys trlb chickens ptt pair si o tcl 03 1 00 it 1 05 3 00 a 20 0 55 u 0 70 0 go i 0 g5 0 60 a 0 5 0 72 t 0 75 0 33 tt 0 35 0 00 l 18 00 0 00 a 20 00 is 00 t 20 00 0 35 0 40 0 20 a 0 20 0 22 it 022 0 12 it 0 15 0 09 c 0 0g 0 09 a 0 74 0 09 t 0 50 church directory vethonist church rev george brown iastor services at i036 am and 7pn1 saliljath school at 230 pm pray- fer meelinv on wednesday ai- 730 pm y young peoples prayer meeting i hursuay at 8 p in congregational rev j unswoth pastor services at in 30 am and 7 pm sabbath school at 230 pm prayer meet ing on wednesday at 7 3apn1 presyteriajjfrev mr knowlcs pastor- services at iasannncl pm sabbath school at 230 pm prayer every wednesday evgat s pwjv vaprtst rev mr barker pastor ser vices at1030 am and 7 pm sunday school at 230 pm prayer meeting on wednesday at 736 pm church of england rev mr os borne incumbent a set rices at 245 pm sunday school at i30 pw s1eetings6f societies and borrds v i t age cquxci l on tbe second tues- day of eaclnmoiith directors ok mechanics inst on the third tuesday ofeach month ft t of t oii the second monday of each month a o jj v first and thud mondiyofeach month vublif school hoard on the first tuesday of each month masonic lodge wednesday o or be fore the full moon of each month farmers club sesond friday of each mouth i o v first and third friday of each month smxhssss sm2d fred w hill b a barrister solicitor etc formerly with nloyphy miller toronto oltice sliders block formerly occu pied by thelate mr mclean stoufvvilleont n j armstrong stouffville ont 1 licensed ucu6noer 1 for the counties of york and ontario a sales romptly attended charges moderate dickson taylor uucelolklii ijafristors solioittr money to loan dvyiciw alcy itloc manning arcade stoultville 01 toronto it a picmsokj a mtavior ltcl j wmccvlwuuii lici- kcir modonnlilj divijsoa k patterson xotariks lullmc ktc- offices mavonw liuihlinrj toronto st v j toronto aiid main sf stbuflfville k k ivkitn qc w mcdonald w davidson jxoa pattkusox t gkahv robinson dentist will aticnd at millers hotel stpiifiytue on the 18th and a thetremonl house markham on the 20th of each month rosemans hold mount al bert- on the 14th victoria square on the list when thesidaws fall on sundty he domlay fullowini ili be under- aul 1 1 w 100 piys for the tribune from now tiu end of 1889 100 lmmbef yaid kcps constantly in stock a full supply of lumber lath shingles salt plaster coal water lime plaster of paris coaltar tar paper eire brick fire clay ac cc cash paid for hides wooisheep skins and all kinds of grain warehouse opposite railw ayslationstoulfville harnsss the undersigned keeps on hand an excellent assortment of hamess collars whips etc lit odj tid 3t also a stock ofsplexdid yagk robes c it k r auehcapifor cash a vn buseok ma1k sthekt stouffville new goods mrsl stock lias just received a fresh supply of groceries of tlie best qualify teas fwn 25 cts per 11 upward good value as i am giving up the millinery department hill sell my stock of fll millinery at greatly reduced prices call and see before purchasing elsewhere mrs j stogh stouffvillc 2sd sept tsss- east end grooery best valtje in teas sugars spick fruit gpockcfyaivj glassware garden seeds wo0dbox stove polish sunset 3l yes all colors of these celebrated dyes kept constantly in stock price only five cents n j aostots scaftvulf april 25 1sss local items omitted 0vinrto the large quair tity of matter for insertion this week we are obliged to staiid over some of our diststct news tiluncxt week- couniv council thecounty coun cil is iu session this wek in toronto reeve senders went iii on tuesday and expectso be aljsentr till friday or saturday rani- nearly every one who owned a gun or couw borrow one was on the warpath on tllunksgiviiig day and the small game iu this vicinity must have been kept busy dodging stray shots home again ifi jobn bartholo mew and party returned on saturday with nine line deer capt john but ton and his party have also returned but without such good success having bagged only one deer bloomikgtox ji- s s a social vrtlt be held in the methodist hurchbloom- ington on thursday evening dec 20th rev messrs wiftoughby and wilkinson will deliver addresses and the scholars will furnish recitations and music admission 20 tents proceeds in aid of this suiiday school division couwr the november sitting of the 2ndidivision court was held at markliam oh friday last there was quite an extensixe tfceket many of the cases being from this di rection and we are pleased to learn that those who had the good sense to employ our town solicitors came off in nearly every instance a winner- scientific evidence mr w j mortens the noted photographer of stovffville was down near uhionviller ouweduesday taking views of the road and embankment at the place where mr echardt met with an acci dent some time ago these views are to form a part of the evidence in a suit for damages boing brought against markham township christmas s s entertainment the annual entertainment in connec tion wit3 ths s s of the presbyterian church stouffvillc will be held in daleys hall on the evening of friday dec 21st great preparations arc being made tbjhiakou this one of the best entertainments of tlie season further particularswill be given later on- a smash- on wednesday at noon a dog belonging toa farmer had been left behind in mr- rues store and be- coiting tiredot hisimprisonivrent made aii otterivjit to go tliroilglrflie plate lghias hovuver wiustrw strong for him but hi stimtled in ureakiiig two or thnievasffuablo bedroom sets to tlie value of nearly 20fj0 leave that clog at home hvmeneal on wednesday even ing of last week mr jas 5ougluity jr and miss emma george- were join ed iii matrimony the happy couple left for toronto on the evening train amidst the congratulations of a- host of friends- and though wc were not present to give our quota we now cx- tendour very iwst wishes for their future happiness and long life mccuhough x fieldi this suit has been in court agjiiii this time for the purpose of trying to set aside certain mortgages given by the defendant on his property for the purposi plaintiff claims of keeping him from- collecting costs of previous suit decided in hie favor in the present case the plain tiffwas partiallv successful one mort gage being declared illsgil a o u w on monday evening last the a 0 u w lodg in this place received an official visit from tito fol lowing gentlemen bro w p cole d 1 g m- of york district- rro unitt 1 d g m- of toronto district rro inwoodvl d i g m of york dismictbro irvine p d d g m of york distmct an unusually large atrciidance of members was present intl a very enjoyabld time was spent this lodge is in a very nourishing con dition and is one of the stroiisrcst as regards ineniberslijk in the village sroiiifviiii coitxiit band the cftiens of stouvville have caus to be proud of their band we know of no villag of th- size of stouvville tha has a better one alliouah organized less than a year their pvoiciency would weacredittomanvian older lmud have hctird tha public should see that they aiv- proprl supported on thursday thanksgiving day they marcned to the miithmlist church and gave a number of splendid selections outside before the services bocrnn and a rain in th evening as has lven stat ed elsewhere they favored the public with a few of their best outside dileys hall before the tenpjrvice misting lxgr r t of t a special meeting of the royafi templars of aipcruuce- wa held in the rading room on satunhiy eveuing last j when several ctudidates were initiated into the mys- trie of the lodge this society is en- joying a boom just now isand conckrtou friday evening loth inst a grand concert under tbe jrtts- piees of the stontvillo cornet baud will be given in daleys hull a most attractive- progrimimte furnished- by foreign and local artists willbe render ed admission 25 cts children lsfcts reserved seats 85 cts see bills special meetings the rwival services in the methodist church are being continued ijhis week on mon day and tuesday evcningsthe services werj under the charge of mr brace of toronto a clever young man who contemplate becoming a candidate for the methodist ministry in the near fu ture his efforts here were greatly appreeiuted thanksgiving day at the thanks giving services held in the methodist church on thursday morning javt the church was crowded appropriate addresses were delivered by rev mes srs brown barker kuov4es and uns- wortfi tlie choir under the able lead ership of mr dl stouffer added greatly to the interest ofi the proceedings by their service of sowg- the market the markefyesterday was well attended and main street pre- seiiteda very lively appearance during thte wle torenoonjrtlie prices paid will bo found in the plurket report on the first page thetanning commun ity about stouffvilje are under great obligation to mr r j daleyx for the enterprise he has displayed ii estab lishing the market and no doub they fullv recognisfc the fact i a hvpeucifiticai the marklnun economist in alluding- to a paragraph in the tuiuuse two weeks ago which mentioned the circumstance of a touif- villu man receiving a mysteriousbottle of medicine expresses wonder rthat an article of that kseription slitld be iuy teination to a man possibly the economist man wouldi find tlie tempta tion stronger if the bottle contained something of a slightly different brand our exchanges among the many kindthings iwu observedcqncerniiig the tiiuuine in piir exchanges clife week we wish especially to notice that of four esteeimd contemporary the markliam economist the eolioniist wjwch by the way is not ajlltiilf bad sort of a pjjier though it does make use of patent plates ttiiuka stptiffville is too small to supports two papers- there are a good maiiy jjfople in stouffvillc who have the- idea right or wrong- that tbis villagwis slightly largci in more ways thai cue than markham gasiei temperance socrerv a very successful public meeting of this society ysw held in daleys hall on the uvening of thursday last thanksgiv ing day a programme consisting of vocal music a cornet solo by mr noah stouffer- readings and an excel lent spuejli by iffiv mr knowles was renderetuto a crowded house the stoullvije cornet band played a num ber of line selections in excellent svyle outside 1he hall before the entertain ment began at the close of the meet- a number of new names were added to the large number who have already signed the pledge runaway what might have been a very serious accident took place on saturday evening last shortly after six ov lock as mr and miss bruels were driving westward through the village they werc obliged to sop at the riilwascrossiug as a freight train wasabfmtto puss when the locomo- tivjb came in sight the liorseji youlig oiiexiuddoiilywhioled tff the righ and capsized the occupants uneremonioiis- lv into the ilitch nearly in front of mr widemans marble shop tha horse broke loosa from the buggy and came back tojhi village at a gallop bring- in up in mr von busecks yanl ex- cepiiig a thgh shaking up no one was liirt gnoraexouoir a hard ease ihose hiinvu we will suppress thus time called on dr s l protsl about midnight on tn silay night last he was iii a very sirry plight having sustauieiusurious injuries about the head and wis cov er 4 with blood according- to his own account he hid entered a house in the cast end late in the evening wljuro he had been getting some wash ing done the family were in bed when he calleubut the woman arose and came down to give him his wash ing wpreupon hv began to misbe have himselt th male elemeat of the liwusiinld sipn appuml npoi the sceiie and the o frtmhr wis ejected ii a very aiiunrwrv stylo new business mr f moure late publisher o this paper has opened a book and stationery stors in mr dougalls shop two doors east of this office- i personals mr david bavtlay of pickering was visiting irftcwii on tuesday mr chas greenwood of newmarket- spent thuttksgrving day in town mrs yon busock aud mr a s leaney are visiting friends in toronto rev mr knowles has rented mr joel bakers now house and purposes moving his family to town we regret to hear of the continued poor health of mrs r brimson and hope soon to see her fully restored we learn that mr c mccallum who is at present attending college of midi- cine in michigan hastiad an appoint ment in harpers hospital detroit we wish him every success promotion kxaminations the following is the result of th promotion examinations recently held in the stoultville public school for entranse to fourth class eleven wrote thos kelly thoscookwm williams hattie johnson alice raymond addu covington- samuel armstrong- frank rao passed win urquhart recom mended for entrance to senior- iii i class twelve wrote mary wuhanis minnie jkiis edith yakc millie hunter charles flint ida yauzaut arthur steel ijassed ethel jbhiispu ivlniiy- young recommended for entrance to junior iii class nine wrote alex brown robert park john minrs passed sarah kelly iminnie rbbinson fred morrisoi re commended the names of thrse recommended must be submitted to the central board of examiners before being- passed auction salk notices on friday nov fjoth mir frederick smith willoffer for sate by public auction a valuable lot offiirm stock and implements sal6 to commence at 12 ocluck jharp n e smith auctioneer chbistjcsis nuirijelfcof the globe a word to the wise is sufficient tliey say to those whom it may concern we would len der the fricmlly advice that if they think of securing copies of the christmas gioii mentioned in our advertising colum ns the safe plan ismd get the ortlej in early any news agent will take ordersor tney mayle sent to the giohe direct the promise is given by the glolu management tliat this number wiil be an improvement upon anything of the kind hitherto issued and those who know tlij giohes record as what canadian does not need not hi told that this promise will bj kept the fcauires of the edition will be as to mechanical make up new type beautiful illus trations fine paper printed on a new press by the most skilful work iii the dominion as to literary merit contributions in the form of verse fiction or sketches from the best native writers and as to artistich qualities a profusion of line woodcuts illustrating the literary mat ter from designs by the bst arusts and also three mag lilicjnt colored presenation plates the principal one a view from vauco iver par is c by mr i r obrien the leader in this bjraheh of art in canada the price of the whole is only 25 cnts so that this splen did paper is within the reach of all boils carbuncles and otter skin eruptions indicate that the system is endeavoring to reject poisonous acids and that avers sarsapirilla is impir- itiveh- needed it is the most reliabl of all blood madicines ask your druggist for it and take no other one of the mysterious ruined cities oisotherli noith ajiieriea is that 0 san guivera near th western point of texas this was kiirvn to the car ly spanish explorers but bjiug at pros ent forty miles from water it has s- doin been visited a late survoyiug- party found tho ruins to be o gigantic and substantialstona buildings one o which was four acres in extent the iudicaions point toto tlio firnn- exis- tance of a dense oopulution to th southward is a stream of lava from one- to ten miles wide aud forty mils long and the sinrounding country is most arid anil desolate no inscription no legend tells the tale of the great city or of its fate arkansas traveller the lidy godiva must have had ex ceptionally long htir since it complete ly concealed h r lovely parson since aycrs hair vigir cam into use sucv examples are no so rare as formerly it not only promotes the growth of the lia hut gives it a rich silken texture john brigh- is very siee ontues- div moniiiig he was mueh exhausted his bronchitis lisiced fj

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