jfcpaa john gut vassars will the will of the gate john gay vassar the nephew of the founder of vassar college has been admitted to probate he eays in the instrument that having no lineal heirs his desire and aim in the disposition of his property is to do the most good and to for ward the cause o humanity after making a large number of small bequests to various relatives he provides for these legacies he gives to the biptist church of pough- keepsie 10000 toward paying the mortgage and other debts of the church provided the church raises a sum sufficient with this legicy to pay off the mortgage and other debts of the church within two years from bis decease to the biptist church of christ of poughkeepsie 5000 the interest to be applied annually toward the piyment of the salary of the pastor to the youngmena chrxstsin association of poughkeepsie si- 000 to the womens chrltian association gloco to the old ladies home 1000 to the house of industry 1000 to the society for the prevention of cruelty to animals 1000 to the associated fire department slouo to the american seamans friend society of the city of new york 5000 he gives these churches at pnughkeep- sie viz the first reformed churoh the sacond reformed chrch christ church st pauls church the presbyterian church the washington street methodist churci the cannon street methodist church the universalist church of lifayette place the friends society of lafayette place the is- eow to be interestinz raelite synagogue of vassar street st peters catholic church st marys catholic church the german catholic church aud zion colored church each 500 the interest to be applied to the purchase of books tracts and pipers for the use of their sunday schools he gives to vassar brothers home for aged men 67000 the interest to be u8ed in paying various annuities and after the persons benefited by these annuities have died the interest is to be applied to various uses of the institution he gives to the ex ecutors of the will of his deceased brother matthew 25000 in trust to be applied to ward tha full completion of the vassar brothers hospital builjing and appurtenan ces he gives to the vassar brothers hospital 200000 to form part of the maintenance fund of the hospital to the vassar bro thers home for aged men 25000 for the general purposes of the home to the same institution his two brick houses and lots 224 and 226 mill street to thebame instit uuon 5000 to be known as the john gay vssar poor widows coal fund to vassar brothers institute 15 00 the interest to be applied toward the enlargement and support of the museum and for scientific and art work in the institute he gives to vassar college 40000 for the purpose oi founding a chair of natural his tory 40000 for the purpose of founding a chair ol modern lpnguages 10000 t e in- most pern it may be admitted cannot become interesting without an effort the writer knew a rsaa of an inquisitive bat not primarily an original mind who was al ways a most entertaining companion on ac count of his information upon which bo drew modestly and without boring anybody whenever it was needed and having the habit he kept himself filled ur by reading and observation the society cf a man u this sort never palls if of course he has been well enough brought op to be personally agreeable while it is not possible to pre scribe a rule by following which girls may become entertaining and always desired members of society it is safe to siy that a person will never be interesting unless she is interested to be interested in something outsidt of onftg self is a necessity of the situa tion that always with any companion makes a point ot interest there has been a growing complaint this season and it is one of many seasons standing of the scarcity of young men at the resorts and it has also been hint ed that the young men who did appear were uninteresting this is the fault of the young men for the young women have been as at tractive as ever but it mast be kept in mink that however devoid of entertaining qualities men may be at a certain age from lack of experience and of any actual taking hold of life or from the idea that they know it all they will soon plunge into work either business or a profession that will in terest them teach them a knowledge of human nature aud of affairs and then they will become in one degree and an other interesting persons where will the young women be then who have boon con tent to rely upon the charms of youth and bcanty aud have cultivated no intorest in anything beyond the more or less artificial ities of being agreeable in a conventional society 1 no partnership goes well unless all the parties contribute something to it marriage is do exception to thi3 as a great many people havo discovered even those who do not accept the cynics definition that marriage is intended for discipline love being of course the attraction iu marriage good comradeship is the working capital and good comradeahip between uninterest ing people is an impossibility unless each is too stupid to find out what the other lacks this goes upon the assumption perhaps it is a strained one in these days that get ting married ought to be an object to be considered in preparation for life but the argument for a girl to make herself interest ing by gaining information and by throw ing herself enthusiastically into some sort of pursuit is still stronger if she intends to remain single or remains so by chance for to be destined to ones own compiny when one is uninteresting and devoid of extornal interests is a dreary outlook on the other hand is it feared that modern edu cation will be pushed eo far and girls will hebe and tfiebe california seems to be a good place to st ly away from the daily press of the eastern states is receiving scores of letters from mechanics and others who have been induced by false representations to seek work in cali foroiai towns it is stated that thousands of men are out of employment that wages are consequently low and that board rates are very high hantan a failures have suggested the de sirability of hi retirement from the aquatic profession in very nearly every depart ment of human endeavour men wh climb to the top of the tree find the descent swift and certain particularly is this the case where proficiency rests upon muscular develop ment hanlan at hi prime would have done well to have rested on his laurels his case has a moral it teaches the lesson of thrift a body was taken from fiance to italy to be cremated and the italians levied a duty of 70 upon it when the ashes were re turned to france the french proceeded to collect another customs duty upon them but we cannot afford to laugh at this a few weeks ago the customs authorities levied a customs duty upon a live missionary he was a ctiinese christian brought to viotoria by the methodists to evangelizs the china men there terest to be applied toward the purohaso of become so interesting that they can find materials and apparatus for the department knows as vassar brothers laboratory in that college s20000 to be known as the john guy vassar musio fund the inter est to be applied toward the payment of the expanses of the music department 20000 to be known as the john guy vassar art fund the interest to be applied toward the payment of the expenses of the art depart ment he directs his executors within six months practicable to purchase suitable grounds in poughkeepsie for an orphan asylum to be some simple bemedies when stung by a bee or a wasp make a paste of common earth and water put known as the john guy vassar orphan on tho place at once and cover with a asylum for poor legitimate orphan child- 1 cloth no equal mates there sometimes seems to be this dinger but it can at worst only be temporary boys are very quick to catch on it is their own phrase to a new idea and whatever course girls take they are reasonably certain to draw all men after them the world has been so arrang ed harpers magazine ren free of charge born in the county of duchess and open alike to all creeds and color and free from all sectarian influence for the purchase of such grounds and erect ing a building be authorizsa his executors to expend 81000 ho dirrcts his executors to procure an aot passed by the leijislature in corporating the asylum 1000000 for a per manent fund for its maintenance in the event of vassar college beine iu need of money to meet obligations he au thorizes his executors to loan tho eollegc25 000 to bo repaid out of its share a3 one of the residuary legatees he gives all the rest of his estite to tho john guy vabsar ophin asylumn when incorporated the vassar brothers hospital and vassar college equally share and sh are alike he appoints james h weekt olive h boothand edward van kleeck all of poughkeepsie his executors revoking all former wills made by him tho will was drawn on feb 7 1885 in a codicildated ojt 4 18ss he says that ho has purchased the collego hill pro perty and he directs his executors to devote ti e property to the purposes of the osphan asylum he glvos all his right and interest in the plates and copyrights of his book of travels ontitlod twentyyears around the world to vassar college perchance to dream the young man dreams of the young girl and the young girl dreams of the youug man tho old maid dreams of the man who once loved her and her imagination fills up to date the vacuum in her baart and her life it must be awfully comfortable to dream of a husband who will i bo true to her but to dream of ore who has been is one of tho consoling prerogatives of the old maid i fancy the crustiest old bachelor dreani3 sometimes of that girl he came near propos ing to twenty years ago nnd ho knows now she would have accepted him ho was afraid she wouldnt then and so he didnt ask heir but it is a consolation to reflect in his erowiog ago that she most cor tainly would havemarriod him but there are so few old bachelors nowadays divorce is so easythat every body risks things and gets married and i suppose thcro are men and womon who dream of di vorce and fashion- bright fancits of freedom to solace the sufferings from the chains of matrimony it is sad thorb are not many things in theworid so touching so heroic so grand as a woman holding nobly to the marrlgervowand her motherhood in the face of neglect cruelty maltreatment on tho part of the husband but after all a woman ia nover really brought out except by suffering by herself or of those she loves but that has nothing to do with the dream ing we all dream we all llko to dream and it is a happy dispensation of providence that our dhppointmout does not prevent our dreaming agsintsan francisco chronicle it is folly to believe that one canfaith fully love who doe not love faithfulness you can not dream yourself into character r you must hammer and forgo yourself one rt2pont the slave trade altogether for a cold on the chest a flannel rag wrung out in boiling water and sprinkled with turpentine laid on the chest gives the greatest rolief for a cough boil one ounce of flaxseed in a pint of water strain and add a little honey one ounce of rock candy and the juice of three lemonis mix and boil well drink as hot as possible often after cooking a meal a person wil fed tired and havo no appetite for this heat a raw egg until light stir in a littlo milk ard sugar and season with nutmeg drink half an hour before eating for a burn or scald make a paste of common baking soda and water apply at once and cover with a linen cloth when the skin is broken apply the white of an egg with a feather thi3 gives instant relief as it keeps the air from tho flesh at the first signs of ring round take a cupful of woouashes put in a pah with a quartfof cold water put the pan onuhe stove put your finger inthe pan keep it thereuntil the water begins to boil or as long as it j can be borne rtepsat once or twice if necessary r 4 i s queer- toys- t each year we hear of soma new- toy meant to furnish pleasuroto those who are ablo to pay for such things music boxes are among tho oommonost of these a catglass decanter with a musical box concealed in the bottom is the latest novelty in the lino of with musical attachments the decanters are tinted in a variotyof delicate colors which serve to conceal the false bottom under which the mechanism is placed clear glass bottles are also madeasd when partly filled with wine or colored liquid conceal th works still moro effectually i tho musica box is wound by means of a button under the bot tom and plays only when the decanter ia placed on the tftble musical plates are made in a similar manner but the mechan ism in them does not play when the plate is on tho tabic but when it is lifted to be passed around a concealed npiing under neath starts and stops tho works the plates and decanters cost 750 each the most elegant fancy article that emits muai- ol sounds is v gold snuffbox it is ele- gautly wrought and is maivolloua in its working pressure upon a email disc causes a circular lid about too size of a aiiver dollar to fly open and a little bird pops into view the feathered songster warbles in exact imitation of a canary no great characters are formed in this world without suffering soljdenial it will be a source ot congratulation to philanthropists all the world over should the coolness existing between england aud ger many be removed by the combination of the two powers foi the suppression of slayory in africa england has so far been allowed to do most of the police work in restricting the horrible traffic in slaves but it is now stated that germany has expressed her willingness to cooperate in tho good work and if an grecment la ar id at tho allied navals aqtudrons will no doubt bo strong enough to a simple and novel scheme of graduated taxation is suggested in the rostrum a new journal published iu new york its plan is that if 100 worth of property is taxed ten cents 1000 should pay si 10000 should pv 100 and 100000 should pay 5000 on estates valued at over 100000 the taxation it is proposed should be five per cent the rostrum thinks that this method of taxation would discoarage the accumula tion of great fortunes and would tend to relieve the burdens of the poor and equalizo the wealth of the community the principal difficulty in connection w ih any such system of taxation would be to convince property owners and wealthy men that it would be equitable the citizsns of quebec are apparently somewhat exercised over the action of tho ocean steamship companies in carrying im migrants tlirough to montreal by water oae suggestion which has been made is that the canadian pacific railway and grand trunk railway should combine and refuse their specially low through rates to all im migrants carried by watsr past quebec it seems to us that the wishes of the immigrants themselves ought to be considered in a large number of case3 it must bo a great con venience to the immigrant to be carried through to montreal without leaving the ship in which he crossed the ocean under the present system the immigrant can no doubt disembark at quebec if he so chooses tho decoy letter industry will be re- mombered as a striking feature of the presidential campaign of 18s8 the baits were prepared with care butlord sackville was the only person taken in the pro hibitionist candidate general fisk received one it was signed john l hoover and professed to bo the enquiry of a staunch pro hibitionist who wanted to vote for cleveland and asked if that coureo would not be effec tive in helping tho cause the answer was that the prohibitionists must poll a strong vote regardless of the effect produced on other parties if general fisk had shown any signs of weakening no doubt the re publicans would have used it as a pretext for bringing back prohibition voters to the republican ranks in england the stage is being attacked from various quarters the british univer sal review in a recent issue published a very bitter article reflecting upon the morality of the stage its editor in some subsequent comments expressed his opinion that the present social worship of the eto yjo a bad buaaway sorees a baton correspondent of tho woon- socket patriot tells how a young policeman charles maynea stops a runaway horse when yon see a runaway coming do not try to check mm by a rush from the opposite direction or the side for you will be immed iately knocked flat by the collision but instead prepare yonrself for a short ran with tho horse measure with your eye the distance and start fir tho run while he ia yet some way off perhaps ten feet in the case of fair to medium runaways you may depend upon his keeping a straight line for a really frightened horse is hilf blind and would not veer for a steam engine he will go straight ahead until he smashes into something so do you get close to the line on which he is rushing and as he passes you grab the reins near the saddle gather the reins firmly and then leaning back ward as you run give them a powerful yank you may be able to brace yourself as you give this yank half sliding on your feet the strong jerk on the bit tells the horse that he again has a master and pro- pares him for the final struggle a step or two forward after the first yank do it again tmb is the finishing stroke it never fails when given by a determined man the horse ia on its haunches keep firm pull on the reins till you grab the horse by the nostrua and hold him eo till he la pacified in stopping a span of horses maynea tries to get on the bide of the wilder one as if pulled to its senses the other one can be managed the task is easier if the horse has a curb bit a runaway may also be stopped by tho driver in the same manner if you pull steadily with all your strength on a curb bit sa a maynea the effect on the horses jaw is just what it ia if you tie a cord tightly about your finger the blood doesnt flow and the finger becomes numb after a firm pull has been maintained on the horeess nuuth for a while it ceases to have any effect you cannot then force him out of a run if he is frightened but give him his head a little till the mouth recover fron its numbness lash hiii with the whip if you have a free road and then give him a sudden yank he will come down if the first yank isnt enough give him one more there isnt a horse on earth which can run away with a competent driver if the harness holds maynea has risked his life a number of times and has had some perilous encount ers before subduing frightened animals he has received a medal from the humano so ciety and 50 from the cab society thing and that the dramatic generally speaking a danger r men an undesirable ono fcjjbj moreover it is not one otk equally with those great prijsi are concerned with the rih life instead of its amusemontje lancet attacks tho blood anev and the ultrarealistic schooj claims that the highly produced at nearly all the direct the thoughts bjitjalv pasbiens in such a way 6i average mind with rrnrdnriiv and that the3e representation of murderculture on is r wo- m and j rank iyhioh ers of ondon birds losing thei t srjtli many birds of ten the migration of birds is perils and many difficultiet loao their way a contrary wind ssx of dark cloudy weather appearajto dia ganizer their movements and like marlrief without a oompass they are ata losswjiio direction to take many wonderful scmies are witnessed at the lighthouse on some parts of the british coasts during the season of migration sometimes when the moon is suddenly hidden by a bank of clouda tho lanterna of the lighthouse aretho point to which the stream of migrants hasten and where in a confused fluttering throng they beat against the glass like moths round a candle and fly to and fro utterly bewildered and completely lost they see a to have no idea of their true course and fly aimlessly about manykillini themselves against the glasa othcra falling into the water below the lightmeu arc alert on these occasions and capturo numbers of the poor lost travelers with hand nets v a new niagara glenwood springs col nov 2 a hunting party returned from the mountains north of tho grand river yesterday and re ported the discovery of a wonderful water fall hitherto unknown though not equal to niagara in volume it was thought to ex ceed it in beauty the place ia on rifle creek 25 miles from here and ia supposed to havo never been visited by white men be fore the stream apreada out to a width of 300 feet at the brink and the water glides over the rock edge spreading out into a thin sheet as it falls a distance of 150 feet to the bottom of the canon directly underneath the party dismounted and carefully creep ing along the base of the perpendicular wall passed behind the aquatio tapestry into nooks and caverns beneath tho overhanging ledges the walls and arches were thickly studded with stalactite and stalagmite for mations of rare beauty not on the playbill the audience at tho palmyra mo opera house an evening or two ago were startled by a shower of plaster and looking up beheld a pair of logs dangling forty feet above them in a momsnt tho legs disappeared a police man captured the cause of the unusual distur bance which proved to be a youth who wanted to see the performance without buy ing a ticket ha had reached a apace bo- tween the ceiling and the roof through a sky light in the latter sudden change of base husband- impatiently is it possible my dear that you cannot keep those chil dren quiet for a moment wite soothingly now john dont bo harsh with the poor little innocent things it is natural for thom to bo full of spirit and theyre doing the beat they can husband well if i could have a mo- mxts poaco i would sit down and write that clock for fifty dollars that youve been bothering me for wifo aternly children go upstairs at i and if i hear another word from you ill punish you severely general gordon on marriage in connection with the controversy on tho question ia marriage failure t it may bo interesting to quote tho following extracts from gordona totters moogio 29th aug- ut 1875 1 think that -happen- what will a husband ought to take his wife and child ren with him wherever ho goes endtru8t god with the results tho soparation in un natural and ahow8 how littlo we trust god it is not the climate it is not the fever but it la ho who snaps the thread for wise pur poses of his own bridgo tho gravo thia side of it and these very temporary separ ations will lose their sting married people with families cannot possibly hold the same views aa singlo people i say cannot possibly but i mean that it ia un likely they ahonld what a blessing it is ono was never married i marriage spoils human beinga i think if tho wife ia willing tho husband is not and vice versa how often one aces that i somehow ono feels hurt at ones jewels not being appreciated a lonelived president irish guide to american tourist and thero isno king nor quane nayther in amer ica theyre tellin me bur indifferent tourist no weve a presi dent there and how loug have you bin bavin a president moight i ax aur i t oh somothing over a hundred years 1 irishman stopping paralyzed withaston- ishmont howly saints and do they live that long boyant thcro there is said to bo a scarcity of 10 bills bnt wb must confess wo had not noticed it extenuating circumstances wife iw88 bo annoyed my dear to day to fiad one of my pictures displayed in a photograph rs showwindow husband why didnt you go upstairb and toll himto tako it out wifo i declare i didnt think of that and besides the pioturo is a very good one i not low enough for that woman to tramp kindlj how would you liko a pair of my husbands old shoes yours seem to bo dropping of your feet tramp i do need shoes maam what business is your husband in woman hes waiter at delmbnicoo tramp promptly no maam i would look more genteel barefoot i may ba a tramp but i havo still somo respect for my personal appearances positive bankrupt parson i am astonished to hear a man with three married daughters say mar riage is a failure j citizen woll air when you have three families beside your own to support you will learn that marriage ia positive bank ruptcy millions of babbits a pair of rabbita wiil prcdoce 2000000 rabbits in two years us australia is a state ment thit at first seems incrednlons and when james watson of victoria lide it the other day to a party of gentlemen they thouzht he was jesting says the philadel phia press yet it ia as trueas gospel mr watson is one of tho largest ranch owners in victoria australia having under fence alone 30000 acres the problem of how to exter minate rabbits is the greatest question that confronts the people of australia today as their entire prosperity depends upon it it is in hope that yankee ingenuity might be able to solve this important problem that mr watson now visits america you can imagine what a terrible plague tho rabbita are said mr watson when tho australian government is now building a fence of wire netting which when com- pleated will be 8000 miles long and which will divide new south wales and qaeenr- land and the fence is to prevent them get- ting over there we have triod hundreds of ways to get rid of the rabbits but ao far nothing has been successful we are only ablo to cheek the increase about tho best means of doing this ia to acatter fruit with arsenio over the ground but this ia very e xpenive in thia way i havo killed 600 rabita with ten bushels of sliced apples then we used phosphate of oats but the trouble with this ia that the phosphate soon loses its effect i think tho lest method in use is the ordinary rat trap but all these methods are very expensive for instance it c03ts the government of victoria 125000 a year to keep the rabbits down on tho crown government lands the government pays ten cents a pair for all rabbits killed on their lands a good man can make 40 per week killing rabbits these men use traps and one man can work 100 traps a law haa recently ben passed that compels the owner of knda to leop tho rab bits down if he should fail to do this he is fined 50 for tho first offence 100 for the second and upon the third offence the gov ernment employs men to attend to the rab bits at the expense of the land owner in many instances owners are compelled to give up their land aa tho expense is so great tho owner of 10000 acres is obliged to employ 100 men for killing rabbita alone and ea a result land that a few yeara ago was worth 50 an acre ia now only worth 4 i havo found a way by which i can keep the rabbits down and make money by it but of course every ranchman cannot do this i have started a rabbit canning fac tory we can the rabbits much the same way that beef is canned here and our prin cipal market is in england at present i am canning 5c000 rabbits a ycar all of which are killed oil my ranch aud still this number does not keep the pest down as the government requires i put a rabbit and a half in a can and at present i make 37 cents profit on a dozen cans they are retailed in england at 12 cents a pound and con sidering the high price of beot it wond be supposed rabbits would become a favorite dish with the poor of eogland yet the rab bits are now only purchased by the higher class who consider them a great dainty how long have we been bothered with tho rabbit about ten years rabbits were brought to australia about twenty yeara ago from england for sporting purposea a pair will usually produce four does aud two bucks the does breed when two months old and they have on an average four litters a year you can calculate from this and you will find that the statement that a pair of rabbits will produce 2000oco in two yeara is not so preposterous as it at first appears i brought a man over from south america just bofore i left and ho firmly believes that the south american skunk would get rid of the rabbita any way the australian government offers a reward of 100000 for tho best plan for their extermination an astonished drummer tho rev a e donning d d the man ager of the congregationalist publishing house and sabbath school work and one of tho busiest men in boston is an offhand approachablo man with a bright winnine faco easy manner and personal magnetism that contribute much to his sucoess he has none of the outward signs of the clerical calling but looks more like a buainesa man he traveis nearly all of the time and he says that in the cars he generally passes as a drummer and is recognized by the fratern ity aa ono of their number on going into minneapolis one saturday evening a bmart young fellow approached in a free and easy way going to atop over sunday yes replied the dootor stop at tho blank hotel 1 suppose no i am going to atop with a friend come around to the hotol tomcrrow afternoon and well have a raoket quito a number of the boys will be there but tomorrow is sunday i know itand thats why wb can have such a good time oh i- think that wo fellows who are travelling all the time ought to keep sun day said tho doctor yes assented the drummer good na- turedly but iubet yon wont 1 ill tell you what ill do ill go to church tomorrow if you will f ill do it whom shall wo go to- tho first congregational its the beat ohurch in town ahright iil be thore but ill bet you wont the drummer was thero according to his promise and could hardly boliove his eyes when he aow his friend of tho night before obsend to tho pulpit dr donning tried to find him after tho service but ho had fled ia be couldnt afford it o dumloy to brown i say brown did you hip in fivo dollars withthe rest of the boya for the charity fund brown no i cant afford to givo away five dollars dumloy well thats tho way i fool by the way brown can you lond mo a v for a fow days brown cant do it possibly dumley didnt i juat toll you i cant afford to givo away five dollars not guilty teacher who waa christopher colum- bua fritz idunno who discovered amorical well i never did it yoa cant lay tho blame to me