s district news gkkes itlvklt vtlu sporting fraternity purpose yfcebrati thanksgiving diivau true kodox stvlc a little sawii and vtoaheer foobrde and g sfcootiujj party has been organized al old shoes toother scenes on their arrival at their future home in lemon- ville they rweivod a most hearty wel come from the boys anl girls of the hamlet who discoursed music from iu- strumentspf all kinds and with cheer consisting of two veteran sportsmen from toronto and a number nf our local amateur cracksmen who will sliojiiur their little guns and followed tty their hounds takes southeasterly oursa where reynard is supposed to lipid high cainivel we predict for ym a hue day any amount of fuii aud oably somj gain- lur daptist friends contemplate de feating their new church in this place on sunday nov isslt the kev d amcgregor will conduct the morning and evening services at 10 a in and 7 p ia rcsincttvly while the tter- iioou service will bi conducted byjliiv sjsir kay at 230 music furnished in iifcorinng by green kiver choir after noon by whitevale iiiptist evg by 8th lino methodist envelope collee- bscti at each service in aid ot building tfowd on the evg following monday ov 18 a social tea will be held when the following kev gentlemen are xpscted to deliver artdresse messrs ji real vvvs isarker hall j f bark er sherman and cowle tickets 25 cts children 15 cts tea served lroin 530 to730 come and rejoice with jus iexrosyible our gospel temperance meeting on friday evening last was well attended as usual the principal feature of the jcrehiiig w the lebate on the subject unsolved that war has causedmore misery and dentil than intemperance messrs l paisley u g perking smd seaeca baker spoke on the affirm ative ikl messrs j h lemon thos j mifcou and r bebee spoke an the neg- isrfiwe each gentjfcman fought bravely for his side and after a warm interesting and instructive contest the decision was given in favor of the affirmative which wis won v two points after the debate a reading was given by miss jamieson which showed up the evils ot intemperance a cordial in- jtivitation is exteucled for jill to be pre sent at our next meeting on dee 7th it beingtfie lastnmeeting of the year luvisry effort is being put forth to make ttjanceess hin wednesday 14th inst mr ijar- shal kannah was married to miss lot- tic sutton ofjthis village look out fflr a fuller account next week doubled ou wednesday nov 7th jrhesun rose all luminous after days of lediled dampness why it shewed his decided presrencc is accounted for jiy the old proverb happy is the wide tfce sun shines ow for on that i lay miss mary allacfl ljecame 1jie irido of our enterprising merchant mr fas canning the veddiny toek aaceatthe residence of the brides ather mr wallace ofyshritbinountjn he presence of a lvgeandfashjpnavie atliering of friends i and relatives he nuptials being performed and the jcdduig breakfast partaken of the appy couple departed amid showers trice good wishes and the proyerbi- heir hearty appreciation of jims all- important step the young people in their turn were ent home happy load- ed with the goodies furnished by the liberal groom dont mention it but it is hinted that some of our citizens were effected as is the small boy alter xmas feasts the young lady cus tomers now carry away a small sweet parcel the gentlemen the same or a quiet smoke as suits their tastes oh that more young business men would take the hint and leave our bachelor ranks paying for their liberty as liberally accident while the people were wending their way home from the temperance meeting tse other night one of the company a married lady had the misfortune to rtisssiher footing in the dark and stepped oft the end- of the bridge into the pond where she experienced a very refreshing bath after making a big splash in tje water she som found her way out wlrile her husband stood on the bridge efpressing his sympathy for her the lady also sprained her ankle in the fall aud had to be taken home in a buggy tho married citizens of our hamlet should build a railing along such dangerous places altona miss mary stouffer and miss eliza beth keesor missionary collectors have been making good use ot the re cent fine weather our assemblage of fair ones has re ceived an attractive accession miss mary jones who has been suf fering for some time from an attack of typhoid fever has completely recover ed aud is able to attend school miss mary monkhouse left for osh- awa on monday last to attend demill college mrs geo morden met with an un fortunate incident on monday last she was ascending a flight of stijrs leadinjr to the rooms above her woodhouseaid when about half way up fell to the floor receiving a severe sprain happily no bones were broken and we are pleased to hear that is doing well mr john hoover arid miss lydiii nighswandjr of this place celebrated halloween by driving to the christian pareonage stoulfville vwhere tl e services of elder willoughby wera re quired to unite the happy couple in bonds of matrimony mr hoover hus taken his bride to the old homestead may their wedded life be a long- and happv oiie j the weekly press says that a new york dairyman who was milking a large herd of average cows took five of tie best aufl five of the poorest ones and an account of the cost of foil and care found that while ihe fle good ones were paying a good pro fit thi other five were actually costing him 7 per head annually over and above the value of the milk they yielded trle attar jhobvbbniafliswa s der b- the rev a willoughby at his residence- i stoufivillejpn oct 31st mr john a hoover to miss lydianighswan- der all of the township of pickering a famous dma ouce said that the secret of good health consisted in keeping the head cool the feet warm aud the bowels open had this eminent physician lived in our day and known tlio merits ot ayer puu as au aperient he would certainly hav recommended them as to many ot hi distinguished successors are doing the celebrated dr farusworth of norwich qonn recommends ayers pills an the best dt all remedies lor intenuittefct fevers dr i k fowler ot brifigeport comi says ayers pills arelhighly and universally spoken of by the peopte about here i make daily us lef tliem in my practice dr mayhew of new bedford mass says having prescribed many thou sands ot ayers pills i my practee i can unhesiwtuigly pron6unce them the best cathartic in use tlie massachustts state assayer dr a a haves certmes i have umde a careful aualysis ot ayers pills they contain the active principles of well- known drugs isolated from inert mat ter which plan is chemically speaking of great importance to their usefulness it insures activity certainty and uni formity of effect ayers fills contain no metallic or mineral substance but the virtues of vegetable remedies ia skillful combination ayeris pills reparcd bydrj caycoiowtlm sold iw u elem in mldlcuo 3- r gains j bargains jlye just jbewght below regular prices a large lot of dceiijpelt boots some of jfchem extra quality i overshoes hubbers slippers for men j yonren and children propose giving customers the full benefit of these cheap pur- j chases and therefpre invite all my friends and customers in fact all who buy boots in ngwood stouffville bloomington lemonville ffallantrae and their respective neighborhoods to call and inspect these special lines and my eneraii stock of boots it wlll 3ay yotj to do so i have also special values in ins and gys overcoats mens and 2oys suits knicker 6uitsfor children geo h silvester ringwood four gtaestions four answers lstwiiy ao we search itei the latest styles of slices made by the best makers 2inswerwe waiitour custoia- ors to feel satisfied fihy are getting the very best goods in the market 8nd- why de k e load our store with piles and piles of shoes e want to show a full ves at all prices in yrder to giv e ahunhance of choice an w 31 sai 3rdwny do ve advertise in all over about our boots and slides fbrn1tdre warerooms still to the fore e j davis has now hi stock u varied assortment of furniture prices exceptionally low- picture framing a sueclulty a fine line of baby carriages tjtstde rtak i ntq in all its brandies on shortest notice give me a call e j davis sanders block catarrh catarrhal deakness hay fever a new home treatment sufferers arenot generally aware that these diseases are contagious or that they are clue to the presence of living parasites in the lining membrane of the nose anil eustachian tubes microscopic research however has proved thi to be a fact arjjveresultis that a simple re medv has beef llafed whereby catarrh catarrhal deafil kay fever are perman ently cured in 01 ci to three simple applica tions made at ty ccl patient once in two weeks n bj us discharges pecu liar females jieilicll remedy is a specific a pamphlet expjiins is new treatment is sent on receipt of w jits by a ii dixon son 303 am- ng street toronto canada scuntil irican mpirr sufferers fromjrf c troubles shouldead he above carefullvi j y pil feed seed provisions and- genefal poerie a t r if j a c9 amvthii -r- vercib co believe that if yoit it pays to let- lliereibre special invitation our stock now we ti a give yoi call and see- my e x1s0 tojiiiow that zst9 q i l t a o we are goinv to make this seasons trade ihterestiris we lj l siloes voa wsxlk anoi- our prices oni ja remember the place street v niinibcr the bank daleys 02iea stouffsille sept 1st 1888 one door eat 6 s it r p oleys block stoxjffville crosson bros would thank their customers for their libera support and hope that by strict attention to the wants of the public and keeping tht best gopds to merit a con tinuance of the same in their com modious store will always be found the btrt brands of flour oat meal -and- general provisions which will lx sold at reasonable prices and delivered to any part of the town k every afternoon seeds kept in stock n their season and ever effort will be made to obtain thtm pure ccnltal excliange tor the telcilione coy ckosson buo stouffville orv- jione prompy cled postopfioestore general mefeolfblsi groceries dry goeds ovoekery etc clothing made to oi cier at short 1st otic i a complete stock of english scotch caiiadian tweeds worsteds fancy and plain which will bs sold at lowest prices good fit guaranteed highest frice paid fo r wheat barley peas and oats clover and timothy seed at lowest prices v r vi a